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Do the Blood Red Moon Tetrads Point to an End-Time Exodus?

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Historically, the most significant events associated with the Blood Red Moon Tetrads everyone has been speaking about appears to line up with the theme of an end-time Exodus that may be triggered by an event related to the Temple Mount:

I want to thank Mark Blitz and John Hagee for identifying the Blood Red Moon Tetrads that occurred in the following years on Israel’s Holy Days of Passover and Feast of Tabernacles: (20142015); (19671968); (19491950) and (14931494).

I noticed that in the first year of the Blood Red Moon Tetrads, a major event occurred centered on Jerusalem.  It is important to note that the key to understanding the meaning of the Blood Red Moon Tetrads is Jerusalem and not Israel.

In 1949West Jerusalem was officially captured by Israel. The first Israeli government was established, the Arab-Israeli war ended, armistice agreements were signed and West Jerusalem was declared the capitol of Israel.  1948 marked the Declaration of Independence for Israel shorty after World War II ended in 1945.  The ending of World War I was also surrounded with an event centered on Israel.  In 1917, Israel was officially surrender by the Ottoman Empire which ruled it for 500 years.  World War I officially ended in 1918.

Nothing I can find significantly happened in 1950 regarding Israel or Jerusalem.  It seems everything was settled down.

In 1967East Jerusalem was captured by Israel as a result of the Six-Day War.  Almost all Biblical lands promised to Abraham in the Book of Genesis were recaptured by Israel.  Shortly after, a UN Resolution for peace was established.

Nothing I can find significantly happened in 1968 regarding Israel or Jerusalem.  It seems everything settled down.

In light of the pattern of event from just 1949 and 1967, it seems the first year of the coming Blood Red Moon Tetrads in 2014 and 2015 hint at the following:

The Temple Mount is taken as a result of war or natural cataclysm.  Why the Temple Mount?  Because the Temple of Jerusalem is considered to be the Center of Time.  An in-depth discussion of this premise is beyond the scope of this article.

In 1949, West Jerusalem was acquired.  In 1967, East Jerusalem was acquired.  It only seems logical that in this third Blood Red Moon Tetrad, it will be the Temple Mount that will be restored to Israel by Yahuah Elohim’s own hands.

In light of the pattern so far, and in light of other themes in the Bible, it may be such that the government of the 144,000 and Two Witnesses are established at this time for the 3.5 years of Great Tribulation; the final years before Messiah’s return in 2017 - if and only if, 1967 was the 119th Jubilee.

At the same time, the Man of Sin or anti-Christ forms his own government as it is written in the Book of Revelation.  A peace treaty is signed or strengthened.  The Two Witnesses bring judgement upon the earth and they are perceived as the enemy by most of the world.

Let’s take a look at the events associated with the Blood Red Moon Tetrads of 1493 and 1494.

1493 was the year when Christopher Columbus took an unusually large fleet of 17 ships to Cuba, Central America.  This was the second of four voyages to this same area.  The first voyage had three ships, the third had 6 ships and the fourth, four ships.

I believe that a remnant of the Tribe of Menashe from Spain gathered in the New World.  Exodus or immigration is the theme.  Jews were expelled from Sicily in 1493 and in the prior year, the Alhambra Decree was issued to expel Jews from Spain.  This same year, Columbus also made his first voyage to Cuba, Central America.

I believe Cuba is a type of “Ground Zero” for the re-discovery of America.  In likeness, the World Trade Center site was “Ground Zero” for the dedication of America.

It is clear, based on Jonathan Cahn’s book, “Harbinger,” that 9-11 was judgement upon “Ground Zero.”  The location of 9-11 was the site where George Washington dedicated this nation to God as he knew Him.  Will there be a judgment upon the other “Ground Zero” – the location of the re-discovery of America?

Similar to 1949 and 1967, I was not able to identify any historical event that is associated with Israel for 1494 – the second year of the Blood Red Moon Tetrads at that time.

For more details and facts, visit http://SolomonsPorch.TV and go to the Teachings section.  You will be able to immediately download a series of 5 free colorful charts with a commentary.

Yakov Levi

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    Total 18 comments
    • Inventive_Exile

      This article consists of “I think” and “nothing really happened to give credence to my claim here but look here” Pretty sure you’re grasping here. Especially when you don’t say anything about Israel’s overt oppression of Palestine and aggression towards the entire middle east. Are you supporting Zionism on BIN?

      • Yakov Levi

        Hi Inventive – you need to visit the link to get all the historical facts. Go to the 5 charts I noted.

    • Louis

      The reign of the beast (Antichrist) will not last 3.5 years.

      Christ mercifully amended that prophecy of Daniel by saying “for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened.”

      Christ has the authority to amend prophecy. As the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, He is the source of prophecy.

