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Trumpocalypse: Only The Donald Can Purge America of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.


TMR Editor’s Note:
There is now no question that the only thing that can prevent a total takeover of the American Republic by the Clinton-Bush Crime Family is Donald Trump.

The NWO Globalists are determined to thwart Trump’s ascendancy to the White House by every means possible.  They know that he is a hardcore Nationalist who will eradicate every traitor from the U.S. Federal Government.  In a word, they are scared … like never before.

The following article was written at a time when The Donald was only getting started; however, it remains even more relevant today.  This political bio contains information that does not appear anywhere else on the Internet and is well worth the read.

The Millenniun Report


Donald Trump: The Perfect Foil
to the Clinton-Bush Crime Family

The Donald Trump Show:
A Determined Man With A Very Serious Destiny … Coming This Fall

 Now Playing On
Tablets & Smartphones Across America

Only The Donald  Can Sufficiently Wreck the Democratic Party
When They’re Not Wrecking and Ruining It Themselves

State of the Nation


Excerpt from Editor’s Note:
Donald Trump not only mastered the Manhattan milieu — in his own unique way — he also took West Palm Beach by storm (WPB is the unofficial capital of southeast Florida aka the “New York City” of the South). For those who are unaware, the stretch of Florida coastline from Stuart to Miami is called the Gold Coast. It is aptly named since it represents the greatest concentration of wealth on the planet. The same geographic area, particularly West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Jupiter, Fort Lauderdale and Stuart are also well-known for the sheer number of ultra-rich power-players (read Illuminati, Incunabula and Cahilla) who reside there all year round. This is perhaps the only depression-proof region of the world which will become much more evident after the upcoming Super Shemitah events.[1]

Regardless of what you think of Donald Trump as a person or presidential candidate, what is really important about him is this.

Trump has courage.

Donald J. Trump truly possesses a streak of raw, unadulterated courage not seen since John F. Kennedy.

Forget how he projects or speaks for just a moment. He was not bred or acculturated like JFK. He was born as a tough ass, hard-as-nails, in-your-face New Yorker. That’s what he is.  So, everyone needs to get over it.  After all, isn’t that what this 2016 presidential election cycle desperately needs?  A super-dose of reality mixed with some very tough love.

In his drive to succeed in the Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island housing markets, and later in the cutthroat Manhattan real estate market, Donald Trump had to play the game against some very tough competitors. That’s why he was FORCED to file for bankruptcy four times. And yet, he got up again, raised himself from the mat, and re-entered the fight.

Donald Trump was born to fight and he just picked his biggest one yet. 

Donald Trump is the only BIG — really BIG — public figure to have persisted about Barack Obama not possessing an authentic birth certificate (BC).  Not only that, but during the last presidential campaign his relentless pursuit of that BC forced Obama to post a fabricated copy of a fraudulent BC on the official website.

Obama Birth Certificate: Confirmed Forgery According To Top Experts

Since then, Obama’s birth certificate copy has been proven by several experts to be a completely fraudulent and forged document.  That’s a felony on the part of Obama and his colluding staff.  Actually, the whole process of defrauding the American people — over two presidential election cycles — represents a whole bunch of serious felonies … as in high crimes and misdemeanors.  As in impeachable crimes!

In his brave endeavor to expose Obama, Trump trumped all the aces that Obama and his tribe were holding, and forced them to commit felonies in the process of fabricating and posting a falsified birth certificate.  Do you now understand the sheer enormity and profundity of the accomplishment of one Donald J. Trump?

Not only did Team Obama go into panic mode due to Trump’s bold initiatives, they proceeded to engineer the fake assassination of Osama bin Laden 2 days after the felonious posting in order to divert the attention of the whole world from the fraudulent and forged BC they contrived.  That manufactured event is further elaborated here and at the following link.

Did Obama Really Kill Osama?

What’s the point?

There is only one other man of real stature who has been brave enough to pursue the truth of Obama’s BC and that is Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Phoenix.

That’s not really the point; it’s just another VERY significant factoid. Why?  Because the good sheriff has found himself harassed and persecuted, harried and prosecuted by the Obama Administration every time he attempts to enforce federal immigration law. Just like Arpaio, the MSM has gone after Trump for simply wanting existing law enforced by the federal government.

