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CERN: Unravelling the Science Of Sin (with VIDEOS)

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CERN:  Unravelling The Science Of Sin


Original Work By Jason Martin


CERN, as many by now know, is preparing to power up it’s massive LHC (Large Hadron Collider) to the highest level in history next month.  CERN has many stated objectives they would like to achieve by conducting their experiments.  Some of these include but are not limited to:  Discovering dark matter, discovering and isolating a theoretical particle called gluon, finding out what holds matter together, And to try to recreate the conditions that existed at the “big bang”.  That is what they are telling us.  Speculation, however, abounds at what could be some of their “unstated objectives”.  

This has been fueled, in part, by Sergio Bertolucci, Director of Research and Scientific Computing at CERN, who was recently quoted as saying, “Out of this door (referring to the doorway that the LHC could create) might come something, or we might send something through it”.  7  Also CERN’s very own CEO Rolf-Dieter Heuer has given several talks named “Breaking The Wall Of The Hidden Universe” and has made comments during interviews in line with Mr. Bertolucci’s.  Further speculation has been caused by some of the world’s most prominent scientists suggesting the possibility that the experiments done at CERN could open up a miniature wormhole or even rip apart the fabric of time and space.  One such scientist is Stephen Hawking.  

With what their own CEO and director have said concerning opening a doorway and what other top physicists in the field have been theorizing, it is not unreasonable to assume that there is much that CERN is not telling us pertaining to their research.  In a moment we will begin to examine the symbolism that CERN is using as they proceed to conduct arguably the biggest and most expensive experiments in the history of mankind. 

Some of what is said in this article may sound a little bit hard to believe.  But if you are a believer in the Messiah, Yeshua or Jesus, you already believe a bunch of seemingly crazy things.  You believe the earth was flooded and that Noah and his family and two of each of all the animals in the world escaped in a big boat.  You believe God parted the Red Sea.  You believe Jesus raised people who were dead for days.  I believe too.  So, all I’m saying is keep an open mind!   

In the world of the occult, it is commonly known, that there is an accepted or common meaning of symbols and then there is an “esoteric” or “hidden meaning” of symbols.  In other words, in the occult, people aren’t going to tell you that this symbol or that symbol means they are worshipping Lucifer.  No.  They are going to hide that fact by giving you, the “uninitiated” or “profane” (as they would call you or me), a common meaning to blind you from the truth.  This is done in Freemasonry and many other occult organizations.  Many of their members are also kept from these truths as well until they either move up in the ranks of the organization or they do some serious research. 

The reason I say all of this, is because I will be delving into the symbolism of CERN and I want you, the reader, to know that just because they have an explanation of what a symbol means, does not in any way mean that they are telling you the whole story.  People who are practitioners of the occult need to leave clues or communications that tell others who are “initiated” or “in the know” what is really going on in a given situation.  These communications may be in the form of a symbol, word, gesture or some other form.  You and I can be “in the know” if we do our research and ask God to give us wisdom and expose the lies of the enemy.  Not that we should focus on the occult but we should always be ready to expose the lies and schemes of satan–Ephesians 5:11.  Let’s examine what CERN has been communicating. 

If you have read anything or if you have seen videos regarding what CERN is up to you would probably already know that the CERN logo has within its makeup three sixes, which is ofcourse the number of the beast in Revelation 13:18.  You may have also heard that there is a statue displayed prominently outside of CERN headquarters in Geneva depicting the Hindu goddess Shiva who is known as the destroyer.  You may have even heard that the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was built on a town called Saint Genis Pouilly but in Roman times called Apolliacum.  A civilization, which in ancient times, was dedicated to Apollo, also known as the destroyer, and had a temple there to honor him.  Some even believe that the town was set up over a portal to the underworld.  These are startling facts, when we consider what CERN has already admitted they are trying to do.  

There are many words and symbols that CERN uses that are not so widely circulated, however.  I will be touching on several of these.  I always say that one or two or even three anomalies are nothing to be concerned over.  But when you have many, many such anomalies, all agreeing with each other on a common thread, you have a trend which cannot be denied except by those who don’t wish to know the truth.  

On CERN’s website there is a section that lists the names of many of their experiments.  I have included this link in the bibliography to this article.  I will not be addressing what CERN claims these experiments are designed to do.  I will, instead, be focusing on the acronyms that they use to title these experiments.  Again, what are they telling us?  

NOTE:  The following list is comprised mostly of acronyms that CERN itself uses.  You can verify this on their own website which is included in my footnotes.


