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What Does the Royal Arch Freemason Vladimir Putin Have to Do with Her Majesty’s Secret Service?

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Vatic Note:  This was a very interesting read. Is Putin, friend or foe?  Is he being used as “control opposition”?  Putin arose to KGB Head during the reign of the khazars over Britian and over Russia.  Until the 1980′s Russia was completely controlled by the khazars who conducted the Revolution that was financed by JP Morgan of Wall Street fame and a cohort of Rothschild and Rockefeller.  As for the British, they have been controlled by the Khazars, through their “King”, Rothschild since WW II, but probably even before then.

Further, we did a blog proving that the British royal family and government were heavily tied into the Rothschilds, and, in fact, run by that family.  I could not figure out about Putin and whose side he was on, but then I ran into this freemasonic lodge and all of it began to come together.   British freemasonry is heavily controlled by the khazar international bankers and now we find out, that so was Russia, it was just a different lodge.    So what does that mean for us with respect to Putin?

I don’t know, but am keeping an open mind, since, these khazars love world wars where they control the leadership of both sides of the conflict, thus ensuring the designated economic power of the day loses the war and the Khazars then fully take over the country with minimum risk of being “shot”.   After taking over, they then rape and pillage the natural resources of that nation.  Its our turn next.  Obviously, the chosen enemies by the khazars are China and Russia against the US and Israel.

IF, and that is a “big IF….” Putin has betrayed his handlers like Hitler supposedly did, then he is not destined to live long.  Having said that, “If Hitler betrayed these khazar bankers who put him in power, then how come they helped him to escape to Argentina?”  I have never found anyone who could explain that, when noting that Khazars have not one wit of sympathy or compassion for anyone, much less a traitor to the cause…..

So, like I said, I am still waiting for more proof one way or the other.  Putin is either for real or a typical highly deceptive khazar controlled opposition, being used to divide the USA nation so we weaken ourselves and lose the WW.   I guess we will find out soon enough. 

We are again asking for the deficit of $350 for the first of the month. Due to  immediate and generous, caring donors we are now down to $100 that we need by the 1st of the month. That is only 6 days away, so we are getting close.  Again we are working on trying to end this, however, its going to take some time.  Until then we need your help to stay on the net, thats if the harassment doesn’t increase as it has recently.  We are so grateful for your support in so many ways. 

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What Does the Royal Arch Freemason Vladimir Putin Have to Do with Her Majesty’s Secret Service?
By Admin,  Dublins Mick, Nov 20, 2015


1. 1979 — Powergen, Solihull

The young British Intelligence recruits entering this building, had no idea of the hell that lay before them. No idea that they would be forced to become slaves to a demonic, mind control program; run by MI6 and sanctioned by Royal Arch Freemasonry. No idea that they would be forced to sign the Masonic ‘Sat B’hai’ contract and swear allegiance to the Monarchy rather than to the UK State. No idea at all, in fact.
The Powergen building was mostly unoccupied in 1979. Only a few Powergen employees worked in the building, which was almost deserted. The car park was nearly empty for the whole of that year. The third floor was reserved for ‘Special Government Projects’ and no Powergen employee was allowed entry.
To outsiders, the young people who entered this building each day, looked like a relatively normal, young bunch of Powergen graduate recruits and so nothing out of the usual.

Richard Tomlinson.

At 21 years old, Richard Tomlinson was one of the graduate intake onto this course — most of the recruits were aged between 18 and 21 years old.

Tomlinson was to begin his training here, to become an MI6 Officer later on, in his military career. The others were being trained to be run as agents of the ‘Crown’.It was at Powergen in 1979, that Richard Tomlinson was first shown a passport photograph of Vladimir Putin.
Rimington, Manningham-Buller and Scarlett showed the graduate trainees and each Delta (espionage and assassination) team, a selection of four b/w passport photos. The recruits were informed that the four KGB men in the photos were: ‘Your counterparts in the KGB’.

The recruits were under the impression that these young, Russian KGB agents were supposed to be the ‘enemy’ or ‘rivals’ despite Manningham-Buller’s ‘communist’ training, i.e. during her Russian and Political History classes.


What was ‘real’ communism, according to Manningham-Buller?  It began with ‘Guardianship’ by those who were ‘born to rule’. They were the self-elected custodians of British society who could decide what was in their people’s best interests. To summarise: a benevolent dictatorship.

This was personified by Manningham-Buller demanding that each of her classes stand to attention and do a Nazi salute as she walked in the door, before she would begin the lesson.

