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Publisher’s Note: I received a short article from John Ventre regarding his claim that Malaysia Flight 370 may have been taken by extraterrestrials. He sent out a short article to many UFO websites entitled:Malaysia Flight 370 Solved John is the PA State Director of MUFON and appears in the History Channels H2 series, Hangar 1: the UFO Files. I do not believe this may be the most compelling cause of the disappearance. Let me know what you think? Dirk
Although authorities are baffled, the fact is that large aircraft cannot just disappear; or can they? Between black boxes, transponders, radar, debris fields, explosion and missile strike signatures, evidence is always left behind. The one explanation that hasn’t been mentioned by mainstream media is that the plane and its passengers were abducted by Extraterrestrials. This truth has a long history:
1. December of 1945, five bombers from Fort Lauderdale took off and disappeared in clear weather. A large Martin Mariner was sent up to find flight 19. They disappeared also. Six planes and twenty seven crew “vanished”.
2. In 1953 General Benjamin Chidlaw said, “We have stacks of flying saucer reports. We take them very seriously when you consider how many men and planes we have lost trying to intercept them”.
3. On November 23 1953, an F-89C Scorpion jet was scrambled from Kinross AFB to intercept a UFO. On radar, the 2 merge and the jet and its 4 member crew vanish.
The US military monitors everything using sonar, radar and satellites. I’m certain our satellites observed what really happened but that’s a truth that can’t be revealed.
John Ventre is the Pa State Dir of MUFON and appears in the History Channels H2 series, Hangar 1: the UFO Files.


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    Total 3 comments
    • christina

      There is no need for argument here. There is no such thing as extraterrestrials. Don’t let them deceive you.
      They are galactic losers known as demons taking the shape of what they choose, and now they choose to present themselves as space aliens.
      They are inter-dimensional demonic spirits desperately trying to interface and ultimately manifest themselves into our reality.
      This is clearly and intimately detailed in the Book of Enoch, and the Book of Genesis (Chapter 6)

      So where is the argument? There is no argument. If people want to believe in space aliens, then they are self deluding themselves. *shrugs*
      You People need to WAKE UP!

      Aliens are demonic entities which are here to deceive mankind, and thus destroy it.

      It’s all there for everyone to see for themselves:

      Wake up People, the time is getting late.

    • April

      Watch the Flight Tracker of Flt 370 Video> The flight does not descend below 35,000 feet – it vanishes. #MH370
      I’ve watched this flight tracker on a couple of youtube channels. Clearly shows a craft going twice the speed as the others 1000+ Mphs…is this a #UFO? It disappears 3 seconds before MH370 Take a look

    • solarstone3

      i agree christina i think the truth is far more disturbing than we think , these beings take people , some good books to read are ” MISSING 411 by david paulides you can go on youtube to listen too his coast to coast am interviews,,, remember what it says in the psalms ” BE GRATEFUL FOR THE COVENANT FOR THE DARK PLACES OF THE EARTH ARE FULL OF PLACES OF PUNISHMENT

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