ALPHA:  This is one of the terms used to describe God in the bible (i.e. Alpha and Omega).  It is also the first letter of the Greek alphabet.  It speaks of new beginnings.  I believe CERN is part of the enemy’s plans to bring in the New World Order (NWO) where these beings “help” them to become gods.  There was also a similarly titled experiment at CERN called ALEPH, which is the first letter of the Hebrew bible.

AEGIS:  Aegis, according to Greek mythology, was a shield made by Athena.  It was used by Perseus to peer at Medusa without being turned to stone.  CERN is attempting to peer into another dimension.

ATLAS:  Was an ancient “god” who was considered a Titan.  He was made to hold up the heavens and keep the heavens separate from the earth.  Sound familiar?  CERN is trying to break down the barrier separating the “heavens” from the earthly realm.  Also it is worth noting that although Atlas was not one who was banished, many of  the other Titans were “banished” to Tartarus in the lower parts of the earth.  This is exactly where CERN is trying to pierce into.  

ATHENA:  Athena was considered to be the embodiment of wisdom and the goddess of reason and intelligent activity.  First of all, this is another reference to a god/goddess.  Also, could they be alluding to the knowledge and wisdom they wish to extract from the abyss via these beings?  9  


ASACUSA:  Asakusa is a district in Tokyo renowned for its Buddhist temple dedicated to the deity Bodhisattva, a being with enlightenment.  It can also refer to a human being who is committed to the attainment of enlightenment.  8  CERN is so committed to their own enlightenment that their willing to open a portal to another dimension to gain what these entities have to offer and risk that what comes out of that portal may indeed not be friendly.  They don’t stop to think that there may be a very important reason why this barrier was erected in the first place.  Let’s not forget that satan masquerades as an angel of light and “enlightenment” and “illumination” is a common theme for the luciferian world group know as Illuminati.  

ALICE:  Alice in Wonderland tells the story of a girl, Alice, who tumbles down a rabbit hole into another dimension or reality.  The story occurs in the lower parts of the earth.  There she is helped by various beings that she finds while in the lower parts of the earth.  Is anybody detecting a trend yet?  

TOTEM:  A totem could be considered a spirit guide.  Also a spirit being or animal or even a mythical (hybrid) animal.    11  12  What spirits is CERN receiving “guidance” from?  What spirits are they trying to free?  

DELPHI:  Delphi was a sanctuary of Apollo and an ancient city in Greece.  The Oracle at Delphi was used to “commune” with Apollo (recall CERN is located at the site of ancient Apolliacum).  Cern is extremely consistent.  



CERBERUS:  Is the name given to a triple ionization chamber system used by CERN.  Cerberus was, in Greek mythology, the two-headed dog and guardian of the underworld or Hades.  10

HADES:  Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer is a detector aimed at studying dielectron production.  This experiment was not run by CERN directly.  However, CERN did fund the research and development of the prototypes, the actual detector construction, and the operation of the detector.  They even participated in the experiment in 2008-2009.  That having been said, Hades was known as both the name of the underworld and the name of the god of the underworld.  You see, CERN is speaking very loudly, we just need to tune our minds to the right frequency.  13  14

OPAL:  On a website entitled, the author “ladyoftheabyss” has this to say:  “Opal is also said to be a very spiritual stone, and can help one be “invisible” in situations where they don’t care to be noticed.”  3  How much of CERN’s activities would they rather went unnoticed?   


COMPASS:  The compass is an ancient symbol of the secret society known as Freemasonry that is used with a carpenter’s square as the symbol of their organization.  The compass, taken by itself, is a symbol of the “heavens” or even, dare I say, “the spirit realm” that CERN is trying to open a portal into.  4  

SATAN:  The Solar Axion Telescopic ANtenna is perhaps the most obvious example of what I’m referring to at CERN.  It was a proposal that CERN acquire this telescope for it’s research.  I have been unable to confirm whether or not they got this telescope but just the fact that they wanted to get a device called SATAN should speak volumes to us in light of everything else we have learned.



CERN:  This brings us to the name CERN itself.  Cern is actually just short for Cernunnos who was the Celtic horned god of the underworld.  If that’s not enough to convince you, I have no idea what possibly could.  15

Keep in mind that all of these occult titles and names of gods and esoteric magick symbolism comes to us from a group of physicists who would tell you that they have no need for religion and are evolved beyond the need to believe in any gods.  Isn’t that what the scientific community has been cramming down our throats for decades and decades.  I thought big time scientists were mostly atheists and evolutionists and had no time for our foolish belief in God.  The symbols they are putting out now tell a very different story.  Maybe all along they’ve been lying and the actual story is that they just don’t believe in “our” God, the Father.  Maybe they believe in their own god, lucifer, and have been keeping it a secret all the while communicating it with occult imagery to those in the know.

