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By Advaita Mihai Stoian
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The Critical Issues of Contemporary Democracy: Transparency and Lobbying

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by Emanuele Gentile - Girodivite

The recent meeting of Club Bilderberg in Copenhagen has created quite a buzz worldwide. Experts and scholars have stressed that meetings of this kind are a real danger for contemporary democracy. We asked quantum physicist and scientific researcher Advaita Stoian to explain some of the critical issues the world is currently facing.


The topic of this interview – also avaliable below in video format - is widely appealing because it deals with the very important issue of the state of health of contemporary democracy. An issue which affects us all. Before we dive head first into this subject though, an introduction to Advaita Stoian is more than needed.


A quantum physicist and scientific researcher, best known for his pioneering views on the principle of Continuous and Conscious Transformation as the engine of spiritual evolution, Advaita Stoian is also an inspiring speaker and author. In his life, he uniquely combines the spiritual quest with passionate revelations about who and what is controlling the world. Sharing his wisdom aș a yoga, meditation and tantra teacher for more than 20 years, Advaita has travelled the world, teaching in over 20 countries. He is currently the senior coordinating teacher at Natha Yoga Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, and he also keeps numerous workshops and retreats at Paradise Retreat Center, Denmark. He is the author of the most comprehensive course on Advanced Meditation available today.


First question Mr. Stoian. Denmark recently hosted the annual Bilderberg meeting. Why do the media consider that to be “breaking news”?


Actually, the media have changed their opinion. Just one year ago this was not breaking news, but conspiracy theory. Now suddenly they have shifted to referring to the Bilderberg meetings as‘’breaking news’’, as if everyone would know about them. But they missed one point: the fact that they have never announced that this group even exists. They have never introduced it to the public. Thus, they are trying to shift the public scrutiny about it. Practically, it is a media trick. Previously, if anyone was to say anything about the existence of such a group, they were discredited and mocked by the same media that is today screaming out loud: ‘’breaking news’’. The lack of professionalism is also interesting – surprisingly, you would say, for the mainstream media – by the fact that they are saying that this is ‘’breaking news’’ in the headlines, but they are not showing anything from what happens on the inside. Practically, they don’t tell anything about the activity of this group. The media has no role in this story, it only creates an active deception. Although they call it ‘’breaking news’’, in reality they don’t bring the news to the public. They are just inventing ‘’a smoke screen’’ so that they cannot be later on accused of concealing the truth.


They could have instead announced, as decency would call for: ‘’Look, what last year was conspiracy theory, now comes out to be true. So let’s take it from the beginning: what is the Bilderberg group about? Who is part of this group? What is the purpose of this group? Let’s have some interviews with people from this group; let’s go inside or at least let’s see why they don’t allow us to go inside’’. The media knows very well to do so when it wants to, or when they receive orders to do so. But, mysteriously, in this case, they have created just a very big ‘’smoke screen’’, a situation where they attract the public’s attention only towards the headlines, while they offer zero information. They even have this shameless attitude to go public so noisily on a subject they very recently have denied. This is clearly proving not only lack of professionalism, but an arrogance of power that is unprecedented.


Are we sure that groups like Bilderberg are adding value to democracy?


One can say that, but only in the context of a very broad perspective, where all the bad serves for the greater good. In that context, yes, any tyrant is pushing a step forward in establishing a democratic system. Eventually, any act of tyranny will end up with an increased public awareness. Therefore, people become better in promoting their own freedom. But if you look from the perspective of giving people the right to decide for themselves – which is, by the way, one of the purposes of democracy, then no, the Bilderberg group is an abomination, a deviation, regardless of the impression they give of serving a greater good, while denying the principles they claim to promote. Same primitive is their own view of themselves as a kind of precursory diplomatic discussers for the official talks.


Could you explain us why all these groups are very important in our present social dynamics?


This group gained importance due to the very structure of our society today. In my opinion, the paradigm we are using for organizing human society today is the one that automatically generates an excessive and abusive use of power. This is due to the fact that the whole pyramid of structure is upside down. And this kind of reversed structure is reversing, in its turn, the forces. Therefore, even if we try to create or artificially set up the things correctly, they would sooner or later deviate towards such occult groups, to having people going behind closed doors and also to having some who consider themselves better than the others. This is part of the definition of the modern society, which has an egocentric way of looking at life. This is what is being generated when egocentric beings are put together: they generate an egocentric structure.