The other point is that Donald Trump unveiled the BC conspiracy in a way that no one else in American society was able or willing to do.  Because he speaks the truth like no politician in the land, he has distinguished himself at least as an authentic birther and, therefore, truth-teller.  That doesn’t necessarily mean he’d be a great or even good president, only that he is willing to tell the people the truth. In this particular case, he was quite willing to pursue the single most inconvenient truth in the USA — Obama’s lack of an authentic birth certificate.

Donald Trump also seems to represent the dire reality of these United States of America in 2015 in a way that no one else will. In so doing, he commits the greatest crime that any American politician can ever commit — he tells the people the truth … and then let’s them come to their own conclusions about how to proceed.

Trump has the cojones of King Kong and Godzilla put together

It is critical to understand that there is no one else out there who has shown any willingness to take on the system.  Joe Arpaio has, but at a much lower level.  That’s not to say that there are not others out there who would like to take on the system.  However, they need to see how it’s done first.  What it takes. And what the consequences might be.

Donald Trump has shown a willingness to lose everything he has.  TPTB have already been stripping away one revenue stream after another from his empire.  At the end of the day, he could literally be left with nothing, and he really seems not to care.  Talk about HUGE cojones (yes, it is properly spelled with an “o” not an “a”).

Sorry if we offend anyone’s sensibilities, but it’s crucial to understand at this critical juncture of American history that, going forward:


What we’re saying is that the whole planetary realm has been ruled by sheer cowards for many decades. Cowards manufactured the two world wars and succumbed to the forces promoting a perpetual war economy. Cowards both synthesized and surrendered to those economic depressions and recessions which paralyzed the planet. Nothing but fear-filled cowards built massive arsenals of nuclear weaponry that could destroy the world one hundred times over. It is still the same cowards who continue to create every conceivable weapon of mass destruction in order to hold vast regions of the world hostage. Hence, only a leader with moral courage, and especially one who will act on the courage of their convictions, can break the current downward death spiral of American society, and especially of the U.S. Federal Government.

We’re not saying that Donald Trump would make the best president of the USA.  Who can possibly say at this point?  What we are saying is that Trump will make sure that the current electoral process will be revealed for what it truly is —> a TOTAL FRAUD. In fact, it is an unmitigated fraud perpetrated on the citizenry every four yours to present the appearance that the American people live in a democracy where the people choose the leaders, not the rich and powerful.

Look it, it takes a person with a large ego to go up against the entire Anglo-American power structure, yes?  Who would ever embrace such a formidable undertaking (with the exception of JFK, of course) except an individual who has real courage and fearlessness, moxie and intestinal fortitude … and a HUGE ego?

Trump’s Scottish Ancestry Makes Him A Fierce Fighting Force

This is where BRAVEHEART and Trump’s Scottish ancestry come into play.

For those who are unaware, the Scots have a long and valiant history of bucking the system.  There was no more tyrannical system than the thoroughly despotic English monarchy.  That’s not to say there were not some fair-minded British monarchs who departed from the typical ‘royal’ despotism down through the centuries.  Nevertheless, it was the Scottish people who felt the heel of the British Empire as no other ‘colony’.  After all, they began as the next door neighbor of the biggest global bully of the second millennium.  In effect, Scotland was the first British colony in the making of the British Empire.

The Scottish story of BRAVEHEART perfectly portrays just how courageous the hearts of the Scots really were during their historical fight for independence from the British CROWN.  In their ardent quest for freedom from England, for self-rule and self-determination, for national and personal sovereignty, the Scottish people were ready to sacrifice everything.  By everything it should be understood that the Scots are really hardwired as a people to sacrifice life and limb for the prospect of genuine independence.
Continue reading HERE

It is divine synchronicity that Scotland recently held a countrywide referendum on their national independence from the United Kingdom.  While the ‘official’ vote was very close in favor of staying in the U.K., it’s now well understood by most of the voters that the vote was both manipulated, and then stolen in the end, in order to fix the result for rejecting independence.  Such is the corrupt and pervasive power of the City of London in the affairs of Scotland to this very day, just as London continues to exert its thoroughly corrupt influence on the United States of America.

Scottish Independence Vote Stolen, Massive Coverup Ensues, Usual Suspects ID’ed

You wouldn’t want to mess with either Donald Trump or George Galloway.

