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All Right, Good Night: It’s Just Plane Coincidence

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Today the newsroom where I work was buzzing about the missing Malaysian plane. It seemed that everything being reported now about Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is pure speculation and the roll of the dice determines that the mystery lies somewhere between paranoid – where keyboard warriors are saying that the plane has been stolen and is being equipped to deliver nuclear cargo to the United States – and the hypothesis that the media is mistakenly labeling as conspiracy theory.

I have received all kinds of e-mails telling me that the theory that I made about a possible meteor hitting the plane is outrageous, even though the day after I announced my theory CNN entertained the possibility based on fireballs that were seen the night of the jet disappeared.

The reporter only alluded to the fireball sightings and so I had to dig to find any proof that this was the case. The only proof provided was that 7 minutes before the Malaysian plane took off, there was a report that at 1:14 AM there were fireballs spotted falling and exploding over Japan.

Another was spotted over Korea. I was able to find pictures and accounts on the web, but they had to be translated.

As I had pointed out the odds were 1 in 10 million that this was the case and CNN basically said that it was unlikely that the plane was hit by a meteor. I also found an Asian Blog forum called

I took a snapshot of a post where a girl posted the following:

MH370 missing updates. plane crashed at vietnam, all ppl in the plane died. CNN reported. plane was confirmed crashed at 100km north of Ho Chi Minh city due to rain storms at ho chi minh. the local ppl thought was meteor crashing. due to locally still raining and hill place, rescue activities facing problem now.

I ran a search on the theory and at the Above Top Secret website someone posted what appears to be a snapshot of the last known ‘heading’ of the flight before it disappeared. Now while the mainstream media has spun the idea that the plane did a turnaround, what was seen in the last two minutes before it disappeared was that the plane slowed down and veered quickly to the left as if to avoid something.

It shows that the plane shifted from 20 to 35 degrees in one minute, seven seconds. Some argue that may have been a quick maneuver while others say it would be barely noticeable.

He could have veered to avoid turbulent air or perhaps make an adjustment; however, the odds of being hit by anything from space makes the notion unlikely – but it is not impossible and at this point there are so many stories that are being released that we are left with the coincidences and the synchronicities that seem to be an indulgence for lack of better understanding of what happened.

The story that now has the news bins buzzing is the recent story that was released by Wall Street Journal’s Andy Pasztor. The story involves Rolls-Royce the manufacturer of the Trent 800 engines on Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. Apparently there was technology that indicated to the manufacturers that the plane flew for up to five hours , four hours past the point it disappeared from radar.

Now I received a phone call (from someone) telling me this was significant and that it would damage my meteor theory. After doing some checking I actually found out that Malaysian authorities have not confirmed this and deny the report. Also there has been no confirmation from Rolls-Royce either.

However, if this has any truth to it, then this means the plane was intentionally slammed into the ocean or landed somewhere and the people on board are still alive.

Meanwhile, listeners of popular music are actually a little spooked by some coincidental lyrics hears in a song performed by Shakira and Pitbull. The YouTube video of the song “Get It Started” was uploaded in 2012 and millions of people have viewed it.

The lyrics that are giving people the heebie jeebies are delivered by Latin rapper Pitbull. With his sneering look, he says:

No Ali, no Frasier, but for now it’s off to Malaysia
Two passports, three cities, two countries, one day
Now that’s worldwide, if you think it’s a game, let’s play…

The lyrics seem pretty innocuous, however the fact that Ali, Malaysia and a trip are mentioned are proving to be coincidental.

While the “Ali” in the song is referring to Mohammed Ali, “Mr. Ali” was the name given by British news agency to 19-year-old Iranian national Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad who had boarded MH370 using a stolen Austrian passport.

Malaysian News organizations were first to report that the images of both Mr. Ali and another Iranian national Delavar Seyed Mohammad Reza were faked composites. Pictures of both men appeared to have had the same legs and lower torso. The buzz on the internet is that the photos were photo shopped and that the entire Iranian terrorist theory was a fabrication by western press. While Malaysian news reports the composites are real, they were not photoshopped with a computer, they were physically created.

The reason the photos were manipulated by authorities is unclear.

Another annoying report provided by the media is that they saying that conspiracy theorists are making up stories about a “new” Bermuda Triangle found in the area where the plane came down.

It is only “new” to the media because the media knows nothing about “The Devil’s Sea” or the “Dragon’s Triangle“. It is also called Formosa Triangle and the “Pacific Bermuda Triangle.”

