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Owls and Odd Events article found below email comments

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 A reader responds to the Owl article below

I recently was sent this email by a man who also has a track record of seeing owls at  different times in his life. Our email exchange follow:
 I live in Missouri and have for a large portion of my life   I also have lived in Florida and abroad. I too have always had owls around me, both in the city and the country.  I noticed that the presence of owls usually coincided with a death or trauma near me with family or friends.  I have learned over the years that if one or sometimes two are sitting near my location (within eyesight) that something bad happens within a few days. It’s as if they are messengers or for some reason the term” guides” just popped into my head. I have on two occasions seen snowy owls here (extremely rare), mostly we have brown barn owls. I have some missing time incidents mainly from childhood, but only a few from adulthood. I also thought the owls had something to do with my odd incidents.
I wrote back this message to this man:
This owl thing is really strange. My concern is what sends them? Are they good and warning us or show up as they are the ones that bring the onset of a bad event? Maybe they are not owls but things sent to watch us before the bad arrives. I have no idea what to think but know I now really do not want to see any more owls. 
Thanks Chris”
He responded with these last thoughts on the subject:
“I have always had the feeling that they (the owls) bring the bad, not the owl itself; they are just a creature being used (if we truly see an owl, and not something that just looks to us like an owl). 
Maybe they are able to locate a specific person as a service for another force. I personally always had the feeling that they bring the bad, not the owl- they are just a creature or messenger. Or we may see an owl that is just something that looks like an owl to us. Maybe owls are able to locate a specific person as a service for what sends them? Who knows?”
It all certainly gives us pause to give thought to the strangeness of continuous sightings of owls by certain people


My experience with the paranormal started when I was a small child. I have partial memories of strange events happening going back to age three or four. I have clear recall of odd encounters from about the age of seven on.  I also recall something else that I never connected with my experiences with the unknown until I read about it on the internet by others who shared the same experience.
Of course this can be attributed to the fact that I was raised and by choice also as an adult always lived in a country or suburban area that included lots of trees and open land.  That is why I never thought it was odd, in fact I thought everyone saw them all the time as I did, until I started to ask around that is.
Owls, I always saw and heard owls, mainly white owls, wherever I lived. As a child I had a beautiful white owl that would visit me outside my bedroom window at night.  From 1958 until I was a teen I lived in Great River, New York. 
We lived a in a large two story home with my bedroom on the second floor facing a wooded area in the back of the house. At night while waiting to fall asleep in my bed I would hear an owl hoot away. Often being a kid I would crawl to my window that was next to my bed and try to make a hooting sound back. I would look out my window where I would see a beautiful white owl perched on a big old oak tree that stood outside my bedroom window.  As a country kid at the time I did not think anything about this. I told my parents who said: “That’s nice” and we all went about life without much fanfare concerning the large white owl constantly outside my bedroom window. My parents had a bunch of kids and my guess is that they were not listening or believing me when I told them about the owl. Once as an adult I questioned my mother who was by then in her 80s about that owl and she told me she remembered me mentioning it a few times but thought I was confused and it was just a dove or something. I thought that was odd but my mother was not one to investigate things so that explanation did fit with her personality.
 When my mother realized I was actually seeing a white owl all those times as a child she looked at me sort of shocked and admitted she never really believed that it was true. A lesson for us all I suppose is to listen to our kids and look when they report seeing something.  After asking a friend who worked for a large state park that was backed up to the hamlet of Great River I found  out that not many white owls were seen in that area at that time.  That did not change the fact I saw one and heard one  nearly every night for many years while growing up on the river.
I still did not think much about any of this or how odd it might be. My life continued as did my connection with owls. I recall seeing white owls in every house I lived my entire life. Once when I was in my 30s and living in East Islip, New York close to where I lived as a child I gave a holiday party in December for my friends. I had a large window on the side of my living room facing my driveway which was lined with trees. One of my friends walked over to the window as it had started to lightly snow  when she yelped: “Oh my god look at this giant white owl!” The people attending my party all ran over to look out the window and there on a branch close to the window sat a large absolutely beautiful large white owl. It sat there on the gray tree limb with snow falling gently around it looking more like an oil painting than a real creature. My guests were fascinated by the owl as it was the first white owl they had ever seen one  up close and could not get over how it simply sat there staring back through the window at us. My group of friends stood looking at this owl in silence until one of them broke the silence by asking if the owl was “creeping anyone else out?” A few of my friends admitted they had an uncomfortable feeling as the owl peered through the window at them. I thought it was strange they had never seen a white owl before and equally strange they thought it was creepy. I had seen them literally all my life including a few times at the house I was in when this event at the party happened. I thought everyone on Long Island saw white owls all the time. It was at that party that I realized it was not a frequent event for other people. 
I was fully aware that I experienced strange events in my life that other people did not however it was really not until that party that I understood seeing white owls may be part of the other high strangeness that occurred during my life time.  I thought hard about it and did come up with a few times I clearly recalled the visits from an owl coincided with a time I encountered a lost time event or was witness to either an orb or unidentified  craft in the sky. Still I could not fully connect the owls and the events. 
Once in the 1970s while living in Schweinfurt, Germany I was walking home alone from the town markets to the apartment building I was living in at the time. It was early fall and it was that time of day just before nightfall when it is just sort of still and gray. I was walking along a tree lined street carrying my bags of food for that night’s dinner when I heard the familiar hoot of an owl. I looked up and there in a tree next to where I was walking sat a large owl. He was not as white as the owls I usually saw but he was big and did have many white feathers. He looked at me and I looked at him and I kept on walking. There were not many other people out and about that day so I picked up my speed and nearly ran home with my bundles. I did think at the time that seeing this owl was a bit strange but I did not know what to do about it.  About 3 weeks or so after seeing that owl I had a very strange event occur with another lost time event along with a run in in my apartment building with extremely strange beings.  Now years later I finally understand that all of these things may be connected. 
I have been reading on the internet that others who have witnessed UFO ‘s or who have had abduction events take place in their lives also have been known to see owls a few have seen white owls  or connect owls to those experiences. 
I have read many things concerning seeing owls from it being a warnings or type of message as well as being connected to alien abduction.  The fact I have suffered from many lost time events in my life and have seen unidentified crafts in my past does give me pause when I think about how I have seen white owls my entire life too. I know now if I run across another owl to take extreme precautions to prevent in any way I can from having another lost time event or strange experience as frankly I have had my quota and do not intend to have any more. I will use a sighting of an owl as my warning to take action and trust me I will do all I can to prevent another strange encounter. 
I did not think too much about this until this past winter. I was sitting here in my office writing. My desk is against a large picture window overlooking a wooded section of my property. I was working away on my keyboard when something outside caught my attention. It was a bright moonlit night and  I looked out where I sensed something moving . There in a tree a large magnificent white owl was sitting on a low tree branch looking back at me. I immediately called my husband who came in and watched as the owl looked at us as we stood at the window looking at the owl. My husband thought it was strange to see a white owl this far south but knew they did exist. I paid close attention to this visit and my family and I took extreme precautions with leaving lots of lights on inside and out at all times as well as making sure I was not alone or caught in a situation that could offer a time for me to find myself dealing with another lost time or strange event. We followed this lifestyle of precaution for a very long time and to date I have been without harm. I will trust the owls to warn me from now on as frankly what else can I do?
I do not know if I am one of many or a few who have had both strange experiences with the unknown and owl sightings or if it is common place. My hopes are that those who read this who have information or who also have had a life filled with oddity as well as owl visits will contact me so we can understand more about what connection there may be between experiences and owls.