We should further keep in mind that these acronyms are made this way intentionally.  It’s not that CERN conceives of a project with a certain name and then this name just happens to be the name of some god or goddess or other occult manifestation.  No.  They come up with these acronyms ON PURPOSE to illustrate a point, and to send a message.  The same way the vatican uses a device called LUCIFER on Mount Graham, I am convinced these things are done purposely.    

Now you may be wondering about the title of this article:  Unravelling The Science Of Sin.  I will now be addressing what I believe CERN is ultimately doing and HOW they are doing it.  CERN is in search of “antimatter” which is a volatile substance that is notoriously elusive and unstable.  Antimatter is a very real substance and CERN has been able to “capture” it and contain it for several minutes.  Antimatter has been called by several sources, “matter’s evil twin”.  One of their goals is to be able to capture large amounts of antimatter.  They want to learn from it and experiment with it and understand it.  But attempting to take a look through what they are telling us and into what they are not telling us, I want to engage in some enlightened speculation for a moment.  I hope you will bear with me.    

So, how would any of this help them to open a rift into the spirit realm?  To answer this question we must first consider that these beings (fallen angels, demons or what have you) are our enemies.  They are of the kingdom of darkness ruled by the fallen former archangel lucifer now named hasatan or satan.  Now let me pose the question:  What gives the kingdom of darkness access to this realm normally?  What gives the enemy a foothold in our lives?  What opens a door for the adversary to mess with us?  The answer of course is SIN.  When we sin we open the door to the adversary and allow him to come in and to bring destruction our way.  Look at Saul.  He was a leader and committed to doing things God’s way but over time he caved in and gave in to sin.  After this God had no choice but to allow the enemy access to him and sent him a tormenting spirit.    

James 1:14-15:  But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.  Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Ephesians 4:26-27:  “Be angry, and do not sin”:  do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.

Now, I want us to consider sin and death not just as concepts or things for a moment, but as persons.  Not as humans, mind you, but as beings nonetheless.  In Revelation 6:8 we have a clear demonstration of how death can actually be a person and not just a concept or something that happens to us.  Anyone who has been through or has taken part in deliverance ministry knows that death is an unclean spirit or demon.  

Revelation 6:8:  And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.     

Now let’s move over to sin.  Could sin be a person too?  Yes it can be.  Sin, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica online was, in the Mesopotamian religion, the moon god.  He was the father of the sun god shamash as well as Ishtar.  Does the bible ever allude to sin as a being?  Yes it does, right at the beginning.

Genesis 4:7:  “If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.”

And, notice how the text says “sin lies at the door”.  It doesn’t say, “you are about to fall into sin”.  No. It speaks of a doorway.  Sound familiar?  CERN is also trying to open a doorway.  Keep that in mind.  This being was lying at the door of Cain and wanted in.  He was waiting for an opening.  And that opening came when Cain committed the sin of murder.  Now the unclean spirit “sin” had a legal right to bother Cain due to him sinning.  So, from a biblical worldview we have demonstrated how the spirit realm of darkness gains access to us.  But why am I saying all of this?  

Pastor Charles Lawson, speaking about dark matter and antimatter has gone on record as saying, “It causes some people to go screaming mad. It controls people. It is an enormously powerful thing.”  Others have said the same thing and beyond.  It has been said that this antimatter attracts evil spirits and supernatural forces of a negative nature.  In light of the fact that piercing the veil into another dimension is at the top of CERN’s to do list by their own admission (Mr. Bertolucci), it is not unreasonable to assume they might find some beings on the other side.



Stephen Hawking has warned that this so called “god” particle could destroy the universe.  As a student of biblical prophecy, I know that’s not going to happen or it would say in the bible that all of a sudden there would be nothing at all, no humans, animals, earth, stars, etc…  But he is a world renowned physicist and he at least can understand the magnitude of what these people are trying to do and can foresee some very horrible results.  I personally believe they are using hidden knowledge from the enemy to build, and keep this machine up.  I also believe that the enemy knows what he is doing with this machine and that he has done it before.  History is rife with mentions of other beings coming down from above and coming through gates and portals.  we’ve always just taken it to be mythology or someone’s drug-induced fantasy.  But we are now learning that there may be more truth than we thought to some of these so-called myths.  

