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Enter the Strong Man?

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Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli

These two posts, below the headline in red, were written several years ago.  As many of you who follow this blog know, I have been predicting the fall of the Malaki government and the rise of the Strongman.  The question I would pose is this…. Is this the time when we will see Iraq embrace the Strongman, who I believe may be the King of Jordan?  Iraq seems to be a tipping point….

Iraq crisis: Baghdad prepares for the worst as Islamist militants vow to capture the city

Dozens die as 14 bombs explode across Baghdad

BAGHDAD — A wave of bombings ripped across Baghdad on Thursday morning, killing at least 60 people and injuring more than 150 in the worst violence Iraq has seen for months.

Dozens die as 14 bombs explode across Baghdad – World news – Mideast/N. Africa – Conflict in Iraq –

The beginning of what I believe may be the third leg of the Luciferian Dialectic, has begun as this wave of violence that has claimed the lives of more than 150 people is a harbinger of the sectarian violence – think Shia against Sunni Moslem – that will shatter the fragile peace in Iraq.  I have been harping on this for months now and as the headline plainly states above, 14 bombs were exploded in Baghdad.  So much for tourism there.  You may also recall that only a few weeks ago I posted a picture of Iraqi’s burning American and Israeli flags.  Ron Paul is correct when he states that many people in the Middle East hate us as we have invaded their country. According to Judge Andrew Napolitano, the United States has 900 military bases world-wide.  That is what I would consider an hegemony.  Can you imagine what we would hear if Russia had those bases instead of us?

While we are being told that our troops are out of Iraq, Dr. Stan Monteith of Radio Liberty assured his listeners, on his show that I was a guest on last night and will return at 3 pm today,  that there are still 17,000 US troops stationed in Iraq.  I also added that according to some INTEL sources some of those troops have been moved to the Syrian/Jordanian border.  The Malaki government is enervated, the police impotent, the Iraqi people war-weary and with 14 bombs exploding in the capital it is graphic evidence that Iraq is a quagmire.  This calls for the Strongman.

I have talked about the Coming of the Strongman for years and how it will play into Biblical end-times prophecy.  The short of it is this.  Iraq will embrace a man who can bring law and order and a semblance of stability to that country.  This man will be heralded as the greatest peace-maker in the history of the world.  Here’s the post that I wrote several weeks ago that details what I believe is the Coming of the Strongman….

12/15/2011 (I will discuss this at length with Dr. Stan today @ 3pm (PST)

Today marks the official end of the Iraq war and the withdrawal of our troops.   What should be asked, is why now with the entire region in the throes of the Arab Spring?  Why now when the area is more unstable than ever?  Why now, when the sectarian violence continues to plague the country?  Why now with Iran licking its chops and looking toward its weakened neighbor?  Why now, with all Arab nations eyeing Israel and Egyptians In Tahrir square chanting, to Jerusalem we go Martyrs in the millions!

We might never know the official body count of Iraqi dead, but we lost American blood and treasure in what I believe was a war that never should have been fought in the first place.  I understand all to well, that Saddam, and his crazy sons were madmen and the world is better off without them.  But I posit the question, what have we gained by spending billions of tax payers dollars?   What have we accomplished over there?

I have posted before that I believe we are in the midst of  Luciferain Dialectic.  The conflict is 911, the counter-conflict is the Afghan war followed by our Iraqi invasion.  Now we are about to see the closing of the third leg of the dialectic,  that of synthesis.  In my opinion we should keep an eye on the Hashemite King of Jordan.  As I posted earlier this week, allegedly our troops are based along the Jordanian/Syrian border.  Why now?

The Malaki government is enervated at best and when US forces leave, watch the escalation of violence as the feud between Shia and Sunni Moslem explodes.  With Iran pressing the eastern border and the independent Kurds in the North, Iraq will implode.   Most of the Arab nations along with HAMAS, Hezbollah and Syria, are calling for a war against Israel, and at some point they will pull the trigger.

In Closing todays post:  The stage is now set in Iraq for the entrance of the STRONGMAN.  One who will take the reins of power in Iraq and also carve out a “lasting peace” between the Palestinians – an invented people by the way – and Israel.  I realize it sounds far-fetched but so did war games in the Straights of Hormuz… right?  Now the Iranians are conducting war games for just such a scenario.   We will have to see how all of this plays out, but I believe our leaving the country is the last move of the Luciferian Dialectic and sets the stage for the entrance of the Strongman!