For now if any of you have input about this subject please contact me as I think there is something going on that we all need to understand with our strange owl visitors and unless we share our events and collect data to connect the events we will never understand if owls are connected to the unknown.
Be careful out there and always pay attention to your surroundings
   ♥ Copyright © 2013 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved

Chris Holly’s Paranormal World-

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A witness in Clydebank, Scotland has reported sighting an alien craft dropping a probe, on 4 June 2013 at 9:05 PM. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of UK UFO Sightings. The report was posted on 5 June, 2013. “I saw a plane take off from Glasgow Airport, from where I sit in the living room chair seeing the take-offs at this time of year is like a 5 – 10 minute occurrence.”  Right then I saw what looked like something black falling off the plane; it went downwards then turned and straightened out level. At that point I considered that perhaps it had been behind the plane at an angle to which my vision of it was obscured.  At this point I said “what the hell is that?” I pointed it out to my GF and told her to keep an eye on it as I grabbed my binoculars.  On looking through the binoculars I could clearly see it was no plane or copter; this thing was black and it had the classic saucer silhouette, it was difficult to keep it steady in the binoculars as it seemed to move at first very smoothly; then was more like random jumping and floating.  She quickly located it and said, “oh yes I see it that’s weird,” then she said “it seems to be hollow in the middle.” The best way I could describe it was to say that it looked like a car tire inner tube. The thing was traveling in the opposite direction from the plane at this point towards the west.  We kept watching it through the binoculars until it was basically a dot then finally disappeared. Also to note as it was moving it gave off bursts of green-yellow light as it was moving not constantly but as if it did this as it was using power to push itself along. This came from the direction it was traveling toward the west.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.