      • Yakov Levi

        Hi Anonymous, did you review the 5 charts I noted? That’s where you are going to learn more details of facts.

    • Pix

      No such people as Israel, (c1’100 BCE to 70 CE) they were wiped off the face of Earth by the Roman empire in 70 CE. Rome slaughter the lot, every last man, women, child, suckling baby, their livestock. Rome burned their homes and crops and raised Jerusalem to the ground, not one stone left standing upon another. Revelation, Greek, 70 CE.

      Judaism was invented after 70 CE by people living outside and away from Palestine. It isn’t that much older, if any, than Christ-I-Anti, which was invented at the earliest in 4th century CE Rome, the concept. But mostly from the 6th to 10th century CE, the creation of various bibles, typically each one claiming to be the only authentic bible.

      Neither religion has anything in common with the history or beliefs of the polytheistic Israelites. The worlds first mono deity religion was invented and enforced on the entire population by the inbred Egyptian Pharaoh, Amenhotep IV, c1’300 BCE. Not by the Israelites.

      • Pix

        Israel is a combination name, made up of the three semite solar deities, 3 gods in 1 god trinity.

        Osiris = solar minimum activity, he is chopped to pieces by Set, as in Sunset. His penis falls into the Nile and eaten by fish, he becomes impotent.

        Ra = solar maximum activity, he is represented by a flaming solar eye.

        El = Balanced solar activity, El is benevolent, kind, compassionate. El is the generic name of God in the middle east, as in El of the Elohim. El is singular and masculine. Elohim is plural and feminine. God originally had two wives, Asherah and Rhomerah, dusk and dawn. Jerusalem literally translates as ‘City of Dusk’, it was the middle eastern Red light district. Ref. The song of Solomon with his thousand wives and concubines, enough pussy to make a Mormon compound look quaintly understaffed. There are no cities dedicated to Dawn because she represents the consequences, the morning after the night before’s romp with Dusk… pregnancy. Dusk and Dawn produce El’s only begotten son Baal, the god of weather and crops.



        • Omega Files

          Nobody replies to your trash posts so now you have to reply to yourself. It must be getting lonely

        • Anonymous

          I’ll reply to him, here it goes: Plausible. It is possible. I’d like to know where you get this info from. History is constantly being revised. Revisionists, in spite of all their efforts can never change truth…only muddy up the water and try to lead many astray. The trick is knowing to the revisionists are and who is the true historian.

        • Pix


          ” I’d like to know where you get this info from.”

          History of Egypt, the middle east and the Israelites. Not to be confused with later invented Judaism. It has nothing much in common.


        • Pix

          Omega Files

          “Nobody replies to your trash posts…”

          That would be because Christians are not interested in Spirituality, only occupying it by thumping their dark age invented fairy story book.

          Spirituality is supposed to uplift your spirits, not kill everyone with disempowering depressing fear porn.

          You don’t know the meaning of the word spirituality. Clue, it doesn’t mean your dark age/medieval era religion.


        • Pix


          “History is constantly being revised. ”

          Yes I wonder why that has to be, any ideas? I think it’s because of who wrote it in the first place. do you know who wrote it in the first place?… Christians.

          After burning the libraries of Alexandria to the ground, they rewrote it. :wink:

      • am123

        “if any, than Christ-I-Anti, which was invented at the earliest in 4th century CE Rome”

        I see you’re up to your old tricks again Pix……..rewriting history that is :!:

        To think there was no historical Jesus is the epitome of foolishness, or at least in the top 10 :!: :lol:

        To think that the man from Galilee, Jesus of Nazareth, went on to become the single greatest influence in the history of mankind bar none, how then could such a thing happen by someone who never existed to begin with :?:

        How foolish is that :eek: :?:

        So for a good laugh :lol: , would you be so kind Pix to post an explanation how someone who never existed to begin with but yet, went onto to become the single most influential person to walk upon the face of this earth :?:

        Thanks in advance for your answer :wink:

        Here is the only history lesson that matters in the end:

        History records the rapid rise of Christianity because rather than give up following Jesus, the early martyrs of the faith would rather endure being tortured to death, or being thrown to the lions, or being sawed in half or whatever, because when the rubber meets the road, the early martyrs weren’t going to endure such things if it weren’t for one thing, if they didn’t witness the one event history hinges upon (b.c. and a.d.) and that is this: our risen Savior :!:

        Hallelujah forever and ever amen :!: :lol: :lol: :lol:

        12 Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

        13 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.

        14 And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever.

        —Revelation 5:12-14

        • Omega Files


          “I marvel that where the ambitious dreams of myself and of Alexander and of Caesar should have vanished into thin air, a Judean peasant Jesus should be able to stretch his hands across the centuries, and control the destinies of men and nations.”

