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By Patrick Henry
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Updated: Wow! Mike Pence Announces on New Year’s Eve He No Longer Plans to Pursue Career in Politics!

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Also uploaded today: /new-world-order/2021/01/brad-johnson-update-on-satellites-servers-cia-rome-london-voter-rigging-conspiracy-seems-the-powers-of-the-tri-state-nwo-control-system-are-in-a-panic-about-trump-re-taking-office-are-they-conc-9670.html

I noticed the following post.   I can not attest to any other source to support Lin Woods Twitter Post below. Assuming its founded, I am not sure how best to process this news at this time, based on what is expected of Pence on January 6 AD 2020!

If this is true – then, I would assume Pence is under threat and /or between a rock and a hard place. Personally, I never trusted him or do I trust any foreign agent operating in the foreign Crown / Vatican Orchestrated UNITEDSTATESrael DC Corp. Government for the very reasons spelled out below and in our many previous posts in which we have attempted to drill home to all that what is masquerading as GOVERNMENT across America IS NOT what you have been led to believe it is!

In essence, those in Government across America, wether they know it or not, are all foreign actors working for a foreign power long at war with America!  Those acting as Government in fact have a duty to know our nation has been occupied by the CROWN / VATICAN since the 1860′s usurpation of the original organic states compact Federal Government by foreign agents banned from American Government since 1819! Despite this easily discoverable fact most are oblivious to the fact that they are actors masquerading as if they are  lawful de jure government officers!

Many in so-called Government in the higher echelons of power know the lie, and have lived high on the hog at We the peoples expense! Trump may be the first eligible American President in Office  equipped to take down this #$% show and expose the treasonous vermin that literally have been Human Trafficking all Americans since March 9 A.D. 1933!

Please unlearn and pass this critical information forward pertaining to the usurpation of our nation  long ago! Remember, everything you have been told about Government by so-called Government and the Crown Rothschild CIA Mockingbird Media is a LIE designed to make you believe in the fairy tale that America is the land of the free and the brave when it has been an occupied nation since the so-called Civil War! How can you validate this? Who is running our so-called CENTRAL BANK in violation of the Constitution and TONA! What did Rothschild say about the power of the man that runs the Bank [See end of this document for quote, relevant links, FED / UN make up]. The important point to note here is that even though most Americans have been enslaved without their knowledge, the organic original laws that guarantee us our freedom and the right to charge, arrest, try and punish the wrongdoers that betrayed 320,000,000 + Americans remain very much in force and effect! The actors had no authority to undo natural organic, original, laws of this nation and the states. Just consider that McDairy Cream Corp. can not undo the Organic Constitution of say California state! In the same way CROWN / VATICAN created UNITED STATES Corp. could not undo the laws of The United States of America or the original states. 

While America has been occupied for over 150+ years, its not too late to take it ALL BACK and that is why the parasites are crapping themselves. This very real reality that we can take it back and try the parasites for sedition and treason is why they wanted the guns. They never wanted the people to figure this all out and now we have you had better believe the parasites are very very uneasy!

Nothing herein is an Opinion! We have published the proof to this tyranny at Supporting research can be found at and Over 500 video’s have been uploaded to the / IDP video channel at

The smoking gun to this reality is the 1810 Titles of Nobility Act enacted in 1819 covered at The path to taking it ALL back starts with the people unlearning and standing on the actual immutable laws of the nation and organic states! More on this very soon!




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Are you seeing it yet! “The Swamp” is the entire so-called FEDERAL, STATE, CITY, COUNTY Government SYSTEM! All of which are foreign corporations! This includes all Banking, the entire legal system including ALL Courts, all so-called Law – Firms / Attorneys (1.4M Constitutionally-banned foreign agents), all upper echelons of so called Alphabet agencies / Law enforcement including the military Industrial Complex. Nearly ALL high level Globalist Corp. /Big Business…The reason: America has been occupied since the late 1860′s!  This post is on point:

Read this document to the end to understand this reality further! The American people were never meant to understand any of this! Those that usurped our nation intended to burn America down to the ground BEFORE we found out (before we deal with them for decades of sedition and treason). This is the reason for the GOV-ID-NWO-WorldWide-1984-Plandemic. Note, According to Crown Rothschilds UK Corp. PM, the VACCINE is the Virus! Covered here: /new-world-order/2020/12/nurse-collapses-on-live-television-shortly-after-receiving-covid-19-vaccine-9591.html

Trump is in the way of their NWO planned global collpapse and reset! They never counted on this. Killary was supposed to be in office and she would have lit the matches for the NWO to burn America to the ground! Its not to late America. W%$U! Unlearn … wake up your friends, family, communities!

