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Condition Red: The State Of Israel Is About To Fall

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CONDITION RED: The State Of Israel Is About To Fall

Israel Ben Barzle
Yehoshua Ben Barzle


The State of Israel is a miracle of modern geopolitics. Ever since the official establishment of Israel in 1948, the Jewish State has seen a tumultuous history of war, terrorism, and international controversy. And yet, in the midst of all these negative factors, it has endured as a nation, and has become one of the key economic engines in the Middle East—not to mention a powerful military presence to be taken very seriously by its surrounding enemies.

Because of the success of the Jewish State and its against-all-odds survival, not only are the bulk of Jews in the world pro-Israel, so are many Evangelical Christians, as they view the modern State of Israel as a prophetic sign that we are truly entering into the Last Days as penned in the Old Testament.

With this in mind, all biblically sensitive people have to ask a very hard, honest question?

“Is the modern State of Israel actually a G-d ordained issue?”

This is an intriguing question.

As an observant, religious Hebrew man, I would naturally answer: yes—absolutely. However, I am honest enough to bring forth some even harder questions.

If, in fact, these are the people of G-d, then why do they, as a corporate nation of people, not live by the scriptural standard as put forth by their own Torah? Why do they not enjoy the Land in complete safety as the Old Testament promises if they are doing things in the land of Israel as they should? Why do they allow pagan images and temples in their land which are forbidden by the Torah? Why do the beaches of Tel Aviv look exactly like the beaches in Europe and America—an immodest circus of scantily clad beachgoers parading their physical attributes for all to see? If anything, a Jewish State comprised of G-d fearing people adhering to the commands of the Scriptures should, in fact, look entirely different than it does…right?

Yes, indeed, it should.

But like most things, there is more here than meets the eye, and the ancient Hebrew Scriptures answer these hard questions precisely. Much of it has to do with an understanding of what is legally at stake. And as we enter into the Seventieth Jubilee cycle as of Yom Kippur 2015, if we study the implications carefully, we will see that there is a HUGE land ownership issue at play here. It is an issue of scriptural legality that will not only rock our modern world, it will, once and for all, completely finalize the great controversy of who is actually entitled to the physical ownership of the Land of Israel.


The History of the Modern Jews 101

What most do not realize is that the modern Jewish people, both as a religion and as a genetic strain of people, comprise only a portion of all the Twelve Tribes of the historical nation of Israel. Many astute Jews recognize this fact and are well aware of its ramifications. Some of them even look forward to the reuniting of all Twelve Tribes as an important part of their eschatology.

After the reign of King Solomon, the nation of Israel split into two kingdoms. The Ten Tribes of the Northern Kingdom split off from the central government centered in Jerusalem under King Rehoboam, and set up their own capitol city Shomeron, or more commonly known as Samaria. This political split resulted in a Northern Kingdom and a Southern Kingdom referred to in the Hebrew Scriptures as the Northern “House of Israel”, and the Southern “House of Judah”. These two separate kingdoms never reunited.

The Southern Kingdom, AKA the House of Judah, was comprised of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and a portion of the tribe of Levi, the Levitical Priesthood. The Tribe of Judah was the preeminent power of the three tribes, and as such, carried the name the House of “Judah”. The word Judah in Hebrew is “Yahudah”, and if you visit Israel today you will find that Israelis call themselves “Yahudhi” meaning “the ones of Judah”. The term “Jew” comes from an anglicized version of the name Judah.

The people of the Southern Kingdom went into captivity in Approximately 600 BC at the fall of Jerusalem. When they returned from captivity 70 years later, in the time of Nehemiah and Ezra, only three tribes are mentioned in the official biblical census as physically returning to the land of Israel: the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi.

In 70 AD, the Southern kingdom of Judah was, once again, ejected from the land for their disobedience. The Jews in Israel at that time had traded in a Torah-based Judaism for a rabbinical brand of Judaism. This rabbinic Judaism, in many ways, trumped the commands of the Original Scriptures which was strictly forbidden by the Torah of Moses.

Deuteronomy 4:1-2

Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth you.

Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.

The Rabbis in their teachings had some very valuable input. However, it was never to be considered on par with the sacred Scriptures. Additionally, much of the Rabbis’ teaching negated established principles of the Torah, while adding additional commands that were non-scriptural—something absolutely contrary to what the Torah clearly taught. This created a special Rabbi class whose words were often at odds with the written commands of the Creator.

As such, the Jews in ancient Israel in 70 AD were dispersed into the nations of the world. This was known as the Diaspora. For almost two thousand years the people of the former Kingdom of Judah were left wandering the gentile nations without a homeland.

The Prophetic Return to the Land

In the Book of Zechariah we find an overlooked prophecy involving the people of Judah as a people group in the Last Days. In this prophecy we find the prophet Zechariah speaking of the coming End of the Age. In his prophecy he refers to these wandering, homeless tribes of the House of Judah.

Zechariah 12:6-7

In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.

The Lord also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah.

In this passage we see that G-d has not eliminated the House of Judah, the Jews. On the Contrary. The surrounding context specifically is talking prophetically about the city of Jerusalem in the End-times. Please notice what it says:

“The Lord also shall save the tents of Judah first…”

The “tents” of Judah in the ancient Hebrew implies a people living without a permanent place to live. Of all the Twelve Tribes, these wandering Jews of the House of Judah have prophetically come home “first” to their former land inheritance.


The Seventieth Jubilee

But Houston, we have a real technical problem. As of Yom Kippur 2015 we have now formally entered the Seventieth cycle of Jubilees—a time of completion. And because of this fact, we are faced with a dilemma.