Someone in the scientific community at one point took Coca leaves from the Coca plant and found out what about them gives people a buzz or high or makes them feel good.  He then refined the Coca leaves down until just that substance remained.  The result of course is cocaine.  Another scientist, somewhere else in the world took sugar cane and chemically analyzed it to find out what makes it taste so good and what gives us that insulin spike that brings us so much pleasure.  He then refined the sugar cane plant until just that substance remained.  the result as we all know was granular refined sugar.  Fast forward to today.  Science has accelerated and as the bible says, “knowledge has increased”.  

What I am getting at here is a question.  The question is, What if CERN has unlocked the very physical essence of sin and has found a way to refine it?  This is not an unreasonable question due to the fact that we see that sin attracts demonic forces into our lives and so does this antimatter.  What if scientists have conducted experiments to see what physical changes go on around a person and in a person while they are committing sin?  What if they studied what chemicals and particles are released when a person sins?  And, what if they are just now learning how to isolate those chemicals and particles so that they can multiply them and create a serious doorway for these forces to enter?  What if the term antimatter is just more esoteric bull and the real name for it could be “essence of sin”?  If one sin a person commits unlocks the door for the enemy to operate in that person’s life on a limited scale, what would happen if CERN has unlocked the very chemical composition of sin and wants to see what would happen if this substance is released on a grand or even unlimited scale?  Could not the result be this very doorway they are trying establish and open?  I will leave you to decide.

Revelation 9:1-2:  And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.  And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.    

Revelation 9:11:  And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

Thank you for taking this trip down the rabbit hole with me.


1. MPP Theory Group – Members. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

10. “Cerberus, a Triple Ionization Chamber System.” CERN Document Server. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

11. “What is a Totem?” Gem Stone and Crystal Healing, Love Symbols, Totems, Gemstone Beads. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

12. “Totem.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2015.

13. “Participation in the HADES experiment.” Indico [Home]. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

14. “Hades.” Greek Mythology :: Greek Gods :: Greek Goddesses :: Greek Myths. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

15. “Cernunnos.” Encyclopedia Mythica: Mythology, Folklore, and Religion. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

16. “Sin | Mesopotamian God |” Encyclopedia Britannica. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

17. “— CERN: Dark Matters.” N.p., Web. 20 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

2. “SATAN (Solar Axion Telescopic ANtenna): Proposed Helioscope at CERN.” SAO/NASA ADS: ADS Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

3. ladyoftheabyss. “Opal | Witches Of The Craft®.” Witches Of The Craft® | “Witchcraft For The 21st Century”. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Aug. 2015.

4. “The True Meaning of The Square and Compass, Page 1.” N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Aug. 2015. <<a href=”″>>.

5. “Experiments | CERN.” CERN | Accelerating Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

6. Selahobed. “Apollyon, The Bottomless Pit and the Large Hadron Collider, Page 1.” N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Aug. 2015. <<a href=”″>>.

7. Horn, Thomas. “ON THE PATH OF THE IMMORTALS–PART 11: Tom Horn On The Secrets Of The CERN Stargate » SkyWatchTV.” SkyWatchTV. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

8. “What is bodhisattva?” wildmind: buddhist meditation. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

9. “Athena.” Greek Mythology :: Greek Gods :: Greek Goddesses :: Greek Myths. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2015. <<a href=””>>.

Shiva’s statue at CERN engaging in the Nataraja dance” by Kenneth Lu. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Commons.

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    Total 17 comments
    • Louis

      Science has never been able to crack any of nature’s secrets. Neither will CERN.

      • Pix

        Are you stupid, what about eg, microbes? I guess someone didn’t invent a microscope to discover them, we dreamed it all, and all the subsequent knowledge gained on DNA, genetics, particles, subatomic particles, etc, etc, all because science discovered microbes too small to see with the naked eye.



      Good comment but science has cracked many important thresholds that they were told was impossible in the past. Flight, space travel, cures for diseases, telephone and so many more. Just because something is impossible to us, doesn’t mean it will always be impossible for us. Although I hope your right on this one! Thanks

    • magusincognito

      “People who either judge superficially, or, by reason of their natural impatience would gaze at the blazing sun before their eyes are well fitted to bear lamp-light, are apt to complain of the exasperating obscurity of languages which characterizes the works of the ancient Hermetisists and their successors” (HPB).

