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By Jeffery Pritchett
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ET Intervention-- Neither Yahweh's Creationism Nor Darwin's Gradual Evolution -- Made Us & Earth’s Lifeforms

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by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
Author of Anunnaki: Gods No More, Techno-Savy ET Goldminers Who Posed as Divine

The comprehensive Prime Creator, say Horn and Royal, emerged as differentiated energies through a white-hole prism into the Lyran Ring Nebula. The Founders, who supervise the intentions of the Prime Creator, developed intelligent homonoids in the Lyran Ring and these people settled the planets of the Syrius star system, 8.7 lightyears from our Sun.

Civilizations that warred, dominated and controlled fought incessantly in the Lyran system. Some of them moved on from Syrius to the Orion stars, 1,344 lightyears from our Sun. Others rocketed to the Pleiades 440 lightyears from Earth. 60 million years ago, Pleiadians rocketed to Earth to escape war.

But soon other Lyrans and Pleiadians came to Earth” and created wars on Earth too. So the first Pleiadians on Earth, whom Royal calls “Earth-Lyrans,” fled back to the Pleiades.

Back in the Lyra group, “Directors of the Earth Inception Project needed some extraterrestrial genes” that could mix with the genes of the most advanced primate species they’d already introduced to Earth. Project directors “induced the Pleiadians whose ancestors had been the Earth-Lyrans to become involved with the developing Earth species so the Pleiadians could face their own service to self, conquest and domination, which they had suppressed for generations in the Pleiades. The ancient Pleiadians interacted with nearly every primitive culture on Earth and gave most of the ET genes that made modern man, combining Pleiadian genes with those of primative humanoid” already introduced to Earth.

When the Anunnaki (who were fully Homo Sapien Pleiadians from the planet Nibiru) came to Earth 450,000 years ago, they added a bit of copper, clay and a few genes from the advanced hominoid, Homo Erectus, to their genome to make Earth-adapted humans–us.

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    • christina

      There is no need for argument here. There is no such thing as extraterrestrials. Don’t let them deceive you.
      They are galactic losers known as demons taking the shape of what they choose, and now they choose to present themselves as space aliens.
      They are inter-dimensional demonic spirits desperately trying to interface and ultimately manifest themselves into our reality.
      This is clearly and intimately detailed in the Book of Enoch, and the Book of Genesis (Chapter 6)

      So where is the argument? There is no argument. If people want to believe in space aliens, then they are self deluding themselves. *shrugs*
      You People need to WAKE UP!

      Aliens are demonic entities which are here to deceive mankind, and thus destroy it.

      It’s all there for everyone to see for themselves:

      Wake up People, the time is getting late.

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