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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Do Trolls Exist or Have They Existed in the Past?

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The previous post discusses all about the interesting movie called ‘Troll Hunter’. It’s actually a good movie in the form of a documentary film where the history’s best kept secret in the region of Norway has been revealed. Anyway, if you have already watched Troll Hunter then there’s this only one question playing inside your own mind. This question is, ‘Are trolls real? Or do they exist?

Before we conclude an answer into the question above, let’s first discuss more about trolls. So what are trolls?

In the movies as well as on children stories, they are depicted as monsters that are unfriendly to all humans. Some of their kinds even crave for human flesh as their most favorite food for the meal. There are actually several kinds of trolls which vary on their size and appearances. The most common type of trolls are those with human figure but ugly and slow-witted characteristics. There are also those that are gigantic in size that they can easily crush a human being with their own foot.

Moreover, the oldest source of information that tells about the trolls are the Norse Mythology and the Scandinavian Folklore. Both of these sources claim that they often live in the deep-forest, isolated mountains, rocks and caves. On the Scandinavian Folklore, more details about the trolls are portrayed. The Folklore claims that they are also humans but they prefer to live on their own right far away from human habitations. Thus, they are not Christianized wherein they are considered as dangerous who does evil practices. Other than not Christianized, they are afraid of the light where being exposed to sunlight will turn them into stones.

The most interesting fact about these monsters is that, they are known to have a life-span that ranges from 1000 to 2000 years of age.




So do they still exist or had existed before?

Since there are no solid proofs that they still exist up to this current present date, we do not have an answer for this question yet. For the question about whether they had existed before, we can conclude that as ‘yes’ and here’s the explanation.

In the long old days, there are several hominid species that had existed and this includes the giants. Trolls are just one among these hominid species where they have ugly-looks and maybe they are really unfriendly to ordinary human beings as claimed from the Norse Mythology and Scandinavian Folklore. Well, we do not exactly know the truth about why they are unfriendly and prefer to live on their own. Maybe they prefer to live far away because they were chased out by the humans as the possible opposite reason.

As an opinion, humans had grown more population wherein they can easily obliterate the remaining numbers of Trolls into their extinction. These soldiers responsible for the killings of these hominid species are now treated as heroes pertained from various folklore stories. Those added awful characteristics that has been described about them simply makes them more of an evil creatures for the purpose of making the story a lot more interesting to tell.


Trolls Only Exist on Children’s Stories

At this present date, trolls only exist on children’s stories as well as on movies. But in the old age, people used to make stories based on their own actual experience with a few tweaks for the purpose of making it more interesting to hear. The reason why they had to turn it into a fantasy or something unbelievable but interesting enough to listen was for the listener to remember it for the rest of his or her life. Thus, the story has been passed down from generations into the next generation wherein the story has either been change or not.



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