Thanks to



I was in my backyard laying on my back in a screen-sided tent texting on my phone. I noticed the object when I looked away from my phone and saw it silently making its way southeast overhead. I wasn’t sure what I was seeing when I first saw it because I knew right away it was unlike any aircraft I have ever seen. It was rectangular in shape and a silver-ish gray in color. It had red, green, and white lights strobing around the entire craft in a counter clockwise pattern. At first I thought it was flying south but as I watched it I noticed it was heading in a more southeast direction. It was going at what seemed to be a constant and relaxed speed, a bit slower than planes usually fly but not by much. A few times it looked as if it turned slightly transparent or invisible but the lights stayed the same, it was under cloud cover so I don’t think clouds were the culprit. It was completely silent and any plane or jet flying that low would have made noise. I felt calm and intrigued as I watched it. It certainly didn’t seem like anything to be afraid of.  I was going to get a video of it but the camera on my phone is horrible and wouldn’t have picked it up. I sat and watched it disappear as it flew out of sight. I sat there for a moment and questioned what I saw and came to the conclusion that it was something rather unusual. I lost sight of it because where I live there are a lot of trees and houses and I couldn’t see past them. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.

Special thanks to WWW.MUFON.COM




I’ve been interested in the Universe and physics for most of my life. I’ve spent many nights just gazing at the stars looking for unusual objects. I’ve seen hundreds of satellites moving slowly across the night sky. I’ve seen the space station as light reflected off of it from the sun as it moved across the sky. I used to see them more frequently living on a farm in Cross Plains, Texas. Now living in the city the lights keep me from seeing such a large number of stars and planets, but on some nights the visibility is good. On several occasions recently I’ve see what I initially thought was a satellite moving across the sky only to see it make a complete u turn and head the opposite direction and I’ve seen small dimly lit objects moving in different directions across the night sky changing speeds but nothing I could say for sure it was a UFO. Last night I was having a hard time sleeping, so at 4:00 am I got up and went out to the front porch, it was a good clear night. When I first stepped outside I look across the street toward the Western Sky where I frequently see bright planets and stars, but when I looked up this time I immediately saw this very bright circular object, it was a bright as a car head lamp at one block away. It didn’t cast a beam, it glowed brightly. I first thought to myself wow that is the brightest planet I’ve ever seen, not even thinking about UFOs. As I stood there for a few seconds it started moving away from me, so I sort of ran toward the road to get a better view. As I did this, the light started to dim until all that was left was a round transparent sphere. It looked like a clear glass ball in the sky. As it kept moving away it slowly disappeared out of sight. I actually stood there for a few minutes with my mouth wide open staring at the sky. This was like nothing I’ve seen before. it was big and bright and made no sound. I didn’t see any air traffic around for several minutes. I know the patterns the planes take as they approach the airports or take off. I also see fighter jets as they take off from Carswell, they usually fly very high once they get this far. This object was within our atmosphere. Hard to tell how high but to guess 5,000 ft or less. At that height I would guess it was 300 feet in diameter. It emitted its own light, not a reflection.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.





I was flying from Minneapolis, MN to Los Angeles, CA on a Delta plane, around midday on Thursday, May 30. I am not sure, but I believe we were someplace over Arizona when something flew past the plane window.  I had been looking out the window at clouds. We were probably at least 30,000 ft. I noticed another, much smaller object passing our plane, going in the opposite direction.  It seemed closer than any other aircraft should safely have been, and was approximately on the same level as our plane, at the same altitude.
  My first impression was that it was a smaller plane. It looked about the size of a very small jet. However, it was a gold metallic color and was a rounded V-shape, like a pudgy plane. The small end of the V was the front. There were no distinct windows, wings or tail, but vague shapes of possible wings. It didn’t look like any plane I had ever seen before, and I was surprised that was so close to the large jet I was in.
 Our plane was flying west and this object passed it on the south side and the smaller object was flying east, at a very high rate of speed. I was able to observe it for only about ten seconds before it passed out of my view from the window. I didn’t see any other objects or aircraft near it. No lights observed and no emissions noticed. There was a slight reflection off the metallic gold body.

I am sure the pilots would have been able to see this thing if they were looking out their window up front. I was sitting behind the bulkhead, in seat A of the sixth row in the first class section, so not far behind the cockpit. I couldn’t hear anyone talking at all. I didn’t mention this to anyone. But, it has been on my mind ever since I saw it because I can’t come up with any reasonable explanation for what it might have been.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.



I was exiting my vehicle at my house after work at 9:33 pm. I looked up at the night sky to observe the stars. I observed two jet flying side by side, they had to be military because they were close together. My estimation was 10 plane widths apart, traveling west and I heard no sound. The wing lights were about the width of my index finger at arms length. At the same time I noticed a bright white object overtake them from the east at a very high rate of speed. My first impression was that it was a light from a helicopter flying at a much lower altitude which would explain the difference in perceived speed. At this time no sound was heard. As the object arrived at the wake of the jet on the right it made a sudden right angle turn to the left changed color to a pink or light red and crossed the wake of the jet on the left and went south at tremendous speed. It was gone from my field of vision in less than a second, the surrounding houses and trees made it impossible for me to see it disappear over the southern horizon. At first I didn’t realize what I had just witnessed, only after I played it over in my mind did I realize this object did things that weren’t possible. It made that right angle turn instantly without slowing and increased in speed after the direction change. During the event I was without emotion, it as only after it was over did I have a feeling of eeriness. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.

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