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Antichrist Revealed – The Scriptures Expose the Man in Sheep’s clothing as He prepares to take over the World! (Updated article – DRNG)

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Who is the end-time antichrist?

           According to the written Word of God,

  1. Antichrist will be a man.
  2. Antichrist will be a Roman.
  3. Antichrist will rule from the city of seven hills( Rome).
  4. Antichrist will come from the ancient Roman Empire.
  5. Antichrist will not have desire for women.
  6. He will not be royal by birth.
  7. He will carry an apostate church on his shoulder which is spread throughout the world.
  8. Antichrist is the eighth king but is of the seven.
  9. His predecessor will rule only for a short time, will be an imposer of taxes and he will be replaced cunningly without any confrontation but peaceably.
  10. The antichrist has a healed wound.
  11. The church he is carrying is immensely rich.
  12. Has killed saints in the past but not at present; but he will do so again in the future.
  13. His number is 666.
  14. He wears a sheep’s clothing to deceive many.
  15. Speaks blasphemies against God.
  16. He changes times and laws.
  17. Always in friendship with the world leaders.
  18. The church he shoulders rules over the countries of the world; and has influenced and intoxicated the people of the world.
  19. He has a small army.
  20. He will be different from the other Kings and Rulers.


1) Antichrist will be a man

“I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words.’’  Daniel 7:8

   ‘’Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six’’. Revelation 13:18


2) Antichrist will be a Roman

‘’And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.’’ Daniel 9:26

           The city and the Temple referenced in this passage were destroyed in AD 70 by Titus and the Roman legions. Daniel 9:27 describes the ruler as one who will make a seven-year treaty with many nations including Israel, put an end to the sacrifices and offerings, and set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration. These are events that will be fulfilled in the life of the endtime Antichrist. According to Daniel, the Antichrist will come from among the people who destroyed Jerusalem and its Temple. Therefore, we can be certain that the Antichrist will come from among the Roman people. Pope Francis is Roman(Italian descent).


3) Antichrist will rule from the city of seven hills( Rome)

3’’ So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. 

Revelation 17:3,9

 The woman is an apostate church and the beast who carries the church is the antichrist and he has seven heads (seven mountains) or in other words he rules from the city of seven hills. Historically Rome is described as a city of seven hills.


4) Antichrist will come from the ancient Roman Empire

The dream of King Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon and the dreams of Daniel showed that there will be four great empires ruling the world in succession, they are the empires of Babylon, then the Medo-Persian empire, the Greeks, and then  the Romans. After these, comes a mixed empire of Rome and the fragile governments as depicted by the feet made of iron and clay. (Daniel 2,7,8)

The feet represents the present generation where the iron (which represents the Roman Empire) and the world governments (which denotes ceramic clay) are mixed together even though they do not mix with each other. The present day ROME is represented by the Papacy. It is during this era that God will establish His Kingdom on earth.

44’’ And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.’’ Daniel 2:44

Daniel had 2 dreams in which he saw beasts, each representing empires that will be ruling the world in the future. (Daniel chapters 7 and 8)

Read Daniel chapters 7, 8. Notice that the beasts in chapter 8 parallel those in chapter 7. Daniel 8:20 specifically names Medo-Persia as the kingdom that precedes the rough goat, or Greece. It is the second world kingdom – the same power as the bear of Daniel 7. The empire was made up of two groups of people. The Medes came up first (represented in Daniel 7:5 by the bear coming up on one side), but the Persians eventually became stronger (represented in Daniel 8:3 by the ram’s second horn which grew “higher,” or taller). The three ribs in the bear’s mouth represent the three principal powers conquered by Medo-Persia: Lydia, Babylon, and Egypt.

Greece, the third kingdom (Daniel 8:21), is represented by a leopard with four wings and four heads (Daniel 7:6). The four heads represent the four kingdoms into which the empire of Alexander the Great was divided when he died. The four generals who headed these areas were: Cassander, Lysimachus, Ptolemy, and Seleucus. The four wings (instead of two like the lion) represent super-speed, which was true of Alexander’s conquests (Jeremiah 4:11-13).

23 “Thus he said: ‘The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all other kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, trample it and break it in pieces.

24 The ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this kingdom. And another shall rise after them; he shall be different from the first ones, and shall subdue three kings.

25 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,

shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time. Daniel 7:23-25

The Roman Empire, the fourth world kingdom, is represented by a horrible monster with iron teeth and 10 horns (Daniel 7:7). Horns represent the 10 kings or kingdoms into which pagan Rome was eventually split (Daniel 7:24 and 2:41-44).  Roving barbarian tribes swept in upon the Roman Empire and carved out land niches for their people. Seven of those 10 tribes developed into the countries of modern Western Europe, while three were uprooted and destroyed.

When Rome fell it split exactly into 10 separate nations represented by the 10 horns of the fourth beast.

1.     The Saxons, originating the English nation.

2.     The Franks, originating the French nation.

3.     The Alamanni, originating the German nation.

4.     The Visigoths, originating the Spanish nation.

5.     The Suevi, originating the Portuguese nation.

6.     The Lombards, originating the Italian nation.

7.     The Burgundians, originating the Swiss nation.

8.     The Heruli,  disappeared in 493 A.D.

9.     The Vandals, disappeared in 534 A.D.

10.  The Ostrogoths, disappeared in 538 A.D.

The other horn(little horn) which arises after these but looks different from these 10 horns is the papacy which subdued the Herulis, vandals and the Ostrogoths

The little horn which came out of the fourth and final beast,  is well understood to perfectly fit with historic documentation as Rome. These ten horns perfectly symbolized the historic division of the Roman Empire into ten separate nations after its fall in 476 A.D.