Important note: the b/w passport photographs had been supplied by one of Oleg Gordievsky’s contacts. Gordievsky was a Royal Arch Freemason and one of the Russian Chapter. He had negotiated photographs of the new Royal Arch Freemasonry recruits, within the KGB — to be sent to MI5.

2. 1980: Russian Monastery Compound, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem

Vladimir Putin and the other KGB Royal Arch Freemasons, stayed within this high-security compound. It was run as a nunnery (it still is today) but is generally known by the Russian Orthodox church to be a ‘spy-centre’, and is currently being run by an ex-FSB Head.
The British Intelligence recruits mainly stayed at the ‘Youth Hostel’ behind the St John Church in the centre of Ein Kerem. It is located partly up the mountain which overshadows the town and it backs onto a pine forest.
Even today, there are still ‘guard dog’ signs and barbed wire everywhere, around this building and locals say that it is not possible to book as an ordinary tourist. It was reserved for ‘special groups’ of young people, internationally in 1979 and has been for many years. Recently, the whole building has changed hands and is now being renovated into flats, in order to be sold off. How times have changed.
Beside the main building of the youth hostel, there are two hexagonal buildings — architecturally, rather like geometric mushrooms. This is where the British graduate trainees were lodged: Richard Tomlinson, Andrew Marr and Stephen Daldry.
In the evenings, the ‘graduates’ would sit on the verandah of these buildings with their KGB Russian counterparts; to smoke, drink vodka and shoot the breeze. None of them could hold a conversation in Russian apart from Tomlinson, who did his best to act as interpreter for the whole group.
Together, they looked like ingenues, trying desperately to live up to their programming as ‘Illuminists’, i.e. their predecessors — the colonials of the ‘enlightenment’ period who had ruled the world by their supposed, innate superiority and worldliness.
This was to be the very first meeting of many, between Richard Tomlinson and Vladimir Putin. The latter was quite a few years his senior at 26/7 years old but much younger looking.

3. 1993 — Poland

Vladimir Putin had lost his job as KGB controller of the Stasi in East Berlin. There was a famine in St Petersburg and the KGB owed their employees several months of salaries. Whole families were starving in the cities (foodstuffs had been held up in the ports) and Vladimir Putin’s own family was no exception to this rule.

John Scarlett.

John Scarlett (MI6 Moscow Station) made a deal with Mr Putin in Poland. They knew each other relatively well (dating back to 1979 in Ein Kerem, Jerusalem) and both were Royal Arch Freemasons. Poland had become a trading ground for potential Russian dissidents, to sell whatever they could lay their hands on, to the West. Almost every intelligence agency had descended upon Poland to buy whatever they needed and the amount of wheeler-dealing and double-dealing which was going on, had reached fever pitch. It was almost laughable.
No one really knew who was working for which agency or which agency was allied to whom, in what turned out to be a ‘smash and grab’ gun fight. One could name MI5, MI6,  The Mossad, the CIA and the IRA as but a few in this free-for-all; the desperate dash to acquire information, drugs, guns — you name it. Just about every intelligence agency and mafia organisation was in on the game. Everything was on sale.
What was the deal that Scarlett struck with Putin?

Putin needed safe passage for himself and his family out of a situation in St Petersburg which was rapidly deteriorating. Scarlett had agreed to set up a new identity for him in the UK as a teacher of German (Putin had native-speaker fluency) in exchange for…well, this bit is unclear. Scarlett already had all of the information that he needed from Mr Putin, on the Royal Arch Freemasonry network. However, he agreed to take Mr Putin and his eldest daughter back to the UK and rescue his wife and younger daughter at a later date.
Scarlett was to renege on this deal. Why? MI5 (for reasons of their own) had decided to torture and then murder Mr Putin as soon as he set foot on British soil. He was dispensible. They had most of the information that they needed and were not going to honour any deal.
The upshot of all of this, was that when Mr Putin learnt of British Intelligence’s real agenda, he called the deal off and returned to Russia.

So far, so simple, except that there was one complicating factor: Royal Arch Freemasonry.
Mr Putin had been part of the Russian Chapter and he had been sorely let down by his British counterparts. In addition, he had been under MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry Illuminati mind control since 1979 and had been one of their operatives within the KGB until 1994.

Why 1994?

Royal Arch Mason.

Because this was the year when MI6/Illuminati laptops began to disappear in Europe. Mr Putin was beginning to work it all out and as a consequence, was tracking down the MI6 Senior Officers who held the colour-coded information of the tailored mind control programmes for their officers and agents, within their laptops (electronic locks that weren’t supposed to be unlockable but were in fact, quite easy to crack by the KGB).

