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UFO Shuts Down USAF Air Police Vehicles at Nuclear Bomber Base (Video)

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By Robert Hastings

     Over the past 41 years, I have interviewed nearly 150 U.S. military veterans regarding their involvement in, or knowledge of, nuclear weapons-related UFO incidents. On September 27, 2010, seven of those individuals participated in my “UFOs and Nukes” press conference in Washington D.C., which CNN streamed live (see below):

The most recent veteran to come forward, former U.S. Air Force Air Policeman Regenold “Reggie” Brown, contacted me after reading an account by another former USAF Air Policeman, Larry W. Rogers, whose UFO experience is posted at my website. Both had been stationed at Ben Guerir Air Base, Morocco, in the early 1960s, although at different times.


During that era, the base was home to B-47 and B-52 bomber squadrons, whose nuclear weapons would have been unleashed against the Soviet Union and her allies if war between the superpowers had erupted. The location of Ben Guerir, in North Africa, meant that the older model B-47s would not have to refuel in flight to reach targets in the U.S.S.R.


Reggie Brown told me, in an email and follow-up telephone call—his comments are combined here—that he was aware of a UFO incursion at the base:


I was stationed at Ben Guerir in 1961-62 and worked in the Air Police K-9 unit. I do not recall Larry Rogers but he could have been [stationed there] before me or after me.


The only incident I remember occurred when I was guarding the atomic bomb storage site one night. There was a lot of excitement about a lighted sphere, about the size of a basketball, sighted near the runway. [It was] hovering above the ground when the strike team arrived. Their truck’s engine quit working and the radio and the lights too.


The reserve strike team came to the first team’s aid but their truck also quit working. They pushed the first truck back away from the sphere; it was about a hundred feet from it. This all took about 30 minutes. This sphere looked like a bright light during the incident.


Then, as quickly as it appeared, it left. The next day we were taken into a room and told we could not talk about this incident. I did not see this sphere myself because I was working in a different area, but was able to hear all of the chatter on my radio that night.



I asked Brown where the sphere had hovered, relative to the Weapons Storage Area and the Bomber Alert Area. He said, “The runway was three miles long and the object was located about half-way, just off to the side of it. It wasn’t too near the bomb storage site or the bombers.”


I asked Brown who had debriefed him and the other Air Policemen the following day. He said, “Some lieutenant. I don’t think I knew him.” I asked whether that individual might have been an Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI) agent, given that they often debrief USAF personnel following UFO incidents, according to many of my other sources. Brown said he didn’t know. “Whoever he was, he made it very clear that we were not to talk about the sphere; that we would be in big trouble if we did.”


Reggie Brown provided me with his DD214—the U.S. military’s standard service record form—which confirmed his position as a USAF Air Policeman.



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    Total 3 comments
    • Gil Carlson

      Allegedly written and leaked by a government officer involved with ultra-top¬-secret programs. It’s an encyclopedia of sort, regarding intelligent extraterrestrial species.
      Could it be that our government works with living flesh and blood extraterrestrials? Or is this just a massive hoax?
      Give it a read, believe it or not, you’ll definitely get chills.

    • Wildfire

      There will be No nuclear war…our family will shut it down before it has a chance to get started !!!!! No fears… Love and light. …

      • Templar


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