The little horn arose after the ten nations were formed, that is, after 476 A.D., the year when the division of the Roman Empire was completed. Now, history teaches us, that the Roman Catholic Papacy imposed its religio-political supremacy from the year 538 A.D. on. That’s a mere 60 years after the division of the Roman empire that the little horn received the power.

Historical records reveal the papacy officially began its reign in 538 A.D. upon Emperor Justinian’s decree, and under the military protection of Belisarius. And the Bible says the little horn will rule for EXACTLY 1260 years before receiving a mortal wound.

Daniel clearly states that the final world empire before the establishment of Christ’s millennial kingdom will be a resurrected form of the Roman Empire and the antichrist will come out of this.

8 Therefore the male goat grew very great; but when he became strong, the large horn was broken, and in place of it four notable ones came up toward the four winds of heaven.

9 And out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Glorious Land.

10 And it grew up to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the ground, and trampled them.

11 He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host; and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down.

12 Because of transgression, an army was given over to the horn to oppose the daily sacrifices; and he cast truth down to the ground. He did all this and prospered.

Daniel 8:8-12

The large horn is Alexander the great. The four horns which came out of the large horn represent the four kingdoms into which the empire of Alexander the Great was divided when he died. The four generals who headed these areas were: Cassander (Macedonia and Greece), Lysimachus, Ptolemy, and Seleucus. In the battle of Pydna(168 BC) fought between Rome and Macedon, Macedon effectively ceased to exist as an independent nation and became a client state of Rome. Thus from one of the notable horns, came the little horn who conquered the whole world, even the glorious land (Israel), and these were the Romans. And the little horn (papacy) killed the saints, spoke blasphemies against God, and in the future will set up the abomination of desolation.

5) Antichrist will not have desire for women

    Popes are celibate, and they do not marry. This is especially true in case of Jesuits – as they do not have females in their order. The present pope is one of them.

37” Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.’’ Daniel 11:37


6) He will not be royal by birth

And in his place shall arise a vile person, to whom they will not give the honor of royalty; but he shall come in peaceably, and seize the kingdom by intrigue.    Daniel 11:21


7) He will carry an apostate church on his shoulder which is spread throughout the world 


 Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, 

with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”

So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 

The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.

 And on her forehead a name was written:


I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.  Revelation 17: 1 – 6


15 Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. 

16 And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 

17 For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. 

18 And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.”  Revelation 17: 15 – 18 

The harlot here is an apostate church (the church is always called as woman, e.g. the true church is called the bride of Christ).This apostate church is spread over all the earth (the waters which you saw, where the harlot sits are peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues). The ten horns of the Antichrist are the ten rulers of the 10 kingdoms into which the world will be divided very soon. These 10 rulers will obey the antichrist and they will destroy this apostate church and burn it with fire (will happen in the future) (Revelation 17:12, 13, 16). This harlot is also called the great city(Vatican) who rules over the kings of the earth.

8) Antichrist is the eighth king but is of the seven


10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.  Revelation 17:10,11

9) His predecessor will rule only for a short time, will be an imposer of taxes and he will be replaced cunningly without any confrontation but peaceably.


Pope Benedict was the seventh King and his rule was very short. He introduced the Robinhood tax when he was in power. He was replaced by the present Pope ‘peaceably’ without any confrontations while the old Pope was still in office. Thus Pope Francis became the 8th king but is counted as of the seven because he took over the seventh position by intrigue.


20 Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.


21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. Daniel 11:20,21


10) The Antichrist has a healed wound


3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. (Revelation 13:3)

The wound happened in 1798 when French armies under Gen. Louis Alexandre Berthier marched on Rome, which had been declared a republic by Roman revolutionaries in league with the French, and demanded that Pius [VI] renounce his temporal [civil] sovereignty. At his refusal the pope was taken prisoner and held first at Siena and ultimately at Valence, France, where he died.

The wound was healed when the Lateran treaty was signed on Feb 11, 1929 which recognised the full sovereignty of the pope in the state of Vatican city (making the Pope monarch or King).

11) The church he is carrying is immensely rich


The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.

18And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.” Revelation 17:4, 18

16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! Revelation 18:16


12) Has killed saints in the past but not at present; but he will again do so in the future


8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Revelation 17:8

24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. Revelation 18:24

In March of 2000 Pope John Paul II admitted that the Roman Catholic church killed hundreds of millions of Christians during their prophesied reign as those that would “wear out the saints.” John Foxe in his book, Foxes book of martyrs where he actually declared the total dead was at least 500,000,000. So yes, this little horn also did as Daniel said when it came to wearing out the saints. Very soon the same will be repeated and the saints will be persecuted and killed.

 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. Revelation 13:7




16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Revelation 13:16,17,18






























VICARIUS FILII DEI is one of the official titles of the Pope (this is inscribed on his mitre)


VICARIUS – substituting for, or in place of 


FILII – means son 


DEI – means GOD










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112 + 53 + 501 = 666














14) He wears a sheep’s clothing to deceive many.


