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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Mexico Aliens Claim They Will Return At The Sound of Distant Thunder

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“You will know when we return, at the sound of distant thunder”

Location. Near Colonia Año De Juarez, Mexico
Date: May 30 1986 Time: 2030
Carlos was bicycling back home after visiting family and was using a side road in order to avoid the heavy traffic. Son about 500 meters ahead he noticed what appeared to be two large luminous eyes staring at him. As he approached the eyes the bicycle light turned off and Carlos movements seemed to become lethargic. A short figure with large luminous eyes approached the witness and ordered Carlos to follow him. The figure remained 4 meters ahead of Carlos, who seemed unable to resist and followed the creature to a field were a large lighted object rested on the ground. A ramp descended to the ground and Carlos entered the craft, followed by two more short humanoids. Inside he found himself in a lighted circular area with what appeared to be a square table in the middle of the room, in a corner stood a taller more heavyset figure with large luminous eyes. For some unknown reason, Carlos knew that this creature was the “leader.” He described the figure as having a huge oval shaped hairless head, with large black eyes lacking any pupils. It had two holes for ears, two holes for a nose and a slit like lipless mouth. The head was directly set on its shoulders, lacking a neck and appeared to have a hump on its back. It had dark gray skin, resembling that of an elephant, with long thin arms and legs. A bizarre feature was its hands, which ended in numerous thin filaments resembling roots. No apparent clothing was seen. At this point the witness was very afraid but heard a mental message imploring to be calm, that they did not harm humans. A telepathic conversation ensued in which the humanoid invited the witness to come with them to their place of origin. The witness declined the invitation and was told that they understood his decision. He was then shown on a diffused screen on a wall a dry arid world apparently the humanoid’s point of origin. He was also informed that they could transform their bodies and appearance at will, and was given a brief demonstration. Suddenly the witness was overcome by”darkness” and then passed out. When he woke up he found himself lying on the road next to his bicycle at about 2200. He suffered from severe insomnia for the next two weeks and from terrible nightmares. He found several round red marks around the belly button area and circular marks around his under arms. Later under hypnosis he was able to remember that at one point onboard the craft he was taken into a room where he saw numerous objects resembling telephone booths. He was asked to enter one of them, once inside a bright blue light covered his body. Once outside he looked inside another one of the booths and saw a figure identical in appearance to him. Before leaving he was told by the leader to keep an eye for the sign of their return by being aware of “the sounds of distant thunder.”

Source: Contacto Ovni Type: G
Comments: Another report describing cloning type practices by the supposed aliens

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    Total 4 comments
    • Arcturus

      In Mexico, how can one tell the difference between thunder and flatulence caused by eating too much Mexican food?

    • Don't be hating!

      Strange how all of these beings and UFo’s hang around in Mexico…

      • Millennium

        Alien, soon to be Illegal Alien….what’s the difference?

    • Anonymous

      Most experts on the Book of Revelation teach that there are 21 judgments (7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls/vials), but there are actually 28, because everyone seems to ignore the 7 thunders. Perhaps the 7 thunders will announce the “return of the aliens.” Luke 21:26 talks about fear coming upon men (some dying of fright) in the expectation (looking out for) “those things” that are coming on the earth. If I suddenly saw a group of aliens out my window, I’d be saying, “What are ‘those things’?”

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