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By Jeffery Pritchett
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1995 Wave of Chupacabra Encounters in Puerto Rico

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One of the best documented cases from the original 1995 wave of Chupacabra encounters in Puerto Rico, below is the witness’ original drawing of the creature:
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Location. Campo Rico, Puerto Rico
Date: 2nd week of August 1995 Time: 1600
Madeline Tolentino was at her home with her mother when she noticed someone had driven up in front and so she went to the window to see who it was. She saw a neighbor …standing by the passenger side of his car speaking to a woman inside. Suddenly the man stiffened a startled look on his face as he started backing away from something. Madeline then saw he was staring at a creature, which was walking down the sidewalk towards him. The creature stopped right in front of her window, its progress blocked by the man’s car, which was parked on the sidewalk. The creature was no more than 6 feet away. It was described as 3 to 4 feet tall, covered in a coarse dark brown-black hair, wearing no clothing. She did not notice genitalia. Its arms, which it kept pulled up close to its body, were long and thin, ending in three long claws. It had what appeared to be a long comb of feathers or spikes down its back. It also had several bare circular patches on its skin, which were purple in color and looked as if they were burn marks. Its jaw was prominent; it had a slit for a mouth and two holes for a nose, small ears, and large slanted eyes, which were gray in color, lacking the whites. The eyes were moist or gelatin like. When it moved its head, it seemed to be in slow jerky mechanical motions. The upper body was thin and its lower body was thick and strong. The startled neighbor jumped into his car and took off in a panic. Madeline then screamed for her mother. The creature then ran across the street, its feet moving so fast that it appeared they did not touch the ground. It then headed to a nearby small field of grass. Madeline’s mother, Isabel Maldonado, and a mechanic from a nearby shop followed the creature to the field. They could see that the spikes on its back resembled those of a prehistoric lizard, and when it opened its mouth it hand four fangs. The mechanic lunged at the creature in an attempt to capture it (!). But the creature bolted and when it reached a 6-foot fence, it jumped over like a kangaroo and scurried away.


HC addition # 2806
Source: Chat Deetken, Jorge Martin Type: E

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