Soon the American people (all people) will realize the entire so-called Government system was rigged against us all, all along and the Wings of the political machine are attached to the same foreign corporation – masquerading as a We the people Government! All orchestrated by the Crown / Vatican created DC based US Inc. that enslaved us all! 

The system is not corrupt because of a few bad apples in Government! It was engineered this way from the beginning! It was not tainted by the DEMONS RATS. Its designed to be rigged to give us the illusion of Freedom and Independence! DO YOU GET IT YET? ITS NOT A MISTAKE THAT ITS ALL CORRUPT!  ITS an Occupation system and its doing what it was meant to do! OCCUPY, control and enslave us! Same CROWN controlled garbage rigged system is operating world wide to move the people in to the Black Nobility Orchestrated One World Government under their Death Cult, anti-life Slavery System… See the short video posted below [ Ken Cousens ] for a four minute explanation of how we got here and who is behind this insanity!

Understand – we can eject the vermin overnight through their own private rules and codes – Title 10 USC Section 253 (defacto); TONA (organic) … see California Government Code 1027.5 to understand what the parasites have been up to all along while we were sleeping at the wheel! Look for these topics in my prior post to fully understand how they can be relied on to take back our nation from the parasites: /v3/contributor/stories/?uid=713008


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ALSO by the NWO Crown-Fauci-Gates Government ID 1984 World Wide PLANDEMIC False Flag: /new-world-order/2020/12/nurse-collapses-on-live-television-shortly-after-receiving-covid-19-vaccine-9591.html

DO YOU SEE IT YET: 5th COLUMN [CROWN FRANCHISED] ATTORNEYS [CONSTITUTIONALLY - BANNED FOREIGN AGENTS, banned since 1819 from American Government.. ] ARE RUNNING OUR NATION and running interference for the SHADOW GOVERNMENT: Four Page Cover Letter to Trump via US Military / Ambassador Rick Grenell++ on Lawfare, Mixed War, Color of: Law/Authority/Office, fraud, Constitutionally-banned foreign Bar Attorneys, fake weaponized Courts (foreign, private for profit BAR Courts) etc. Time to take back America from the parasites!

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America (most all nations infiltrated by the CROWN BAR legal system) is an Occupied Nation ran by Constitutionally – banned foreign attorneys MASQUERADING as a We the people government! This should now be obvious to all Americans! They enslaved us through the FED and their CROWN Guild legal frauds, they are human trafficking all Americans [all 328 Million Americans turned in to Internally Displaced People] and have infiltrated every so called Government office across the nation which office are masquerading as if they are a we the people Government Office! When they are no such thing!  


Wake up time… the Crown 5th Column numbers more than 1.4 Million active members and most do not know they are Crown agents at War with America [Mixed War relying on Lawfare, Simulated Legal Process]. 

Who organized the Constitutionally – banned CROWN franchised foreign agents to engage in a Mixed war against the American people relying on lawfare?

The following is one of several letters sent to President Trump via US military representatives and summarizes what all must now understand if we are to take back our nation from the 5th Column operating behind the gates. Make sure you note the explanations for Lawfare, Mixed War etc. 

If you want to view the letters on the web page see link at the end of the page:

Please note: Medical reference in the above article to Doctor was taken down by Fascist Tube: Good link here:

FYI: link to Texas doctor talking about cure for COVID-19 -

What all Americans need to understand:

The American People are entitled to lawful judicial remedy and not to be controlled through the use of Lawfare (a form of Mixed War) by foreign constitutionally-banned Bar attorneys using lies, half truths, bad faith, and criminal law-breaking (via private for profit weaponized courts masquerading as state courts) to deny our unalienable Rights, steal our private Property, our votes, our children, our business, our labor (income) and our very lives. pj, December 6 A.D. 2020

It is Time to kick the Crown Corp. out of America, Canada, SA, NZ, Australia (all nations) and to take America back, to restore the Lawful Governments on the physical fifty States and the lawful states-compact Government for the Free and Independent nation states! 

