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Charles Fort explains that all people have a tendency to be hypnotics. He has said that if the proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, the people would believe properly like good little sheep. He also believed that if god was the universal mind, he didn’t always have to act in a manner that was sane.
This is why we live in this world of remarkable and crazy things.

It is said that we live in perilous times, and often, while in the middle of them, we seem to have some sort of epiphany that while we believe our little paranormal thoughts in church, we can openly pretend that no one answers prayers or doles out miracles or scrawls out little words on Ouija boards. When we hear of what can be termed “doom porn”, we can become introspective and ask “Is life worth living?” The sad thing is that even as we ask ourselves that question, we are convinced that the answer is no.

Even with all of the frightening and crazy things I report on my show, I believe that life is worth living. I am always of the opinion that I want to see what happens next; if I die, I will miss all of the fun of what comes at us in a time where we are all awaiting the sign that we are all going to go out with a whimper, or with the rapture, or some other cataclysm that awaits us in the eschaton.

I was asked once what are my favorite topics are that I cover on Ground Zero. I replied that I love shows where I frighten myself. Usually those shows that deal with subject matter I call synchromysticsm. It is when coincidences add deeper meaning to the overall event.

Some people say that synchromysticsm is purely a fixation on certain numbers and statistics that may or may not be meaningful to the group think. Sometimes we experience something called the “Oz factor” where we are the only person who can see the coincidences or the synchronicity for what it is.

When we experience it, we can say it is simply random, or we can say that it is some sort of supernatural occurrence. I know that there are coincidences for which no one has, or can be expected to have, any possible logical, scientific or rational explanation.

No one can explain, predict and, therefore, be able to control the events and phenomena in question. Therefore, when dealing with meaningful coincidence in current events, one has to remember what happened in the past, how it applies to the present, and what it means for cause and effect in the future.

When you are in your own head, it can become a very uncomfortable place. When I woke up this morning I was in my own head and remembered a Ground Zero show that I did in January of 2014. In that show, I realized, perhaps we unwittingly opened up a dialogue about a possible event that would happen many months after the broadcast.

Here we are and it is the 1st of July. On the Fourth of July we will be exactly 13 days into the solstice. I recall that I had said on a previous show to pay attention to the first 13 days after the solstice because we will be witnessing some pretty interesting things.

I also stated that the solstice is dedicated to both SIRIus and Isis and that there influence will not depart in the 13 day window of time.

I still stand by my statements, and I have some added synchronicity that may be meaningful in light of current events.

Let’s turn back the clock. The date was January 22nd, 2014. It was a memorable show because there seemed to be an air of hellish propaganda in the media. The news was full of stories about ritual sacrifice and exorcisms. An electronic devil baby doll was terrorizing New Yorkers in order to promote a bad horror movie called “Devil’s Due.”

That night we had special guest Ron Perlman, who is, of course, well known for playing the title role in the film Hellboy.

It was also the night my producer, Brian Trotter, was freaking out over something that SIRI , (a name that appears to be a short form for SIRIus) the electronic operating assistant on his I phone was saying when you asked it to look for certain dates.

When SIRI was asked the question “SIRI, what happens on January 13th, 2014,” she would reply in her cold electronic voice that, “its Monday January 13th, 2014 the birth of a Prophet.” Then when SIRI is asked about the date July 27th, 2014, she replies that it is the date that the gates of Hades will open.

Now of course when you hear something like that you laugh nervously and feel a little creeped out. The idea that the gates of hell will open on a certain date is silly – or is it?

On January 13th, 2014 the Prophet Mohammed’s birthday was observed by Muslims. Well, in the United States, anyway, because there is a division amongst Muslims as to which day he was born so a weeklong celebration takes place.

Sunni Muslims believe the holiday falls on the 12th day of the Islamic month of “Rabi Awwal”, whereas Shiite Muslims believe if falls on the 17th day. It was on this date where a small headline in Syria announced that Islamic State of Iraq or ISIS had executed 100 fighters on the Turkish border. This was one of the most horrible attacks recorded as ISIS took over the Raqqa Province.

At the time we were not unaware of this, nor were we aware of the movements of the group. After being bombarded with many media distractions, we finally became aware of the horrible time bomb that was ticking away in Iraq and Syria.

The suddenness with which the ISIS coalition burst into the world stage is certainly unsettling, as is the swiftness with which the ISIS organization has made sweeping gains in Iraq. All the while I can’t help but think that something wickedly biblical is waiting to be discovered about ISIS and its relationship to end times paranoia.

If you are a person who studies the end times then you now that everything that is “future doom” in the bible is not always found in the book of the Apocalypse. It is found in an Old Testament book called Daniel, especially when you dive in to chapters 8 and 11 and many other areas where it is quite specific about what happened in the middle east in the end times.

Most of what Daniel speaks of is 4 major empires in the future fighting to their annihilation. Many biblical interpreters believe that the ghosts of both the Babylonian and Assyrian empires will gain power. From there it is a chilling foray into the areas that at the moment are exploding

The nations of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and perhaps Bahrain, Azerbaijan and as far as Israel and Egypt are all waiting for their cue to rise up in immense civil war.