Once the codes are broken, it is relatively simple to control any of the operatives listed (as well as guess how to control others who were ‘indoctrinated’ in a similar way) and then to turn them against their ‘masters’.  See for details of the ‘typewriter’ code at the old, British prison in Jerusalem: it accounts for 10 different branches of Royal Arch Freemasonry-infiltrated British Intelligence departments since 1945.

The KGB Royal Arch Freemasons were one of these departments, in this tarantula-like Masonic organisation which has been strangling the world, since the last days of the British Empire.
Those within British Intelligence who were not Royal Arch Freemasons, had no real idea of what was going on at all. If they did manage to catch a ‘Russian spy’ within their midst, it was because the Royal Arch Freemasons had deemed this person expendable and had then fed him or her to the fishes. Think Burgess, Maclean, etc. and you will get the picture. Blunt escaped such censorship and hounding. He was a ‘master’ of Royal Arch Freemasonry.
One of the most sinister departments of Royal Arch Freemasonry/British Intelligence is the ‘ZKTZ’ — to be found on the list of codes on the British typewriter in Jerusalem ‘British prison’ museum. This prison was run by the British, who had forced Jews and Arabs to man their ‘Palestinian Police’ station.
(Zayin, Chet, Tzadik, in Hebrew) = the code for ‘zygote’:
The Royal Genome project
In brief, Vladmir Putin had been chosen as a DNA sperm donor within this Royal ‘zygote’ project and had then been ordered by the Masonic body to copulate with various British female agents, whilst in Berlin. The zygotes were then ‘collected’ and the young woman involved, was subsequently murdered. Stephen Daldry had organised various victims to be sent to Berlin for exactly this purpose.

He has also boasted of listening to them (bugged rooms) being murdered, during this period. Cameras were also placed in the TV sets for the Royal Arch Freemasons to view afterwards — in essence, ‘snuff movies’.
By 1993, the Royal Arch Freemasons had no further use for Mr Putin in terms of information or DNA and therefore, he was expendable — Royal Arch Freemason or not.
Additionally, during 1994 — a ‘diamonds’ operation under the supervision of John Scarlett, went awry. The goods disappeared somewhere in Bosnia and therefore someone in British Intelligence, had to carry the can. See for details.

4. 1995 — MI6 HQ, London

Richard Tomlinson was sacked from MI6 on undisclosed charges. He escaped the country and went on the run, eventually turning up again with a mysterious Russian publishing house, in order to publish his autobiography, ‘The Big Breach’, in 2001.
What had happened in the interim?

5. 2003 — Shanghai, China

On Manningham-Buller’s orders: Andrew Marr (and several other British Intelligence operatives) kidnapped and tortured an ex-agent of theirs in France. The motive behind this was to force the agent back under mind control (the agent was an ex-Royal Arch Freemason who had gone AWOL), in order to take an MI5 message to China.
Why China?
An ‘educational conference’ had been arranged at Jiao Tong University, Shanghai to improve Russian-Chinese relations. Except that there was no publicity for it, nationally or internationally and no reports published afterwards.
Nineteen armoured cars turned up to this ‘discreet’ event containing the Russian contingent of nearly 100 participants, who then stayed for three weeks at the University’s Academic Centre Hotel.
The campus was cordoned off throughout this period by Chinese tanks, armed guards and soldiers. Funnily enough, this ‘educational conference’ which included Vladimir Putin amongst the distinguished guests, was not mentioned in the international press. However, this was the time of the SARS epidemic in China, and therefore, there were not many foreign reporters on the ground, in Shanghai.
Back-tracking: Richard Tomlinson was present at the torture of this agent in France, 2002, and was also to attend the ‘meeting’ which took place in China. In short, he had been instructed to oversee the whole operation. Tomlinson was not allowed to know the message until it had been safely delivered to Mr Putin in China. He was however, present at the time that the message was given.
The operation was code-named ‘METE’.
The gist of OP METE was as follows:

