Nostradamus Prophecies: ‘Death Comet’ – The War of the Third Antichrist – War World 3 (Video)
More than five hundred years after his birth, the prophesies of Nostradamus continue to intrigue, fascinate, and confound.
Nostradamus wrote that a comet will come from Cancer and something like that is going to happen: ‘Brighter than a full moon’: The biggest star in the sky.
A comet sighting in our times is key to identifying the third of three Antichrists foreseen by the prophet. In each case, Nostradamus provided clues that reverberated in similar phrases in a number of quatrains scattered throughout his book of prophecies for the fleet sooth-sleuth-sayer to decant for debate and discussion.
Nostradamus predicts the war of the Third Antichrist.
Nostradamus predicts the war of the Third Antichrist will be the longest of the three. Napoleon’s war, as Nostradamus accurately predicted in 7 Q13, lasted 14 years (1799–1814), followed by another famous time prediction in 10 Q90 for Napoleon’s escape from exile on Elba in 1815 to lead France for a hundred days until his final defeat at Waterloo.
Nostradamus did not tag a specific length to Hitler’s war but he left powerful clues accurately framing the war in time. In his Epistle prophecies he earmarked the years “(19)37″, “(19)41″ and “(19)45″ as the beginning, middle and end of the conflict.
He was only slightly off on the beginning year–it was 1939–but 1941 did see the turning of the tide with the Second Antichrist’s disastrous invasion of Russia, started on the same day of the 129 year anniversary of the First Antichrist’s invasion, no less. Hitler’s war did end in 1945.
Nostradamus gives two predictions for the length of the war of the Third Antichrist. In a passage written in 1558 about the three Antichrists in his Epistle to Henry II, he said the following:
“Finally the third (Antichrist) will cause an inundation of human blood, and one will not find Mars [the God of War] fasting for a long time… After that, the Antichrist will be the infernal prince again for the (third and) last time.
All the Kingdoms of Christianity, and even those of the Muslims, will tremble for the space of twenty-five years…”
He wrote the Epistle dedicating a serialization of the final three Centuries (volumes 8, 9 and 10) of his book of prophecies to the king of France after setting down with his pen the following well-known prophecy giving what appears to be a longer timeline:
“The Third Antichrist very soon annihilated,
Twenty-five years his bloody war will last…”
The play of the two timelines, as we will soon see, could be another clue to exactly who Nostradamus intended to be “Mabus.” He is either the Third Antichrist himself, or a key figure killed by the Third Antichrist.
His death marks the beginning of the Third Antichrist’s war.
Here is the complete – “Mabus” prophecy:
“Mabus” will soon die,
then will come,
A horrible undoing of people and animals,
At once one will see vengeance,
One hundred hands (powers) thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.”
That means: War World 3 – Nuclear Weapons – Disaster all over the world.
“The Third Antichrist very soon annihilated, Twenty-Five years his bloody war will last. The heretics (are) dead, captives exiled, Blood-soaked human bodies, and a reddened, icy hail covering the earth.”
Nostradamus in the Epistle warns of much worse to come in the new war.
Quatrain 8:66 says:
“The Antichrist three very soon annihilated;
Seven and Twenty years of blood will his war last…”
In my opinion (and I have written books on Nostradamus and Bible prophecies so I’m under the illusion I know something about it)
This war between Islam and the West has been in effect since the first Gulf War in 1991 and has had non-stop American involvement ever since. I believe this will get worse before a final resolution around 2018.
read – End Times and 2019 – – or – Antichrist 2016-2019 –
@David from the Mountain (Montaigne);
Etymologically (true definition of a word) the word “Nostradamus” states in the english etymological dictionaries;
“a prophet, seer, a fortune-teller,” 1660s, from Latinized name of Michel de Nostredame (1503-1566), French physician and astrologer, who published a collection of predictions in 1555.
So already according to Jesus the Christ of the Bible, Nostradamus is a witch which is equal to the sin of rebellion according to Jesus which is the worst thing you can do to God (Jesus) because satan did it first. Sorry Nostradamus was a witch and and as such devils tell lies and Nostradamus believed it. It’s interesting as well that “Nostro/a/i” in italian means “Ours” and and “DAMUS” if you play on the word in english it’s telling us “DAMN US” as if to state that believing nostradamus will be “Our Damnation”. But of course this is a pun on the last part of the word in english, not that there is any evidence that DAMUS actually means “DAMN US” in any language from what i recall. On a serious note though, the “DAMUS” comes from the french “Dame” for “Lady” and so in french “notre” means ‘ours’ and “dame” means lady (Our Lady) so why would a man call himself “Nostra-Damus” unless he wasn’t a seer for the woman goddess of satanism that he worshipped?
Here are some links that show proper translations of his work and show he never really got anything right and if people think he did, it’s because they were so vague, of course one could make themselves believe something Nostra-dam-us stated came true, but then they would be allowing Nostradamus to basically lead us to “Our Damnation”. Why not view the links below by those who are honest enough to show how Nostra-damn-us really didn’t get his stuff right contrary to the many history bankrupt people in the world;
I will not respond to comments here for there is no notification system to let one know when a response has been left, so if you want to further discuss this, find me on Youtube = awakened2truth@youtube
he said that a comet will come from cancer…this is not vague at all buddy
One of the main problems with people who predict things of the end times is that they look at an item or two that appear to be or appear to be similar to things talked about with regards to the end times or actual signs of the times.
Like let’s take Hitler.
If you were to focus on Hitler at the time and the things occuring around him then you could easily view him as the anti-christ, or even be assured that he was the anti-christ.
Of course while Hitler was certainly Satanically inspired and an example or a forerunner of the anti-christ so that we could learn and come to realize the nearness of the comming of the end times Hitler was certainly not the anti-christ of the final end-times Armageddon and apocalypse.
The one way that you can avoid the errors of either false teaching or false following of false teachings is to simply do as Christ taught us.
Observe the signs of the times and put all into the context that Christ and his prophets put them into.
Let’s use the days of Hitler as an example being that we have already gone there and it is fairly recent history and most anyone that knows much of anything about History understands the base historical references.
Well, in considering Hitler as the anti-christ one should consider the other signs and consider Hitler in the context of all the signs not just him as a person and what surrounded him.
All the things surrounding him could have certainly convinced anyone that he was the anti-christ but when you start putting that in the greater context of all that was happening in the world and the prophetic signs of the times you should start to realize that he was most likely not the anti-christ of the end times.
Where was the re-built temple?
Where was the world wide economic system with which you could not buy or sell without a world wide universal identifier, where was the Lord coming in the clouds so that all could see.
Etc., etc., etc..
Well, i hope that this is helpful to someone.
I never comment on these places that talk about these things but i decided to start trying to be a little helpful if i can to some.
Praise God!
Long Live the Republic!
don’t waste your time on this prehistoric nonsense
live your life’s as if there would be no tomorrow
As far as I am concerned the only one who can truly see the future is God Almighty. He knows the day and hour that the world will end. Not even his son Jesus knows.
I’m not worried about the future because God will protect the good people. Satan will one day be destroyed. Good will prevail.
Nice to see optimism
These people were sent by God and empowered by Satan to see where your allegiance lies. Do not be deceived! That is why they are hit and misses.
BIG CLUE: But God never misses on prophecy.
LOL He never went passed the mayon calender