It is the same with the occult groups who consider themselves to be ‘’higher’’ than the others, and who gradually gain importance. They consider themselves entitled to rule by default, therefore they meet secretly (this time, ’discreetly’’), behind closed doors. They give each other feedback and advice in order to have an apparently more objective decision making process. While in reality their personal agendas cannot be separated. And how could they be? A person who doesn’t control his own emotions, his own mental structure, doesn’t know how to separate an unconscious tendency from a conscious decision. You wouldn’t entrust such a person to be part of elite even if they swear to serve well. What he would swear consciously would be later on betrayed by his own subconscious tendencies. By the way we look upon things today, we give importance to such closed groups that are hiding from the public just because they think that from the special position they have, they deserve to do so. This is from where the importance of the Bilderberg group is derived. In my opinion, they don’t have a super important role within the social dynamic structure.


You mentioned ‘’reverse pyramid structure’’. How do you consider it to be the case in a society which is based on human values?


We have a model in nature, as we have everywhere in the universe. Structures based on frequencies of vibration, on different levels of consciousness. The traditional way to see the structure of the universe starts from a highest source, then descends to the grossest form of matter. Then we have the evolutionary direction that naturally goes from the lowest to the highest. The problem is when humans are interfering and changing the relationship between these levels. We humans used to build systems where the lower levels are serving the superior levels; within nature the superior principle always serves the lowest form of organization and not the other way around. Nature shows us that when the highest forms are abusing the lower forms, the result is destruction.


The human being claims to be the apex of civilization and evolution, but on the other hand we are the ones who destroy nature. We are not even aș smart as the nature which created us and yet we abuse it. We abuse animals, we abuse plants. Yes, they are indeed a form of organization that is inferior to us, but it is us who should serve them, not them that should only exist in order to serve our purposes. This is a drama today and it becomes obvious, since we cannot even create around us a simple state of harmony. This is also why our form of structure reflects a wrong paradigm. Usually it is the leaders who are supposed to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, yet they are the ones who abuse everyone else. The lowest part of the pyramidal structure of the society carries the whole weight of the stupid things that leaders are doing. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? A real leader serves and sacrifices himself for the others. We have the glorious example at the origin of Christianity. Jesus was the one who was sacrificed for the others. If there was today a leader who would try to be like Jesus, he would be served by all Christians (take the Pope, for example). This is what I meant with the reverse structure: things are looked at from upside down. This is why we have all kinds of occult groups that are just landing on top, instead of serving.


Many people hail the Bilderberg Group as a danger for human society, do you agree?


The Bilderbergers are not the only occult group that has a grip upon world power. This group is just a part of the super-state structure. It is somehow a danger for society because it manifests this arrogant attitude towards the use of power. It promotes an unjustified elitist view that is corrupting the mechanism of exerting authority and power today, which, therefore, is based on non-value. Most members of this group may not actually deserve to be in their positions. For instance, many of them contributed to the destruction of our current economic system. If they didn’t do it on purpose, they must be very stupid, since they managed to create a system that is practically failing today. Therefore, why should such people be ’’an elite’’? Perhaps an elite of stupidity? Or an elite of  human failure? What I am saying is that they don’t prove to be valuable human beings. They gained power and value just because it was given to them by the very people they are hiding from today. Is this normal? It is completely upside down. They took power from the people who voted for them and entrusted them with this power, and now they are claiming ‘’we are an elite and we cannot share with the mob our secrets, because the mob is stupid’’. Well, it may be stupid, since it has elected them.. This is the main reason for which such a group is a danger: they are promoting an upside down system of values.


An American sociologist (David Mazda) has warned us about the so called “white collar crimes”. Is this the case of the Bilderberg Group?

It is far more than that. This term, ‘’white collar crime’’, refers to the crimes and abuse of power made by people in service of the state. Where do we hear about people that are above that? ‘’White collar crimes’’ are crimes done, for instance, by the CEO of a bank, who abusively follows a personal agenda, or is teaming up with a group of persons , i.e. people from the same masonic lodge, to get an export of goods from a 3rd world country to a rich country for a very good price etc. These are abuses which are indeed done under the umbrella of such groups of power.


But here we speak about crimes that are above this level, in my opinion. They are shaping people’s thinking in a certain way that is biased. This fact practically violates their stated principles. I believe that with such a group we are facing a crime on much higher levels. Higher, of course, not as a level of consciousness, but as a level of power and corruption. We are talking about ideological crimes.


In which ways does the Bilderberg Group follow the tradition of Freemasonry?