The implantation of a nuclear bomb (ESSO were employed to do the drilling) between the tectonic plates under the seabed — just off Aceh, Indonesia.
MI5 were to send a military ship into the area after the explosion had occurred, in order to check radiation levels. They had miscalculated. The radiation levels are now affecting all of the surrounding islands, including the Arabian peninsular.
The explosion occurred on the 26th December 2004.
In addition, the agent who had been sent with the message, had worked for Richard Tomlinson in eastern Europe 1992-1995 and had known him for years. The agent had also met Mr Putin many times during 1993-1996.
The agent told President Putin and Richard Tomlinson the message, concerning ‘OP METE’.
Manningham-Buller had also ordered the agent (according to Marr’s instructions) to return to Russia and then to attempt to assassinate President Putin. Why? The agent could only guess that even attempting to carry out such an order would have resulted in instant death. This would have been an ideal way to dispose of the ‘messenger’.
Unfortunately for Manningham-Buller, Chinese surveillance had recorded the meeting between Mr Putin, Richard Tomlinson and the agent in question. They were to question the agent later on with the CIA present, who subsequently confirmed the information, in interview.
Indonesian Intelligence were duly warned and took action by taking out large insurance claims with British companies just before the event (mainly on the same day beforehand, in order to get the claims through without creating suspicion and UK firms backing out of the deal), in relation to the areas and buildings that the tsunami would hit.
The authors do not know whether or not it might have been possible to dismantle the bomb instead, but think that it was probably not technically possible. They hope that this was the case.
What is known is that Vladimir Putin is no longer a Royal Arch Freemasonry member. Can the same be said to be true of Richard Tomlinson? His current battle against SIS would suggest that he too, has broken free of MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry mind control programming.

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    Total 29 comments
    • The Ferrett

      Yes he was once part of the Cabal – but NOT any more.

      He has shown himself to be a man of decency, honour and integrity that has reinstated the Russian Orthodox Church.

      This is something a talmudic satanist would NOT do under any circumstances . .

      • Factory Farms FEAR the MooCow

        Is that what the media said?

        Eat More GMO :mad:

      • an argie

        Nor would it ever be possible that there would be a non-aggression pact between facism and communism?

        It IS the best way to avoid a two-front war…
        To me this looks like a move a chess player could make
        First destroy one opponent and then the next… :twisted:

        But time will tell indeed.

      • Ano-nymous

        Russian orthodox church ?

        Look at patriarch cyril (KGB agent) :

        “Kirill’s personal wealth was estimated by the Moscow News in 2006 to be $4 billion” :razz:

        And Putin, is a abramovich’s puppet, the oligarchy rules Russia, same thing with america and europe, it’s a new world order fawks, putin work for agenda, Putin also creates supranational blocks (like U.E), You choose, dream or reality. :neutral:

      • TRUTHY1

        The “Orthodox” Church is a parallel arm of Talmudic Satanism. Both praise the Whore of Heaven and venerate the virgin godmother over the Messiah and The Father. Otherwise known as Isis. Try again !

    • VirusGuard

      I trust Mr Putin a lot more than our own leaders and he is helping to stop the bankers from taking eveything and Syria is the font line aginst the NWO.

      The ECB today is spending $60bn on buying up bonds just to keep the bankers happy and David Cameron has all the money in the world for Offensive weapons that he keeps calling Defensive weapons but more hard working young couple can afford to put a roof over there heads at these silly prices.

      We are not having a party but defence contractors and banks are!

      • xenoverse

        This is just more pathetic disinfo in demonizing Putin as being in bed with the NWO. It’s balatantly obvious to anyone who has been following events of the past several years which, unfortunately, doesn’t include many remnants of brainwashed Americans.

    • Damien

      no idea they would be forced to swear allegiance to the monarchy rather than the UK State.


      Of course they ‘had an idea’ that is required. That IS the law. The Crown IS the UK State.

      • Damien

        On Her Majesty’s Secret Service etc.

        • SirRalph

          The Queens role in UK life is mainly symbolic and most of her ‘subjects’ the British people are indifferent to her….

          The younger Royals,Prince William and Harry are held in affection as they outwardly seem to be more in touch with the people

      • DK

        The Crown is a corporation from 1936, legally they are different entities AKA the Crown estate is property of the Monarch, The CROWN is a corporation, limiting liability but through which all bodies of government are run. Meaning of course public servants are employees, therefore those allegiance oaths are effected by employment law and civil rights. Cuts both ways, as the courts are slowly finding out.

        • Damien

          Well that will be like saying the Jewish nation and Jewish state of Israel are different entities.

        • Damien

          In jurisprudence in the Commonwealth realms, the Crown dependencies, and any of a realm’s provincial or state sub-divisions, the Crown is the state in all its aspects. In countries that do not have a monarchy, the concept may be expressed as the State or the People, or some political entity, such as the United States, the Commonwealth, or the State of [name].

          • Damien

            L’etat c’est moi

    • 2QIK4U

      Link provided by ADMIN, reads ERROR 404, does not exist. WTF? :eek:

    • activisor

      Not all Masons are working for the Cabal. The Romanovs are a positive force working with Putin.
      He also has ET help – hence his massive technical superiority over the US. Putin has taken on the Cabal, and will win the final battle.