George Galloway: A Scottish Former MP Who Is As Fearsome As They Come 

Very few nations produce sons as courageous as Scots-Irish George Galloway, the Respect Party Member of Parliament (MP) who served from March 2012 to March 2015.  Galloway fiercely fought the entrenched and prevailing mindsets of the British Parliament in a way that no other MP has in modern history.  Watch any video on YouTube and his principled stands and righteous ferocity come through clearly every time. Unfortunately, just like Trump, his was often a lone voice crying in the wilderness.

The point here is that Trump comes from the same no-nonsense Scottish pedigree. Whether you love ’em or hate ’em doesn’t matter.  Whether you like his style is really irrelevant.  Whether you appreciate, or not, his approach to real problems facing America is not the issue.  Whether you’re appalled by The Donald‘s total lack of political correctness is inconsequential.  Just like George Galloway’s tirades in the House of Commons — year after year — where he was somewhat successful at waking up the woefully unenlightened consciousness that predominates throughout Parliament, Trump is busy pricking the American conscience during this unparalleled and paradigm-busting campaign season.

What remains to be seen is how Trump articulates his foreign policy.  Galloway’s was extraordinarily considerate of the sovereignty of other nations, as he was compassionate toward oppressed peoples such as the Palestinians.  Nevertheless, Trump’s stated mission is to first: “Make America Great Again!”  He knows that the current domestic predicament under Obama has so deteriorated and is in such desperate condition that nothing short of a 21st century “Marshall Plan” is desperately needed to rebuild this nation.

3rd Party Independent Candidates Often Educate and Enlighten the Electorate 

Though he ‘resisted’ leaving the GOP primary process, Trump is actually operating as the quintessential independent 3rd party candidate.  He knows that there is no place for his politics or policies, presentations or polemics within the Republican Party.  That’s why it’s so much fun to watch him blow it all up.  The whole Republican charade is being exposed with every event that occurs around The Donald.  He is a natural for setting up the GOP to unwittingly reveal their treachery and treason at every turn.

This is the real beauty of Donald Trump.  It’s not about him becoming president, because that is highly unlikely to happen.  It is about him exposing the outright corruption of American politics, especially the nefarious workings of the U.S. Federal Government. Every time he opens his mouth something new comes out of the closet.  The Megyn Kelly episode during the recent debate, that was sponsored by FACEBOOK, no less, is a perfect example of The Donald exposing the conspiratorial collaboration between the ever-perfidious Mainstream Media (MSM) and the American political establishment.  Truly, FOX News was caught with their pants, and skirts, down as never before.  WOW ! ! !

Just as Ron Paul has effectively served as the Thomas Paine of the 21st century during and between his presidential campaigns, Trump is serving the very same purpose, only in different ways and for different purposes.  Paul was, and is, functioning as the New Age Internet Pamphleteer prior to the upcoming 2nd American Revolution.  He has methodically educated the American people about the tyrannical IRS, the unaccountable Federal Reserve and the perpetual war economy that both political parties aggressively promote.

Trump, on the other hand, is our Paul Revere screaming that the British are already here, and that they have destroyed the country from within.  TheirManchurian Candidate and loyal agent — Barack Obama — was surreptitiously inserted into the American political system by way of the extreme stealth and subversion that the British are well known for. That’s why Trump raised such a raucous about the birth certificate.  That incredible conspiracy, which continues to this very day, is enough to create the greatest American constitutional crisis of all time.

The key role that Donald Trump has in this national drama is to alert the American people of the many political dangers and fiscal perils that lurk around every corner.  In that regard, though unelected to any public office, he is also playing the part of John Adams, the extremely righteous, determined and outspoken advocate for American Independence. Simply put, were it not for the mountain-moving John Adams, the Revolutionary War would never have taken place.  Furthermore, the constitutional republic of the United States of America might never have been born … for real!

Only a real outsider — who is independently wealthy — can shake up the system in the way that it needs to be earth-shaken.  In this regard Donald Trump is the man.  Make no mistake about it, in spite of his predictable Donald Trump moments, he has already sacrificed more of his “life and limb” than all the other presidential candidates put together … … … since JFK, that is.

TRUMP: Man Of Destiny

The politicos on both the right and the left have never seen anything like Donald Trump. His destiny is unlike any other American politician.  The establishment knows however, that Trump should not, can not, and will not be elected president on their watch.  They will not tolerate someone who doesn’t take orders from the real shadow government that runs the show.