        • am123

          Great quote Omega.

    • Anonymous

      The “rapture” Prophets for PROFIT are ANTI-Christ DEATH CULTISTS. God/Jesus put you in this LIFE to learn “soul lessons”, to increase your consciousness to the point of Redemption. Hagee and his Ilk REJECT the LIFE God gave you, and dangle a “shortcut” in front of people, just as SATAN dangled Temptation in front of Jesus. Do not follow the ANTI-Christ lies of FALSE prophets. Their “shortcut” of cheating God’s lessons does NOT lead to Heaven, any more than cheating on school work teaches you the subject. Hagee, Robertson, the whole group, do NOT believe in anything except the MONEY they collect for leading their Flocks astray.
      America, throw off the YOKE of Israel.
      America is like MASTER-BLASTER in “Thunderdome”. The dwarf Israel controlling the retarded giant:
      “christian-zionism” is today’s JUDAS ISCARIOT .
      America & Christians have been YOKED by those who crucified Our Lord.
      In the bible the Jews BRAG about how they parasitically controlled Egypt AND Babylon. The bible clearly tells how Abraham twice “pimped” his own wife for monetary gain from Kings of GOOD character. Then ignorant people say one is wrong to talk about Jews controlling things. TRY READING THE BIBLE, the jews BRAG about it, insinuating themselves into positions of power is part of their culture.
      The Jews want to rebuild their “temple” so they can return to ANIMAL/BLOOD sacrifices, where they smear the blood of the animal all over (the bible describes in detail how they should rub blood all over themselves) and burn the corpse for a “PLEASING ODOR onto “their” lord”. The first 9 chapters of Leviticus involve detailed instructions for sacrificing live animals to their god. The Jews worship a WAR god. The CRUCIFIXTION of JESUS CHRIST was the FINAL sacrifice. Or don’t any of you EVER read the Bible?
      Isreal worships a WAR god. Christians have no business supporting or associating with WAR god worshipers. The only Jews Christians should embrace are those Jews who see the LIGHT and convert. WAR god followers do not embrace PEACE.
      “Judeo-Christian” is an OXYMORON. WAR-God vs PEACE-God. The Old Testament followers worship a WAR GOD and spend their lives hating, reliving every imagined slight, and dreaming of VENGENCE ….. “NEVER FORGIVE and NEVER FORGET” …. they still go on about Egypt and Babylon after MILLENIA. New Testament followers (are supposed to) worship a loving, forgiving God, and to CLOSE the Old Testament, as it has been FULLFILLED by the Crucifixion of Jesus. If you are following the OLD Testament you ARE NOT and CANNOT be a CHRISTian.
      “ANTI-Christ” does not get any greater then to CRUCIFY HIM. There is a MYTH that attempts to shift blame for the crucifixion onto Rome but the Priests sending SAUL of TARSUS and others to HUNT His followers right after the crucifixion PROVES that that is a lie. The Priests also instigated POGROMS against the early Christians. Judaism IS the ANTI-CHRIST.
      “christian-zionism” is the modern day JUDAS ISCARIOT, attacking CHRISTianity while feigning to BE Christian. Kissing Christ on the cheek for the Temple Priests.
      Jews, even to this day, refuse to set aside 2,000 years of venomous hatred for Our Savior.
      “Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is the spirit of Antichrist. He is the spirit of Antichrist who denies that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah.” — (I John 2:22; 4:3)

      “My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.” — Benyamin Netanyahu, Israeli prime minister
      Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is demanding that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a “Jewish state.” ( But Here in America the Jewish Lawyers in the ACLU will not allow YOU to put a Nativity on your own townhall lawn, much less recognize this as a CHRISTIAN Nation.
      “Let us recognize that we Jews are a distinct nationality of which every Jew, whatever his country, his station, or shade of belief, is necessarily a member.” – Louis Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Ct. Justice, Zionism, page 113. So their “loyalty” is NOT to America.
      And the Lord was with Judah; and he drove out the inhabitants of the mountain; but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron. Judges1:19

      “Israel won the war [WW I]; we made it, we thrived on it, we profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity.” — The Jewish Ambassador from Austria to the UK in London, Count Mensdorf.

    • Anonymous

      The Canaanites/Amorites/Philistines/Midianites/PALESTINIANS were in PALESTINE long before Israel was even thought of. The PALESTINIAN’s ancestors were there when ABRAHAM passed through from Babylon/Ur …… Israel’s “claim” to Palestine is based entirely on War Crimes and GENOCIDE written in a book that THEY WROTE and PLAGERIZED from the Egyptians, Babylonians, and EVERYONE ELSE in the area..

