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By Hannah Michaels
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Rise of the Anti-Christ to the Brink of WW3: War Intervention

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To know where we are in Biblical prophecy we must travel back, but we only have to go back a couple of generations. Before and during World War I, a clear distinction existed between free nations united under God and oppressed nations ruled by socialist ideology or a pagan way of life. After that war, the world of right and wrong, of good and evil, blurred. Now, it’s hard to distinguish if we live in a God-fearing nation or a fear-induced socialist one. Once upon a time, nations united under God found no legal problem praying to Him. In fact, leaders would call upon the nation to pray in Times of Trouble, as the Bible tells us to do. For example, the British nation called for a National Day of Prayer during the First World War.

During the Angel of Mons incident, the German army was in full swing to defeat the British and other allied forces in Mons, France in August 1914. They had already advanced through Belgium and areas of France. The Allied forces were greatly outnumbered and exhausted. A day of peril had arrived. This is when the British instigated a National Day of Prayer for the troops. Their prayers were answered with divine intervention when Angels suddenly appeared. All gunfire stopped and everyone looked in amazement at the Angels between the Germans and British. They were described as larger than man, white-robed, bareheaded and almost floating. They faced the Germans and held out their hands, indicating “Stop”. The Germans fled.

They feared what they didn’t understand. The Holy Angels scared them. Because the evil German forces really didn’t want to fight the white luminous beings that manifested before their very eyes, they high-tailed it in the opposite direction. That’s human nature: when presented with anything Holy, the human usually runs like hell. Back in the day and to a few faithful men, Angels were guides. In fact, the Bible has many references about Angel visitations like with Enoch, Lot, Jacob, Mary, and John. Angels tended to appear as men, yet they were beautiful beings, bright enough to let us know that they weren’t human. They also used the power of the Force to move, but with our limited understanding of this power, we have come to believe they have wings. Angels never stopped visiting. They are around, still flying, still guarding and guiding, still doing God’s Will, defending His faithful servants. We just tend to call them unidentified flying objects. And unfortunately, man has his version of what is in the skies and that’s what usually makes the news. These Heavenly Angels protected and helped Great Britain and America the Great, God’s Two Witnesses, when they were doing great things for the world, like translating the Bible into every human language and spreading the gospel. These nations were rewarded for their faithfulness, with abundant promised-lands and victories.

While they would continue to receive blessings, they were slowly being lured away from God, Who prophesied their testimony would end, as He knew of the wolves in their midst. According to the Book of Revelation, the year that the Two Witnesses finished their testimony would be the same year that Jerusalem was liberated from its “treading down by the gentiles”.  Day is a prophetic code word for “year”. It would be this same year that the beast would rise out of the bottomless pit and make war against them, eventually killing them. The Sun would become black, as Britain would lose its power; and the Stars of Heaven would fall, as America would be brought down. That beast which rose up was the red dragon, represented by the Red Horseman of the Apocalypse, known as satanic atheist Communism. Karl Marx vowed to drag God down from Heaven and defeat Him with the sword given to him by Satan. It was a sword of lies and deceptions, and an atheist’s ideology that “man is superior and God is nothing”. This belief system is housed in the mind and is a mark of Satan’s beast system, thus, Marxism is the mark of the beast on the forehead. The year that Jerusalem was liberated by British (Israel) soldiers from Turkish (gentile) domination was 1917.

This same year the RED Bolshevik counterfeit-Jewish communist revolution occurred in Russia and the beast (system) rose up to become the enemy against the Two Witnesses – The UK and the USA. Communism rose up and threatened freedom worldwide. It’s also very destructive, where consumerism is god. All resources are used to make goods; all people are enslaved to make and buy the goods; and, in the process, the Earth is polluted and destroyed, with all power to do so resting with a few little red devils. Hitler, who came to power, was essentially PUT there by the Synagogue of Satan, and emerged as the Antichrist. He was a liberal socialist and trained Satanist who could deliver great speeches to ignite the people. They made Hitler into a fake Christ, a “savior of Germany”, who wanted to rebuild the German military. Thus, Hitler resurrected the first beast that was wounded by the sword but lived, which was the Holy (sic) Roman Empire. Hitler and his Handlers even used the Roman emblems of an eagle and swastika. The mark of the beast on the hand is the exchange of the Deutsch/German Reichsmark, German money; the money mark used during Hitler’s rule. Also worth noting is the Roman Empire was actually the Babylonian Empire, as the Babylonians fled to Rome to escape the Medo-Persian invasion and defeat of Babylon. They were just able to rebuild again in Rome, much like they have today in the world.

