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By Jeffery Pritchett
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More Details On The Alien Encounters Of Swede Ante Johnson

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Location. Near Tingryd, Smaland, Sweden
Date: February 3 1984 Time: 01:50 a.m.
Truck driver Ante Johnson was driving back home on an isolated road when he noticed a huge oblong shaped object hovering silently above a nearby meadow. The craft resembled a submarine with curved ends and a turret in the middle; it was completely black in color. The witness drove quickly home to fetch his camera and returned to the area but the object was now gone. He drove around searching and suddenly spotted something blocking the roadway ahead. He stepped on the brakes and the car skidded making a full circle. It stopped a few feet from a dark object on the roadway. Beneath the object the witness could see three bulge-like protrusions. At this point the witness became frightened and attempted to leave the area but his car got stuck on a snowdrift. He looked behind him but the object was nowhere in sight. The witness got out of the car then suddenly a small four-foot tall humanoid dressed in some type of cowl that covered his face grabbed his arm. The humanoid’s head and body appeared square in shape and it had surprising strength. The witness began screaming and pulling and finally pulled himself free, he ran to some nearby houses but two other similar beings jumped on him and tried to pull him away from the road. While he struggled he noticed another large dark object hovering nearby. A truck now approached on the road ahead and the creatures finally released him. He was later found in his car in a state of shock and taken to an area hospital.
HC addition # 510
Source: Hakan Sterner, Nordic UFO Newsletter, February 1985 Type: C
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Another sort of crude abduction attempt. The witness was to have later encounters, some are summarized below.
Location. Tingryd, Smaland, Sweden
Date: March 6 1984 Time: night
Ante Jonsson (involved in a previous encounter) was awakened by somebody touching his shoulder and he gout from his bed. There was nobody in the room except for his sleeping wife. He felt that somebody was calling him and went to the kitchen, now fully dressed and later out into the street. There he saw a man in a long black coat. He started to walk towards him, but he suddenly disappeared briefly but immediately he is able to see him again. The strange entity appears to have no feet and floats down the street as Ante follows him. The stranger stares at the witness with a very pale and long face. After a short walk Ante finds himself at a nearby meadow where a black craft is hovering. The pale man is standing in front of it and he disappears. Ante then sees the craft moving towards him until is right above him. The craft hovers for a while and then something incredible takes place, he finds himself floating in the air but cannot feel any sensations. A moment later he is back in the garden outside his house.
Location. Tingryd, Smaland, Sweden
Date: April 26 1984 Time: night
Ante Jonsson (involved in other encounters) suddenly finds himself in a room that looks like a large crystal ball. He can feel someone else in the room but he looks around and does not see anybody. Outside the crystal he can see the ground far below. Ante then finds a bench on which he sits down. The bench is soft and feels like he is sitting in a bathtub. After two hours the black garbed man from the previous meeting emerges. Ante estimates his height at about 160cm with a normal physical structure but with long arms, his hair growing all over the face (bearded). Ante can see no ears or chin. Two black eyes, a flat nose and thick, prominent lips make up the face. This “man” gives Ante some grayish looking fluid to drink and turns to a board on the wall where a text, in Swedish emerges. Ante gets to know that their conversation will be made by some kind of magnetic thoughts on the board. During this meeting Ante is tall a very familiar message, that we are not alone in the universe, and that there are other solar systems with inhabitants of higher intelligence that ours. He is also warned of a coming catastrophe if we keep using atomic energy.

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