 23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province;

32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Daniel 11:23,24,32


15) Speaks blasphemies against God


 6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. Revelation 13:6

36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Daniel 11:36

The present Pope has made a lot of statements contrary to the word of God. Throughout history, there are quotes where the pope calls himself “the vicar of Christ.” Leo X actually claimed to be “The lion of the tribe of Judah.” Leo XII demanded he was called “The Lord our God.” In 1858 the Pope claimed to be “God on earth.” Pope Pius V stated “the Pope and God are the same.” Pope John XXII was called “Lord God the Pope” in his day, in 1895 the Pope claimed to be “Jesus Christ himself”. So yes, they do indeed “speak great words against the Most High”.

16) He changes times and laws


‘’And shall intend to change times and law’’

Daniel 7:25

The law of God was changed by Rome

  • They removed commandment #2 regarding idols, and they are also the ones that changed the calendars hundreds of years ago. This is why the dates are all messed up when it comes to BC and AD.
  • The law was changed by removing commandment #2 as well as changing commandment #4,
  •  The calendars were also changed to cause confusion in historic record. Another basic fact most miss is, the Bible clearly says in Genesis chapter one we see the Lord declaring a new day comes when the Sun sets. This is why the Jews keep Sabbath from Sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday. But, look at your watches, computers or cell phones. The date always changes at midnight. That is actually based on Roman time.

17) Always in friendship with the world leaders


    The Vatican controls all the countries of the world through their control over administration, economy, education, religion, media, entertainment, etc. and the Jesuits are the military wing of the Roman Catholic church. Jesuits are Luciferians, that is, they worship Lucifer. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit pope.

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,

15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,

19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate. Rev 18:3,9,15,19


18) The church he shoulders rules over the countries of the world; and has influenced and intoxicated the people of the world.


15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Revelation 17:15,18

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. Revelation 18:3


19) Has a small army

Vatican has a small army

23 And after the league is made with him he shall act deceitfully, for he shall come up, and become strong with a small number of people. Daniel 11:23


20) Antichrist will be different from the other kings or rulers


 23 “Thus he said:‘The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth,which shall be different from all other kingdoms,and shall devour the whole earth,trample it and break it in pieces. 24  The ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this kingdom. And another shall rise after them; he shall be different from the first ones, and shall subdue three kings. Daniel 7:23,24

                 An Argentinean of Italian (Romanus) descent, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been elected the 265th successor to Peter and 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.  He has chosen to be called Pope Francis I.  Saint Malachy predicted that the last pope would be Petrus Romanus.  Pope Francis I is Petrus Romanus, the Prince of darkness. 

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected the 265th (2+6+5=13) successor to Peter on a cold and drizzly night (darkness) on the 13th day of 3rd month of the year 2013.  Pope Francis, was 76 years old.  7+ 6=13 

The smoke signaling his election began billowing out at 7:06p.m. local time 7 and 6 = 13.  By 8.10pm local time the newly elected Pope Francis I emerged in his white papal robes.

Romanus is Latin for “Roman”.  Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires, one of the five children of an Italian immigrant.  He is Roman.   He is now Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.  The Pope claims to be the successor of Saint Peter.  The Biblical Peter is translated as “Petrus”.  Put it together and you have a Roman successor to Peter or  Petrus Romanus (The last pope).

  Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the first Jesuit pope.  He entered the Society of Jesus on 11 March 1958.  The Society of Jesus (Latin: Societas Iesu, S.J., SJ or SI) is a Christian male religious order of the Roman Catholic Church. The Jesuits participated in the Counter-Reformation and later in the implementation of the Second Vatican Council in the Catholic Church.  The members are called Jesuits and are also known colloquially as “God’s Marines”.   As a Jesuit, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was a “military soldier” for the Roman Catholic Church.  The Jesuit Society was founded chiefly for this purpose: for the defence and propagation of the faith – the Roman Catholic Church.  All Jesuits must take a blood oath to defend their true god – Lucifer.

        In the coming days this man will receive power and authority from Lucifer(dragon),so that he will be able to perform miracles, signs and wonders before the people , and the whole world will marvel at him and follow him.


The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.

And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beastSo they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”  All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Revelation 13:2,3,4,8


The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

2 Thessalonians 2:9,10



(The False prophet may also be from Vatican)

27 Both these kings’ hearts shall be bent on evil, and they shall speak lies at the same table; but it shall not prosper, for the end will still be at the appointed time. Daniel 11:27


The other person who sits at the same table can be the false prophet – the Jesuit Superior General aka the Black pope, a suitable candidate.


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    Total 35 comments
    • Armed Gentleman

      Antichrist will be a man. Obama is barely a man.

      Antichrist will be a Roman. Obama is not Roman.

      Antichrist will rule from the city of seven hills( Rome). Obama has nothing to do with Rome.

      Antichrist will come from the ancient Roman Empire. Obama is not from ancient Rome.

      Antichrist will not have desire for women. Obama is totally gay, this is 100% true.

      He will not be royal by birth. Obama is not royal, just royally gay.

      He will carry an apostate church on his shoulder which is spread throughout the world. He has no church and carries nothing but sin.

      Antichrist is the eighth king but is of the seven. He is no king and comes from nothing.