The Paranormal Encyclopedia notes: “The Japanese call it the Ma-no Umi: the Sea of the Devil. Often compared to the Bermuda Triangle, the Dragon’s Triangle is an area where sea-going vessels and aircraft allegedly mysteriously disappear. Besides disappearing planes and ships, phenomena that are linked to the Dragon’s Triangle include ghost ships, USOs, lapses in time, and electronic equipment malfunctions. Some writers, including Charles Berlitz, even link the Dragon’s Triangle to the disappearance of Amelia Earhart.

Ivan Sanderson and Charles Berlitz have written about electromagnetic vortices that exist on the planet, calling them ‘vile vortices‘. Sanderson reported in a paper called “The Devil’s Graveyards Around The World” that that twelve “vortices” are situated along particular lines of latitude.

As Wikipedia says: “The best known of the so-called “vortices” is the Bermuda Triangle. Others include Algerian Megaliths to the south of Timbuktu, the Indus Valley in Pakistan, especially the city of Mohenjo Daro, Hamakulia Volcano in Hawaii, the “Devil’s Sea” near Japan and the South Atlantic Anomaly. Five of the vortices are on the same latitude to the south of the equator; five are on the same latitude to the north. The other two are the north and south poles.

I was featured on TLC’s “Return to the Bermuda Trianglein 2010, where many stories of disappearing ships and other interesting stories were revisited. One of the featured stories was of Flight 19. “Flight 19 was the designation of five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers that disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle on December 5, 1945…

A PBM Mariner recognizance craft was dispatched to look for the missing planes and it disappeared as well. It is believed that the rescue plane exploded in mid air in the Bermuda Triangle.

As magnetic vortices and references to magnetic triangles are interesting mysteries, there are many instances where planes disappeared or have mysteriously crashed and were retrieved.

To put things into perspective, it has to be said that it is important to review past cases for disappearances of aircraft and what the results have been.

Throughout history, numerous incidents of planes vanishing into thin air have captured the attention of the public and aviation historians.

As ABC News reported:

A Boeing 727 took off from Quatro de Fevereiro International Airport in Luanda, Angola, without clearance or a flight plan on May 25, 2003. The plane, which wasn’t painted with an airline logo, hasn’t been seen since. According to the FBI, it was once part of the fleet of a major airline, however it had since been outfitted to carry diesel fuel.

After Air France Flight 447 disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean en route from Rio de Janeiro to Paris in 2009, the cause of the crash remained shrouded in mystery for many months. In the two weeks following the incident on June 1, some wreckage and bodies of the 228 people aboard were recovered, but it would be two years before the main wreckage of the Airbus 330 and its black box was found.

BEA, the French government’s official accident investigators, released a final report in July 2012, after a three-year investigation. The report determined that the crash resulted from a combination of technical failures and oversight by untrained pilots, and detailed a chaotic scenario that unfolded as the plane was flying through a thunderstorm. One of the plane’s speed sensors had malfunctioned, sending inaccurate readings to the cockpit. Crew failed to realize the severity of the situation, and put the plane into a devastating stall. The plane fell rapidly from the sky, before pancake-ing into the ocean, according to the report.

And finally from ABC News:

On Nov. 8, 1957, Pan Am Flight 7 was en route from San Francisco to Hawaii, when it vanished in the Pacific Ocean. The Boeing 337 plane wreckage was found a week later by the Navy aircraft carrier Philippine Sea, which spotted bodies and plane debris floating off course in the ocean northeast of Honolulu.

The crash, which killed 44 people, has never been definitively determined. The mystery was exacerbated by the fact that no distress signals were sent and toxicology reports revealed higher than normal carbon monoxide levels in the bodies of recovered passengers.

When discussing what happened with Malaysian Flight MH370, keep in mind that so far there are no credible clues as to what happened. All parties involved are speculating and, at this point, if the authorities are wrong, the question still remains: What happened to that flight?

They are now searching for a needle in a 145,000 mile haystack as they have increased the search area looking feverishly for the aircraft.

As CBS News reports, “Crews from several nations, including the United States, have been scouring the area for any sign of the missing plane. Vietnam has now stated that it was scaling back its search in its waters.

The last recorded words spoken by the pilot of the doomed Malaysia Flight MH370 plane seems to be chillingly fitting for how it went into the early morning darkness and disappeared into history.

ABC News says, “An air traffic controller told the pilot, “We have to hand you over to Ho Chi Minh City,” The pilot responded, “All right, good night.”As the New York Daily News writes, “The last cockpit transmission was broadcast from the plane as the airliner flew from Malaysian airspace into Vietnamese territory.

Now the rest is unknown.


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