Hitler was not only the Antichrist, he was also the midwife that gave birth to AshkeNAZI Zionism, and the counterfeit-Jewish State in Israel. Through deceptions, these Zionists stole the Holy Land in Palestine from its rightful owners – the British/Israel. The AshkeNAZIs are counterfeits like the Idumean converts to Talmudic Judaism, because neither is from the House of Judah. The AshkeNAZI are 8th century AD Khazarian converts to Talmudic Judaism, who kept the evil Talmudic traditions, doctrines and laws of the Idumean counterfeit-Jews. Some think the Antichrist is just now showing up on the world stage; but we are way past his entrance. It would take years for the Synagogue of Satan to establish itself with enough power to take down the great nations of God. That’s what is happening right now. The counterfeit-Jews were once cursed in the Bible, as the fruitless Fig Tree represents them. They put forth new shoots in 1948, with the creation of a fake State. Even Hitler self-proclaimed he would have a 1,000-year Reich/Rule, trying to replace what the Bible said about Christ. But it is Christ who will rule the new millennium, not Hitler’s satanic Marxist Communism. 

Satan has inspired men to do his evil deeds. They write for him, rule for him, fight for him, sacrifice for him, and even destroy the planet for him, for which they are rewarded with temporary worldly riches and power. Satan’s Synagogue uses the Black Horseman, which is unfair banking, business, market, and trading-practices to steal vast amounts of wealth and impoverish millions. They use the Red Horseman as the political and military force to set up control, vying for absolute control of literally everyone. Both the Red and Black Horsemen bring along the Pale Horseman, which is really a sickly-green in the original Greek text, as the people and the earth are being poisoned and suffocated to death. The White Horseman is accounted for, as He is Christ.

In addition to the Antichrist and Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse being identified, the Four Angels of the Euphrates are about to be released. This begins the sixth time period, which is represented by the sounding of the sixth trumpet. So, yeah, we are way past the Antichrist just emerging. It might be very prudent to keep track of what is happening in the Middle-East, because Syria, Turkey, Iran and Iraq are the four angels, as they are all bound by the River Euphrates. They have been under attack both internally and externally, by deception and outright aggression from political and military aggression from the Western Handlers, the Synagogue of Satan and its New World Order.

The West has lost God’s Hand of protection. They are set to reap the karma for what they have sowed or allowed to grow in their nations. Just as Jerusalem fell for her backsliding, America and the UK will fall too; and people will wail. She is no longer America the Great, but is the USA, Inc., run by the NWO, same as the formerly “Great” Britain. These nations are being led and manipulated by the very enemies of God Himself. They’ve just managed to make everything they do seem “necessary” and “politically correct”. It’s not. It’s evil. It’s going to take the dark days coming for God’s children to humble themselves. Sure, America and Britain want their lives back and their old ways of life. But those days haven’t been Godly for a long time, because they have become consumers, even at the expense of millions of their brothers becoming slave labor, so that they can have 20 cheap choices of just about everything. Greed has set everyone up. Communist leaders used their people to make money to fund and grow their armies. It’s all coming to a head though, as the evil cycle is almost complete. The West will soon realize its greed and arrogance funded its demise, as the communists figured out a long time ago, the way to bring it down was through its materialism, and immorality from within.
Satan certainly uses Communism to kill, destroy and enslave God’s children, physically, mentally and spiritually. Satan is the Great Destroyer. Yet, we seem to think of Communism as just a political party. In the West, it’s been relabeled as socialism, disguised to look pretty and sound nice, but it is sinister; so sinister that it sets controls to the point of absurdity. They say they operate for the “benefit of all”, which makes them complete liars. The fruit doesn’t fall too far from the tree, as Satan is the Great Liar. One might think why does he work so hard, if he knows he’s going to lose in the end. Look at his adopted children for the answer. They are deluded, insane, perverted, arrogant, selfish, evil, and desperate, just like him. Maybe he believes God and the Holy Angels will just walk away, throwing Their hands up in the air in disgust. Thank God They won’t. Christ and His army will finally put an end to the war that started in Heaven, when we all rebelled against Father in the first place.

