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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Encounters with Indrid Cold From The Mothman Prophecies

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Location. Cedar Grove West Virginia
Date: November 2 1966 Time: evening
Woodrow Derenberger was driving his panel truck home in Mineral Wells West Virginia and was rearing the state Route 47 exit when he noticed a metallic gray object resting on the highway in front of him. He later described it as being somewhat similar to “the shape of a gl…ass chimney of an old fashioned kerosene lamp lying on its side with a dome-like top.” One peculiar aspect of the craft was that it did not touch the ground, but floated eight to ten inches above the road. Derenberger claimed that a tall man climbed out of the hovering craft and started walking toward his truck. As the stranger approached, the alien craft immediately climbed into the air to a height of approximately 50 feet. The man appeared to be between 35 and 40 years old. He was fairly tall, and looked as if he weighed about 185 pounds. He had a dark complexion and dark brown hair that was combed straight back. His dark and shimmering clothing was covered partially by some sort of overcoat. The stranger reassured Derenberger that he would not be harmed and not to be frightened—but oddly, his lips were not moving at all. The peculiar looking man was apparently communicating telepathically. (Although this is rather common in contemporary Contactee accounts, a statement such as this was not usually associated with UFO cases of the time.) After introducing himself as “Indrid Cold,” the visitor said that he was from “a country less powerful” than the United States. Cold held a lengthy conversation with Derenberger, discussing topics such as politics, West Virginia climate, and family ties. All the while the visitor flashed a beaming smile, keeping his arms crossed with his hands under his armpits. This was a bit distracting at first, but no more so than conducting a conversation with somebody who did not move his lips when he spoke. At the end of the conversation, Cold told Derenberger that “at a correct and proper time, all of this would be revealed.” The visitor then turned away from the truck and walked back to the craft, which by this time had once again settled to its former position. Derenberger claimed that he saw the arm of an unseen second occupant appear from the doorway of the craft to help Cold in. The object then flew away at an incredible rate of speed. As soon as the UFO was out of sight Derenberger started his vehicle and traveled—also at a fabulous rate of speed—directly home. After calming down and explaining his unbelievable experience to his wife and children, Derenberger called the authorities and the local media. Derenberger pointed out that Indrid Cold repeated to following sentence to him several times, “We eat, breathe, and sleep, and bleed even as you do” “We wish you no harm. We wish you nothing but happiness.”


Humcat 1966-51
Source: Kevin D. Dee for Nicap Type: B
and the not too well known encounter after with identical being and craft:


Location. Near Parkersburg West Virginia
Date: November 2 1966 Time: night
Two men traveling by car on highway 77 watched an elongated object descend from the sky directly in front of their vehicle. They stopped the car and saw a man emerged from the object and walk over to them. The man was human looking and was grinning broadly. He was wearing a black coat and kept his arms folded out of sight under his armpits. The black-garbed stranger asked them several pointless questions before returning to the dark cylinder shaped craft, which quickly rose and disappeared into the sky. This incident occurred on the same night as the Woodrow Derenberger contact-landing case in the same general area.


HC addition # 1397
Source: John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

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