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Cloud Formations Might Be A Way UFO Intelligence Communicates With Us

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Cloud formations might be a way UFO intelligence communicates with us.
Joseph Burkes MD 2014


One sunny afternoon in August of 2009 I was driving south through the spectacular Sonoma County wine country on Highway 101. The four-lane roadway was practically empty. There was not a cloud in the sky. I was moving in the kind of “hypnotic state” that long car trips can bring on.


Not surprising given what was about to ensue, I was driving to what I imagined was an important UFO meeting. It was to be held at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) located near Petaluma California. IONS was co-founded in 1973 by former astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, one of six men who walked on the moon.


Noetics is the branch of philosophy that explores human consciousness. Thus my destination seemed to be part of a “message” that I was about to receive from an unseen, non-human intelligence.


The temperature outside my car was over ninety. With the windows rolled up and the AC on, I was in a kind of bubble flying down the highway. Perhaps the monotonous drone of the engine and the bright sunlight reflecting off the glistening grape vines brought me to a timeless moment without thought. It is an altered state of consciousness that I believe can serve as a kind of “meditation equivalent” and facilitates contact with UFO intelligence.


As the car rolled around a hillside I saw two small rectangular shaped clouds in the sky. They were directly in front of me. This strange visual display was located at about thirty degrees up from a horizon that was formed by rolling hills covered with purple fruit.


The two rectangular clouds were lying lengthwise, floated motionlessly, and were so close that one sharp right angle corner of one cloud was touching the other. This weird configuration of two “cloud rectangles” covered only a small section of the sky. I estimated this distance to be about two palms’ width when the arms were fully extended.


They looked like a pair of children’s toy blocks painted white and displayed lengthwise. The road, straight as an arrow, was heading directly under the weird formation.


I am aware of the unusual ways in which UFO Intelligence can mentally interact with the consciousness of recurrent UFO experiencers. Not taking myself very seriously, I “sent out to the universe” the thought message,


“OK whoever you are, you’ve got my attention now. Yeah I can see the funny looking clouds right in front of me.”


And then I added, “But if you really want to get my attention show me a flying disc.”


My car picked up speed as I went downhill. I gazed at the beautiful scenery moving by. For a minute or two I lost sight of the white rectangular clouds that were the only clouds visible in the broad expense of sky.


When I looked up to my chagrin, those strange clouds had merged to create an image of a flying disc. It was pointing upwards to the right as if it were taking off. The left side of the disc looked as if a small piece of white cloud had been broken off and had formed tiny tufts of white in a straight line that trailed out from the back of the “saucer.” It was as if a child had drawn a saucer in take off mode with puffs of white cloud forming the “exhaust” trail.


Could it be merely a coincidence that the clouds formed a disc shape just after my unusual request? Perhaps my interpretation that this represents genuine communication is just another case of contactee wishful thinking. There is of course no way I can prove this is another example of the consciousness connection that in my judgment is central to the UFO contact experience.


My impression that this strange cloud formation represented a kind of communication with UFO intelligence filled me with both excitement and disappointment. Excitement in that I hungered for contact and the anomalous clouds seemed to confirm a mental link with what I believe is an unseen intelligence associated with flying saucers. I was disappointed because after nearly twenty years of contact work, in what I imagined was a grand crusade promoting “interspecies’ communication,” I was left with such equivocal results. Was this experience evidence of a consciousness link or simply a silly mind game?


After all my efforts, writing scores of articles, conducting dozens of fieldwork sessions, and many public lectures about what I call the “Contact Underground,” all that I had earned was the “privilege” of viewing a fleeting image in the sky that looked like a child’s drawing of a flying saucer.


UFO intelligence in my judgment has an extraordinary psi capability that allows it to communicate with humans in a multitude of unconventional ways most importantly via consciousness. They offer experiencers opportunities to test the mental connection in ways that are often highly ambiguous and sometimes quite playful. This unseen intelligence repeatedly challenges us to distinguish wishful thinking from genuine interaction.


This high strangeness event reinforced the notion that perhaps UFO intelligence isn’t here to “visit” our planet, but rather is to interact with and transform human consciousness.


For the time being cloud formations that seem to communicate a message are relatively rare and restricted to a select group of UFO aficionados. I sometimes wonder what might be the reaction of the Earth’s peoples if this phenomenon became increasingly common. What a creative and relatively non-threatening way this could be to alert us to their presence.


What might be the reaction of the establishment to such a radical occurrence of meaningful cloud formations appearing in the sky all over the planet? Would the control groups who imagine that their job is to keep a lid on the situation hire an army of ultra-light pilots to hoax “cloud formations?” Something similar was rumored to have occurred in the crop circle region of England where contests occur to decide who can “hoax” the best crop circle.


At this time hoaxing cloud formations might be a technologically challenging and expensive way of preventing “the natives from becoming restless.” Perhaps UFO intelligence is waiting for such human capabilities to arise before employing clouds to communicate their presence. In that way our “masters” will not be excessively alarmed and the contact drama will continue to unfold in its usual fashion of high strangeness mixed with a heavy dose of vexing ambiguity. Till then I suppose we will simply have to wait and keep watching the skies.

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