      His predecessor will rule only for a short time, will be an imposer of taxes and he will be replaced cunningly without any confrontation but peaceably. This does not apply to Obama.

      The antichrist has a healed wound. He has not been wounded yet.

      The church he is carrying is immensely rich. He is down with the Vatican, this is true.

      Has killed saints in the past but not at present; but he will do so again in the future. He has killed his gay lovers, they are not saints but sinners, this too does not apply.

      His number is 666. This does not apply. Unless you count that lottery in his hometown, BS if you ask me.

      He wears a sheep’s clothing to deceive many. He pretends to be American but is not and detests our ways of living. This is true.

      Speaks blasphemies against God. True, he has.

      He changes times and laws. Yes he did, 100% true.

      Always in friendship with the world leaders. True, they are all from the same cabal.

      The church he shoulders rules over the countries of the world; and has influenced and intoxicated the people of the world. The Vatican has done this, but he does not shoulder the church.

      He has a small army. Americorps, true.

      He will be different from the other Kings and Rulers. He is a gay muslim marxist married to a transgender. He is surely a different kind of limp wristed pinky in the air gay person.

      • King of Shambhala

        Armed Gentleman is a liar.
        He knows nothing about Obama.
        Obama’s got all the complete traits of the Antichrist.

        • Big dog.../small fish...


          Take a deep breath and

          Repeat after me: Obama’s a puppet, Obama’s a puppet, Obama’s a puppet…

        • Ferreri68407

          Biblically and historically, Obama doesn’t align with these traits. He’s also one the world powers and people disapprove of in general – which would eliminate the world following this leader and idolizing him. Im certainly not a fan of Obama and even though he absolutely plays a part in the end times, hes not the Antichrist. I did a more extensive blog on this with tying Pope Francis into the equation which you may or may not be interested in.

          Part 1: Historical and Scriptural descriptions of “who” this person is:

          Part 2: The person himself in detail:

        • Dewald

          King of Shambhala – I will read your posts if you open the comments section. I promise if I comment it will be my sincere personal opinion without being nasty.

          BTW, you’re not all knowing, don’t be ignorant.

          • NM156

            Hey frenchie…. when you allow comments on your articles then you can comment. Until then just shut up. You should be banned just for being an A@#hole.

        • Charas Mayhem

          You have a cheek commenting on this site, when you don’t allow comments on your posts? Total hypocrite!

        • Bill Lyle

          Geir, you’re an idiot. Armed Gentleman essentially agreed with all of your BS “talking points”, with the exception of the Antichrist angle. Just shut up, and agree with him.
          You delusional schmucks need to stick together.

      • Amminadab

        Yes the papacy was wounded in 1798 and healed in 1929.

        The Roman Church / Antichrist will receive a deadly wound.

        -Revelation 13:3, “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death…”

        Fact: “In 1798 General Berthier made his entrance into Rome, abolished the papal government, and established a secular one.” -Encyclopedia Britannica 1941 edition

        This wound administered to the Beast will be healed:

        Revelation 13:3, “… his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”

        Mussolini and (Cardinal) Gasspari sign historic Roman pact.
        Fact: “The Roman question tonight was a thing of the past, and the Vatican was at peace with Italy… In affixing the autographs to the memorable document healing the wound of many years, extreme cordiality was displayed on both sides” -The San Francisco Chronicle. Feb. 11, 1929

        Pope Becomes Ruler Of A State Again:
        Fact: Rome, June 7.–From 11 o’ clock this morning there was another sovereign independent State in the world. At that time Premier Mussolini, as Italian Foreign Minister representing King Victor Emmanuel–the first Italian Premier ever to cross the threshold of the Vatican–exchanged with Cardinal Gasparri, Papal Secretary of State, representing Pope Pius XI, ratifications of the treaties signed at the Lateran Palace on Feb. 11. By that simple act the sovereign independent State of Vatican City came into existence. -New York Times July 7, 1929

        Pope dies: August 1799:
        Fact: Documented Roman Catholic source states -”Half Europe thought… that with the Pope the Papacy was dead.” -Joseph Rickaby “The Modern Papacy” Lectures on the History of Religion, Lecture 24, (London Catholic Truth Society, 1910),

