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Paracas Skull Rebuttal!

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Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli

Hey LA!

You’ve probably heard and/or read the flaming article on Brien Foerster regarding the elongated skulls. (link below)
I read and re-read the article many times then spent a few days preparing a response…. here it is…. May GOD move on the author’s heart to more open in the future.


Hello Answers In Genesis!

Thanks for all you do!

Can you please pass this email along to Elizabeth Mitchell and to Mark Looy?

Thank you!
March 8, 2014

Hello Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell,

Thanks for your article featured on AIG website at this link

First off, just so you know, my family and I have supported AIG financially and purchased many of their materials over the years. We were charter members of the museum and have sent many people there over the years. I’ve met many of your staff in the years before the museum opened and our family ministry even did a chapel service at AIG. We have promoted your organization over the last twenty years. So please know, that I am not an anti-AIG critic. Plus, I have spent days going over this email, praying that it will be received in love and the admonition to which it is given.

Henceforth, I was anxious to read the above article that a friend brought to my attention. But in reading the first few lines including the title, “Ancient Humans of Paracas Are Victims of a Twisted Tale” I had red flags go up! You seem to be slanted in your presentation even from the first few sentences. I must admit I was shocked to see this coming from AIG who claims to hold up “Truth in Science” which I have seen evident over the years through many of AIG’s publications.

I fully agree with your final words, “that Biblical understanding should force all biblical compromised positions about human origins into the trash heap.” I would add not just topics about human origins, but anything else for that matter! But let us be clear about one thing, Elizabeth, there are many ‘traditions’ afoot that generations have added to our present day Biblical understanding. Perhaps that is why GOD has allowed so many powerful Biblical study resources to be at our fingertips today. Would HE not have us in these later days understand correct ‘interpretation’ of the original TEXTs rather than adhere to ignorant ‘traditions’?

If you don’t mind me asking, Elizabeth, why did you write the article in this way? Were or are you intimidated by the possible ramifications, whatever they may be? What happened to ‘let us explore the evidence and lay it all out letting the readers draw their own conclusion’? What I see in this article are words like ‘twisted tale’, ‘absurd assertions’, ‘once again’, ‘poor soul’s remains’, ‘weren’t content’, ‘they decided’, ‘He (Foerster) says he’s talked to “a doctor”‘, ‘(surprise, surprise)’, and the clincher ‘There is little need to comment on the lack of professionalism in this anonymous “report” by a rogue geneticist.’

Dr. Mitchell, did you even speak with Brien Foerster? Or did you just copy and paste? I don’t know Mr. Foerster, but I have heard him interviewed a hand-full of times. He seems like one who would still continue a dialog even though you might strongly disagree with him. He seems more concern with finding truth than defending any preconceived notions. In fact, I’ve heard him repeatedly state that at this point no conclusive conclusions can be ascertained as to who and what these skulls are. I know that other researchers, like LA Marzulli are looking into Foerster’s evidence and Marzulli along with many other researchers do have a Biblical Worldview. They are NOT suggesting these elongated skulls are evidence for other human origins BUT rather they are putting forth a hypothesis that ties into Genesis 6, the Book of Jude and many other passages in the Bible including The Book of Revelation that describe a genetically-altered humanity. Many people, at first, do not want to “go there” as I know I didn’t. But I realized my quick dismissal was two-fold; a deep seated evolutionary mindset, even though I claimed to be a creationist and secondly adhering to incorrect interpretation of Genesis 6 accepting an erroneous theory that St Augustine among others perpetrated in recent history. I like many quickly believed that antediluvian people were primitive in skill sets and technologies. There is evidence that these elongated skulls have been found in many places around the globe including here in the USA. Furthermore, there seems to be evidence for a correlation between these people and the advanced stone architecture found through out the globe. There is conclusive evidence that it was royalty who would cradle headboard their infants to look like a person with a cone-shaped head. Why would they do this? Who were they trying to emulate? If this were just a case of abnormal head growth for some unfortunate humans, then why would royal family try to form their infant sons and daughters in that likeness? These are intriguing questions, are they not, Dr.?

I must admit your article sounded a lot like a propaganda piece. If anything I would have to say your article seems to be a possible ‘disinfo’ piece to slant readers away from any future evidence on this topic. Is that what we Christian Scientists have lowered ourselves to?

I know from experience that when our world views’ get challenged we do tend to get defensive. But come now Elizabeth, “Let us reason together.” I have personally found over the years that when my view of GOD is challenged I just need to dig deep into the WORD and allow HIS Truth to expand my “GOD-box”. Your article attempted to demean, Foerster and others, and this kind of reporting in my opinion clearly displays to the world our immaturity and gives them another nail to drive into the coffin labeled “Christians Make Dumb Scientists”.