Hence, the folks who make up the plutocratic oligarchy that controls America’s fate will do everything on their power to sabotage Trump’s Campaign.  These same characters fail to realize that what doesn’t kill Trump will only make him stronger.  Now that he has tasted the genuine support oozing from the electorate, who yearn for a real leader, he will not end his march to Washington.

When we state that they will not allow Trump to enter the White House, that means they will try to prevent him from winning however they so choose.  If they are unsuccessful they will resort to a plan B like they did with JFK, RFK and MLK.  The shadow government will stop at nothing because their whole world depends on strictly controlling the U.S. Government, and especially the presidency.

For this reason Mexico’s most powerful drug lord, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman was permitted to escape from his pleasure palace prison on Saturday, July 11th just in time to issue direct threats at Donald Trump.  How ridiculous is the following account of the escape.

Guzman, 56, escaped late Saturday from Mexico’s Altiplano maximum-security prison through a specially built, lighted and ventilated tunnel that ended in a half-built house in a rural farm field near the prison.
(Source: Mexican drug kingpin ‘El Chapo’ escapes from prison

Now the ruling cabal has plausible deniability should Trump be taken down by a Mexican drug gang leader (actually by his henchmen), particularly gangs known for their shocking violence and heinous crimes.

It’s No Accident That A Man Named TRUMP Owned A Gambling Empire

Donald Trump is in many ways the epitome of the American Dream. Like many who have came before him he has tried his hand at many different occupations and enterprises. Some of those have failed; many have been successful.  In addition to his extensive real estate development projects, his two mainstays have been gambling and golf.  American culture has embraced both of these as much as mom and apple pie.  Donald is therefore the classic all-American businessman.

Just like the U.S. economy, Trump’s gambling empire rose and fell with the vagaries of the American consumer.  No one knows the true status of the economy like a gambling magnate.  People can only gamble when they have the discretionary income to do so. They now no longer have it; hence, cities like Las Vegas and Atlantic City are now a shadow of their former selves.  Of course, Superstorm Sandy only served to further hasten the demise of Atlantic City and Trump’s casinos.

Even the sport of golf is subject to the time and money that fans have to both attend tournaments and pay their club fees, respectively.  Although it tends to be more recession-proof than most other athletic businesses, amateur and pro golf always needs big-spending corporate sponsors to pony up the sponsorships and advertising fees.  Given the many and massive corporate stock buybacks that have been occurring over 2015, even professional golf is vulnerable to a significant downturn.

So, it’s quite fitting that a person like Donald Trump, who knows the lay of the land as well as anyone, emerges to fight the good fight.  He has watched the bankers and brokers systematically effectuate the largest transfer of wealth in American history over the past many years.  He has witnessed Wall Street’s predatory fleecing of Main Street and feels the pain of the people.  He also knows that when the middle class has been virtually eliminated, the 1% will have no more customers to fleece.  What then?

That’s exactly where America stands today, and men and women of financial stature like Donald Trump know that.  Which is exactly why people rich and poor, smart and dull, powerful and weak resonate with his populist yet conservative message.  Again, we’re not saying Trump can deliver on his campaign promises.  It may be too late for anyone to save the sinking USS America.  With Obama at the helm for so many years, irreparable damage has been inflicted throughout all of society, on the national economy and on America’s finances at every level.


You don’t have to support Donald Trump for president if you don’t agree with him or his platform.  However, his real mission, whether he knows it or not, is much, much greater and for the ultimate good of the country.  Regardless of how his political fate or fortune unfolds, his campaign has irreversibly changed the course of the American electoral process.

Whether you like his histrionics or not, Trump’s ever-occurring dramas have laid bare American politics for the charade that it truly is, and has always been. He is also unmasking his fellow GOP candidates for the frauds that they truly are — EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM. That’s not to say that he will prove himself to be a completely honest and straightforward president certain to deliver on every campaign promise. He is a change agent, after all, and GENUINE change agents rarely make great leaders. All that matters, however, is that his sincerity at this stage has made him enemies of the entire political establishment. That is a good thing … a very good sign of his authenticity.