      • MikeSavage

        This word means “against (or instead of) Christ.” It occurs a total of five times, singular and plural, all of them in two of John’s epistles.
        The subject was not new among the Christians when John wrote his letters (c. 98 C.E.). First John 2:18 states: “Young children, it is the last hour, and, just as you have heard that antichrist [Gr., an·tiʹkhri·stos] is coming, even now there have come to be many antichrists; from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour.” John’s statement shows that there are many individual antichrists, though all together they may form a composite person designated “the antichrist.” (2Jo 7) The use of the expression “hour” as referring to a period of time, either relatively brief or of undetermined length, is exemplified in other writings of John. (See Joh 2:4; 4:21-23; 5:25, 28; 7:30; 8:20; 12:23, 27.) He thus did not restrict the appearance, existence, and activity of such antichrist to some future time only but showed that the antichrist was then present and would continue on.—1Jo 4:3.
        Identification. Although there has been much effort in the past to identify “the antichrist” with an individual, such as Pompey, Nero, or Muhammad (this latter person being suggested by Pope Innocent III in 1213 C.E.), or with a specific organization, as in the Protestant view of “the antichrist” as applying to the papacy, John’s inspired statements show the term to be broad in its application, embracing all those who deny that “Jesus is the Christ,” and who deny that Jesus is the Son of God who came “in the flesh.”—1Jo 2:22; 4:2, 3; 2Jo 7, NE, NIV; compare Joh 8:42, 48, 49; 9:22.
        Denial of Jesus as the Christ and as the Son of God of necessity embraces the denial of any or all of the Scriptural teachings concerning him: his origin, his place in God’s arrangement, his fulfillment of the prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures as the promised Messiah, his ministry and teachings and prophecies, as well as any opposition to or efforts to replace him in his position as God’s appointed High Priest and King. This is evident from other texts, which, while not using the term “antichrist,” express essentially the same idea. Thus, Jesus stated: “He that is not on my side is against me, and he that does not gather with me scatters.” (Lu 11:23) Second John 7 shows that such ones might act as deceivers, and hence the “antichrist” would include those who are “false Christs” and “false prophets,” as well as those who perform powerful works in Jesus’ name and yet are classed by him as “workers of lawlessness.”—Mt 24:24; 7:15, 22, 23.
        In view of Jesus’ rule that what is done to his true followers is done to him (Mt 25:40, 45; Ac 9:5), the term must include those who persecute such ones, which means it would include the symbolic “Babylon the Great.”—Lu 21:12; Re 17:5, 6.
        John specifically mentions apostates as among those of the antichrist by referring to those who “went out from us,” abandoning the Christian congregation. (1Jo 2:18, 19) It therefore includes “the man of lawlessness” or “son of destruction” described by Paul, as well as the “false teachers” Peter denounces for forming destructive sects and who “disown even the owner that bought them.”—2Th 2:3-5; 2Pe 2:1;
        Kingdoms, nations, and organizations are similarly shown to be part of the antichrist in the symbolic description at Revelation 17:8-15; 19:19-21.—Compare Ps 2:1, 2.
        In all the above cases those composing the antichrist are shown to be headed for eventual destruction as a recompense for their opposing course.

    • NWO for Dummies.

      “Goldman Sachs runs the US government” – lock stock and barrel. All informed financial commentators say this as they relate how evil and corrupt that bank is while immune from prosecution. It must be true. Therefore the Pope is merely their prophet. Look at Lloyd Blankfein, the head of Goldman Sachs and from whose leadership the evil has manifested, and everything he does in the future. It cannot be pretty.

    • Anonymous

      Where does it say that he shall not be royal by birth? I thought it was the prince and the king, so he is royal by birrth.

      And he must be of tribe of Judah too, I thought he must parallel the real, in every way, or be opposite his character and be seen as able to fulfill all offices. Judah is tribe everyone knows real came from, but Roman? You can have a Roman jew, but this pope cannot be the anit-christ still…

      he is not handsome and he is not charming, he is pathetic, old, gay, and impotent.

    • Anonymous

      Not that the man will ‘regard’ women, (desire?) them sexually… but he at least must make us think he does, or can

    • Anonymous

      We do not want to follow a gay man. I don not care what you say, we do not think they are trustworthy. Because they are not, in most cases. They cannot be trusted if they are openly gay. They do not regard nature or natural laws, hence they cannot be strong trustworthy leaders. Would we choose a deviant for a leader? Well, maybe so… seeing that the Pope is protecting deviants worldwide and the people scream for him like a rockstar…
      this is weird.

      • Anonymous

        but, on the other hand, look at the popular anti-Messiah figures. They all do not regard the deserie of women. But that is not how it was in the real Messiah’s life. he was as most people know by now, married most probably per the evidence.

    • Anonymous

      DRNG, thank you for this useful well-written article it sure is helpful. this is the man ruler, prince, king, who I assume will be taken over by Satan in the last days of earth

      but I do not see him as a Pope. Too old. Not magnetic or attractive.
      Even Prince William is getting old now, he is balding too. That is not virile. Which means all their conjuring was for nothing.

      So wth… I give up. Unless it is all just a charade or not quite so obvious. Like I have always thought that it was Jesus.
      or Horus, or Tammuz, or any one of the manifestations of the Satanic Baby sviour figure. That, to me, is the REAL the meaningful, Anti-messiah.

      But that is the Instead of Messiah, the in-theplace of, or substitute, chosen Messiah figure.

      This is already done for thousands of years… there will be, it seems that it means, there will be a physical man, at the end. Not that the other (my thoughts above) could not manifest again in a man’s body as they have done before.

      CAin for instance. Nimrod for another, or Ninus, at least, his son. All are satanically possessed. Or is it one, who then, finally dies, and another is possessed, by the same spirit, Satan.
      That is really what I believe is the prototype, and Jesus is a Roman name. he was worshipped all thru the (with other names, yes) other kingdoms, Medo-Persia, Babylon, Greece, and finally Rome. We are the last manifestation of Roman Empire… England, the Britannia rules manifest destiny of America (belief), base our government on old Rome, senate, religion, etc. And we call our guy Jesus, they did Iesus/Iesous, same one, Solar Deity. So do we really need to look for another man, inhabited by SAtan, as governing the earth, right now? It seems already done. Maybe not. Maybe it is only in addition to the pre-figured anti-Messiah which has been accepted by the whole world already.

      Thank you for your help, your article will give us more facts to remember about this important, no, vital issue/subject.

    • NWO for Dummies.