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

Baghdad under al Qaeda assault

The Iraqi capital was rocked late Tuesday, Nov. 2 by the most ferocious assault al Qaeda has ever carried out on a capital city. By evening, it had spread to Baghdad’s environs after the death toll had climbed past 120 with more than 300 injured from 19 bomb car explosions in a dozen Shiite suburbs. Rapid fire explosions, involving booby-trapped cars, roadside bombs, mortar strikes leave 200 wounded in mostly Shiite neighborhoods.

It has been seven years since the US and coalition forces went into Baghdad. Thousands of lives were lost and the Iraqi people were liberated from the tyrant Saddam Hussein. We were told, several months ago, that the Iraq war was over and that the Iraqi people had won a decisive victory for democracy and freedom in the Middle East. However, it would seem that there is just one little factor that keeps cropping up and blowing – no pun intended – the progress that the Iraqi’s have made, to smithereens, literally.

The recent synchronized bombings that took place in the Iraqi capital says it all. The deep-rooted hatred between Sunni and Shia Muslim, that has been going on ever since the death of Mohammed, continues unabated. This latest attack, in a long line of massacres, should be a warning that the political landscape, in Iraq, is as tenuous as ever. What are the Iraqi’s to do? There are check points all over the city and yet the violence continues.

Enter the Strongman, the Hashemite King, the direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed, King Abdullah II, of Jordan. The time is ripe for him to step onto the world stage. I’ve been waiting for this ever since our invasion of Iraq. I have posted about this before and do so again now because it would appear that the Iraqi’s might be ready to embrace the Strongman. The people in Iraq wonder why there government is powerless to stop the carnage. The Malaki regime is enervated and without the propping up by the US, it would fold like a house of cards in a wind storm.

The King is the answer. Heck, he’s right next door! Remember too, that his uncle once was king of Iraq, so the memory a Hashemite monarchy is still somewhat fresh in the minds of the Iraqi’s. The stage is set for him to come riding in on his white horse and establish peace and safety in Iraq. Because he is a direct descendant of Mohammed, he garners the respect of both Sunni and Shia Moslem.

I believe he will make his new capital in the ancient city of Babylon. He will use the billions of petro dollars that are at his disposal and resurrect that ancient city. Then, he will solve the 60-year-old conundrum in the Middle East, by giving part of Jordan to the Palestinians for their homeland.

Keep your eye on the Temple mount in Jerusalem, because Abdullah is the only person in the world who controls the Temple Mount. Everything that goes on there is under his jurisdiction. Third Temple soon?

This recent bomb blast shows us that Iraq is as unstable as ever. Nothing has changed and I for one am angry when I think of the blood that has been spilled there. There is no peace in Iraq. They await the strongman and when he comes he will honor a god of fortresses….

Notice: I am looking for a Christian archaeologist who is accredited and who has field experience.  If you know of someone please give them my email.  [email protected]

Blessings to all who are praying for us.

See you at the Nephilim Mounds II, Conference on Friday.

June 13-14: Nephilim Mounds II - SOLD OUT!
Gary Stearman will be Joining Russ and L. A.!  
We have limited seating so register soon!

Pre-sale for WATCHERS 8 - Cloak of Secrecy!

Go to and save $5.00  
Expect a MID – JUNE Delivery!

L. A. Marzulli’s Speaking Schedule 2014

New Years Eve! December 31 – Calvary Chapel Oceanside - Southern Cal.

Watcher’s 7! Screening in Southern California - Saturday – Feb. 1st. 7:30 pm – Just Cause Motion Capture Stage – 4130 Del Rey Ave. Marina Del Rey!–done

February 21-22: Decoding the End Times Bible Conference!–done

March 28-30: Prophecy In the News! Orlando –done

April 5 & 6 - Dominion Christian Center–done

April 25 -27: Behold the Days are Coming Conference   

May 5-15: Peru tour with L. A. Marzulli & Brein Foerster!

June 13-14: Nephilim Mounds II

June 28-29: The War of Art! Southern California!

July 25-27 – Prophecy in the News Colorado!

October 24-25: Strategic Trends with Chuck Missler - Details coming soon

November 7- 9: Tri State Prophecy Conference – W/ Gary Stearman & Russ Dizdar November - OK City conference - details coming soon.

To book L. A. Marzulli please email him at [email protected] L. A. Marzulli shares the platform with a variety of speakers with many different world views. Marzulli does not endorse anyones world view unless specifically noted.


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