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Novorussia/Ukraine update 8\27\2015..WAR CRIMES

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Genocide ! Update From The Attack By The Ukraine Army Past 24 Hours


One Woman Killed , another 12 injured from shelling by Ukraine Forces -Ministry of defence

August 27, 2015

Woman killed, another 12 people were injured as a result of attacks by the Ukrainian Forces over the past 24 hours according to the Deputy Commander of Defense Eduard DNI Basurin.

Losses among the civilian population totaled eight people, he said. — One woman among them died from sniper bullets.

Basurin recalled that he had previously reported on the transfer of Donetsk area 50 snipers Ukrainian Forces . Also 5 Donetsk People’s Army Personal were wounded

Also the past 24 Hours , two hospitals, three Education Centers(Learning Institutions ) and one kindergarten were bombed ! That shows a complete degradation and psychological inadequacy of the Ukrainian authorities, “he said.

According to him, none of the perpetrators will not escape punishment. “All the facts of the crimes will be investigated by a military tribunal,” he concluded.

The sequel will follow …

War Crimes ! Photo Collage Of Atrocities Committed By The Kiev Regime

These are photos coming in from the past 24 Hours. The Kiev Regime bombing Civilian areas ! Total devastation of communities ! Civilian casualties ! Psychological trauma on the children . Why do the innocent have to suffer. These are questions the Porochenko and Obama administration have to answer for. After all, it is Obama who is Sponsoring the Kiev government . Someone must be accountable for these actions . ~ Zak Novak

50,000 Russian Volunteers !!! A Union Of Donbas Volunteers Is Official

A Union of Donbas Volunteers has been established in Russia, the new organization’s head and former prime minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Alexander Borodai, announced on Thursday.

“The organization is undergoing registration,” Borodai said. “We are planning the union’s first congress in late September.”

Any Russian national who took part in the Donbas events may join the union, he added. According to Borodai, the number of Donbas volunteers varies between 30,000 and 50,000. “Russian volunteers should be socially protected and united, that is why we are establishing this organization.”

The Russian government has never denied presence of its nationals in Donbas stressing that these people were volunteers, not mercenaries. According to a poll conducted by the state-run Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), most Russians (65%) approve volunteers in eastern Ukraine.

Kiev Regime Have Tortured Prisoners ~ Against Geneva Convention

The chief of the Donetsk republic’s military police claimed the Ukrainian side has tortured Donetsk republic’s servicemen while they were held captive. “A medical examination of Donetsk prisoners revealed that all captives were tortured, one of them had a heart attack,” Viktor Anosov said. On Wednesday evening Kiev handed 12 prisoners to Donetsk under the prisoner swap program envisaged by the Minsk agreements. The Donetsk People’s Republic has handed 11 captives to the Ukrainian side on Thursday morning. One of the 12 soldiers refused to return to Ukraine.

Prisoner exchanges in the ‘all for all’ format are one of the key provisions of the Minsk agreements signed in the Belarusian capital on February 12 after marathon talks between the leaders of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine.


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