      The above five comments were meant as a diversion from the truth of the preceding comment. :twisted: on goldman sachs – the “vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity.” ( insider, – Matt Tabbi)

    • NWO for Dummies.

      goldman sachs – the bank that rules the world

      Goldman Sachs: Too big to rein in?

      Has Goldman Sachs retained its financial power and political clout?

      Goldman Sachs is not solely or even primarily responsible for the 2008 financial crash, writes Weissman [Reuters]

      Robert Weissman – president of Public Citizen.

      Story highlights

      On June 11, Goldman Sachs agreed to pay $67m to settle a suit charging the firm and others with colluding to drive down the price of takeovers.
      For another firm, paying out tens of millions of dollars to resolve allegations of collusion might provoke an existential crisis. Not for Goldman. The firm did not admit to any wrongdoing and said in a statement, “We’re pleased to put the matter behind us.”
      That seems to sum up how Goldman would like to handle everything related to its role in politics and markets over the last two decades. The rest of us shouldn’t be too ready to do so.
      To be sure, Goldman Sachs is not solely or even primarily responsible for the 2008 financial crash and the ensuing, worldwide
      On June 11, Goldman Sachs agreed to pay $67m to settle a suit charging the firm and others with colluding to drive down the price of takeovers.
      For another firm, paying out tens of millions of dollars to resolve allegations of collusion might provoke an existential crisis. Not for Goldman. The firm did not admit to any wrongdoing and said in a statement: “We’re pleased to put the matter behind us.”
      That seems to sum up how Goldman would like to handle everything related to its role in politics and markets over the last two decades. The rest of us shouldn’t be too ready to do so.
      To be sure, Goldman Sachs is not solely or even primarily responsible for the 2008 financial crash and the ensuing, worldwide Great Recession. There’s plenty of blame to go around.

      Goldman Sachs – The bank that rules the world

      But as the leading firm on Wall Street before the crash, as the company most entangled in high-level policymaking, as an innovator of overly complicated and socially destructive trading products and schemes, as an orchestrator of financial deregulation, as an enterprise with tentacles extending so far that it has been accused of manipulating aluminum markets, Goldman Sachs surely deserves plenty of blame.
      Not for nothing did columnist Matt Taibbi famously call the firm “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity”.
      Wall Street has a long list of malefactions for which it must answer. As both the leading firm on Wall Street and a perpetrator of so many abuses, Goldman Sachs can fairly be treated as a stand-in for Wall Street overall. Consider:
      • The revolving door: The US government’s failure to control Wall Street was due in large part to the fact that Wall Street executives had their hands on the levers of government power. Political contributions and lobbying made a huge difference (totaling more than $5bn in the decade preceding the crash), but the most important factor was that former Wall Street executives filled top government positions – advancing deregulation, going light on enforcement and shaping policy to accelerate the over-financialisation of the economy. Former Goldman employees were pervasive in the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations – and most notably, filled the key position of US treasury secretary during the Clinton (Robert Rubin) and Bush (Hank Paulson) administrations.
      • The drive for deregulation: As treasury secretary, Robert Rubin played a crucial role in stomping on efforts by Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman Brooksley Born to regulate financial derivatives. As Goldman CEO, Hank Paulson led the successful investment bank push to overturn a Securities and Exchange rule that limited how much investment banks could rely on borrowed money – a key move that enabled much more reckless activity.
      • Market complexity: Goldman has been a key innovator and exploiter of the most complicated and complex financial products – the kinds of financial products about which boosters often claim miraculous returns or social benefits, but which typically are revealed over time to be dangerous for both investors and the stability of the financial system. 
      • Market concentration: Financial firms have extended their reach far into the real economy, often swamping legitimate trading in, say, commodities, with financially-driven schemes that distort the workings of important markets. One notable example includes aluminum, where the New York Times has reported on an “industrial dance [that] has been choreographed by Goldman to exploit pricing regulations set up by an overseas commodities exchange”. Goldman purchased one of the largest storehouses of aluminum in the US, holding a quarter of the aluminum on the market. To comply with rules that forbid aluminum from sitting unmoved in a warehouse, Goldman simply moved it between warehouses. Holding the metal drives up prices – by about a tenth of a cent for every aluminum can, according to the New York Times – and made a mint for Goldman.
      • Too-big-to-fail subsidy: Like other giant banks, Goldman benefits from the implicit guarantee of a bailout in the event its viability is threatened.The Dodd-Frank Act included many important reforms, but Goldman remains too big to fail. In the wake of the financial crisis, Goldman was aided by a $10bn infusion from the US government, along with access to super-cheap loans from the Federal Reserve’s discount window. Gaining coverage under the government’s protective umbrella required Goldman to convert itself, in legal terms, from an independent investment bank into a bank holding company, a manoeuvre remarkably performed in just a matter of days.
      • Duplicity and betrayal of clients: There’s little question that Goldman and its executives looked out for themselves during the high-flying days of the 1990s and 2000s. Less clear is how well Goldman serviced its clients. Most famously, the firm paid the Securities and Exchange Commission $550m to settle charges that it duped investors in selling them the wrong side of a housing bet with the firm and investor, John Paulson. Goldman sold bets on a package of mortgage loans that Paulson thought would fail, without disclosing Paulson’s role.
      • Criminal immunity: For all of its shenanigans, no criminal charges have been brought against Goldman or its executives. Nor have any criminal charges been brought against any other leading Wall Street bank or executives for illegalities in the run up to the financial crash. Perhaps this is because no crimes were committed. But perhaps it’s because prosecutors have been frightened about bringing criminal charges against firms they have deemed ”too big to jail”.
      Over the last few decades Goldman has become emblematic of the problem. Wall Street firms have grown too big, and Wall Street has taken over too much of our economy and gained too much influence in and over our government. The financial services sector is supposed to serve the rest of the economy, not the other way around. And the government must control Big Finance, not the other way around.
      Four years after the passage of the Dodd-Frank reform legislation, many of its key features have yet to be implemented -the delay itself is due to the ongoing political power of Wall Street. But neither the Street nor Goldman have the same political juice they did before the crash, and there is some evidence that Goldman and the financial sector are slowly retreating to a more manageable size. The trend lines are not yet clear, however.
      What should be clear is that we cannot “put the matter behind us”. Banks wrecked the economy once – forcing millions out of their homes, throwing tens of millions out of their jobs, throwing entire nations into crisis – and they will do it again, unless we take steps to prevent it.