Is Trump being used by some clandestine force to fix the race in favor of the Democrats? Is he really in bed with the Clintons?  Or, is he working on behalf of the real GOP leadership that tells the RNC who to nominate?  Maybe he’s closely allied with the Tea Party and Libertarians?  Who knows?  Only the final outcome will reveal such a hidden agenda(s). If he is a stealth candidate, it is highly unlikely that he is aware since he stands to lose so much wealth and reputation as he burns in the crucible of so much negative national media attention.

Clearly, the Universe is using The Donald to prepare the way for the 2nd American Revolution that is surely coming this 2016.  If you’re not ready for it, just sit back and watch The Donald Trump Show as it cascades across TV and computer screens, tablets and smartphones all over America.

Stay tuned for more of The Greatest Show on Earth!  The next installment is now showing below:

State of the Nation
August 9, 2015

Author’s Note

The New York City business environment that Donald Trump has worked in throughout his adult life is the TOUGHEST in the world.  It doesn’t get any rougher than Manhattan real estate development.  Those bankers and brokers, bureaucrats and businessmen make for a very difficult and trying environment in which to succeed … for anyone.

The point:  Trump has tangled with the very same power-brokers throughout his career who basically control the American electoral process.  They are the banksters and brokers, lawyers and lobbyists, corporate CEOs and presidents who have engineered the outcome of virtually every U.S. presidential election for the past two hundred years.  You simply can’t win an election without campaign contributions, yes?

Therefore, the only way to beat these moneychangers is by upsetting their little monopoly game.  The only one we know who can successfully turn their monopoly board upside down is Donald Trump.  He knows their game better than anyone in the Big Apple. He’s been there, done that and won’t lose a wink of sleep in the process.  He’s a true Scot at heart and really loves a good fight.

By the way can you believe these same NYC con-men rebranded the biggest environmental disaster area on the planet the Big Apple?  You talk about Madison Avenue Mad Men and word merchants!  Yeah, The Donald, he’s definitely got their number.

“War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength”
— 1984 by George Orwell

The BIG APPLE: When urban blight is compared to a wholesome fruit!

Editor’s Note

The SOTN editor grew up in upstate New York. How many times did we hear New York — The Empire State.  We even got excited about visiting the Empire State Building, the tallest skyscraper on the planet.  From the very beginning it was clear that we lived in the state that controlled the world and what some have called American Empire.

Yes, the city of London controls New York City … and Rome controls London; however, it is the critical financial and political nexus of NYC and DC that is currently running roughshod across the planet — practically anywhere and anytime it wants to.  The reader must understand that the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) and DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average) and Fortune 500 and Wall Street Journal are all creations of the same Madison Avenue Mad Men.

What’s the point?

Donald Trump is quite aware of the coming collapse of the Global Economic & Financial System.[1]  He knows exactly who is responsible for the inexorable and unconscionable redistribution of wealth from the 99% to the 1%.  He also knows that it is only through the loyal patronage of the 99% that he still possesses his business empire.  Both the 99% and 1% have gambled and golfed at his casinos and courses, purchased and rented his condos and apartments, and even watch his TV show and golf tourneys.

Maybe this is The Donald‘s unique way of giving back?  And remember, he’ll always be a true Scot at heart!


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    Your Comments
    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 29 comments
    • King of Shambhala

      Obama’s the Antichrist.
      I’m the Messiah.
      Spread that message so then you’ll be saved.

      • Big dog.../small fish...

        Donkey rump!!

        • King of Shambhala

          Isn’t it suspicious how trolls follow me around to heckle me?
          They seem to have something to hide big time.
          Obama’s revealed as the Antichrist.
          Homosexuals are abominations in the Bible and Obama’s the Abomination i.e. the Antichrist.
          The homos trolling my articles are demons.
          Those who don’t recognize the heavenly power of the omen announced in the Bible will go to hell.
          666 cropped up on the day after Obama’s election in the lottery-draw of his homestate and that makes Obama the Antichrist beyond any possible doubt.

          • Geeper

            This article is in the sidebar, KOS. If you go around shouting “I am Jesus” on random sidebar articles, the people who find this funny or annoying will reply to you.

            • King of Shambhala

              Homo HIV-infested GeeperAids is a shill for old black homo Obama the Antichrist.
              Those only who recognize the heavenly power of the omen announced in the Bible, will go to heaven.
              666 cropped up on the day after Obama’s election in the lottery-draw of his homestate and that makes Obama the Antichrist beyond any possible doubt.

