Strange Shamanic Masked Alien Encounter..One Says His Name is Tobor
Bizarre encounter, Haravilliers France, 1998
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Location. Haravilliers, Val d’Oise, France
Date: January 10 1998 Time: 07:30 a.m.
A total of 7 witnesses including the main witness M D were driving to a hunting expedition in two cars: a Peugeot 306 driven by M D and a Lancia with J M being the only occupant and his dog. The meeting place was a location called “La Guibarderie” near the little hamlet of “Le Ruel” not far from Haravilliers. Independently, M K was on his way to the meeting place in his Mercedes. The weather conditions were exceptionally clear and many stars were visible, as the two cars approached the parking area at the hunting preserve, their occupants see through their windshield a bright illumination in the sky in the horizon. Soon a huge black round object (30 to 45 m in diameter) comes towards them, slowly gliding only about 20 meters above the ground. The first thing M D notices are a series of large projectors disposed on 6 to 7 light ramps, like those of a stadium. Measuring 5 x 3 m, each ramp contained red, green and yellow spotlights. The beams do not light up the surrounding area. They resemble those of a Christmas tree decoration. Inexplicably, M D does not stop the car and the Peugeot continues to approach the location where the object is hovering. M D feels compelled to lower the glass on the driver’s seat side to get a better look. As the car passes just beneath the object, a bit on the left side, he can see a dull gray platform with a brighter octagonal contraption in the center (about 15 m) resembling a screw with a middle round aperture (diameter 6 m) punched with 8 regularly disposed exhaust type portholes about 1m in diameter. Next, a beam of light comes down to the ground, and then the 4 Peugeot occupants see three green, red and yellow beams converging on the parked Mercedes. There follows a gap of 3 minutes during which, nobody remembers what occurred, and the five witnesses find themselves 1200m father from their original position without M D remembering having driven the distance. The object is no longer in sight. The two cars then meet in the parking lot and the Mercedes driver confirms that he had been also bathed in the light-beams that poured down on the Mercedes. The three cars then resumed their journey to the meeting place, everybody feeling a bit dazed. The six friends did not mention the incident to the other 25 hunters in the party. On January 15 M D begins to suffer from acute conjunctivitis, which led him to consult an eye doctor. Around April 20 M D’s memory begins to return little by little. He recalls having been levitated into the hovering UFO through the central hole. Inside he was confronted by a humanoid figure about 1.20m in height, completely covered in a diving suit, his face was hidden behind a metallic cylindrical dull-black helmet. This helmet was about 42-43 cm high and about 32-33 cm in width. It had a curved top, two round holes were the eyes should have been and a wide horizontal double row of “piano keys” resembling a row of straight white teeth, making it look like a mouth, which remained closed at all times. This gave the mask a somewhat shamanic and sinister appearance. At one point the entity said something like “Tobro”, which M D assumed could be the name of his place of origin. Although he only remembers having seen this one creature, he had the impression that there were other unseen entities in the object. He was placed on a table but does not remember having been subjected to a physical examination. A pale white-beige light that seemed to emanate from all directions illuminated the room. A strange putrid odor permeated the room. M D thinks that an implant was inserted into his body. Later it was revealed that a gamekeeper located not far from where the men were to meet testified having heard “the sound of heavy engines, not unlike that of a Boeing 747” a few minutes later he saw a big round dark object emitting three colored beams of light.
HC addendum
Source: Franck Boitte, Franck Marie BIDU, Gerard Deforge Type: G