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The Staged Malala Yousafzai Story: Advocate for Globalist For-Profit Education Scam

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by Scott Creighton

“Love Malala? Support girls education in Pakistan.”

says Ale Natiq employee of A4e, a company that will profit from the global charter system

   (A4e is now what is called a “3rd sector” corporation. That means it’s paid for with your money to serve a privatized communal service but the profits go to private owner’s pockets. Otherwise known as “fascism”. In America we just call it “business”)

The ‘LOVE MALALA OR WE’LL KILL YOU!” psyop is far from over.

Her daddy got a plush job in Pakistan (her abusive father that is) and now she is scheduled to speak at the U.N. to bring her special kind of “strength” to 500 “young leaders” of the Youth Assembly.

Apparently her dreams of being a doctor are all but gone.

Her new ambition is for the U.N. Global Education First Initiative (“Clinton Global Initiative” anyone?) which promises to tax 1st world nations to the tune of billions and billions of dollars to pay for privately owned charter schools in troubled places like Pakistan where the public needs to learn to love Malala and the Western theories of neoliberal free markets.

“One can hardly pick up the paper without finding more evidence of the growing gap in learning achievement. Not only the gap between different income groups (let’s ignore that please) in different countries but also the widening gap between what is being taught in schools and the SKILLS that learners really need to succeed.” Opening statement Global Education First Initiative, June 11 2013

The U.N. Global Education First Initiative is all about teaching kids across the globe “the skills needed in the workplace”. Why bother wasting time giving kids a well rounded education when they are poor and never going to be more than an employee in some sweat-shop in Bangladesh? What they need to do is take tax money from people across the globe and spend it training future employees of the Fortune 500 companies. And they can make a nifty little profit in the mean-time.

The Staged Malala Yousafzai Story: Suffer the Little Children unto the Greater Good


“The way to see peace is through education. It is an honor for me to be associated with the U.N. I want to tell the world how important education is,” she said.

She added she wanted to be a leader and “to serve this whole world.” NBC News

But don’t worry, she isn’t alone in this little project to teach the kids of the world what they need to know to work at McDonald’s… the great and wonderful Angelina Jolie is helping her out…

In May, actress Angelina Jolie, a special envoy for the U.N. refugee agency, told the Women in the World summit in New York that the Taliban’s attempt to kill Malala had backfired.

“Here’s what they accomplished … They shot her point blank range in the head — and made her stronger. The brutal attempt to silence her voice made it stronger,” she said, according to The Associated Press. NBC News

They shot her point blank in the head with an AK-47 and the newly anointed one just laughed in their faces. Ha ha haa

Little Malala is going to be a politician, a “world leader” instead of a doctor like she wanted, like she dreamed… just like her father told her she would in that chilling documentary the New York Times made of her after the BBC made her stupid little blog for her.

The Staged Malala Yousafzai Story: The Making of Malala – The CFR Mockingbird Reporter and the Charter School Owning Father

According to the leaders with solid and very expensive business and liberal arts educations, the kids of the 3rd world (and kids in the U.S. as well no doubt) just need “skills” to bring with them to work for the major conglomerates, not well rounded educations that teach them how to think for themselves. That’s not needed. In fact, that kind of thing brings about unneeded questions and horrible ideas about collective bargaining and such. People in the 3rd world (and here in America) don’t need to learn about troubling things like history, they need to learn how to run cash registers or stand on a production line for 14 hours a day for 38 pennies an hour. That’s what they need and by GOD! LOVE MALALA! is going to help them get it.

This is yet another example of a story I got right but in the process cost me hundreds of readers. My site was actually banned in Pakistan… might still be for all I know.

At least three ISPs confirmed ProPakistani about the blockade orders from PTA and have consequently blocked all the mentioned websites, mainly a blog called “American Everyman”, run by Scott Creighton.

Other URLs, that were blocked, are forums that had re-published the stories appearing on “American Everyman”.

“American Everyman” ( has various blog entries about Malala Yousafzai, the 14-year girl who was shot in the head by a Talibaan operative for preaching education for girls in Swat. Pro-Pakistan

Just for the record, they don’t block access to your website nationwide when you’re wrong. Thousands and thousands of Pakistanis agree with me by the way. They see this entire thing as a complete psyop. Spending all this attention on one little girl who apparently was barely wounded while drones kill and maim countless others who go unavenged and unheralded into the memory hole.

Here’s a little timeline I wrote a while back. I was right in my assessment of this psyop and in my prediction that little Malala would end up being a full time spokesman for this globalist charter education system. This is what I wrote:

It’s a big idea, the new world order” George H. W. Bush

On Oct. 5th 2012, just 4 short days before Malala was supposedly shot and primed to take the stage as the global face of a new United Nations universal education agenda headed by confirmed globalist Gordon Brown, Google’s Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt sat on stage with Salman Khan in one of their widely publicized Google Talks.

The agenda was simple: introduce Khan as possibly the most influential man of the next 20 years. Khan has written a book called “The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined“. He runs an online education program called the Khan Academy in which he has videos teaching all kinds of science and mathematics courses for free.” Scott Creighton Oct. 19, 2012

While they privatize the education system here in America at a stunning rate thanks to the left cover of ObamaGod and they push legislation through to hinder even more college kids with greater and greater debt, the BIG PLAN is global for-profit education systems and as you can see from the time-line, they didn’t have a lot of steam going into it with Gordon Brown as it’s spokesman. His first big roll-out for the corporatist education system garnered all of one reporter. It was a dramatic fail… so they needed a new spokesperson.

They needed something else, a “hook” as it were, to sell their agenda to the masses…

“The Malala Day event has been organized by Gordon Brown, former British Prime Minister and now U.N. Special Envoy for Global Education. Watch a live webcast of her speech at 9:45 a.m. ET Friday on

This frail young girl who was seriously injured has become such a powerful symbol not just for the girls’ right to education, but for the demand that we do something about it immediately,” said Brown in an interview Thursday with” CBS “News” July 11, 2013


When the globalists at the BBC went to Malala’s sleazy for-profit school owning father and asked him to produce a cute student they could use to start off this project with by setting her up with a blog, he jumped at the chance and offered up some other little girl. Her parents didn’t smell the dollar signs and they worried about locking their kid into a lifetime of propaganda so they refused. Sleaze-O offered up his own kid at that time and history was made.

And here we are at the endgame watching them push LOVE MALALA around like a pawn two moves from being a queen.

Like the KONY 2012 campaign where they tried to make it “cool” for Obama to invade every nation on the continent of Africa, they are going to flood the right-thinking Americans and Western audiences with LOVE MALALA product, shirts, bags, hats, buttons, probably one of those stupid wrist bands made in Indonesia where they need for-profit schools to teach kids it’s great to work at sweatshops because it’s all they can expect out of life.

Yes, folks, education is getting in the way of the billionaire’s profit margins. They need more and more to pay the greedy politicians off with these days so LOVE MALALA DAMN IT!

In the mean-time, I’ll just keep pecking away.



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