The White Cavalry did make a divine appearance in 1918. They intervened to help the British during the Battle of Bethune. It was again a response to a National Day of Prayer held for the troops, during which America joined them in prayer to ask God for help. The Germans advanced through Belgium, and were headed through France and up to its ports. They were targeting Bethune where the British were. Then, miraculously, the Germans started firing into an open field. The British wondered what they were firing at, as they saw nothing. Suddenly, the Germans, who were in formation, started to retreat in mass panic. Captured German officers later told the British that they saw a White Cavalry, an army in all white uniforms riding white horses, trotting in formation toward them through drifting white smoke. None of the artillery seemed to faze this Cavalry as they kept advancing. An officer of the Prussian Guard said he saw a leader, a figure of a man, whose hair was like gold and an aura around his head. He had a great sword and rode a white charger. He was Christ. He defended the British, because God heard and answered their prayers. Thus, during humble moments, as in the National Days of Prayer, God sent divine intervention. This White Cavalry is also mentioned in Revelation 19:14, “And the armies [which were] in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.”

Don’t expect God to initially save the People Israel until they are willing to become humble and fight for God’s Kingdom, Truth, and Justice for all. His Hand is not over the Western troops in the Middle-East, because their chargers are the Black and Red Horsemen. God isn’t going to protect troops fighting a satanic-inspired war for world domination. Sure, He deals with each individual soul with care. But the best lesson for the soul might be to prove it shouldn’t have been fighting for the satanic New World Order in the first place. The troops in the Middle-East aren’t there for God, or to protect their homelands. Maybe this is what soldiers wanted to believe in the first place, not being aware of the deceptions of the inside-job false-flag attacks of 911 and 7/7, but the truth of the war has been exposed as being about power, greed, oil, minerals, gold, finances, domination, and even opium/heroin. Continuing the fight for the Red and Black chargers, instead of the White One, speaks louder than words. The Truth is out; and no amount of news-coverage is going to make it more real. The liars are never going to disseminate the Truth, so stop wasting time appealing to these factions. They are bought and paid for, just like any other power entity is. Mass media is the least effective at making true change, anyway. One-on-one interaction has always been the best form of communication. Maybe that’s why prayer works.

God always listens. He listens to honest prayer, and knows an individual heart as well as the heartbeat of a nation. Another demonstration of His Force in action was with the Evacuation of Dunkirk, France in 1940. It was May 1940, and British and French Forces were about to be surrounded by the Germans who had advanced already through the Netherlands and Belgium, then to France, where they turned north to the English Channel. All counterattacks to hold the Germans back failed. Allied soldiers were exhausted and had no reserves. Churchill announced the peril and the British Government decided to hold a National Day of Prayer on May 26. The immediate hours seemed to get worse, but a miracle occurred. The Germans halted and their Luftwaffe was grounded. This gave the British enough time to evacuate the troops, as they wasted no time in sending ferries, little ships and boats to get them. God intervened for those who will see it. It was known at the time and for years afterwards, publically, as “The Miracle of Dunkirk”. Those that don’t see it, probably never will… until it’s too late.