        • Hi NSA, kiss my artichoke

          Two words on the featured page, and I knew EXACTLY to whom you were speaking. :lol: :wink:

          • King of Shambhala

            Apostate blasphemous reprobate headed for hell.
            Those who don’t recognize the heavenly power of the omen announced in the Bible will all go to hell and only those who recognize the heavenly power announced in the Bible will go to heaven.
            666 cropped up on the day after Obama’s election in the lottery-draw of his homestate and that makes Obama the Antichrist beyond any possible doubt.

      • Syco247

        King of shamalamadingdong is back again. Take your meds geir.

        • King of Shambhala

          I’m saying all you apostates will fail to get to heaven. Hope this helps.
          Listen carefully because those who understand this message will be saved. Don’t miss this chance.
          Those only who recognize the heavenly power of the omen announced in the Bible will go to heaven.
          666 cropped up on the day after Obama’s election in the lottery-draw of his homestate and that makes Obama the Antichrist beyond any possible doubt.

        • Black Humor

 Simply Hilarious.
          This might take some time, but strikes funny bone severely.

          Your DNC has allied with very corrupt establishment of EU. Together we can fight them. Laughter makes you free!

    • The Thinning Veil Report

      one way to know who is awake and who is not is to note who thinks any positive change will happen as a result of AN ELECTION.
      millenium is fast asleep.

      all presidents are selected and all adhere to the cabal’s orders.

      trump is a frickin billionaire, for pete’s sake! do you really think he got to where he is by NOT playing ball?

      his real name, family name, is drumpf, an illuminati jewish family. you figure it out.

      just sayin…..

      • King of Shambhala

        Watch out for The Thinning Veil Report he’s an Islam-loving madman.
        He’s an apostate blasphemer who revels in the Antichrist Obama.
        Those who don’t recognize the heavenly power of the omen announced in the Bible will go to hell.
        666 cropped up on the day after Obama’s election in the lottery-draw of his homestate and that makes Obama the Antichrist beyond any possible doubt.

        • The Thinning Veil Report

          king of the psych ward,

          i promote no politician, nor any party, as politics is rigged and only attracts morons and sheeple.

          politics is here to give the ILLUSION OF CHOICE AND FREEDOM.

          we are all born into slavery the moment we are registered at birth. when we register anything, house, car, people, we give up ownership of said item.

          stop putting words in my mouth, retard.

        • KnowMoreThanYou

          I cannot wait until Obozo is out of office this year and I am almost as happy that hopefully you will be gone and all your Antichrist crap along with him!!! Just a couple of more months until you are both gone!! :razz:
          DO you have a back up plan once he is gone and all your Antichrist crap goes out the door? :idea:

          • Big dog.../small fish...

            If it’s HILLARY, he’ll treat her as LILITH or something of the sort. Don’t fret, he’ll be here spewing some other garbage.

            • King of Shambhala

              Big dog…/small fish…is an abomination, a homo, an apostate blasphemer; he’ll go to hell and for all eternity and he’ll not get to heaven.
              Those only who recognize the heavenly power of the omen announced in the Bible, will go to heaven.
              666 cropped up on the day after Obama’s election in the lottery-draw of his homestate and that makes Obama the Antichrist beyond any possible doubt.

          • King of Shambhala

            KnowMoreThanYou is not a reporter to BIN so I can bust him.
            False christ.
            Those only who recognize the heavenly power of the omen announced in the Bible, will go to heaven.
            666 cropped up on the day after Obama’s election in the lottery-draw of his homestate and that makes Obama the Antichrist beyond any possible doubt.

            • Hi NSA, kiss my artichoke

              Poor Geir, you couldn’t even bust a nut. :lol:
              Remember, stay off those meds! :wink:
              You’re much funnier without them. :twisted:

            • King of Shambhala

              Beware of the apostate heretical blasphemous reprobates in the comments here.
              None will be saved. None will go to heaven.

    • Anonymous

      Only Trump can change things/ got the power to succeed, the others to weak, can not win, if there ever where any others?
      That is why I am for Trump, 4 years TRUMP.

      • Anonymous

        90 % + of Humanity is behind Trump in basic policy.

        • Anonymous

          Then we got the inhumane, these ruling psychopaths:

          Who are these vampires of the world?

          Better to be the good Ronin, as in the Seven Samurai 1954.