      Robert Weissman is the president of Public Citizen, a non-profit, consumer rights advocacy group and think tank.
      Source: Al Jazeera

    • NWO for Dummies.

      Goldman Sachs is one of the participating banks who own the Federal Reserve System.

      “What does it PROFIT a MAN if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” Jesus.

      Question IS – Is that question about to be answered?

    • NWO for Dummies.

      US-NATO Military Deployments, Economic Warfare, Goldman Sachs and the Next Financial Meltdown

      Goldman Sachs Doesn’t Have Clean Hands in Greece Crisis

      Securities and Exchange Commisssion Press Release

      SEC Charges Goldman Sachs With Violating Market Access Rule

    • Amminadab

      The beast is one that “was”, “is not” and “yet is”.

      Revelation 17:8, “…behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.”

      The Beast that was: The Roman church began in 538ad and continued until Napoleon sent in General Berthier in 1798ad

      …and is not: From 1798ad until the signing of the Lateran treaty in 1929 the Roman Church/state was non-existent.

      …yet is: From 1929 to present the Roman Church has been a church & state

      • MikeSavage

        Rev 17:8 refers to Satan. The Roman Catholic Church didn’t exist when Revelation was written. It was begun in 325 a.d.

    • Amminadab

      “Every Reformer, without exception, spoke of the papacy as Antichrist” -R. Allen Anderson, Unfolding the Revelation, p.137

      Arnulf Bishop of Orleans (Roman Catholic)
      “deplored the roman popes as “monsters of guilt” and declared in a council called by the King of France in 991ad that the pontiff, clad in purple and gold, was, “Antichrist, sitting in the temple of God, and showing himself as God” -Phillip Schaff, History of the Christian church, 8 vols., reprint of the 3d (1910)ed. (Grand Rapids Mich.: Wm. B Eerdmans Publishing Co., n.d.)

      Eberhard II, archbishop of Salzburg (Roman Catholic)
      “stated at a synod of bishops held at Regensburg in 1240 (some scholars say 1241) that the people of his day were “accustomed” to calling the pope antichrist.” -LeRoy Edwin Froom, The Prophetic Faith of our Fathers, 4 vols. (Wash DC: Review and Herald publishing assc, 1950-1954)

      John Wycliffe
      “When the western church was divided for about 40 years between two rival popes, one in Rome and the other in Avigon, France, each pope called the other pope antichrist – and John Wycliffe is reputed to have regarded them as both being right: “two halves of Antichrist, making up the perfect Man of Sin between them.” -Ibid

      Martin Luther (Lutheran)
      “We here are of the conviction that the papacy is the seat of the true and real Antichrist…personally I declare that I owe the Pope no other obedience than that to Antichrist.” (Aug. 18, 1520) Taken from The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Vol. 2., pg. 121 by Froom. (In response to a papal bull [official decree]): “I despise and attack it, as impious, false… It is Christ Himself who is condemned therein… I rejoice in having to bear such ills for the best of causes. Already I feel greater liberty in my heart; for at last I know that the pope is antichrist, and that his throne is that of Satan himself.” –D’Aubigné, b.6, ch. 9.

      Cotton Mather (Congregational Theologian)
      “The oracles of God foretold the rising of an Antichrist in the Christian Church: and in the Pope of Rome, all the characteristics of that Antichrist are so marvelously answered that if any who read the Scriptures do not see it, there is a marvelous blindness upon them.” Taken from The Fall of Babylon by Cotton Mather in Froom’s book, The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Vol. 3, pg. 113.

      John Wesley (Methodist)
      Speaking of the Papacy he said, “He is in an emphatical sense, the Man of Sin, as he increases all manner of sin above measure. And he is, too, properly styled the Son of Perdition, as he has caused the death of numberless multitudes, both of his opposers and followers… He it is…that exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped…claiming the highest power, and highest honour…claiming the prerogatives which belong to God alone.” Taken from Antichrist and His Ten Kingdoms by John Wesley, pg. 110.

      Ellen G. White: Seven Day Adventists
      “This compromise between paganism and Christianity resulted in the development of “the man of sin” foretold in prophecy as opposing and exalting himself above God. That gigantic system of false religion is a masterpiece of Satan’s power–a monument of his efforts to seat himself upon the throne to rule the earth according to his will.