      • magusincognito

        One of the most powerful reasons for the necessity of strict secrecy is given by Jesus Himself, if one may
        credit Matthew. For there the Master is made to say plainly: “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine; lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” :idea:

      • magusincognito

        “Hence the necessity of gradually taking away from man the divine knowledge and power, which became with every new human cycle more dangerous as a double-edged weapon, whose evil side was ever threatening one’s neighbour, and whose power for good was lavished freely only upon self. Those few “elect” whose inner natures had remained unaffected by their outward physical growth, thus became in time the sole guardians of the mysteries revealed, passing the knowledge to those most fit to receive it, and keeping it inaccessible to others. Reject this explanation from the Secret Teachings, and the very name of Religion will become synonymous with deception and fraud.”

        If you make it known, it will surely become more abused. If you hold it (all) back, there is no longer a moral code for which to live by. Yeah, there are those who deserve to know and those who do not.

        Many malcontents attempt to map the exoteric to the physical plane. And these types always do more harm than good. Curiously, the same ones believe they are judged by intent. Wrong, again. You are judged by deeds.

        Truth is bitter. And those who cannot deal with this bitterness have no business meddling in truth.


      Jesus also said you shall love the Lord thy God and him alone show you serve. The word of God clearly tells us not to take or invoke the names of other gods nor even take them on our lips. Jesus in no way would have advocated using occult imagery and verbage. He said that he is building his assembly and the gates of Hades shall not overcome it. The scripture that refers to casting your pearls before the swine has everything to do with people who have proven themselves to not want to hear you and do not want to receive what you are saying that lines up with the word of God. God is not interested in keeping secrets he said for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that WHOSOEVER shall believe on him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

      No. the true reason that practitioners of The occult want to keep things hidden, comes to us from another statement of the master Yeshua:

      John 3:19-20: “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.”

      • Pix

        Actually the bible states “Though shalt have no other gods before him”, it does not say ‘no other gods’ full stop. We were created “in THEIR (plural) image”. The bible is not and never has been monotheistic.



          Sorry pix but your wrong. you need to be a bit more thorough. The word in the Hebrew “before” is “paniym” and it means presence. A better way to translate it might have been “you shall have no other gods in my presence”. God does not tolerate any other gods period. The connotation that you wrongly assume is that the word has to do with putting gods above Him. This is simply not the case and had you done just a little bit of investigation into the matter you would’ve found this out for yourself.

          • CHEESEBLOCK

            Also their image refers to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God also says that He is “one God”, not multiple. “One” here is “Echad” which denotes a complex unity. If you would like further study may I suggest: Deuteronomy: 4:35-39, 6:4, 32:39 also 2 Samuel 7:22, 1 Chronicles 7:20 and a host of other scriptures all stating there is but one God. God bless you Pix and thank you for your thoughts

      • Pix

        “John 3:19-20: “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. ”

        Doesn’t say much for the Churches does it, who deliberately kept people ignorant and illiterate for hundreds of years, and is still constantly denying scientific observations. If it were up to the Churches they would still be burning people alive for stating the fact that Earth is round not flat.



      “And you shall know the truth, and the Truth shall set you free”

    • Pink Slime

      Could they trigger the “unraveling” of space and time? They said those days must be shortened to save “all flesh”. A most curious term.


        They are hoping to. Excellent point pink. Matthew 24:22 says that unless those days were shortened there should be no flash saved alive. I just got done watching Jack the giant slayer this evening. This is exactly the sort of thing that I’m talking about. Roderick Play by Stanley Tucci was attempting to go to another realm where these Giants were trapped so that he could gain their power. I believe that the devil uses movies, music, and the popular culture to tell the story of what he is up to to those with occult knowledge. The people at CERN are trying to do the exact same thing. they want to open a doorway to free these beings with power so that they can gain power. The only problem with this notion is that these beings are not interested in sharing power. In fact they hate all humankind. humans are made in God’s image and they hate God.

    • Hidden Truth

      thank you, very good and argued article … dont pay attention to negative comments, there are here on this website regular trolls and demons just insulting and trying to lose the people. They bark like mad dogs, so let them barking

    • Pix

      The only thing you are demonstrating is your imagination is greater than your education and intellect. CERN is a particle accelerator, that’s all it does, accelerates particles to great speeds. Not that they will discover what they are searching for, the answer is electro magnetism is what holds things together, electro magnetism accounts for all the missing energy they have labeled ‘dark matter’, there was no in the beginning there was nothing and then there was a ‘big bang’. It’s utter codswallop with no evidence at all these days, it was based on the red shift which has been disproven.



      Thanks Hidden! Yes there are some comments I will respond to and others I don’t. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. But I appreciate your comment.

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