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Unholy Alliance: Ancient Astronauts and the New World Financial Order By Jim Marrs

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CHAPTER EXCERPT FROM: Lost Secrets of the Gods


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Unholy Alliance: Ancient Astronauts and the New World Financial Order”


By Jim Marrs


Throughout history the two most prominent methods for controlling the human population have been religion and finance. Could these well-honed, time-tested control mechanisms be of extraterrestrial origin?


Early humans, seeing the beauty and symmetry in nature, instinctively knew that some guiding force lay behind the order of life and so they developed a reverence for spiritual matters. Over time, however, and with advances in scientific knowledge, the material trappings and theologies of the various religions should have fallen away. But they haven’t. Today, most of the world’s population continues to follow one religion or another, often leading to conflicts, wars, and genocide. Moreover, most large, organized religions are intertwined with the acquisition of money. When did finance become so enmeshed in religion? What is it that has made religion so important in the minds of so many for so long?


One possibility is that religion may be based on a reality that has been lost today. According to the Old Testament, Sumerian tablets, and the accounts of the Greek and later Romans, there was a time when humans experienced face-to-face encounters with their gods. Virtually every ancient culture on this world told of legends of gods who came from the sky and taught them the fundamentals of civilization—language, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, law, architecture, and finance.


Today, a growing number of researchers are taking the concept of Ancient Astronauts, the idea that non-humans visited the Earth millennia ago, more seriously. This concept was popularized in the 1970s by Swiss author Erich von Däniken and continues to find purchase in the popular imagination via the popular TV series. The evidence for such visitation—in sacred sites, ancient art, and anomalous artifacts—is quite compelling, in fact almost overwhelming, as detailed in the 2013 book Our Occulted History.


Our primitive ancestors felt awe and reverence for the technologically advanced visitors who came from the heavens. After all, no human could fly or perform feats that must have seemed like magic. The first humans thought of these visitors merely as Watchers or Messengers (angels) from the heavens. These visitors are referred to in the ancient tablets of Sumer as the Anunnaki, or “those who came to Earth from the heavens.”


Rather than deal directly with the burgeoning human population, the ancient alien-gods ordained an administrative body or priesthood to pass along edicts and instruction as well as interpret policy. Once such clerics got a taste of wealth and power, they were loath to relinquish them. Religion soon evolved into a rigid structure of dogmas, catechisms, tithing, and obedience. Only after the Anunnaki appointed rulers over humanity did the concept of religion come into play.


According to researchers Peter Jiang and Jenny Li,


apparently, these extraterrestrials performed “great feats” in order to be worshipped as “gods.” The reported next step was to provide technology to these Earth humans so that these humans could create impressive looking “rich” structures of religious worship, laid with gold and other mined mineral resources, of religious worship to these extraterrestrial “gods.”1


By the time of the earliest recorded human civilizations, such as Sumer, Assyria, and Babylon, religions were well-established and had merged with the prevailing political structures of the time. These early civilizations firmly established the idea that the clergy could be the only religious authority and that kingship was a divine right. Anointed priests who worshiped one god exhorted their followers to demonize the worshipers of the others. And anyone who failed to offer allegiance to the one true god was castigated as a blasphemer, heathen, devil worshiper, or worse.


But something happened. Either through natural cataclysms or some prehistoric war, the planet, or at least the Near East, was devastated, and the ET gods withdrew from overt human contact. As the gods—the alien visitors—dropped from sight, the religions they created turned metaphysical. The concept of God evolved from a physical being to an omnipresent yet anthropomorphic supernatural entity. The elder conflicts between the ancient astronauts commandeering armies of human subjects were faithfully recorded in the Old Testament. These ancient wars became the metaphorical basis for the struggle between the new monotheistic God and his evil counterpart, Satan.