What would a nation look like if it were operated under a foreign Crown – Vatican created Corporation masquerading as our original organic Government [See Title 28 Section 3002 (15)(A); Cal. Com. Code 9307 - see bottom of this page] instead of a lawful We the people Government per our original organic laws; one ran by Constitutionally-banned foreign attorneys (masquerading as state legislators, District Attorneys, FBI, DOJ, CIA, SOS, Governors etc…. but all part of a private for profit Union Guild under the Crown Corp. / Vatican. Would this explain how they all move as one in a coordinated way across the nation to ensure the will of the CROWN is forced on the people under the pretense of lawful process and justice? ).

What if the system was so rigged that we were never meant to figure out that we have been used, abused and enslaved by actors pretending to be our lawful We the people Government!? What if an outsider made his way in to the Whitehouse and realized the entire US Corp. shit show was Counterfeit and a fraud from end to end ? What would you do if you were Trump?

I tell you what I would do. Tear it all down, expose it all to the American people, clean house and restore lawful limited government, and back on to its original organic common law foundations! But that is just me!

We have posted several articles in the last few weeks expanding on the above topic. The following went live in the last few days: /new-world-order/2020/12/breaking-news-december-4-2020-share-what-has-bill-barr-not-been-telling-america-government-documents-showing-the-worst-who-is-bill-barr-9513.html

For a lighter read pay attention to the following:

Understand that: The ABA, STATE OF STATE BAR Associations and the 1.4M Attorneys in America are the enemy behind the Gate! This is not an opinion. It is a statement based on already enacted organic constitutional law ratified in 1819. 

The Titles of Nobility Amendment of 1810 ratified in 1819! See for more… 

“The enemy is within the gates; it is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”― Taylor Caldwell, A Pillar of Iron

Please think about the above. Who impeached Trump: Foreign Constitutionally – banned foreign agents acting as Attorneys.

Who has been violating our Constitution / Organic law foundations: Constitutional – banned foreign Attorneys

Who has attempted to thieve the election: Constitutionally – banned foreign Attorneys masquerading as We the people Government… running local so-called Government.

Who has been blocking a remedy to absolute Election Fraud: Constitutionally – banned foreign Attorneys masquerading as a Judicial Branch Independent Judges and local Government! Based on the BAR oath and the original organic Titles of Ability Amendment, BAR attorneys  are NOT independent! They are Foreign agents of the CROWN! See for more evidence!

Who stole at least 22 Million homes and Millions of Children from Americans in recent decades  relying on proven Counterfeit paperwork / false statements: Constitutionally – banned foreign Attorneys in bed with the CROWN Banking system.

See Federal Reserve and UN Membership below this article. 

Who passed Sustainable Development make believe law trashing our organic law foundations? Constitutionally – banned foreign Attorneys.

Attorneys are part of an International BAR Union! In many cases, an Attorney Oath to the CROWN BAR System Trumps their loyalty to any one nation or its people! 

Most Attorneys DO NOT KNOW they are part of a CROWN Franchise system banned from America since 1819!  They early framers banned BAR attorneys for very Good reason!

Can Constitutionally banned foreign agents change immutable organic laws created by a organic original lawful government?  NO

Can Constitutionally banned foreign agents judge Americans on the law without disclosing they are Foreign agents: NO!

Can Constitutionally banned foreign agents make new law affecting Birthrights of Americans? No… 

All acts achieved by Constitutionally banned foreign agents is through FRAUD, Color of Office, Color of Law and Color of Authority! 

More at including STATE Certified Documents proving foreign agents were banned from America since 1819! 

Over the last ten years this writer has been trying to awaken the American people to the fact that Constitutionally – banned Crown BAR Attorneys have long been engaging in Lawfare (mixed War) against the American people!  They, as agents of the CROWN have Weaponized the so called Government, Corporations, Courts and Banking System against us all. Look for the link to the Secret Treaty of Verona 1822 and the NWO – 101 on to understand the plot against America, you and yours!  Please also understand the impact of fraud on all things including elections (fraud vitiates all it touches):

This following articles further evidence these statements and what is being done about it.

