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Making America Great Again

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Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump’s slogan, “Making America Great Again” is resonating because President Obama has made such a mess of our country and the world.  Setting emotion aside, it is all about the numbers since Obama was first elected.  Almost 50 million Americans are on Food Stamps and Welfare, up 20 million, since Obama first took office.  This is happening because the poverty rate is higher today than it was three decades ago and particularly bad in the Black community.  So much for Hope and Change.

The Labor Participation Rate is down, as fewer people are working today than when George W Bush was President.  Many have just dropped out of the Labor Force because they can’t find jobs.  They don’t count anymore and don’t show up in unemployment rates.  Obama has not only raised taxes, which has retarded economic growth, but he has also doubled the National Debt during this Presidency so that we are approaching $19 Trillion, with no end in sight on the books.

In addition, there is another $150 Trillion of unfunded liability for local and state borrowing and Federal Entitlements and government employee pensions.  If all assets in the United States were confiscated, which the Socialists would love to do, it would only total about $120 Trillion.   So unless we get our house in order, we are facing an impossible fiscal calamity that will result in the economic collapse of the United States.

The fact is that we have to bring jobs back to America by cutting taxes, cutting the size of government and getting rid of job killing regulations.  We need 4% or greater Gross Domestic Product growth to get our country back on track, rather than the dismal economic performance we have experienced under Obama.   We have to push back 100 years of Socialist Creep, at a time when Socialists in government continue to push for even higher taxes and even more job killing regulations.

Obama has spent his Presidency gutting our military and we see the end result around the world.  We face a World on fire with Terrorist attacks and war everywhere we look.  Russia and China are in an aggressive posture because they do not respect Obama, the most incompetent President since Jimmy Carter.   We have to restore our military to protect our National Security and Make Our Country Great Again.

We can Make America Great Again if and when we recognize that it was Free Market Capitalism that built our country; yet the Democrats push for more Socialism that is destroying our country.  The United States must be the leader of the Free World because otherwise crap pot dictators step into the void.  Whether we elect Donald Trump, or someone else, we must elect someone who gets it with the experience to Make Our Country Great Again.  Clearly,  that did not happen when the majority of the American people voted for Obama. 


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