          The 10 Roman families whose top men sit on the Jesuit Council:
          1. Farnese *
          2. Borja
          3. Colonna
          4. Gaetoni
          5. Medici
          6. Pamphili
          7. Orsini *
          8. Aldobrandini *
          9. Chigi
          10. Conti

          * = Most powerful bloodlines

          The REAL 13 Illuminati Families:

          House of Aldobrandini/Borghese *
          House of Farnese/della Rovere *
          House of Orsini/Maximus *
          House of Borja/Borgia
          House of Pamphili (Pope Innocent X, the father of EU)
          House of Somaglia *
          House of Breakspeare *
          House of Chigi
          House of Colonna/Cologna
          House of Conti
          House of Gaetani/Caetani
          House of Merdici/ De Medeci/ Domedici
          House of Este Estence /Guelph (British Queen)
          House of Lee (China)
          House of Pierce (The Bush/Walker family)
          House of Rotchild (Bauer/Schiff, now intermarried to the Aldobrandinis)

          House of Orsini/Maximus / Pepe Orsini the grey pope the most powerful person in Italy.

          MONTY PYTHON’S THE LIFE OF BRIAN ( biggus dickus)

          Maximus dickus owner of this:
          The Obelisk in St. Peter’s Square, was originally erected at Heliopolis, by the Egyptian King Nuncores; the Emperor Caligula (37-41 A.D.) had

          it brought to Rome and raised in his circus, which later on was named after Nero; here it was dedicated to Augustus and Tiberius as is stated

          on its pedestal.

          In 30 BC Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire. Most of the obelisks of Heliopolis were removed to Alexandria and Rome and the

          walls of the city were used for the construction of other cities. At one time Rome possessed forty-eight obelisks pillaged from Egypt

          Obelisks were prominent in the architecture of the ancient Egyptians, who placed them in pairs at the entrance of temples. Obelisks ranged

          in height from 9 metres to 32 metres and the tips, or capstones, were covered in shining gold or silver to catch the rays of the sun

          The interior plan of the Sun temple of Heliopolis, Egypt involved an open court yard in which there was an obelisk topped by a capstone

          which was a pyramid-shaped Ben-Ben Stone. It was believed to catch the sun rays every morning, to highlight that the god Ra was in his

          temple. According to mythology the Ben-Ben Stone (also called the Stone of Destiny) enlightened the person who was in its surroundings

          and was capable of producing an awful power. It was impossible to be close to the Ben-Ben Stone without the protection of magical rituals

          performed by the Priests.

          An important artefact of Heliopolis, Egypt was the sacred Ished Tree, the Tree of Life, the Seat of the Bennu Bird (phoenix). The name of

          the phoenix in Egyptian is ‘bennu’. The Tree was protected by the Great Cat, a Symbol of Ra.

          The city of ancient Heliopolis, Egypt was considered to be one of the principle seats of learning in the ancient world, with schools of theology,

          science, history, astronomy and philosophy and were attended by famous writers such as Homer, Pythagoras, Plato, Herodotus and Solon.

          Moses was educated at Heliopolis
          Two of its obelisks, both known as Cleopatra’s Needle, from of Heliopolis, Egypt now stand on the Thames embankment in London, United

          Kingdom, and another in Central Park, New York, USA.

          • wiseoldlady

            Thank you for the wonderful Orsini link,,,great info.

          • Big dog.../small fish...

            No german families by the name of Drumf??

    • Anonymous

      Do we have an Guardian Angel? What is this about, inner struggle? I said what I stand for. / It is strange.
      CIA/ Jim Morrison – Love street.

      It is more complex. But doom is easy, you all could doom each-other I guess. And no one walks out but the one residing upon Mars, something like that always deception.

      • Anonymous

        Kill the psychopaths; find them kill them/ take them out if DEFCON 4. Fast.

        • Anonymous

          Why they probably behind it.

          • Anonymous

            Bill an Hilarious is wacko people.

    • freakneck

      …”The following article was written at a time when The Donald was only getting started; however, it remains even more relevant today. This political bio contains information that does not appear anywhere else on the Internet and is well worth the read.”…

      So what you’re really trying to say is that you ran out of new conspiracies to come up with and write about, and that this info not contained anywhere else is because it’s all made up bullsh*t.

      I find very little in BIN “worth the read”. I use it basically as entertainment to see what the next conspiracy de’ jour is!!

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