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Image of Reptilian published with permission of The Object Report

Image of Blonde Nordic with Greys & Lion compliments of Corey Wolfe Art Studio

Image of Blonde Hybrid published with permission of The Object Report

Reptilians and other Unmentionables
By John S. Carpenter, MSW, LCSW

John Carpenter’s Biography:

John Carpenter obtained a Bachelors of Arts degree in Psychology from DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, and a master’s degree in Social Work, from Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. He has had advanced training in Clinical Hypnosis in order to practice as a psychiatric therapist and hypnotherapist in Branson, Missouri. For over 32 years he has counseled people in Southwest Missouri for every kind of emotional problem imaginable.

His life-long curiosity in UFOs led to his volunteering his services for over 150 cases of possible UFO abduction. Using clever interviewing and thorough hypnotic investigation, he has collected amazing patterns of data which clearly depict a consistent and coherent scenario of extraterrestrial contact. He presented six papers at the prestigious MIT Abduction Study Conference in Boston in 1992. His published papers have brought him international recognition and speaking invitations on five continents. He has presented at conferences from Australia to England, on national and international radio, television, and film documentaries. He has created and produced 10 research DVDs since 1996. Mr. Carpenter also served as MUFON’s Director of Abduction Research from 1991until 2000 and is a founding member of JAR: Journal for Abduction Encounter Research. John Carpenter is currently writing a book titled Invaded: Human Contact With Non-Human Beings and is available for Presentations Worldwide.


Abduction Notes: Reptilians and other Unmentionables

By John S. Carpenter, MSW, LCSW

Any individual who enters this field of research brings with him a set of beliefs with boundaries for acceptance or rejection. This is naturally based on the individual’s level of comfort and openness with accepting any of the weird information dumped into his naive hands. UFO researchers have been fairly willing to accept a generous portion of this bizarre data but always retain a personal, often private, preference for the amount of “weird stuff” they are willing to accept as credible. I am constantly amused at the notion that a researcher of incredible abductions by aliens in UFOs could label anything as “too weird”! Yet, as human beings, it is our nature to “draw the line” somewhere based on our need to provide a sense of comfortable order to the chaotic and bizarre influx of strange information. It seems to take a great deal of personal maturity, security and ego-strength to publicly acknowledge and willingly support some of the data which others label as “too crazy.” Our boundaries do shift and expand over time as we become more at ease.

History provides an important perspective on the shifting boundaries of belief and disbelief. Decades ago the first hurdle surpassed was the basic acceptance that UFOs might actually exist in our earthly skies. But to believe that they could contact the soil or land under intelligent control was absurd, at least until enough odd soil samples and credible witness reports forced an acceptance of this possibility. Then it became unthinkable that people could claim seeing little beings in conjunction with a landed craft. Even crazier of course would be the idea that such beings would overpower humans with paralysis and float them aboard for exams! But look at how our collective boundaries of acceptance have stretched over the decades of research into this endless jungle of weirdness. This is basically due to the endless flow of new cases which, when researched carefully and methodically, are today considered as more reliable, credible, acceptable, and also supportive of data patterns from previous decades. On the horizon are issues of genetic manipulation, spirituality, channeling, multiple dimensions and paranormal correlations. Most of these areas of interest are presently viewed as “too weird” or “without scientific foundation” which is what James Pringle, a prestigious British scientist, claimed about reports of meteorites in 1759, until a wealth of data forced acceptance of “rocks falling from the sky” within the next 100 years!

There is a fairly large gray basket to which other alien types are presently relegated. Why? They are judged either “too weird,” “too unlikely,” or “too few to be significant.” After all, the little gray humanoids have acquired enough notoriety in the media to become the publically-accepted image of how an alien is supposed to appear. Now that the public is beginning to accept the “little grays,” why confuse them with stranger or less believable alien types? Laughter would certainly greet the notions of a seven foot tall lizard that has sex with our women. I believe many researchers have “drawn the line” as an effort to not lose ground in the war for credibility; so we keep the lizards, tall blondes and praying mantises under a quiet lid in that bulging gray basket. (Can we hide them any longer?)

However, as researchers began to share some of the oddities in their gray baskets, they began to find amazing matches and similarities, not only among physical traits, but also in behavior and purpose. In my own caseload I found a woman reporting (much to her own amazement) at least one experience each with little grays, a reptilian and tall blondes, having never read or heard of the latter two types. Her details and drawings impressed Jenny Randles of England at the Abduction Study Conference held at MIT in Boston during 1992. Jenny responded that the characteristics, presence, manner, and behavior of the tall blondes were nearly the same word-for-word descriptions as in many of her abduction cases in England – a clear majority of which are the “tall blondes” rather than the little grays! Here then are those details for your own consumption and study:

Tall Blondes or Nordics

(1) Height: 6-8 feet tall in general

(2) Human in features: well-developed, muscular

(3) Hair: shoulder-length, blonde, straight, fine or thin

(4) Facial characteristics: “very handsome” by report

(5) “Perfect features” like those of a model

(6) Manner: paternal, watchful, protective, kind

(7) Effect: subjects report an overwhelming sense of safety, warmth, almost entrancement by a powerfully positive presence

(8) Eyes: blue, kind and loving – not cold

(9) Facial expression: pleasant, smiling, joyful, positive

(10) Clothes: human style, form-fitting jumpsuit or uniform

(11) Communication: usually telepathic despite human appearance

(12) Misc: “seems psychic, wise, all knowing”

The public generally expects aliens to appear different – not like a Hollywood hunk: “these cannot be true aliens!” It would be difficult to prove in psychological circles that these images are not projections of one’s wish fulfillment for a fatherly, handsome protector to rescue one from worldly troubles or a boring marriage. Others say that these encounters are with “guardian angels” rather than aliens. Because these beings have also been seen aboard UFOs with little grays, some researchers believe that they are either hybrids or holographic images for distraction, trickery, calming or reassurance. A few researchers believe the tall blondes might actually be supervising the little grays and that the grays may just be computerized androids, organic robots or a cloned subservient race of workers.

In the 1975 case of Travis Walton, he disrupts the “standard” procedure of the little grays who then leave the room. A tall blonde then enters and seems more in charge. Trusting these more human-appearing entities, he is recaptured. Even in the files of Leonard Stringfield’s crash-retrieval accounts is one allegedly retrieved body of unknown origin which is seven feet tall, with human features and shoulder-length blonde hair. Whatever or whoever they are, they keep surfacing worldwide in abduction cases with striking similarity.

As charming and kind as the tall blondes seem, the Reptilian brand of alien life form is a hideous, rude and aggressive type. It is difficult to imagine a higher-functioning seven-foot-tall lizard strolling into your bedroom. (The Japanese might like this breed due to their cinema craze over Godzilla!). I have close to ten of these odd cases; none of those subjects had ever heard of such a type. Yet there are again many similarities in description and behavior.

Part II of this article will be published tomorrow Thursday, June 19, 2014!

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Alien types judged “too weird,” “too unlikely,” or “too few to be significant” ?
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