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ISIL – UPDATE! Caliphate Declared

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Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli

BAGHDAD — The leader of the extremist group that seized much of northern Iraq and Syria called on Muslims worldwide on Tuesday to join the battle and help build an Islamic state in the newly conquered territory.

We are about to celebrate July 4th, our Independence Day.  Most of us will attend a family gathering, or a party with friends, where BBQ’s will be in fired up and celebrations will commence.  In short, it will be a fun weekend with fireworks to top it off.

However, in Iraq and much of the Middle East, war is raging.  In Syria over 100 thousand people have been killed.  In Iraq, ISIL (not ISIS) Islamic Sate of Iraq and the LEVANT, has declared an Islamic Caliphate and called on Muslims worldwide to join the battle!

As I pointed out on Monday, the name ISIL spells out clearly what the radical group intentions are, the conquest of not only Iraq, but of Jordan, Syria, and finally the Levant, Israel.

So why the average American yawns at the mention of what is going on in the Middle East and concentrates on the upcoming weekend festivities, of BBQ Chicken, and Brats, the situation in Iraq, and ISIL’s proclamation, should be taken seriously.  If Jordan falls, Israel will be surrounded on all sides by radical factions of Islam, bent on her destruction.  Hezbollah in the North, Syrian Rebels at the Golan Heights, HAMAS in Gaza, and now, ISIL.

However, Israel is not about to let Jordan go the way of Iraq:

….Foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman declared on Monday during a meeting in Berlin with his German counterpart, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, that Jordan’s stability is an Israeli national interest and that Israel will do everything to maintain that stability.  Lieberman: We will do everything to maintain Jordan’s stability During meeting with German Foreign Minister, Lieberman addresses increased threat of ISIS on Hashemite Kingdom, declares: ‘The stability of Jordan is Israel’s national and vital interest.’,2506,L-4536365,00.html

King Abdullah II, of Jordan knows the threat he faces and so does Israel, as Jordan acts as a buffer from the ongoing violence in Iraq. (See map)

The Prophecies of the Bible are true.  Many were written thousands of years ago and still have not been fulfilled, think Isaiah 17, which speaks of the Destruction of Damascus, or Psalm 83, which declares Israel will win a war with her Arab neighbors and expand her borders.  Finally, we have Ezekiel 38 & 39, which is where Russia and Iran go up against a land of unwalled villages, i.e. Israel, and they are decimated.

Prophecy was written for us and is relevant in the modern world. The admonitions of Jesus warns us what will precede His return.  There are some who question his words, perhaps fulfilling a prophecy telling us, in the last days scoffers will come, saying where is the promise of His coming?

Still others believe in what I would call the false doctrine of Kingdom Now, or Dominion Theology, believing the church has to rise up and dominate all aspects of culture before the second coming can occurr.  However, Jesus makes it very clear in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, what will actually take place.  It is a blueprint of the last 2000 years, starting with what will happen in Jerusalem, in the short-term, and finally ending with the events that will lead to His return, which I believe we are seeing now!

Why is it that many denominations stay clear of these prophetic passages?  Is it because they appear to negative and thus put a damper on the seeker friendly church?  I believe prophecy is the key to understanding the times in which we live.  Think about it.  Israel is back in her homeland after almost 2000 years of Diaspora.  Jerusalem is now a stumbling block for all nations, just like prophecy tells it will be in the last days.  Israel is surrounded by those who want to annihilate her, and thus the prophecies of the Bible, and their warnings are true.

In closing todays post.  We will continue to keep a close eye on the events unfolding in the Middle East.  ISIL, may be just a flash in the pan on the world stage, or, it may lead to the fulfillment of ancient prophecies, specifically the Psalm 83 war.

What was written will come to pass.  What was foretold will unfold. 



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L. A. Marzulli’s Speaking Schedule 2014

New Years Eve! December 31 – Calvary Chapel Oceanside - Southern Cal.

Watcher’s 7! Screening in Southern California - Saturday – Feb. 1st. 7:30 pm – Just Cause Motion Capture Stage – 4130 Del Rey Ave. Marina Del Rey!

February 21-22: Decoding the End Times Bible Conference!

March 28-30: Prophecy In the News! Orlando 

April 5 & 6 - Dominion Christian Center

April 25 -27: Behold the Days are Coming Conference   

May 5-15: Peru tour with L. A. Marzulli & Brein Foerster!

June 13-14: Nephilim Mounds II -

June 28-29: The War of Art! Southern California!

July 25-27 – Prophecy in the News Colorado!

October 24-25: Strategic Trends with Chuck Missler - Details coming soon

November 7- 9: Tri State Prophecy Conference – W/ Gary Stearman & Russ Dizdar

To book L. A. Marzulli please email him at [email protected] L. A. Marzulli shares the platform with a variety of speakers with many different world views. Marzulli does not endorse anyones world view unless specifically noted.


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