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By Jeffery Pritchett
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How Long Have The "Grays" Been Around??

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My take on the “Grays” a little note from 2009:
By Albert Rosales
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How long have the “Grays” been around??
February 25, 2009 at 3:42pm…
It seems that modern day Ufology is mostly pre-occupied with basic rehashed subjects such as, Roswell, Area 51, abductions by grays, government disclosure. It seems that nothing new has been added and we might be a little further from the truth since 1947 (or before), but right now I want to talk about the Kings of abduction the Hollywood and media glamorized alien or your “typical” Gray. Where were the grays when Vallee put together his ground breaking work and catalog “Passport to Magonia” I venture to say that none of the aliens or humanoids described there had any close resemblance to our modern day “Gray”, even further the also ground breaking book edited by Donald Hanlon, the humanoids describing hundreds of reports from the famous 1954 French wave, early American encounters and of course a South American listing, the aliens described there include, humans, robotic, giants, hairy humanoids, even little green men, nary a Gray is mentioned. Granted towards the later years reports of “little humanoids or smal aliens” were more typical. But most of the known abductions at the time did not describe your prototypical Gray, maybe the Hills in 1961 encountered the vanguard of the gray armada, but their aliens were uniformed human sized with slanted eyes, again not your typical gray. Not the gray that we lovingly got to know in Spielberg’s ET or those shown in the great movie “Close Encounters”.
The late great Ufologist Gordon Creighton once asked, “Has a new race of aliens taken over the exploration of the Earth” (When he noted the sudden shift little men reports in the late 60′s and early 70′s).
To me it seems to me that the Grays are a Johnny come lately type alien in Ufology, popularized by the books of Hopkins, Jacobs, and others, who at times would ignored reports of different types of aliens except for the grays, reported by abductees. The late John Mack included in his book “Abduction” different reports describing apparent different alien specifies. During the huge 1989-1990 in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe there were hundreds of humanoid encounters (over 200 in 1990 alone) and I had to dig deep within my case summaries to find any reference to grays, as a matter of fact most the humanoids reported were of the human type or giants like the several cases from Voronezh and other types of creatures. I am not completely discounting all reports of grays type creatures, but I caution researchers researchers when investigating such reports.
Whitley Strieber seems to have had numerous encounters with what we might call “Gray” humanoids, Travis Walton reported them in 1975 during his abduction (in conjuction to tall blond types, similar to the ones encounter by Dionisio Llanca in Argentina in 1973), Air Force Sgt Charles Moody reported being abducted by “embryo-like” humanoid grays, a rare early report describing such humanoids, since most early reports (50′s, 60′s, etc) of abductions describing “gray” humanoid have actually come to light in the 90′s and 00′s under hypnotic regression.
Gray type humanoids are real I believe but they are not what we might think they are.

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