When Will People Realize That "Gov't" Does Not Care About Them, & Will Hasten, By Any Means Necessary, & Tolerated By Society, Their Deaths, Once Gov't Becomes Involved In The Decision Making Process!
Steve Quayle AlertSteve: People are beginning to wake up, but they are taking too long. If anyone had any doubts about the agenda to euthanize the terminally ill, the elderly, and the now deemed “unproductive” members of society, instances like this have happened for a very long time across the country, and it long past time for people to understand this. People need to take up their responsibilities to care for their family members, and never, ever hand it over to third parties, including any manifestation of government run health care. My parents were promised no nursing homes, no matter what. My siblings and I have kept that promise to my mother, caring for her through 6 months of terminal illness, until her death, at home, surrounded by her family.
When will people realize that “government” does not care about them, and will hasten, by any means necessary, and tolerated by society, their deaths, once government becomes involved in the decision making process? Our nation proved its tolerance for euthanasia in the highest profile case of its kind…the 13 day ordeal suffered by Terri Schaivo. If society could watch that play out on nightly TV, and not storm the palace gates as it were, society will tolerate almost anything. It is best to never expect better from society in general, and the government in particular, regarding issues affecting the lives of loved ones. I am so sorry for that man. I pray for Divine Intervention on his behalf, and indeed on behalf of all the people currently suffering the same fate…wasting away in nursing homes, at the mercy of a system invested in their deaths, as quickly and efficiently as possible. It is an abomination what is happening to the elderly in our society. It is also an abomination that people have been so willfully blind to it. Elizabeth
Dec 27, 2014 http://www.stevequayle.com/index.php?s=33&d=1263
When Will People Realize That “Gov’t” Does Not Care About Them, & Will Hasten, By Any Means Necessary, & Tolerated By Society, Their Deaths, Once Gov’t Becomes Involved In The Decision Making Process!