Because nations have turned from God, He lets them experience the consequences. If they want to be ruled by millions of ridiculous pieces of legislation originating from Satan’s Protocols, it’s their choice. The Synagogue of Satan has replaced God’s Law with Satan’s legislation and it’s full of Red tape and Black dealings. In some instances, it doesn’t even take many to accomplish a lot. Because Satan’s system is rigged, it only takes one or even a few in the right places to get the legislative ball rolling. The idea is control, and in a socialist state, the idea is to remove God – the One and Ultimate Source everyone would actually unite under and live and die for. Sure there are big players and big groups working, but there are individual and small groups too. One example is Mickey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, who proposed a soldier be court-martialed for sedition and treason if he shared his faith in God. It would only take dragging one soldier through a court-martial experience to shut down thousands of others, just to not even have to deal with the abuse. Another example is the Freedom From Religion Foundation, run by a husband and wife team, Mrs. and Mr. Annie L. Gaylor. It is currently challenging the “constitutionality” of America’s National Day of Prayer, established in 1952. In April 2011, the appellate judges ruled that the FFRF lacked standing, as they could prove no harm in their suit, and overturned a previous court’s decision that it was unconstitutional. FFRF has appealed. Also, the Americans United for Separation of Church and State said this ruling was a trend in the courts to deny Americans the right to challenge church-state violations. What are they talking about? That’s all the entities were set up to do! Sue, sue, sue. They are getting away with their lawsuits and setting precedents for future draconian control. Interestingly, the FFRF was originally founded by Gaylor and her mother, Anne N. Gaylor, who is known for saying “Nothing fails like prayer.” Well, obviously it would fail for her. But don’t tell that to the soldiers in Mons, Bethune and Dunkirk. And don’t tell that to the faithful.

America was founded as a nation under God and it’s coinage has “In God we trust” stamped on it; remember the pledge of allegiance? If those people didn’t like it, they could have moved to Russia, and kept Russia out of the U.S. Instead, they’ve used a rigged system to wreak havoc on the Foundation that made the country great in the first place: God. A city-dweller shouldn’t move to the country and squawk, “Pave paradise, and put up a parking lot.” Neither should the atheists have been able to bulldoze a Godly way of life, but they did by using legislation as a weapon of mass destruction. In the immortal words of Joni Mitchell, “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.” Looking onward to the days ahead, the nations may need to call a special National Prayer Day, asking God for help. That is if it’s not illegal yet.

Source and Inspiration:
The Master Plan
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Two Witnesses
- Descriptions of the Angel of Mons and Battle of Bethane are the accounts by Captain Cecil Wightwick Hayward
- Wikipedia
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    Total 16 comments
    • nijjhar


      This Dark Age called KALYUG in which there a famine of truth, Christ is sent by our Father to save us. By His sacrifice Christ Jesus got us rid off the Rabbis but at the same time He predicted that the crook Temple Priests would bind you much worse than before – Matt.12v43-45. That was the Anti-Christ Pope who killed people worse than the Temple High Priest did.

      Jesus not only set us FREE of the yokes of Rabbis but He also shifted us to The Temple of God, our physical body and encourage us to be solitary to enter the Narrow Gate. People who are crook would not know that God is within you and Christ is sitting in your heart. Is Christ a cheat, liar, hypocrite, etc.? Very few have Christ in their heart and most people have Satan sitting in their heart.

      • Pix

        The Dark Ages were created by a combination of disease and draconian Christianity burning anyone alive who disagreed. They were particularly fond on burning things, including humanities only knowledge base at the time, the libraries in Alexandria. Mainly on the grounds they contained a wealth of knowledge on Christianity’s pagan origins.

        There was no such person as Jesus, it’s plagiarised from Mithraism. :wink:

        • HerusaAustsaAusar

          pix IS RIGHT j (LETTER J CREATED BY ISALMICS ARABIC IN THE 500AD) Jesus = his name would have been isus or similar but even better why in the F%*& dont they call him Immanuel as required to be the savior??? I know you lie down here on earth with devils, whores and fags… Now, how could anyone believe the romans ever??? Now lets get into the name AMEN means hidden one, you know the one most of you end your prayers with…well that is King Tutanchamun’s =Tut, Anch(life) Amun(amen). Oh, and Egypt just got another chance to wait on the lord happy Independence day Egypt :)

      • King of Shambhala

        All her are false christs, the author of the original article and the comments below it.

        The Bible says “No one knows who the Antichrist.” so all the people who imagine who the Antichrist are liards and frauds.

        I alone in the world am relying upon a heavenly sign sent to us to show who the Antichrist is and I don’t imagine anything so leave behind these frauds and follow me and do it fast.

