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Monday Morning Musing with Marzulli

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Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural Monday Morning Musing with Marzulli Days of Chaos GO  TO > Fear Porn or Reality?  Wake up Ostrich people! L. A. Marzulli appears on Therion Rising!

This is going to be a great conference! Ted Cruz! Bully for Ted!

Can  you say Islamic Terror?  Can you say Jihadists?  Can you say radical Islam? It’s just amazing to me that Ted Cruz has to spell it out for this guy.  This reporter and others of his ilk should  be required by law to where a button that states: I am a weasel!  This is what’s wrong with our media.  I called out Michael Moore last night on the Conspiranormal radio podcast show, challenging him to re-think his stance on allowing Syrian refugees into his home.  Mike, trust me it’s a bad idea.  This blindness and over-the-top political correctness is what’s wrong with our media.  They are afraid of the truth.  Over the weekend we had yet another terror incident, this time in Mali, which left 29 innocent people who were vacationing there, dead.  So here’s the bottom line.  Anyone coming in from a Middle Eastern country that harbors terrorism or has anti-Israel ideology shouldn’t be allowed in this country, period.  We should also deport students as well who originate from these countries as well.

Trump continues to call for the monitoring of mosques.  He’s right.  I posted a clip on this blog a while back which gave a hidden view of England’s central mosque in London.  The ideology promulgated there and shown in the dramatic video isn’t going to change and I believe is already here in this country.

What will the politically correct crowd do when we see another attack happen here, perhaps—God forbid—in one of our unprotected malls.  I’m sure, like Prince Charles, they’ll blame it on climate change.  Unbelievable! Are you kidding me?  (Insert the song: We’ll never be Royals here….!)

The Coming Great Deception!

Thanks to Watchman Dave!

These are the kind of links I want for the new TV show, which by the way the studio is coming along nicely and I’ll go shopping for cameras and lights with Richard Shaw today!  Thanks again to all who contributed.

This is a primer for what I call The Coming Great Deception.  I first used that term in book number one of the Nephilim Trilogy.  This short video gives us the overview of panspermia, the theory that all life on earth was seeded here from another advanced civilization.  Ben Stein’s movie, Expelled, delves into this in a masterful way and when Ben sits down with Richard Dawkins, the idea of panspermia is put to the forefront of Dawkins answer to the mystery of life.  Brace yourself as it’s going to happen at some point….

L. A. Marzulli’s Speaking Schedule 2016 January 15 -17: Reno Nevada appearance – details soon. February 5: The Anchor – March 18-20- Dallas Prophecy Watchmen Conference!

July 15-17 – Prophecy Watchers Conference.


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