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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Swedish Man Ante Jonsson Is Given Colorless Liquid By Aliens Then Proceeds To Trip Out In The Woods Seeing Bizarre Rainbow Lizards

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Location. Near Tingryd, Smaland, Sweden
Date: August 14 1984 Time: night
Ante Jonsson (involved in a previous contact) had gone to bed next to his young daughter when an inner voice suddenly woke him up and instructed him to leave his sleeping daughter behind and to go meet ‘them’. At first he hesitates but eventually leaves and along the same road and on the same meadow he sees a large landed object. This time he goes into the craft through a circular opening and up some stairs and into the same room he had been the first time. Once he entered the room he sees four figures. Three of them are like the short statured man he met last time, and the fourth resembles a person he had seen before on the street. He is taller, had a pale face and longish white hair. He asks Ante to sit down in a self-adjusting bench that nearly ‘sucks’ Ante into place.
As he sat he met a fifth entity that enters the room and gives Ante a mug with a drink which he had tasted before. He asks what it is, but the entity says nothing. The tall pale man-like figure tells Ante that he has to drink it otherwise he would not be able to travel with them. The tall entity explains that they must travel to the same ‘level’ as before but he would be back before morning. He wants to show Ante some things which are quite ‘distorted’ on Earth. Ante asks (the eternal question) why he and not others that would be more qualified. The tall entity answers that there are others who have experienced the same things as he and that there will be more. The entity elucidates, “You are one of the many who have different beliefs on what you call Christianity and history”. Ante answers that there are thousands who do not believe in God. The entity says that deep down most humans believe in God but do not show it. He wants to show Ante the truth about God and Jesus and he also wants to show him what would happen if we insist on producing and using nuclear weapons. “You will see evidence of self-destruction. There were people on an almost identical level as those who began to manufacture nuclear weapons to fight each other. It started just like in the earth in a war between different groups of individuals and ended with almost all life wiped out.” The entity added that only some vegetations and stations built by them was that all that remained. “We will show you so you can understand what you are doing to yourselves and your planet. Others have already seen it, and now it’s your turn.”
At one point Ante asks about ‘Atlantis’ and was told, “Start looking in your history, but interpreting it the correct way this time, so you can find it”. Soon Ante sees the wall directly in front start to vibrate and an opening becomes visible, he sees outside and recognizes the place as the same one from before. He is allowed to exit the craft as he is told that they must change ‘vehicles’. Once outside the temperature feels like summer, comfortably warm but with much drier air. They go through a tunnel and find themselves in a street with strange buildings lining both sides. Curious he touches a wall and it feels strangely smooth. The entity tells Ante that it is made out of rock and metal, but use a different alloy than humans. They arrived at a different ‘vehicle’ and he is told that he will be shown the planet that was destroyed by the nuclear holocaust. Once inside he was made to lie down on a cot-like object he thinks he went to sleep. Soon he is awoken and told to sit up and look out a large window. He claims he saw ‘terrible things’ cities that appeared to be buried in stone and sand, buildings and forests flooded with water, broken and molten metal everywhere. The whole landscape looked very eerily like Earth’s. Ante is shown further scenes of destruction, collapsed buildings, etc.
Later he is fed a completely colorless liquid which tastes just like lemonade and later taken to a nearby forest where he sees numerous strange animals including one that resembled a great lizard about 10 feet long with all the colors of the rainbow, he also sees another animal resembling a cross between an elephant and a musk ox. He also sees numerous ordinary birds and what appeared to be large eagles of different colors. In a nearby lake he sees a huge amphibian resembling a whale and other fish resembling sharks. After a while he is dropped off in his garden and goes to his bedroom looks at the clock and sees that it is half past five.
HC addendum
Source: also UFO Sweden

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    • Ryan

      Sounds like these REPHAIM took him to Mars which was Lucifer’s Earth-Like Home-world that he was in Charge of and was Destroyed in the War in the Heavens when He was Thrown down to Our Earth By the Arc-Angel Michael , but now is just as the story describes, with Demons and Reptilians and all sorts of Evil/ Horrific life-like creatures inhabiting there in the Vast Wasteland and multitude’s of Ruined Cities..

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