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Reborn X

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The vigilant sky watchers that have been telling us that Planet X is coming may not have to tell us any more that it is coming – and critics no longer can say that it is some conspiracy fantasy. While various military groups and specialist have been searching for a missing commercial jet liner in the south Pacific, those searching for Planet X received some hope in an announcement that there may be a reason to reconsider the notion that the planet is out there.

NASA and other scientists have not gone on the record as saying that the planet is the fabled Nibiru but a dwarf planet has been discovered lurking out in space orbiting the sun in a distant, largely unexplored region known as the inner Oort cloud.

The important thing to note is that the orbit of the newfound object, known as 2012 VP113, and some of its neighbors are consistent with the existence of the so-called planet that has been called Nibiru – a planet not far from the sun, yet so distant that perhaps it cannot be detected with current instruments.

Now this announcement is quite interesting because I am beginning to see a a bit of déjà vu. Back in 1983, there was an announcement about another possible ‘X planet’ that was timed directly with the announcement by a president that an “alien threat” would unite us if it was discovered that a planet in space was found that had intelligent life living on it.

As far back as 1983 we were warned that something was coming at us. There were a few amateur astronomers that were writing in magazines like Fate that a planet had been detected near the sun.

However, the majority of scientists and astronomers were speaking of a rogue planet coming to us from the constellation of Orion.

I found the following from a Washington Post article, ‘Possibly as Large as Jupiter; Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered,’ dated December 31, 1983:

A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.

So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby “protostar” that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.

The truth is stranger than fiction as this report was not on the Internet and was actually reported in hard copy to let the world know that someday we would be seeing this planet—or the arrival of the huge celestial body very soon.

This planet was known as Planet X.

The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so cold it casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant gaseous planet as large as Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50 trillion miles. While that may seem like a great distance in earthbound terms, it is a stone’s throw in cosmological terms, so close in fact that it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto.

No one spoke of it since — the idea has now long been forgotten except there has always been and always will be the reports of what are called hypothetical planets.

Recently I was reading an article on “The Daily Grail” that stated:

Astronomers have extended the range of our Solar System with the discovery of a new ‘dwarf planet’ orbiting our Sun. The planet, currently technically labeled ’2012 VP113′, has an elliptical orbit that brings it to within 80AU of the Sun (an ‘AU’ is the unit of distance from the Sun to Earth) at perihelion (closest point in its orbit to the Sun) – some three times the distance from the Sun to Neptune – while it gets as far as 450AU away at the other end of its orbit. The object is not unique: astronomers have previously discovered another similar dwarf planet, named ‘Sedna‘. Indeed, the new discovery, by astronomers Scott Sheppard and Chad Trujillo, hints that there are a multitude of dwarf planets orbiting the Sun in a location known as the ‘inner Oort cloud‘.

An intriguing coincidence is that the current positions of both Sedna and 2012 VP113 – which are also near both their perihelions – are very similar, leading to some speculation of an unknown, massive body orbiting our Sun well beyond our current sensing abilities – a ‘Planet X’

Now here is where the coincidence begins:

Last night I discussed Bill Clinton’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel where he basically said that he wouldn’t be surprised if aliens were to make themselves known soon. He also echoed the words of Ronald Reagan saying that our differences on the planet would disappear if we found that there was an alien threat similar to what was seen in the movie ‘Independence Day’.

Well, back in 1983 when it was first released to the mainstream that Planet X could be a reality, Ronald Reagan was in the White House and he received a remarkable inspiration one year earlier.

The story goes like this:

On June 27, 1982, a year after Reagan entered the White House, Ronald Reagan made one of his most famous alien remarks when he hosted Steven Spielberg in the White House. Spielberg was at the White House to present a private screening of his soon to be released movie called “ET: The Extraterrestrial.”

Along with the Reagans and Spielberg, 35 people were invited to the special screening. Included in the list of distinguished guests was Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. The event started with a reception in the Blue Room where the Reagans met with the invited guests. From there the group moved to the Red Room where the Presidential party had dinner. At 8:22 p.m., in the White House Theater the movie E.T. began.

The movie was one that moved the Reagans. “Nancy Reagan was crying towards the end, Spielberg recalled, “and the President looked like a ten-year-old-kid.”

Following the screening the President leaned over, clapped Spielberg on the shoulder, and quietly commented, “You know, there aren’t six people in this room who know how true this really is.” Unfortunately, the sudden press of people approaching Spielberg and the President, prevented Spielberg from pursuing the strange comment made by Reagan.

Reagan sent a thank you note to Spielberg congratulating him on a great film and, of course, later we heard Reagan’s famous alien threat speech to the United Nations general assembly.

Now, with the new announcement about 2012 VP113, there seems to be a rebirth of sorts to the Planet X discussion. There are still many more coincidences that are accompanying this announcement.

Last February, after hearing about the failed attempts at tracking a potentially extinction level meteor in Russia while – at the same time – tracking an asteroid coming within 17,000 miles of Earth, I was reminded of what most Planet X investigators had told me about the entire affair some fourteen years ago.

They have always stated that one of the chief indicators that something was coming at us would be precursory fireballs and comets that would appear frightfully close to Earth and in some instances we would hear of fireballs hitting the Earth, the moon and quite possibly Mars.