        • physhstx reborn

          “The Bible says “No one knows who the Antichrist.” so all the people who imagine who the Antichrist are liards and frauds.”

          So that makes YOU a liar and a fraud, no?

    • Pix

      ” Before and during World War I, a clear distinction existed between free nations united under God and oppressed nations ruled by socialist ideology or a pagan way of life.”

      That’s hilarious. Christianity is pagan. der. It’s plagiarised ancient pagan astronomical allegory, dished up as literal by lesser minds. There isn’t so much as a single component in Christianity that is original or unique to it.

      WW1, where your so called “free nations united under God” were motiving their respective troops with overtures of God being on their side. Same church, same BS on both sides.

      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      • Pix

        There were no “oppressed nations ruled by socialist ideology” during WW1. The USSR began in 1921 funded by Christian America. Ho hum.

        :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      • Pix

        Seems to me that everyone, including the Church hierarchy knows Christianity’s pagan origins for a fact, apart from uneducated Christian followers still preaching how ‘they are the special people chosen by a fictional character’.

        :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

        “Prof. Franz Cumont, of the University of Ghent, writes as follows concerning the religion of Mithra and the religion of Christ: “The sectaries of the Persian god, like the Christians’, purified themselves by baptism, received by a species of confirmation the power necessary to combat the spirit of evil; and expected from a Lord’s supper salvation of body and soul. Like the latter, they also held Sunday sacred, and celebrated the birth of the Sun on the 25th of December…. They both preached a categorical system of ethics, regarded asceticism as meritorious and counted among their principal virtues abstinence and continence, renunciation and self-control. Their conceptions of the world and of the destiny of man were similar. They both admitted the existence of a Heaven inhabited by beatified ones, situated in the upper regions, and of a Hell, peopled by demons, situated in the bowels of the Earth. They both placed a flood at the beginning of history; they both assigned as the source of their condition, a primitive revelation; they both, finally, believed in the immortality of the soul, in a last judgment, and in a resurrection of the dead, consequent upon a final conflagration of the universe” (The Mysteries of Mithras, pp. 190, 191).”

        “Reverend Charles Biggs stated: “The disciples of Mithra formed an organized church, with a developed hierarchy. They possessed the ideas of Mediation, Atonement, and a Savior, who is human and yet divine, and not only the idea, but a doctrine of the future life. They had a Eucharist, and a Baptism, and other curious analogies might be pointed out between their system and the church of Christ (The Christian Platonists, p. 240).”

        “McClintock and Strong wrote: “In modern times Christian writers have been induced to look favorably upon the assertion that some of our ecclesiastical usages (e.g., the institution of the Christmas festival) originated in the cultus of Mithraism. Some writers who refuse to accept the Christian religion as of supernatural origin, have even gone so far as to institute a close comparison with the founder of Christianity; and Dupuis and others, going even beyond this, have not hesitated to pronounce the Gospel simply a branch of Mithraism” (Art. “Mithra”).”

        “The Christian Father Manes, founder of the heretical sect known as Manicheans, believed that Christ and Mithra were one. His teaching, according to Mosheim, was as follows: “Christ is that glorious intelligence which the Persians called Mithras … His residence is in the sun” (Ecclesiastical History, 3rd century, Part 2, ch. 5).”

        • Truthseeker


          when your really great really smart university of grunt guy can heal folks of every disease, can make the blind see etc, call me.

          Other wise, most today are not in the least impressed with the intellectual types.

          Most are dope smoking, free love homosexuals that could not make a living if they had to work for it.

    • Anonymous

      White Man is the Anti-Christ… nothing more to say about it…. All your companies are creating weapons of mass destruction for the Anti-Christ to use, Your white own, ran operated company will make the Chip to implant in the forehead or the right hand of humanity.. Your white leaders go to California San Francisco Bohemian Grove to have sex through the butt with one another then sacrifice lil boys to Baphomet! I can tell you it is all true, even on this Website You have David Icke speaking of powerful,wealthy white folks, Kings/Queens, Popes all white with Satanic ties tied to the Anti-Christ kingdom…. So it is sad to say the White Man is the devil children and works in concert and have been working in concert with Satan for thousands of Years doing his bidding around the planet.. Your race has been compromised hybridize and turned lose on the rest of the planet…

      • T

        What colour is your President who is allowing all this ?

