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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Body Found Under Motel Bed, Police Say It Has Been There At Least 5 Years

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Update this is apparently satire. 


MOUNT LAUREL, New Jersey -


Stunning news this morning out of New Jersey, as reports of police discovering the body of a young woman under a motel bed have been confirmed. The owners of the motel asked that their name and location be omitted from news reports to protect their business.


The body, which has yet to be identified, was found by a person staying in the room.


“I dropped the television remote, and when I went to check under the bed I found her. It was like something out of a scary movie,” said Aaron Silver, the man staying in the room.


According to initial reports by the medical examiner on-scene, it appears as though the body lay undisturbed in the room for about 5 years. There was a normal amount of rot and decay on the body to suggest that it had not been moved or touched over the course of that time.


The motel has not made a comment about the issue but have told police that they are constantly cleaning their rooms and have no idea how this could have slipped beneath the cracks.


“I clean that room every day. I noticed a smell several times, and told my manager,” said Anita Rodriguez, a housekeeper at the motel. “He told me to just use extra Febreeze in the room and it would go away eventually. I always hated cleaning that room.”


Motel representatives say that all their rooms are cleaned daily, but that it is not the policy of the company to make their housekeepers check under the beds.


“They do a heavy clean of the rooms to sanitize for guests, but when it comes to under the beds, they just run the vacuum around the edges. Who really looks under the bed, anyway? No reason to waste anyone’s time,” said Charles Dyson, a representative of the motel chain.


“It’s the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen,” said police chief Joe Goldsmith. “I’ve seen a lot of strange things in my time on the force, but to think about all the people who’ve stayed in this room, with a dead body beneath them, and they didn’t know about it? It gives me the heebie-jeebies.”


Police have seized room and occupant records for the last several years, and are trying to trace the person or persons who may have stayed in the room around the time of death.


“Funny thing is, the records also show literally almost 1,000 complaints from people who stayed in the room over the years. Everything from a bad smell to an ‘eerie feeling.’ Several people even asked to switch rooms in the middle of the night,” said Goldsmith. “The motel really should have checked out that room a little more closely.”


The body of the young woman is set for autopsy at the end of the week.



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    Total 11 comments
    • Ridd10


    • djfxw

      Satire site. Not a real news sorce.

    • eatmorevegetables

      its just like those Febreeze commercials where they have the blindfold on in a room filled with trash saying how wonderful it smells… except they said it smelled bad and felt eerie lol

    • duffer

      so I guess he wasn’t in the witness protection program after all…

    • An Observer

      You should really start researching the stories you share before you post them here.

      Are you going to start posting from The Onion next?

    • An Observer

      UPDATE: Poster does research AFTER comments section corrects his work…AGAIN.

      • Jeffery Pritchett

        UPDATE Stalker continues to Harass me. Complaint submitted to BIN.

        People make mistakes get over it and take your head outta your pompous butt.

        • CrowPie

          (raises one eyebrow and thinks this a most inconvenient position whilst on the commode.)

        • Mayhem

          How is stalking and harassing a violation of the rules? Manners and spam are pretty much all that needs to looked into. Your threat is as empty as your morale bank account, Magus. Nice job of cleaning up the interweb, though, i can’t find all the good goss on you that i once could.

        • An Observer

          Lol. This coming from the guy who constantly gets his comments removed by BIN for flying off the handle, swearing and being vulgar in the comments any time someone disagrees with him.

          I’ll make sure to watch out for the BIN police.

        • aznavyvet

          You should really do research to see if what you print is correct and not a bunch of made up crap.

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