Baptist minister and author Paul Von Ward wrote about the development of supernatural religion beginning less than 3,000 years ago in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), the cradle of civilization: “Here religions that grew out of absentee-cults that described their gods as immortal, magical beings took the next step toward supernaturalism.”2


Originally the term Satan merely meant any adversary of the gods. Princeton professor of religion Elaine Pagels argues that Satan came to represent human hostility against other humans: “And it’s no accident that the foundational texts of Christian tradition—the gospels of the New Testament, like the Dead Sea Scrolls—all begin with stories of Satan contending against God’s spirit.” Pagels goes on to explain that Christians later “turned the image of Satan against a far wider range of targets—against the Roman empire and its government, which persecuted Christians, and then against other ‘intimate enemies’—other Christians, whom they called ‘heretics.’”3 Von Ward elaborates on Pagels’ idea by writing, “[H]istory makes it clear that the Hebrews had simply followed the example of their patron god. They labeled their opponents, foreign or domestic, Satanic worshipers of Beelzebub, Belial, and the Princes of Darkness. In return, their opponents likely shouted their own epithets of ‘infidel’ (meaning ‘unfaithful to the “true” god’).”4


Various historical events provided the basis for western supernaturalism near the end of the Roman Empire. These events included the development of absentee non-human cult worship in the Middle East; the Hebrew worship of Yahweh, who was believed to be the leader of the gods of old; and the new and compelling reformation cult of Jesus of Nazareth. Von Ward attributes the rise of supernaturalism to the simultaneous rise of powerful institutions—for instance, the development of Roman organizational skills and the creation of a Christ-centered church, the power of Rome to elevate St. Paul’s Christian cult to the status of the state religion, and the Nicean council of bishops that “culled from competing texts a Bible that largely excludes references to the reality of other [Advanced Beings] and Jesus’ humanity.”5


Generations of humans slowly developed a defense mechanism once the ancient gods were no longer visible:


The Anunnaki had apparently decided to go about their own affairs, but humans felt bereft at being deserted. So supernatural theology was the defense mechanism created to help cope with the pain and anxiety of an obvious separation of humans from their gods. One of its purposes was to assure humans that the religious rituals would either bring the departed gods back to Earth or reconnect the humans to them in the supernatural realm.”6


Furthermore, in both early Eastern and Western cultures, rulers gained power and wealth from religion. But, beginning with the Enlightenment and the advent of the printing press, religion waned, especially in highly developed nations. Today, the favored control mechanism is through the lending of money. Author Joseph P. Farrell saw the rapid development of the private issuance of bullion-based monies both in ancient times and in various cultures as suggesting “the evident hand of a hidden international class of bullion-brokers, war merchants, slave traders, and mining operators, for almost invariably, the pattern is the same.”7 This pattern involved blending finance with the prevailing religion, as if money itself were God-ordained. It remains a powerful control mechanism over humanity today.


Farrell has argued that the methodology of aligning religion with money went something like this: Rulers would penetrate and ally with the temple, issue false receipts, substitute bullion for letters of credit as a measure against the false receipts, and thus create a facsimile of money.


Thus, we arrive back at the state of issuing false receipts, only in this instance, these receipts are neither false nor counterfeit, they are simply privately created notes or promises to pay a certain amount of bullion (which they also control). Thus, once again the money supply is not only expanded, but the use of such instruments actually served to allow the bullion brokers to circulate more of such notes than they had actual bullion to redeem. The key, once again, was the sanctifying probity that the temple association gave them. With this step their power and influence over the various states which they penetrated was almost complete, for it gave these ancient bankers, like their modern counterparts, the ability to expand or contract a state’s money supply and to control their economies to create boom or bust.8


The power of exchanging money can be traced back to the Near East where people called money changers were prevalent, exchanging the currencies of the various cities and nations into money acceptable to the temple priests. Money therefore became closely connected to the temples of religion, which also doubled as centers for the study of astronomy and astrology. Recall that it was only in the temple at Jerusalem that Jesus, the “Prince of Peace,” turned violent—and this was against the money changers. The conflict between the money changers and the human population has continued down through the ages.


©2014 Jim Marrs, contributing author Lost Secrets of the Gods published by New Page Books a division of Career Press, Pompton Plains, NJ. EAN: 978-1-60163-324-8. List Price: US $15.99







1. From


2. From Paul Von Ward, We Have Never Been Alone. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 2011, p. 285.


3. From


4. From Von Ward, Princes of Darkness, p. 47.


5. Ibid.


6. From Von Ward, p. 287.


7. From Joseph P. Farrell, Babylon’s Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion. Port Townsend, WA: Feral House, 2010, p. 295.


8. Farrell, p. 204.



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