They follow this tradition in the sense that they consider themselves to be an elite; in the sense that most of them are in high ranks within freemasonry; in the sense that they are promoting an upside down scale of values. These are, in my opinion, some clear guidelines pointing to the fact that they follow the same footprints – the same as the general movement of the freemasonry. Still, freemasonry is an organization that is very complex and doesn’t only have this drive for power exclusively, as the elite do. There are many people in this organization who are practically unconscious about these elements, especially those în the lower ranks. But here we refer to the elite of masonry, who, for doctrinal reasons, think of themselves to be higher. In this way, the existence of such a group becomes a testing site for the validity or invalidity of the masonic teachings and concepts.


What do you think about the state of health of our present worldwide democracy?


From the ’’health’’ point of view, I think democracy is in a coma. I don’t see any awareness whatsoever, and this is the case especially in the countries and people who consider themselves to be democratic. Even the concept itself is totally flipped upside down today. Those who are the most undemocratic are teaching the others democracy, while the biggest criminals are guarding the prison, and so on. In this respect, democracy is on hold, in a coma, almost dying, in agony. And the drama is not that it’s attacked from the outside, but that it’s collapsing from the inside. It’s failing inside the society, by people embracing all kinds of bizarre concepts of power. Everything is centered around the ego, which is a false center of power of the person. This is making some people lend their source of power to all kinds of abusers who afterwards become tyrants in ‘’democratic’’ clothes. On the other hand, we have such groups as the Bilderberg who think of themselves to be above everything. These are all symptoms of a body în agony. They are definitely not a natural outcome of a healthy democratic system.


Do you think it is still possible for people to live in a democratic system?


Yes, it is possible, but it requires a process that needs to start from the inside of everyone. For the moment, humanity is making an immense mistake in confusing the togetherness of humanity with a melting pot, where individuals are all mixed in a big soup. We are completely losing the common sense of things in these times – although I am positive we can learn from this situation. This fact will be possible when we will become responsible for our own lives, without becoming egocentric, thus regaining common sense, not ego-sense; when we will give God His place in our lives, thus opening ourselves towards a superior organization, a superior form of power and intelligence; when we will become more detached to the events in our lives; when we will have a much more pro-active way rather than reactive, which always comes when we harmoniously turn our attention towards the inside; when, therefore, we will become immune to all these dangers of the ego, so to speak. In such conditions a group of people will naturally organize themselves in what we aim for today as democracy, because they will know how to deal with power without abusing it, and also without giving it away undeliberately.


Can we define the present democracy as an elitist democracy?


I think the word ‘’democracy’’ is misplaced here. We cannot say that today we have an elitist democracy. We have only a ruler-ship of elites. That’s all. There is no such thing as the power of the people. It is power stolen from the people by the elites, in different forms. Some of them are a little bit straight and say ‘’I am the tyrant, I am the king, you better shut up’’, while others are using all kinds of mass manipulation, media control or pressure group corporations in order to steal the power from the people and to highly abuse it. There are different forms and theories on how to steal the power from the people. So, better said, instead of democracy, we have cleptocracy.


The danger represented by groups like Bilderberg Group lies in the fact that they use their public status to accomplish private interests. Could you elaborate more on this idea?


We can analyze this situation from 2 angles. The first angle refers to the fundamental fact that within the human being there is a divided structure where the conscious life is not always in perfect sync with the subconscious or unconscious life. We usually have within us strong unconscious tendencies that we don’t even acknowledge exist. The problem is when these two tendencies come into conflict; then, of course, how trustworthy can one be? A person may honestly say: ‘’Look, if you elect me, I will represent your interests’’, but if a person like that is not trained, eventually the corporations will hook into his subconscious and he will only serve their interests. The drama is that as people are today, some may even consciously serve the one who, for example, has the money, or the elite and so on. We are facing here the second angle of the problem: the lack of morality.


Nowadays, people are using about 4% of their brain capacity, which means that 96% of it is working for somebody else – for instance, for somebody who can catch the attention of the other 96%. It is known that numerous methods for mass manipulation exist. The whole advertising industry uses massive amounts of energy and effort in order to steal people’s attention, and to cause them to have predictable choices – against their natural, conscious choices. Again, on one hand we have the lack of transparency of the humans, meaning that simply they are not able to provide what they say for the simple reason that there is no coherence between their conscious and unconscious life.