There is much about the ancient world that we don’t know. The Bible is clear, to me at least, that there are many vague topics regarding the anti-antediluvian world. The Bible is also vague on many future events as well. JESUS in Matthew 24 and again in Revelation indicates that somehow the ancient reasons for the flood will be linked with End Time events. So since people like JESUS, Jude, Peter, James, Paul, Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah, as well as Moses in the Genesis account elude to this ‘nothing is new under the sun technologies’ then perhaps we should not so readily dismiss evidence from around the world that doesn’t fit our particular viewpoint. The issue in my mind is not ORIGINS as I think you may have misunderstood BUT a messing with the ORIGINS after the Creation. Today, you don’t have to dig too far to find that trans-humanism is a reality and that once again plants, animals, and humans are being genetically altered just like in Genesis 6.

Now, Elizabeth, if you have read this far, let me state that I fully agree with your concluding statements, at least these:

  • GOD created it all in six literal yom/day/24 hour period (albeit the hour then might have been faster then now)
  • GOD created 2 people (Adam & Eve) in HIS likeness and from them the human race came forth
  • GOD did NOT use ape’s or another animal to evolve humans
  • GOD did create everything in THIER own KINDS, BUT keep in mind that Satan aka Lucifer can’t create and can only change/alter GOD’s creation. This fallen angel and/or his minions could have possibly messed with not only the human DNA/gene pool but the animal and plant kingdom as well hence the need for the cleansing of the flood to slow the plans of the enemy down. But again for many, they don’t want to ‘go there’, perhaps because their devil-sized box has to grow and maybe even become as big as their GOD-sized box, as was in my case.
  • GOD through Noah’s offspring birth the human race once again. GOD destroyed all life (plants, animals, and humans) for a specific reason and it seems clear that there was a bigger reason than just man’s fallen nature which has been with us since the days of the Garden.

It seems clear to most researchers that the Genesis 6 paradigm is the key to understanding future events and thus many researchers are trying to dialog earnestly and maturely about these matters. The Bible indicates that this high-strangeness picked back up with nimrod leading to the Tower of Babel incident. Then again we see strange people groups in the Promised Land that Joshua and company were told by GOD to annihilate all men, women, children, and animals. Isn’t that a strong command from such a loving GOD, unless of course these people-groups were once again genetically messed with? Isn’t it therefore possible that perhaps some of these groups escaped and settled in various parts of the world? Isn’t it possible that perhaps the elongated sculls that have not been cradle head-boarded could be what Foerster is finding in Peru? These are intriguing questions, are they not Elizabeth?

Perhaps your final paragraph has a possible clue as to why you took such a harsh slant in your article…

We at Answers in Genesis have received a number of questions about Foerster’s claims. Christians seeking to answer their friends’ questions need to be aware not only of the historical facts and fallacies about these finds but also to have the biblical understanding that should force all biblically compromised positions about human origins into the trash heap.”

Elizabeth, we don’t know all the historical FACTS, thanks to organizations like the Smithsonian, who are famous for obfuscating evidence and shoving their worldview into the minds of millions have in my mind clearly hidden historical facts from the public – from the very people that OWN the relics that are found on our soil! Therefore, since we don’t know all the facts of the ancient world both pre and post flood, then how can we conclusively state something is a fallacy especially with the evidence from skeletal remains, oral tradition, and old newspaper clippings?

I don’t see your final sentence as being the only conclusion and I suggest that a more logical conclusion that does NOT violate the precepts of the Bible be explored. For indeed Elizabeth, the truth will be self-evident, perhaps in the very near future. Maybe that is why GOD is allowing all of this to come into the limelight? You and I are here for ‘such a time as this’, are we not?

I must admit I wasn’t willing to deal with topics like this until I had prayed for many decades this prayer, “LORD, I’m willing to give up ALL that I believe for what I can become in CHRIST JESUS.” And GOD brought me out of Mormanism. And in the last 4 years I’ve prayed this prayer, “LORD, teach me all YOU want me to know for these end times, so I can lead my family.”

I would like to dialog with you further should you so choose.

LORD Bless you!

Kerry Lord

Blue Hill, Maine 04614

L. A. Marzulli’s Speaking Engagements!

New Years Eve!December 31 - Calvary Chapel Oceanside - Southern Cal.

Watcher’s 7!  Screening in Southern California - Saturday – Feb. 1st. 7:30 pm – Just Cause Motion Capture Stage – 4130 Del Rey Ave. Marina Del Rey!–done

February 21-22 - Decoding the End Times Bible Conference!–done

March 28-30: Prophecy In the News! Orlando and upcoming

April 5 & 6 - Dominion Christian Center.

April 25 -27: Behold the Days are Coming Conference 

May 5-15: Peru tour with L. A. Marzulli & Brein Foerster – There are still openings left!

June 13-14: Nephilim Mounds II – Details pending.

June 28-29: Slaton Texas – Details coming soon!

October 3-4: Paradigm Symposium

October: Tri-state Propehcy Conference – details coming soon

October 24-25: Strategic Trends with Chuck Missler –  Details coming soon

November – OK City conference – details coming soon. 

To book L. A. Marzulli please email him at [email protected]

L. A. Marzulli shares the platform with a variety of speakers with many different world views.  Marzulli does not endorse anyones world view unless specifically noted.

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