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Iran – Prophecy in the Making!

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Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli

“Today, we can destroy every spot which is under the Zionist regime’s control with any volume of fire power (that we want) right from here,” Salami said, addressing a conference in Tehran on Tuesday dubbed ‘the Islamic World’s Role in the Geometry of the World Power’.

“Islam has given us this wish, capacity and power to destroy the Zionist regime so that our hands will remain on the trigger from 1,400km away for the day when such an incident (confrontation with Israel) takes place,” he added.

How does one react to the statement above?  How about a nice beer summit?  Oops!  That won’t work because good Muslims and good Baptists too, don’t drink.  We could invite the Iranians over here for little chat, perhaps with hot tea served?  Oh wait!  We’ve done that already with Im-in-a-Jihad, and got nowhere!

Surely there is something we can do to assuage Salami’s unmitigated hatred of 6 million people living in a teeny-weeny piece of land that nobody cared about 150 years ago?   However, in my opinion there’s nothing anyone can do and here why:  The present political landscape is in direct correlation to supernatural events that happened, in some cases millennia ago!  (L. A. Marzulli - Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural)

What we are seeing is a group of people—the Iranians—who are operating from a system which was founded on supernatural events which happened 1300 years ago.  This is colliding with another group—the Jews—who it was prophesied of, would return to their ancient homeland in the latter days.  The hatred is real and no amount of tap dancing and arm twisting by John Kerry, Hilary Clinton or Obummer will ameliorate this, as this vitriol has it roots in two different sets of supernatural events which manifested ages ago.

Recently the Iranians were caught red-handed recently trying to ship missiles into Gaza.  The Iranians have made it very clear what their intentions are and when they deem the time is right they will act accordingly.

We know from the passages of Ezekiel 38 & 39, that at some point, in the latter days there is a coalition, a confederacy of nations, which attack Israel.  The second nation listed in that group is Persia, which is the ancient name of Iran.  The first nation listed is Magog, which I believe is Russia.  With everything that is going on now, are we seeing the stage being set?  I think we are, however we don’t know what the flash point will be for this prophecy to be fulfilled.  If we go back in time 150 years or so, the land of Israel was desolate, the latter rain did not fall, and the place was for the most part barren.  When a trickle of Jews began to come back into the land at the turn of the 19th century the latter rain began to fall.  Decades later, after the horrors of the holocaust Israel became a nation.  Even Russia voted for the creation of the Jewish state at the United Nations in 1949.

In closing todays post.  At some point the Iranian saber rattling will reach a point where they will attack Israel.  It’s going to happen because The Guide Book to the Supernatural says it will.  We are living in the last days and statements like the one above from Salami, are proof to me at least that at some point the King will return.

When you see these things begin to happen look up because your redemption is coming!  Yashua/Jesus

L. A. Marzulli’s Speaking Engagements!

New Years Eve!December 31 - Calvary Chapel Oceanside - Southern Cal.

Watcher’s 7!  Screening in Southern California - Saturday – Feb. 1st. 7:30 pm – Just Cause Motion Capture Stage – 4130 Del Rey Ave. Marina Del Rey!–done

February 21-22 - Decoding the End Times Bible Conference!–done

March 28-30: Prophecy In the News! Orlando and upcoming

Just Added:  April 5 & 6 - Dominion Christian Center. Details coming soon!

April 25 -27: Behold the Days are Coming Conference 

May 5-15: Peru tour with L. A. Marzulli & Brein Foerster – There are still openings left!

June 13-14: Nephilim Mounds II – Details pending.

June 28-29: Slaton Texas – Details coming soon!

October 3-4: Paradigm Symposium

October: Tri-state Propehcy Conference – details coming soon

October 24-25: Oklahoma City – Details coming soon

To book L. A. Marzulli please email him at [email protected]

L. A. Marzulli shares the platform with a variety of speakers with many different world views.  Marzulli does not endorse anyones world view unless specifically noted.

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