The researchers also theorized that if something huge was heading our way, the Sun would most certainly become responsive and huge CME’s would be the result. The effects on the earth would be seen as biblical catastrophes.

There would be all sorts of tidal waves, volcanic activity and earthquakes that would increase in number and intensity.

Well, the news lately seems to be raising the possibility that something seems to be triggering some remarkable seismic activities.

Now, I am not indicating that a possible Planet X is doing this, just that the tales of what Planet X is capable of seems to be on my mind at this point. We’ve been told that there is no point in looking for the planet and then we are told that there might be a Planet X — and now there are many new blogs and discussions telling us that the so-called hypothetical X is now not so hypothetical.

Again, from Daily Grail:

Over at her Planetary Society blog, Emily Lakdawalla has a more detailed breakdown of the discovery, the coincidences, and what it might mean for the Planet X theory. She notes that for a an object of that size to form (‘accrete’), it needs to be in a circular orbit – so the elliptical orbit of these two dwarf planets suggests that they were ‘scattered’ by something at some point after they formed. But the ‘Planet X’ theory isn’t the only possible explanation – the planets may have been thrown into their current orbits by a star that passed within “several hundred AU of the Sun and disturbed orbits of objects it passed near”, or it may be due to the fact that Earth was born in a star cluster.

Now I must point out however that Emily does have a bias that she fully admits to having and that there are other colleagues that are not so keen on the idea of calling it Planet X:

I have confess to a bias here: I really wanted this coincidence in argument of perihelion to be strong evidence of a planet X. I would love for there to be a planet X. So would Trujillo and Sheppard, evidently, because they spent quite a bit of space showing it could work. And so would Nature, because then the first clear indication of a planet X would be in an article published in their journal. But Hal [planetary scientist Hal Levison] dashed my hopes, or at least my certainty. “It’s a very weak result,” he told me; and indeed the paper spends more column inches on what 2012 VP113 tells us about the inner Oort cloud as a population than it does about this potential “perturber.”

“There may be other explanations for this, rather than the extreme position of, “it’s a planet”; but I can believe there’s something going on”.

Something,” as she calls it, is what threw these planets into their orbits in the first place and could it be that we are still looking beyond the sun for concrete and definite proof that there is a Planet X?

The debate continues and many scientists want to see the discussion go away and have gone to great lengths to debunk the elusive Planet X.

A article ‘Planet X Myth Debunked’ was released almost simultaneously with these findings. Now it is a case of what do you want to believe and who do you want to believe.

According to University of Pennsylvania astronomer Kevin Luhman, who directed the study using NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope much of the Planet X data heretofore spoken of does not add up. Luhman says, “The outer solar system probably does not contain a large gas giant planet (“Planet X”), or a small, companion star (“Nemesis”).

The ‘Planet X Myth Debunked’ article continued:

The results were published in the most recent edition of The Astrophysical Journal.

Most theories had estimated Planet X to be up to four times the size of Jupiter — the biggest planet in our solar system.

They suggested it would be found some 1,486 billion kilometers (923 billion miles) from the sun, or about 10,000 times farther than the Earth’s orbit.

But the images gathered by the telescope did not detect any object larger than Jupiter.

Luhman doesn’t rule out the possibility that a planet is lurking somewhere in the asteroid belt.

It would be hard to find if it were closely aligned with a bright star that blinds the telescope or were much smaller than had been theorized.

Once again, scientists attempt to debunk and yet leave a caveat of “wait and see” or “who knows.”

That’s a problem with science, it can turn around and bite you. It is also frustrating because the public discourse suffers when science refuses to take the fall for any and all erroneous calculations or ‘debunking’ that seem to have an agenda behind them.

Science has somehow convinced us that all they deal in is factual observations. However the scientists that are so called authorities on anything out in space refuse to allow the important process of inquiry – especially when questions are about uncomfortable theories and hypothetical planets that would blow a huge gaping hole in any hypothesis that has been accepted as fact for decades.

Meaningful dialogue and questions should be brought up and if there is reason to think that there may be some truth to the inquiry then perhaps it is important to bring it to the table.

The only problem that seems to be the biggest obstacle is that anymore science needs a political blessing before it decides to reveal anything that may cause the power of the stronghold to slip.

The marriage of science and politics now has created a schism and the other problem that throws itself in the entire mix is religion.

All three are the biggest obstacles to knowledge of all things that may change the way we see ourselves in the universe.

When research results do not support a prevailing political scientific or religious view – there is the temptation to silence the conclusions. Then these conclusions wind up in the margins of what can be called fringe or pseudo science.

Uncertainty is great playground for unfounded conclusions and theories that can become outrageous myths clouding the truths that should have been documented and explored in the first place.

Opponents to anything that points to new and remarkable opinions about our origins or our place in the solar system can portray those with compelling arguments as opportunists that have abandoned all rationality.

Uncertainty should be an argument for more exploration.

Until the powers that govern science, politics and religion open their minds to new ideas and possible clues to exogenesis, we will still be looking like shaved apes trying to assess how we lost our tails evolving from some slimy slug that absorbed the ooze that once graced this planet.

It is time to touch the monolith and realize the fascination of how the discussion of Planet X has now been reborn.


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