Go to 22 mins in the following Juan o’Savin audio for further validation of Weaponized courts:


From Australia: 

This following is a Great expose on what can be done to enforce the Constitutional requirements for a fair election and the Constitutional requirement of the State Legislators to pick Electors to vote for the true Presidential winner of their states and disqualify anything tainted by systemic fraud. 

Three minute summary that makes a good intro to the following article:

Question: Who are Commie sell out Governors working for?


NOW will you believe?

Thomas Wictor

UNITED STATES Corp: (Not what you have been led to believe it is)… See for a deeper understanding… 

Title 28 3002 15 (a) (b) & (c).
(15)“United States” means— 
(A)a Federal corporation
(B)an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or 
(C)an instrumentality of the United States. 

Example Two

California Code, Commercial Code – COM § 9307

(h) The United States is located in the District of Columbia.


“I care not what puppet  is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the  British Empire and I control the British money supply.” It also controls the FED and the UNITED NATIONS who’s original ownership is found below (click hyper link). 

 - Nathan Mayer Rothschild

FEDERAL RESERVE Money System (same are behind the UNITED NATIONS Corporation):

Rothschild Bank of London
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Lehman Brothers of New York
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York

So why did Crown – Vatican created UNITED STATES Corp. give $233.7Billion to Israel over six decades?  

The “UN” is a corporation founded in France several years before the United Nations Charter was ever created. And here, for your edification, are the Principal Parties of Interest driving the “UN Agenda”—– Current version UN Corp dba World Bank dba FEDERAL RESERVE — 52% owned by Rothschild Bank of London and Berlin; 8% owned by Lazard Freres Bank of Paris; 8% owned by Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, 8% owned by Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; 6% owned by Lehman Brothers of New York; 6% owned by Kuhn Loeb of New York; 6% owned by Chase Manhattan/Rockefeller Bank of New York; 6% owned by Goldman Sachs. (There may be some changes in ownership(s) since this list was compiled, but the above is accurate for the most part.)


About Patrick Henry and our Red Pill projects: Fascist-book:    More Articles: +++ more links here Several important articles have been uploaded to BIN on the ongoing CCP. Demon-rat.Socialist party of DC and their Coup of America.  All available at this link: /v3/contributor/bio/?uid=713008 Video channel: 

The focus of our work over the last 15 years has been to investigate the Legal and Governance system operating in America at Federal, State, County, City etc.. Conclusion: the entire legal system in America is illegally operated by Constitutionally-banned foreign agents that run America for foreign interests. This means Constitutionally-banned foreign agents run nearly every now Occupied counterfeit government Office in the nation. It is further concluded these Constitutional banned foreign agents have literally been engaged in a Mixed War against the American people, relying on lawfare while farming Americans to profit the International Bankers (aka Human Trafficking) and the CROWN / VATICAN system in a silent war with America since the War of Independence. 

See for more and proof that the original organic United States Constitution post 1819 was modified and orchestrated to bring America under a foreign Corporate Democracy [Socialistic Mob-rule] as a path to destroy the Republic and the peoples guarantee of a Republican form of Government to advance the Luciferian Roman Cults Talmudic New World Order Agenda.

The following letter was sent to Trump via US Military alerting those loyal to the American people to this state of affairs with certified government proofs of claim. /new-world-order/2020/12/letter-to-trump-and-us-military-on-lawfare-mixed-war-color-of-lawauthorityoffice-constitutionally-banned-foreign-agents-fake-weaponized-courts-etc-time-to-take-back-america-from-the-parasites-9526.html


Also posted: /new-world-order/2020/12/letter-to-trump-and-us-military-on-lawfare-mixed-war-color-of-lawauthorityoffice-constitutionally-banned-foreign-agents-fake-weaponized-courts-etc-time-to-take-back-america-from-the-parasites-9526.html 


