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The Alien Feline Cat People From Avyon... Meow! Got Cat Nip?

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The Felines are one of the two primary races in our universe. They arrived here by invitation of the Founders. Having successfully completed their Universal Game and completing their universe, a group of 45 Felines volunteered to come to this universe to help setup and oversee the same game here.
The Felines are a bipedal race that stand 12 to 16 feet tall. Their skin is covered by a sort of soft fuzz, and though they don’t have fur, they do have manes and both the males and females have long hair.
Their eye color ranges from blue to gold and can change from blue to gold as they mature. They also turn from a golden brown color to white.
The overall Feline temperament is warm, sanguine and intellectual. As they mature they take on more of a somber, introspective and gentle nature. The elders are revered for the wisdom, compassion and insight.
As a race they are extremely close and have a great sense of fair play. The females are revered and honored in equal status with the males. And true to the feline way, they are all very curious and inquisitive.
As part of the Universal Game, the Founders gave the Felines a new planet in the Lyra Constellation for their home. The Felines named it Avyon. Now this is not the exact pronunciation, nor spelling , but it is close enough. The real name cannot be translated into English.
Avyon was a paradise planet with mountains, lakes, streams and oceans. This blue planet was very much like our present earth in form and variety of vegetation and life forms.
When the Felines arrived, they were in etheric form, and therefore, went through the stage of evolving a physical body in which to reside on the planet. After many millions of years they evolved the lion and other felines and began incarnating into those forms.
As part of the plan, a portion of the original Felines stayed in etheric form to provide guidance to those incarnating. They would be the equivalent of your modern day Christos Beings. Remember, this was a 3D planet and once the etheric felines incarnated they would fall under the veil of amnesia that is part of the workings of a 3D planet of free will.
As time passed, and through countless incarnation cycles, the Felines evolved a line of felines that walked upright and retained the consciousness of their etheric counterparts thanks to the periodic incarnations of some of the etheric Felines, and DNA from a bipedal mammal similar to the Ape, that was evolving on the planet as well.
With the DNA from the ape-like mammal the Felines were able to take on a more human-like body while retaining most of the facial features and other characteristics of the feline. It was from this crossing when it reached a certain stage that the genetic line known as the Royal Line of Avyon, or House of Avyon, came into being.
The etheric Felines would continue to take turns incarnating to provide not only DNA upgrading, but teaching and training in higher dimensional principals lest their planet bound brothers and sisters get stuck in the non-sentient animal incarnation cycle. As you can see, the Felines evolved on Avyon in much the same manner as Humans evolved here on Earth. The only difference is that the Humans did get stuck in the animal cycle. More on that on the Universal History page.
In time the conscious Felines grew large enough in number to take on the responsibilities of planetary guardians of their home world. They continued to evolve and eventually developed the technology for space travel and then warp technology. Their etheric brothers and sisters continued to act as their guides.
Many among them became geneticists (a Feline specialty) and began helping to develop life forms of various kinds for planets and stars in the universe. Some among them became great space explorers and scientists of various kinds.
It was during this stage in their development that the Felines would turn their attention to that bipedal mammal they owed so much to, and begin a program of genetic crossing and upgrading that would give them a soul and, in the process create a new species that would become known as the Humans.
After numerous crossings and genetic upgrades, the Adamic Human was made. There were two strains, the redheaded strain being the more outgoing and energetic, and the platinum blonde strain being the more gentle-natured and introspective.
After many thousands of years of continued careful crossing breeding, the Feline/Human hybrids began to be more common in the royal line of the Felines, The House of Avyon, than the purebred Felines were. Yet, this was the plan.
In time the purebred Felines would become the ancient ancestors of the Humans with only their genetic traits as a reminder of the connection between them. And though the genetic relationship between the Felines and Humans has been forgotten by modern man, the Felines remain in our consciousness as a regal creature, worthy of our respect and love.
The Felines remain the loving and supportive guardians of their genetic offspring, the Humans. They have continued in this role through time and all dimensions of the Universal Game.

Source: Indigo Jack

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    Total 7 comments
    • jknbt

      all very interesting. Felines are just one of the 52 races that incarnate as humans. Most humans are reptilian of some sort. The world should be called “Planet Reptile” because there are reptiles everywhere. The second largest percentage race are the insect people. There are five main races that incarnate as humans.
      Humans bodies are descended from smart tree rats -> prosimians -> african lemurs -> apes -> bonobo chimps -> original humans -> modern humans (since 40,000 years ago).
      Adam & Eve were created about 14,000 years ago in the middle east. Read all about it in Genesis. Their blood line eventually led to Mary and then Jesus. Joseph was his adoptive father, not his natural father. The devil tried to corrupt this blood line with snake/reptile dna. Read about that in Gen. 6. That is why God sent the flood–to wipe out the giants and those with corrupted dna. The purpose was to protect the blood line leading to Jesus.

    • Beforeitscrap

      Im sure the felines are thrilled that humans take their (quote, unquote) ancestor dependents as pets and in many other cases put them in zoo’s or hunt them to near extinction for fun and game. Yea… sounds legit. :roll:

    • lunchbuddy

      Cats from space indeed but you forget all about some of the most advanced souls that have decided to enter this dimension of test and trial. The Creator gave the Racoons the planet Frikumahahc. That again is not the right spelling or even the right pronounciation as these etheral beings do not communicate in the audible and the throats and mouths of the form they culitvate on the planet can not form the same sounds as a human throat can. The name conveys more the desire of these beings to enact certain actions on the universe they are now emerging into, the intent being to ‘frik’ which means to to take, cleanse and then imbibe of the ‘mahahc’, the all-that-is universal tao. Racoons are very curious beings but prefer to operate from out of sight, their brave and noble scouts who have volunteered to enter this world are actively engaged in exploring our world as I am typing this.

      Sadly however Racoons and Felines have been at odds with each other over all of existance. In the past wars have been thought over resources and both sides are restrained only by an uneasy truce when they happen upon each other from time to time. Sometimes an encounter will end in moderate violence that is sadly more often initiated by the territorial feline than the racoon. The Council has therefore ordered all Racoons and Felines to either avoid the presence of each other if both parties did not agree to the Accords as set forth in the Galactic Codex though encouragingly there have been plenty of joint cooperative endeavors in the recent past as well. This is do to the intervention and arbitration of the Bears, yet another species from the indigenous to the Vega star system.

      Bears, Racoons and Felines usually do not get along at close quarters but if they are all given enough space, they can all happily share in our plentiful trash cans and enjoy the left-overs of the meals of Earth’s most primitve species. There is however one thing they can all agree on: They DO NOT like the beings that come to us from Canus Major. These creatures have a propensity to side with and vastly prefer the company of the most primitive inhabitants of Earth and that relationship is mutual.

      Thank you for letting me educate you on the other galactic races and know that I AM A REPTILIAN, an ALPHA-LIZARD and DAMM PROUD OF IT .. .sssssssssssssssssssss :-)

      • jknbt

        yep, you are definitely a reptilian, no doubt from planet Arse Hole….

    • eatmorevegetables

      Is this about characters in a fantasy game or supposed to be taken seriously? I honestly can’t tell…

      • jknbt

        I was serious. no kidding….

    • Vril-ya

      Thes “cat” people did not create humans. The Anunnaki did, and they looked nothing like puss puss.

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