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Train Crashes Into An Alien Craft In Kentucky

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January 14, 2002    ……     PAINTSVILLE KENTUCKY

Paintsville, Kentucky — At exactly 2:47 a.m. on January 14, 2002, while working a coal train enroute from Russell, Kentucky to Shelbiana, Kentucky, our trailing unit and first two cars were severely damaged as we struck an unknown floating or hovering object. I know it was 2:47 because my watch froze, and to this day shows that time.  Along with my watch the entire electrical systems on both locomotives went haywire. Approaching a bend near milepost 42 in an area referred to as the Wild Kingdom, for the many different types of animals spotted there, my conductor and I saw lights coming from around the way.  This ordinarily means another train is coming and will pass on the other track. The outlay of the area is this, the river, #1 track, #2 tracks and a straight up mountainside, carved out for the laying of these tracks. I killed our lights as not to blind the oncoming crew.  As we rounded the corner our onboard computer began to flash in and out, speed recorder went nuts, and both locomotives died. Alarm bells began to ring and that’s when we saw the objects. Apparently scanning the river for something. At least three objects had several “search” lights trained there, the first object hovered about 10 to 12 feet above the track.  It was metallic silver in color with multiple colored lights near the bottom and in the middle. There were no windows or openings of any kind that we could see. It was 18 to 20 feet in length and probably ten feet high.  With both engines dead as we rounded the corner we made little noise and the first object did not respond in time, I estimate that we hit the object at 30 mph with 16,000 trailing tons behind us. It clipped the top of our lead unit then skipped back slicing a chunk out of our trailing unit and first two coal cars. The other objects vanished.   Our emergency brakes had initiated due to the loss of power and we stopped approximately a mile and a half to two miles after impact. Our power restored after we were stopped and we notified our dispatcher, located in Jacksonville, Florida of what had happened. We were told to inspect the cars to see if they’d hold the rail and try to limp into milepost cmg 60 which used to be the Paintsville yard which is no longer in full operation. We checked everything out and the cab of the rear locomotive was demolished and smoking, the second two cars looked as if they had been hit with a giant hammer, but looked like they’d hold the rail.  We pulled into Paintsville yard at approximately 5:15 am. The huge overhead lights lining the yard were noticeably dark and the only lights came from what we assumed were railroad officials vehicles parked near the end of the track. We pulled to a stop and began unloading our grips off the wounded train. We could hear what sounded like an army of workers immediately tending to our train.


 Vehicle doors slamming, guys running by in weird outfits and lights glaring from all directions, the one thing missing was railroad officials.  A guy named Ferguson shook my hand and asked me to follow him into the old yard office. We did, once inside they, and by they I mean I have no idea who these people were, began to ask us hundreds of questions, they then told us for our own protection we’d be medically tested before we could leave.  I asked repeatedly to talk to my road foreman or trainmaster and not only were these requests denied but they confiscated my conductor’s cellular phone.  Hours later we were led outside the old yard office and the strange things continued to happen, the 2 locomotives and two cars were removed from the rest of the train we had brought in and my only guess was parked 4 tracks over under a huge tent like structure buzzing with activity.  We were led off the property and told, due to national security, our silence on this matter would be appreciated.   We were then put in a railroad vehicle and taken to Martin, Kentucky were we went through questioning again with railroad officials and were then drug tested. After all of this we were sent on to Shelbiana, where we took rest for 8 hours and worked another train back to Russell. Working back we passed by Paintsville, no sign of the engines, cars, tent, people, nothing. Thanks to Peter Davenport






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    Total 13 comments
    • FatBoyMe

      Great article.

      • Gil Carlson

        UFO sightings are very fascinating for all us, including you!

        By the way, if UFOs were just something imagined by crazy folks, why would the government be so anxious to recover a piece of something that doesn’t exist, unless they have more information that they exist then we do?

        And I did see some strange craft. I was 18 and in the Army stationed at Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas. This was in 1963 and right before President Kennedy was assassinated. (Not that it has any connection)

        We were all standing in the field waiting for someone to tell us what to do, when we all noticed a UFO above us, not close enough to see a lot of details, but it was cigar shaped and had different colored lights that were circling it. Either flashing one after the other or it was rotating.

        (I wonder if certain saucer shaped UFOs when tilted, give the cigar shaped appearance.)

        Anyway, it was huge, like a blimp, but I don’t think it could have been a blimp and I’m pretty sure this wasn’t anything the military had then. It just stayed up there for a long time without any movement. We finally got tired of looking at it. The next day there was a story about the UFO in the San Antonio paper.

        Now this UFO was close enough that you could easily tell that it was some kind of flying craft, not some strange looking cloud.

        And that’s the point. Almost all UFO photos are very frustrating to look at try to figure out what’s going with some little dot off in the clouds somewhere.

        And of course there are those UFO photos that look like someone walked up to it sitting on their front lawn and snapped a nice clear shot and all the details are visible… but it looks to real and looks just like a toy, remember, whoever built these things has superior engineering skills and they are designed to move at incredible speeds.

        That means you aren’t going to see panels riveted together or little parts sticking out that would mess up the wind drag at thousands of MPH. And of course they aren’t going to have visible doors or other openings.

        All that said, the only kind of UFO photos that are worth studying, are those that are fairly close-up and are not blurry.

        OK, you ask, where are you going to find those? I thought you would never ask!

        Here’s a link to several great UFO shots, clear enough to that something is going on. Now you tell me what you think they are, I’m interested in your comments.

        UFO photos:

    • Supafuzz

      I live about 45 mins from where it happened. Was definitely some weird stuff happened there.

      • rankingdread

        ‘was definitely some weird stuff happened there’. Such as, like what, care to elaborate, only 45 mins away but decided to stay in watch crap tv, something weird happened just thought I’d post that say nothing else etc etc etc zzzzzzzzzzz

        • Neanderthal

          It was Lucifer LOL.

    • WarAngel77711

      Pic proof? FROM YOU??? Pretty please with crazy cherries?

    • bicycledays

      Fascinating read. Thank you for having the courage to post this story.

    • Gil Carlson

      Amazing article! How much more of this kind of stuff is going on that we never hear about? Could this UFO that crashed into the train be alien or possibly ours?

      You would think that if it was flown by aliens they would be better at flying than that.

      UFO up on the lube rack at Area 51: Is it ours being built or theirs that we are studying? What’s your guess?

    • Central Scrutinizer

      yawn. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

      • zamolxis

        From the same Web site:


        I personally witnessed hundreds of UFOs, getting some on video, some on camera…
        A couple of years ago my computers were ALL hacked and “somebody” stole almost all of my vids and shots of UFOs.
        I’ve managed to keep a few on some CDs and now I keep them safe…
        I am not saying that there are no aliens or UFOs, what I’m upset about is the fact that “some” make a mockery out of this very serious subject.
        Shame on all those individuals posting fake info!!!

        Just an opinion…


        • COCONUT

          “A UFO/USO sighting is a very personal and intense experience that must be considered
          (and respected) by others as having been real…”
          My thoughts on it for having witnessed many times over.

    • craig

      great story. Sounds really true, unlike some other stories on here.

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