Please help share this important information…


What you should be asking yourself? Why are those in so-called Government at War (Lawfare) with the American people?  The following letter was sent to Trump via US Military alerting those loyal to the American people to the state of affairs described below and linking to certified government issued proofs of claim described in the letter. /new-world-order/2020/12/letter-to-trump-and-us-military-on-lawfare-mixed-war-color-of-lawauthorityoffice-constitutionally-banned-foreign-agents-fake-weaponized-courts-etc-time-to-take-back-america-from-the-parasites-9526.html

Please see the following hyper-link for the next three pages of the above letter… 


About Patrick Henry and our Red Pill projects: Fascist-book:    More Articles: +++ more links here Important articles have been uploaded to BIN on the ongoing CCP. Black Nobility.New World Order.RINO-Demon-rat.Socialist DC Crown US of DC, the ongoing New World Order Usurpation of America by enemies Domestic and Foreign, and the GOV-ID-1984-Great-Reset-Agenda21/2030-Depop-Plandemic.  Articles available at this link: /v3/contributor/bio/?uid=713008 Video channel: 

The focus of our work over the last 15 years has been to investigate the Legal and Governance systems operating in America at Federal, State, County, City etc.. Conclusion: the entire legal system in America has been usurped by 185,000+ foreign CROWN / VATICAN rooted corporations and is illegally operated by Constitutionally-banned foreign agents that unlawfully run America for foreign interests (example US Corp., [CANADA], STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ______  are NOT the original organic We the people Governments but counterfeits). Constitutionally-banned foreign agents run nearly every now Occupied counterfeit government Office in the nation. In America the leading faction of the 5th Column at war with the rest of us are BAR Attorneys (whether they know it or not)! See California Government Code 1027.5 to understand the silent War that has been going on for 150+ years.  It is further concluded these Constitutional banned foreign agents have literally been engaged in a Mixed War against the American people, relying on lawfare while literally farming Americans to profit the International Bankers (aka Human Trafficking) and the CROWN / VATICAN system in a silent war with all Americans since the War of Independence. 

See for more and proof that the original organic United States Constitution post 1819 was modified and orchestrated to bring America under a foreign Corporate Democracy [Socialistic Mob-rule] as a path to destroy the original organic we the people Governments and deprive the people of their guarantee of a Republican form of Government all so as to advance their Luciferian Roman Cult Talmudic New World Order Agenda.

“You want to talk about fraudulent elections? Let’s start with the very concept of democracy to begin with: other people voting on how much of my property to plunder.” – btw TuSA and organic states were created as a republic and guaranteed a republic form of governance – don’t let the CROWN Plantation managers have you thinking any of the physical states or Organic Federal states co-ordinating governance was created as a DEMONcracy! PJ

Please like this article/author and others if you find this document insightful or useful and do not forget to share… more by the author here:



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    Total 10 comments
    • allendaves

      W.H.O. is coming for YOU. ELITE dont want you to EAT. Big PHARMA, reap bad CARMA. Globalist “Freinds” like Bill GATES are the true enemies of all STATES. The CCP is not for ME! HUMANITY refuses your CALAMITY. Take a BET, and UPSET “the (great) RESET”!

    • truck driver

      Another article here says he is a robot like commander Data from star trek

    • The Watcher

      He’s just an errand boy! :wink:

    • nill

      i think pence is deep state, but maybe he isn’t a sees what trump is going through and wants no part of it

      • 2QIK4U


    • unidentified

      I’m glad he told us now and not later

    • Anonymous

      Now if we could just get the rest of the DC useless eaters to do the same.

    • jdpent01

      YES, POTUS NEEDS TO CLEAN HOUSE/LAWFARE-SWAMP, BUT PENCE TWEET WAS FOR WHEN? NOW OR AFTER FOURMORE YEARS? I DON’T BELIEVE PENCE WHO ATTENDED EVERY RALLY AND SUPPORTED POTUS AT EVERY TURN NOW DECIDES TO GO AGAINST HIM BELIEVING THE EVIL DEM’S WON THE ELECTION. No, if anything I see him doing the right thing being a Christian Man unless all that is just a façade or a joke of demeanor which I don’t believe, he knowing the real happening to America if he fails POTUS and this too would make him RHINO TRAITOR JUST LIKE THE OTHERS.

    • thatdogwillbite

      I hear Amazon is hiring!

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