      Palestina and Palestine. These two forms appear IN THEIR OWN BIBLE in poetical passages; Ex.15:14 Isa. 14:29,31 and Joel 3:4 . The Hebrew is Pelesheth, a word found,, besides the above, only in Ps. 60:8; 83:7; 87:4; and 108:9 in all which our translators have rendered it by “Philistia” or “Philistines”. Palestine really means nothing but Philistia. The original Hebrew word Pelesheth to the Hebrews signified the long and broad strip of maritime plain inhabited by their neighbors.
      The Philistine plain became sooner known to the western world than the country farther inland, and was called by them Syria Palestina, Philistine Syria. From thence it was gradually extended to the country farther inland, til in the Roman and later Greek authors, both heathen and Christian, it became the usual appellation for the WHOLE COUNTRY, and thus, the Peoples living there are PALESTINIANS.

    • Anonymous

      Judaism is the “SOUR GRAPES” Tribe. The 10 “plagues” of Egypt are actually 10 INSULTS that address each of the 10 gods that opposed ATEN, the Sun god of the Exodus.

      During the 1980s an earthquake shook Biblical myths. The discoveries made by the “new archaeology” discredited a great exodus in the 13th century BC. Moses could not have led the Hebrews out of Egypt into the Promised Land, for the good reason that the latter was Egyptian territory at the time. And there is no trace of either a slave revolt against the pharaonic empire or of a sudden conquest of Canaan by outsiders.
      Modern archaeology suggests that the Exodus actually happened to the Hyksos, not the Hebrews, so claiming descent from Moses really doesn’t mean that much since he seems to have stolen all the stories he wrote down (like the story of the flood copied from the Epic of Gilgamesh). At best he is a great self-promoter; at worst he was a hoaxer like Oded Golan. Some scholars, such as Sigmund Freud, have pointed out the obvious implausibilities on the Moses story and have sugge3sted that “Moses”, an Egyptian word meaning “Prince” may have been another name for the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV), and the story of the Exodus a highly romanticized telling of his attempted return from exile, with the usual spin so that failure to reclaim his throne is sold to later generations as a symbolic victory.
      Why would downtrodden slaves “escape” to a PROVINCE of their Master? Palestine/Syria was all subject to Egypt at the time of the exodus. Those were the banished from power worshippers of ATEN that left the center of power for the fringe of the Empire, hoping to someday return to power.
      Moses was “raised” as an Egyptian Prince, because Moses WAS an Egyptian Prince. As a matter of FACT, the “Hebrews” are EGYPTIAN.
      The Hebrews, the participants of the fabled Exodus, were EGYPTIAN refugee worshipers of ATEN, the MONOTHEISTIC Egyptian LIGHT God.
      After Amenhotep IV aka Akenhaten elevated Aten to THE god of Egypt (THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME)
      the priests of Amon and the lesser gods worked to undermine Aten. Upon the death of Pharoh Akenhaten, the “ONE” god, Aten, was
      overthrown. The temples and all trace of Aten were pulled down and erased. The followers of Aten were persecuted and harrassed.
      After some years of this, the followers of Aten made an “exodus” (a going out) from Egypt, to the COLONIES of Egypt in Palestine.
      Oddly enough, Egypt reached new heights of imperial splendour and prosperity during the New Kingdom (18th – 19th dynasties). Tutmosis III campaigned beyond the EUPHRATES and reached the Fourth Cataract on the Nile; Rameses II halted the advance of the Hittites in SYRIA, which means Egypt marched ALL OVER the so-called Israeli kingdom, because Egypt OWNED PALESTINE.
      Jerusalem was ruled by New Kingdom Egypt from 1550-1440 BCE.
      NOTE: It is not called a HOMECOMING or RETURN, as it would have been if the participants were SEMITES originally from Palestine.
      They THEMSELVES termed it an EXODUS. [EX out of, from, and HODOS, way]
      This is people who WERE Egyptian and LEFT, went OUT OF the center of Egypt.
      The followers of Aten wandered in the desert for years (40?). They assimilated legends, myths, and People, into their Religion and Tribe.
      The first generation of refugees passed on, and their religion morphed from a “loving, peace, LIGHT and enlightened god”
      to a vengeful, resentful, scab-picking War god.
      THIS is why there is NO Egyptian archeological evidence of a Jewish/Semitic presence OR exodus.
      The Exodus consisted of EGYPTIANS leaving Egypt in the face of religious persecution that included the complete erasure of the God of the Exodus, ATEN.

    • am123

      FALSE TEACHING ALERT :!: :!: :!:

      From the article:

      “In light of the pattern so far, and in light of other themes in the Bible, it may be such that the government of the 144,000 and Two Witnesses are established at this time for the 3.5 years of Great Tribulation; the final years before Messiah’s return in 2017”

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