Numerous experiments performed within the last 100-150 years have revealed that it is possible with special training to gain a specific coherence, so that what one says consciously is also what is meant subconsciously, deep inside. This requires knowledge, self-knowledge and special training – which is not quite the option for most people in power today. On the other hand, we have the lack o;f moral principles which make a person betray his own values, not because he, subconsciously, may have strong opposite tendencies, and he didn’t even notice when he deviated from what he consciously decided, but because, for example, ’’the other one’’ pays more. Then he may want to serve his family or his small group and he doesn’t consider that to do so is not normal when, for instance, the destiny of an entire country is at stake; he may very well say ’’well, I got a good profit, I have to defend my own family and people’’, even if, for example, other 2-3 million people may consequently die. ‘’Well, if they were smart, they would have defended themselves’’.. he may say.


This is a big problem and such a group always ends up serving particular interests even if they may have initially declared that they would never do so. In absence of moral criteria, self-knowledge and the necessary training, no matter how they would say it, they will end up just like communism did, for example. Communism started with very exulted and amazing ideas: people in power, people sharing everything; but the people who were entrusted with that power were soon corrupted. Why so? Because Power corrupts feeble souls – there’s even a saying about that. We saw what happened in the past and we see what happens with any source of power today.


We have an educational problem, a scale of values problem, hypocrisy to the highest degree. People saying things they cannot provide themselves or claiming to follow values that they, in fact, break on a daily base. The problem is very profound and the resolution starts from the inside. We can’t solve it by putting together all our weaknesses. It would not result in a strong point, but rather in a strong weakness, a generalized disease.


How can we face the presence of such groups in the strategic mechanisms of the global world?


In absence of individual education of a rather spiritual nature, such groups will always show up. They would appear out of the need of the people to fulfill certain gaps in their lives, in their education, and, in such case, an elite will simply (and each time) take over. As long as our view upon life stays as it is usually, we will always end up generating another abusive elite. Throughout history, you can see this phenomena happening all the time: when the level of people’s consciousness was very much decreasing, different forms of tyranny appeared. Thus, we became used to replace one form of tyranny with another. Every time new tyrants came in, claiming they were saving people from the old tyrants. How come it was the same scenario every time? And every time people believed in the new ones, just like people believe nowadays in all these tyrannical governments that are dressed so nicely (this is how this form of spontaneous tyranny is always dressing). Every time the new tyrants were blaming the old ones: ’’No, we are not like those guys, forget about them, we are the real deal’’. And then, as their system got a little older, new generations appeared, frustrated servants who didn’t have their catch, who were putting down the old system, saying ‘’Look, finally we are free, we are the real deal, we, the people’’. But then, they took the power and did just the same as those before them.


Why? Because on a general level, we don’t have the capacity to resist the temptation of Power, just as we don’t have the capacity to control our mind. We don’t have the capacity to resist sexual temptation. We are not yet trained to have the awareness to solve this problem, and therefore we cannot face the challenge of such groups in the world. They will always appear. Let’s just say that tomorrow this group will collapse – which, actually, is possible, because there appeared underground groups which are frustrated, (they didn’t get any position in the power games) and are now massively conspiring against the conspirators of yesterday. This is why the Bilderbergs are coming forward now. They are pushed from behind by this new generation, and they are claiming the power they corrupted so far. Now they have to take it because they worked so much in order to get it, but it will be the same phenomena as before.


If public unrest would wipe out the system today, we, the people, would install exactly the same kind of system – just with other faces on top. Profound self-knowledge and a natural orientation of the public is a trend that appears every time in such historical moments. It has always been present, even if not so much in the media and public awareness. It is like an underground feeling that develops in many people and inspires them to search for more. And then, eventually, that feeling is confiscated by the new system that gradually becomes a copy of the previous one..


Or there is a superior choice: if more and more people wake up, such groups will naturally disappear. They will become obsolete and people will just laugh at any ’’seed’’ of elitism: ‘’ How hilarious, who do you think you are?’’ But as it is now in the world, people are still fascinated, hypnotized by these games, and are secretly hoping: ‘’one day, I will be there’’. I call it the ‘’syndrome of the servant’’. Envious servants are always becoming the next tyrants.


Thank you Mr. Stoian for this exciting interview you have given us!


Here is the video format of interview:


For more, please check his official website:

Advaita Stoian

or his Twitter account:


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    • Letfreedomring

      The United States is not and has never been a democracy. Democracy is rule by the loudest, by mobs and special interests. The United States is a Constitutional Republic and you are letting it be destroyed.

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