Turkey in the east would launch a counter offensive.

According to the biblical prophecies perhaps we will see the antichrist make his move to Mosul or Nineveh and this will be a sign that the Great Prince will declare himself to be the negotiator of peace.

The only empire missing in the equation at the moment is Persia. Iran has been very quiet at the moment; however, it seems as though that they will enter into the battle in Iraq to respond to ISIS defense.

This would clinch a huge play by play by the blueprint that the bible has presented for us all to follow.

On June 29th, 2014 ISIS was no more.

The group, previously known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and also known as ISIL, had renamed itself “Islamic State” and proclaimed its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as “Caliph” – the head of the state.

But wait, there’s more.

“He is the imam and khalifah (Caliph) for the Muslims everywhere,” the group’s spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani said in the statement, which was translated into several languages and read out in an Arabic audio speech.

“Accordingly, the “Iraq and Sham” (Levant) in the name of the Islamic State is henceforth removed from all official deliberations and communications, and the official name is the Islamic State from the date of this declaration,” he said.

Imam’s are spiritual leaders, judges or they are considered the one who stands above all else as the spiritual and sometimes the political leader of the Muslims.

One of the Islamic Hadiths that speak of the Second Advent of Jesus states that before his coming,

“All kinds of differences among the communities will disappear and human beings will join one community, the Community of Islam; thus, war will be put to an end to, and jizyah (taxes) will cease to be imposed.”

Are we seeing prophetic fulfillment for both Christians and Muslims?

It appears so at the moment, but we can chalk this all up to eerie coincidence right?

Well let’s go back to the eerie coincidence that had everyone all worked up at the beginning of the year. The next date that SIRI mentioned was July 27th, 2014 when the gates of Hell are to open. Now originally, it was pointed out the the Chinese Ghost month begins on that date and that the Chinese believe that the gates of hell open and that the demons and ghosts haunt the earth, In Fact SIRI even says that these so called gates of hell close on September 3rd 2014.

Well lets us look at what has happened a month before these gates of hell are supposed to open according to an iPhone operating assistant that started spitting out dates and prophecy.

An investigation into what happened to three missing teens in Israel ended tragically on June 27th, 2014, with the discovery of the remains of the three Israel boys who had been kidnapped. The bodies were found in a place called Halhul, on the West Bank. Hamas has warned Israel against waging war on the Gaza Strip in retaliation for the deaths of these kidnapped youths, threatening that “the gates of hell will open” should action be taken.

There it was in a headline all over the world: the vow that “the gates of hell would be opened” if any action be taken.

The Israeli military struck 34 targets across the Gaza Strip overnight after more than 20 rockets were fired from the territory into Israel on Sunday overnight.

After the response from Israel Hamas once again reiterated with a warning against any broad offensive on the territory. Their spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri stated again:

“Netanyahu should know that threats don’t scare Hamas, and if he wages a war on Gaza, the gates of hell will open on him.”

It all seems to be part of some eerie pattern—now am I suggesting that a program called SIRI which is a name that is so similar to SIRIus it is uncanny, is saying that the gates of hell are opening for other reasons other than what the so called skeptics have told us?

Sure I am—only for the sake of coincidence and a frightening synchronistic parallel.

God may move in mysterious ways, but the devil sends the beast with wrath and he knows that his time is short. Look what has happened in such a short time to the world.

What has become of our little paradise? Do we actually have to deal with the spiritually wicked in high places making decisions that cast an eerie glow on everything that we see?

We have begun to see a pattern in which those who commit acts of murder and molestation are claiming that they have killed while under the influence of a demonic entity or alien force. Religious sects are declaring that the war against Satan is real.

The paranormal has now entered every facet of our society

The demons have entered through the gates of the temples, mosques and synagogues. They all have names, but the new age love and light brigade have failed to identify them. Some religious clerics run in fear from these demons, while others have learned to embrace them because the demons empower their lust for greed and dominion over the weak-minded.

Politics are not immune from this plague of demonic tampering. Playing on the political chessboard becomes an overwhelming exercise in hypocrisy, wearing our nerves being threadbare.

It weakens our morale. Many seem so gullible and so willing to follow leaders who act as if they are possessed by some dark and chaotic force. We have to understand that uncontrolled manifestations of demonic entities occur in times of violence and corruption. Demons are uncontrolled and manifest in toxic environments and in bodies that are vulnerable because of abuses or disease.

The demon-haunted world is most certainly a world that is poisoned in some way. Something very powerful has caused a glitch in the matrix and as the veil thins in times of chaos people are beginning to see the demons appear out of nowhere. The chaos that surrounds us today is generating an environment where demons that we once thought were imaginary are very real and appear openly from time to time to remind us that they are here to thwart the progression of mankind.

It is no longer rare to see millions of people today that are nothing more than a shell of what they once were. The metaphor of the walking dead is not lost on those who are aware of how the demonic world is very real and that there needs to be a concerted effort to try and foster a sense of peace and well-being in our lives.

Something out there is straining on its leash. It is howling at the gates of hell. It seems that the metaphor of the angels and the demons coming together for battle is being brought forth.

This happened before and it’s happening again, and every monster you can imagine is about to appear in various places.


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