      • Truthseeker

        The mark of the beast has to do with strong power, so strong that it is said “who can make war with the beast”? This Beast Power is also financial, economic and most importantly religious!

        The Mark of the Beast will not be a chip! The Mark will be religious in nature. The beast will be worshiped by the entire world.

        Those that do not worship the Beast nor receive the Mark will not buy nor sell. This is a religion coming in the name of Christ with the sign of the cross, claiming to be God on earth.

        Just think of the major religions and what they require as worship, all have a special day.
        The Mark of the Beast is a Sunday Sabbath. The christian world will have no trouble with that.

        With God what has been — will be again.

    • T


      Do Angels look like the Demonic Alien Greys?

    • Anonymous

      I agree with a lot of what you said. A national day of prayer has not helped though, or diverted us from where we are now; many Americans and British still faithfully attend their churches, and consider themselves immune to the cataclysms coming. Why would a national day of prayer help us now, I wonder, when we have not asked certain specific basic questions, let alone gotten any factual,researchable answer. Like:

      If we have a prayer day, why? Are churches not praying enough? Are there not enough individuals praying enough daily to God of the Churches? What are all these churches doing, if they are impotent to affect good changes in our world? Sure they feed some hungry children and build many churches. But look where we’re at, at the brink of total destruction, annihilation. Do you sense that the Creator/s are angry at humanity for some reason? is it only me? I don’t think so.
      We need to ask and ascertain these questions before prayer:
      Who do I pray to? Some nameless God that everyone has prayed to for millennia? Or at least, since this country was declared independent’ of mother England? Did we stop praying to the God that helped England and Spain and France destroy this country’s unoffending helpful trusting inhabitants?
      Or are we praying to the God or Gods that the Africans were praying and sacrificing to when their brothers kidnapped and sold them to the slave traders to take to the shores of the land of the free and home of the ‘brave’? Shall we pray to the God of the natives, who didn’t do much if anything to help the natives avoid being victimised by the European white men who lied to them continually, stealing, promising, deceiving and murdering them in complete betrayal, perversion and cold blood? I thought the God of the Sun was a good god; since the Indians were mostly good and benign and helpful, why didn’t their God help them?
      Shall we pray to the Aztec and Mayan God/s, Quetzalcoatiz, Kukulkan? The plumed serpent, wise one, the one who helped them build those pryamids and demanded the blood of thousands yearly, innocent and helpless? You better make sure if you don’t like that idea that you are not calling out ‘Help me, God _____’ and getting Kukulkan or Quetzalcoatl or the Great Spirit of any of the native tribes who were all thoroughly destroyed by deliberated genocide, at the hands of the white European men’s God, the Solar God, the wise, benign, helpful God.
      Do we pray to Lucifer, the light-bearer? Do we pray or invoke Satan, the force? Did it help the Space Shiittle Challenger, or Apollo passengers? We need to find out what God those folks prayed to.
      Do we pray to Allhaha of the Muslims? Like Mohammed, who was a perverted psychopath and who loved molesting and terrorizing small girls? Who raped a favorite ‘wife’ fully at her tender age of 8 3/4 years old? She herself said that the ‘consumation’ took place at that age.
      If Allhaha was full of peace and love and gave wisdom to faithful Muslims, why all the rapings, beheadings, choppings of hands and feet, sodomy of young boys, forcing child marriages and temporary marriages of one day or a week, by faithful Muslim men who are rich enough to pay for human beings’ misery? That God they love and say is Greater than ours sure sounds like a cool and unusual dude, so different…than ours.
      War, sickness, misery, trauma and death: all deliberately perpetrated by almost all people who pray faithfully to the God of Solar/Astral/Planetary notoriety, which is specifically forbidden to us to do by the Creator/s of the Scriptures known as ‘the bible’. In those manuscripts, it is forbidden to worship and do the things that this God demands. But we all seem to like it for some reason. Do we love death and misery? Why?
      Are we being initiated when we say certain words to a deity who we are not told the name of, or are assured ‘loves’ us, by priests who rape our children who trust them? Are our children being initiated by high-level adepts of Satanic religion when they are being raped by them, sodomised, as the Muslim boys are by their Imams and clerics, neighbors and clerics?