      Thomas Cranmer (Anglican)
      “Whereof it followeth Rome to be the seat of antichrist, and the pope to be very antichrist himself. I could prove the same by many other scriptures, old writers, and strong reasons.” (Referring to prophecies in Revelation and Daniel.) Taken from Works by Cranmer, Vol. 1, pp. 6-7.

      Roger Williams (First Baptist Pastor in America)
      He spoke of the Pope as “the pretended Vicar of Christ on earth, who sits as God over the Temple of God, exalting himself not only above all that is called God, but over the souls and consciences of all his vassals, yea over the Spirit of Christ, over the Holy Spirit, yea, and God himself…speaking against the God of heaven, thinking to change times and laws; but he is the son of perdition (II Thess. 2).” Taken from The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers by Froom, Vol. 3, pg. 52.

      1689 London Baptist Confession

      Chapter 26: Of the Church. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, in whom, by the appointment of the Father, all power for the calling, institution, order or government of the church, is invested in a supreme and sovereign manner; neither can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof, but is that antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the church against Christ, and all that is called God; whom the Lord shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. ( Colossians 1:18; Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11, 12; 2 Thessalonians 2:2-9 )

      John Knox (Scotch Presbyterian)
      Knox wrote to abolish “that tyranny which the pope himself has for so many ages exercised over the church” and that the pope should be recognized as “the very antichrist, and son of perdition, of whom Paul speaks.” Taken from The Zurich Letters, pg. 199 by John Knox.

      John Calvin (Presbyterian)
      “Some persons think us too severe and censorious when we call the Roman pontiff Antichrist. But those who are of this opinion do not consider that they bring the same charge of presumption against Paul himself, after whom we speak and whose language we adopt… I shall briefly show that (Paul’s words in II Thess. 2) are not capable of any other interpretation than that which applies them to the Papacy.” Taken from Institutes by John Calvin.

      • MikeSavage

        Those “reformers” are wrong also. The “papacy” didn’t exist in the first, second, or third centuries, and therefore cannot be “the antichrist” as you claim. They are antichrist. The term refers, symbolically, to ALL who are anti-Christ as a class or group, NOT to any individual.

    • Pix

      And now for the spanner in the works of your theory. Persia is one of the Israelites hero’s, not it’s enemy.

      King Cyrus the Great of Persia is the guy who set them free from Babylonian captivity. Normally such dictators are vile mass murdering despots, but King Cyrus the Great invented basic human rights and outlawed slavery in every country he liberated from barbaric dictatorships. He wasn’t named ‘King Cyrus the Great’ for no reason. He was one of the best secular humanitarians the world has seen.


      • Pix

        Add. If you need a picture of what King Cyrus the Great was like, he was very much on a par with The Game of Thrones character Daenerys Targaryen. Kill the masters, free the slaves.


    • Pix

      If you are going to accuse the Vatican and Catholicism as being the Anti-Christ, then all of it’s many 17th century onward sub cults are also the Anti-Christ, because it was the Catholics who created the bible.

      All protestant bibles are versions of the King James bible. The NT was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the Church of England.

      There were (and still are) no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written down hundreds of years after the last apostle died. There are over 8’000 of these old manuscripts, with no two alike.

      The King James translators used none of these in any case. Instead, they edited previous translations to create a version their king and parliament would approve.

      So, 21st Century Christians believe the “word of god” is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

      That is not faith, that is insanity.

    • David Montaigne

      If you understand the Antichrist is not the Pope, and that the Antichrist isn’t even going to be from the Roman Empire, but that Mystery Babylon is New York and the Antichrist will be the King of Babylon, read:
        Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate

      • Pix

        It’s not rocket science. Revelation 16.13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.”

        False prophet = Organised religions.
        Beast = politics.
        Dragon = Money. the root of all evil is the love of money.

        We have three independent city states within other counties, Vatican City is the false prophet, which means all of it’s sub cults are also false prophets. We have the City of London, which is where the global financial manipulation takes place. And we have the beast called the UN which has an independent city within New York where war is the talk of the day. All three unclean spirits were step and are being run by the same group, the global shadow government, once called the Knights Templar, now called Masons.

        • Pix

          * correction to my fumble fingers problem… set up by, not step.


    • Judge Roy Bean

      Seven mountains are the seven continents of the world as Catholic is united across the earth into all continents of the earth.

      Mountains sometimes are symbolic of great nations as is beasts.

      The world is also divided into 10 regions and as of now have not received leaders.

      Canada, US and Mexico is region #1 and why do you think they push for no borders, the answer was just given.

    • VomitO

      king of sham b alah worships Obama.

    • MikeSavage

      It’s amazing how little of the scriptures you understand. “The antichrist” is not an individual, but ALL who are antichrist, as a class or group. You quoted a lot of scriptures that you apparently do not understand one teeny tiny bit of.

    • WarpLover

      A couple things hit me as I read….

      1) to blaspheme God, to say you are above God, you must believe there is a God
      2) before the AC arises, big changes happen to all borders – there will be 10 NEW kings of this NEW map and AFTER that the AC comes forward
      3) how much time is left after the Vatican is destroyed?

      • MikeSavage

        Your understanding of these prophecies is incorrect.

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