    • VomitO

      If he only made it to the Royal Arch Degree he isn’t very high up.

    • my2pesos

      Traditional Noble ~ Obliteration Land
      Traditional Noble ~ To Riot ‘n’ I Able
      Traditional ‘n’ Noble ~ International Bold

      • my2pesos

        The Global ‘n’ Nobles ~ BO ‘n’ Gaol’s Hell Bent

    • Anonymous

      How come they helped him to escape to Argentina? Answer the A Bomb, and enriched uranium.
      What Does the Royal Arch Freemason Vladimir Putin Have to Do with Her Majesty’s Secret Service? Answer MI7 ?
      Unless you tell how these turk-Mongols control the Jesuit order, then I feel this is not the complete story at all.
      And what about the black-nobility, British Royals are on the outskirts only, the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Gotha – Este ?

    • krew09

      The Hitler Argentina is b.s… evidence just heresay. His dental records have been pulled from the Moscow archives and match up. As far as put him in power,it wasnt Wall Street..Sutton’s book provides no documented evidence… Sure the Bushs were doing business in Germany,many companies from around the world were.That is because it was booming. That’s what business do. There isn’t a single document that shows these companies gave anything to the National Socialist Part…nothing. Hitler didn’t kill 600 trillion Jews,or turn them into candles and soap and axle grease and road grit,or shrink their heads,or tear babies in half to sew them back together again. It is called propaganda

    • krew09

      Hitler,a multi decorated war veteran of WWI,awarded the Iron Cross for bravery,decided to fly the coop,and leave his closet inner circle to deal with the murderous Bolshevicks. After putting all dedication and faith in him,Hitler goes off with the money and gold,after this massive betrayal with no comparison,they decided to protect him and say nothing for the rest of their lives. Everyday knowing of the betrayal ,him in Argentina ,and they keep his secret…you know how stupid that sounds?

    • Anonymous

      Ep. 327 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Leo Zagami, the Vatican Illuminati, LIVE from Rome Italy

    • NWO for Dummies.

      the beauty of this article is that it shows that anyone can make a post on this site, even a complete moron and that they are very welcome in doing so. I hope you make many more idiot posts and prove that freedom of speech is not dead.

    • Anonymous

      He as in the one you see is a double don’t you see?

    • Bacchus

      According to Wikipedia, Tomlinson was born in 1963. So in 1979 he would have been 16 not 21.

    • Debamboozler

      To KGB or not to KGB…that is the question. Methinks the power of Satanic Zionism is ubiquitous and all pervasive. The only way anyone with good intentions could ever hope to begin to oppose the death grip of Zionism would have to be anonymous, operating from a secret location, and by means of a holographic projection take on the sinister forces that are now applying terminal pressure on the global jugular. I have ruled out so-called “Divine Intervention”. The only hope we have presently is the assistance of a “Third Species”, benevolent in nature seeing the futility of the anemic human efforts in opposition to the god-like powers of evil in this world. Interestingly, Putin disappeared for some length of time just previous to his apparent break with the dominating forces that are now applying the torch beneath this world’s funeral pyre. Was this a cunning and very necessary adjustment on his part to supplant his visage with a doppelganger or an indication that the real Vladimir was removed from the scene by the long reach of one of Zionism’s apparently inescapable tentacles? From all indications, Russia possesses technology far surpassing that of the West. The recent encounter between Russia and one of our Naval Fleets operating in the South Pacific wherein Russian counter-electronic warfare performed several “kills” on the U.S. Naval Fleet before they even had a clue is a case in point. There are indications that Russian technology has the capability of neutralizing atomic detonations. If so, this would be an ace up Putin’s sleeve that would insure a winning hand in this final global gambit. The cards have been dealt in this planetary Poker Game of monumental consequences in which the winner takes all.

    • michael the archangel

      Sir; You have a lot of excellent factual information. However, you may need to look to the scripture for a clearer insight into what is happening worldwide. Much of what is written in the scripture does not make a whole lot of sense untill it comes to fulfillment. Usually due to false claims made by false prophets. A true prophet lives by his faith in his God. He does not need to see it happen in order to know it will happen just as it is written. Who and what transpires will be revealed in its own appointed times. No power on this earth will stop the words from coming to fruition. Good and evil. These things MUST take place. And then the completed end will come. Be happy! History is being made and recorded. Pray that your name has been recorded into God’s book of life! Prepare to meet your Maker! Happy days are nearing for all of the faithful!….”This is how you will know that he is a true servant of The Living God. When his words come true. Then you will know that I have sent him.” :smile:

    • Anonymous

      Is this j e s u i t propaganda? I think so!!!

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