      Who in hell are we going to pray to now, to make it different? Insanity continues if we continue praying to the same God or Goddess that we have been for centuries.

      • Anonymous

        And who will lead us in this national prayer? Our chosen leader, President Obomba? Barry? The Lightning that fell from heaven? he is our leader; why not? Because he says he is the same religion as church christians; why not? Oh, you disagree with him now that you see his ring says, ‘There is no God but Allhah”? You knew that before.

    • Anonymous

      Pix said

      Seems to me that everyone, including the Church hierarchy knows Christianity’s pagan origins for a fact, apart from uneducated Christian followers still preaching how ‘they are the special people chosen by a fictional character’.

      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      “Prof. Franz Cumont, of the University of Ghent, writes as follows concerning the religion of Mithra and the religion of Christ: “The sectaries of the Persian god, like the Christians’, purified themselves by baptism, received by a species of confirmation the power necessary to combat the spirit of evil; and expected from a Lord’s supper salvation of body and soul. Like the latter, they also held Sunday sacred, and celebrated the birth of the Sun on the 25th of December…. They both preached a categorical system of ethics, regarded asceticism as meritorious and counted among their principal virtues abstinence and continence, renunciation and self-control. Their conceptions of the world and of the destiny of man were similar. They both admitted the existence of a Heaven inhabited by beatified ones, situated in the upper regions, and of a Hell, peopled by demons, situated in the bowels of the Earth. They both placed a flood at the beginning of history; they both assigned as the source of their condition, a primitive revelation; they both, finally, believed in the immortality of the soul, in a last judgment, and in a resurrection of the dead, consequent upon a final conflagration of the universe” (The Mysteries of Mithras, pp. 190, 191).”

      “Reverend Charles Biggs stated: “The disciples of Mithra formed an organized church, with a developed hierarchy. They possessed the ideas of Mediation, Atonement, and a Savior, who is human and yet divine, and not only the idea, but a doctrine of the future life. They had a Eucharist, and a Baptism, and other curious analogies might be pointed out between their system and the church of Christ (The Christian Platonists, p. 240).”

      “McClintock and Strong wrote: “In modern times Christian writers have been induced to look favorably upon the assertion that some of our ecclesiastical usages (e.g., the institution of the Christmas festival) originated in the cultus of Mithraism. Some writers who refuse to accept the Christian religion as of supernatural origin, have even gone so far as to institute a close comparison with the founder of Christianity; and Dupuis and others, going even beyond this, have not hesitated to pronounce the Gospel simply a branch of Mithraism” (Art. “Mithra”).”

      “The Christian Father Manes, founder of the heretical sect known as Manicheans, believed that Christ and Mithra were one. His teaching, according to Mosheim, was as follows: “Christ is that glorious intelligence which the Persians called Mithras … His residence is in the sun” (Ecclesiastical History, 3rd century, Part 2, ch. 5).”


      Miracles never cease to manifest. Praise IAUE. Wholehearted appreciation for TRUTH, finally, AT LONG LAST,


      Thank you for the facts, Maam, that’s all we need, just the facts. If all Christians read these monumental books like Cumonts, (then they’d be holding the power rather than the leaders holding them hostage to darkness) then, they would NOT REMAIN ‘CHRISTIAN’ but maybe, perhaps, be devoted to the biblical Creator and Biblical Messiah’s truths.

      Praise IAUE for ever and ever.

      This is a wonderful day. Shall those with eyes to see and ears to hear learn more of this, and I thank for this truth spoke so clearly from one who I learned to ignore due to lack of the facts such as has been presented to the people here.

      Celebration is in order,July 3, 2013: partying and happiness will reign now, (stay natural, stay healthy) as we joyfully partake of the blessings which continue, in IAUE’s mercy and longsufferingness towards us all.

      Christians owe Pix a thank you.
      Thank you Pix

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