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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Whitley Strieber's Alien Communion Encounter

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Location. Near Middletown New York
Date: December 26 1985 Time: 04:00 a.m.
Whitley Strieber who was staying with his wife and son at an isolated cabin in upstate New York suddenly found himself abruptly awake. He could hear a peculiar whooshing, or swirling noise coming from the living room downstairs. It resembled the sound of a large number of people moving rapidly around in the room. Strangely he settled back in bed, without bothering to investigate. As soon as he did this, he noticed one of the double doors leading into the bedroom was moving closed. He sat up extremely frightened. He then saw a short compact figure edging around the door. In the ambient light he could see that the figure was roughly 3 ½ feet tall. It wore a smooth, rounded hat, with an odd sharp rim that jutted out easily 4 inches on the visible side. Below that there was a vague area; he could not see its face. As it got close to the bed Strieber could see two dark holes for eyes and a black down turning line for a mouth. From its shoulders to midriff was a visible third of a square plate etched with concentric circles, it stretched from just below the chin to the waist area. It resembled an armored vest. Beneath it was a rectangular object of the same type, which covered the lower waist to just above the knees. The next thing he knew the figure rushed at him. He then apparently blacked out. His next recollection is of seeing numerous short squat beings wearing blue coveralls entering the bedroom, he then felt being in motion, like being carried, naked in a state of total paralysis. He then blacks out again. His next memory was of sitting in a small sort of depression in the woods. He sat on the cold ground with his legs partly bent and his hands on his lap. On his left was a small figure wearing a gray tan body suit that sat on the ground with knees drawn up and hands clasped around them. It had two dark eyeholes and a round mouth hole. Strieber had the impression that it was wearing a facemask. At the same time Strieber was unable to move and felt under control of the entities. On his right there was another figure that was apparently working busily at something that seemed to have to do with Strieber right side of his head. The being wore dark blue coveralls. Strieber had the distinct impression that the being on his left was feminine and that it seemed almost bored and indifferent. Suddenly he felt like he was moving up into the sky and caught a glimpse of the treetops below him. His next memory was of sitting in a messy round room that had a distinct odor resembling “aged cheddar cheese.” The small circular room had a domed, grayish tan ceiling with ribs appearing at intervals of about a foot. There was some clothing strewn about and the room was stuffy with the air quite dry. Small figures were moving about at very high speed. Strieber noticed a type of lens at the point of the ceiling through which some colorful scenery could be observed. One being was on his right, another on his left. Soon he was shown a tiny gray box with a sliding lid. A thin graceful person that was not distinct in appearance was holding it. Next a short squat figure came before him, crouching as if huddled over something. He now held the box and had slid it open revealing an extremely shiny hair thin needle mounted on a black surface. Strieber became terrified as he was told that they were going to insert it in his brain, he then began screaming. One of the creatures then asked him.” What can we do to help you stop screaming?” Strieber replied that he wanted to smell them, the being agreed and held his hand against Strieber’s face. Strieber reported that it smelled like cardboard and cinnamon. The next thing he knew there was a bang and a flash and realized that they had inserted the needle in his head. Soon he was lifted up and taken to another room where he saw a table in the center, benches, and several huddled figures, some with round instead of slanted eyes. He recalled seeing four different types of beings. The first a small robot-like being that had initially entered his bedroom, then a group of short stocky ones in dark blue coveralls. These had wide faces, either dark gray or blue skin, with glittering deep set eyes, pug noses and broad human like mouths. Inside the room he encountered two types of creatures. One was about 5-feet tall very slender and delicate, with extremely prominent and mesmerizing black slanted eyes. It had an almost vestigial mouth and nose. The huddled figures were smaller with similarly shaped heads, but with round black eyes. Soon Strieber was given a rectal examination by one of the short stocky creatures that used a narrow, triangular object. Then one of them took his right hand and made an incision on his forefinger. Abruptly his memories ended. He woke up the next morning in bed.


HC addition # 2980
Source: Whitley Strieber, “Communion”

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