There is much confusion about the Jubilee. The Jubilee year that occurs every fifty years, after seven cycles of seven year Shemitahs, is a land ownership specific issue. It was a Creator-designed legal mechanism of the Scriptures that mandated land inheritance always be given back to the original family clan. In other words, land in Israel was bequeathed permanently. Even if it was put up as surety for a loan, and then foreclosed on, every fifty years it was always returned to the family that originally owned it.

Thus, the Jubilee’s function is entirely different than the Shemitah which dealt with personal and corporate financial debt that was zeroed every seven years. The Jubilee fifty-year release was exclusively about the physical Land of Israel and its return to its rightful ancestral owners.

Even today, we can look backwards and see this Jubilee cycle at work in recent history. In 1917, during a Jubilee year, we see G-d calling the “tents of Judah” Home, by the enactment of the Balfour Declaration which began a small stream of Jews back to their Homeland legally underwritten by the world’s most powerful nation at the time, Great Britain.

But the majority of the Jews had become comfortable in their exile and were not about to run headlong into some risky homeland foray filled with a multitude of dangers.

Thus, World War Two hit the Jews hard, complete with concentration camps and mass extermination. By the end of the war, most remaining Jews had little issue with whatever perils they might face in their ancient homeland. And so, a large majority of Jews began flooding the land of Israel in a mass immigration. Though they did not hold the same territorial boundaries as they did in ancient times, the Jews had come Home—just like Zechariah said.

Then in 1967, during the next sixty-ninth Jubilee land cycle, we see it coming ever so close to full term. During the Six Day War, the Jewish State captured the remaining bulk of Israel proper, and they recaptured the ancient Capitol of the House of Judah, the much loved city of Jerusalem.

You would think at this point, not only would the world see G-d’s hand in all this, but more importantly, the Jews themselves. Instead, the world pressured Israel into giving portions of their original homeland back to the Palestinians, Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians. The State of Israel ultimately conceded portions of their 1967 territorial gains, and since then, have precariously tried to hold onto the rest.

Ever since the Six Day War, a war that saw the Creator miraculously give the Jews back their original homeland almost in its entirety, the land of Israel has become “the” major hot topic of international efforts to see some semblance of a peaceful resolution.

Now, as of this writing, we have entered into the Jubilee zone once more. This time it is the Seventieth Jubilee cycle. Seventy in the Hebrew Scriptures is always a number that means “decisive conclusion”. During this Seventieth Jubilee we WILL SEE a land completion come to pass. The problem is, we have some major biblical issues that must be resolved if the Creator is going to finalize the deal; and it is probably not what you may think.

Much to the surprise of many of those who do not understand G-d’s consistent modus operandi, the Creator does nothing randomly—everything is done with precision. With this Seventieth Jubilee now in play, who truly owns the land of Israel becomes a prophetic watershed issue, one that He cannot allow to just stand as it is now—unresolved. This Jubilee cycle mandates a G-d directed course of action between Yom Kippur 2015 and Yom Kippur 2016, the technical duration of the Jubilee…and there is no prophetic wiggle room here.

The Modern State of Israel is going to Divine Court this Jubilee, and there is a long list of indictments that absolutely need to be accounted for. The Jews of Israel presently reside in the land given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and thus, are under specific biblical guidelines that go along with that privilege.


Indictment #1: The Enemy

The facts on the ground are simple. The modern Jewish State has not fulfilled the biblical mandate to rid the land of the enemies as commanded.


Numbers 33:55-56

But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.

56 Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.


The modern Jewish State has not driven out their enemies. Instead, it has tried to broker peace treaties—peace treaties that have given away more land and do not, nor will ever, result in true peace. The Scriptures state without hesitation that if you do not rid the land of the enemy, these enemy inhabitants will be a continual vexing issue.

And has this not EXACTLY happened just as the Scriptures said it would?

There is no peace in Israel because the Modern Jewish State does not abide by a primary mandate necessary to secure the land. The Jews claim biblical right—they believe it is their G-d given right to be there. And yet, that right has an attached legal requirement according to that same Bible. Thus, what they were to do to their enemies will now happen to them. Judah’s judgment is at hand. Their enemies will overrun them, and they will be decimated.

Again, just like it says—not my words, His words.


Indictment #2: The Pagan Shrines

It is crystal clear in the Scriptures: when you come into the land you are to abolish all pagan idols, images, temples, and anything that may be an affront to the Creator.


Deuteronomy 12:1-3

These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do in the land, which the Lord God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the days that ye live upon the earth.

Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree:

And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.


Modern Israel HAS NOT carried out this mandate. Many pagan images fill the land of Israel. All one has to do is view the present day Temple Mount to see firsthand that the Jews have not followed through on this command. The Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque sitting squarely on G-d’s sacred ground are two testaments to their failure.


Indictment #3: The Land Sabbath

The Torah of Moses mandates a seventh year Land Sabbath. In the seventh year no agricultural pursuits are allowed on the land—period. The land is to rest.


Leviticus 25:2-4

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the Lord.

Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof;

But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the Lord: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.


This mandate, however unrealistic it may sound to those whose livelihood depends on agriculture, comes with an iron-clad promise.


Leviticus 25:

And the land shall yield her fruit, and ye shall eat your fill, and dwell therein in safety.

20 And if ye shall say, What shall we eat the seventh year? behold, we shall not sow, nor gather in our increase:

21 Then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth fruit for three years.


Case closed. The Creator dictates a seventh year land Sabbath and promises He will take care of His people during this time of physical land rest by bringing about an increased productivity in the sixth year.

The Jews in present day Israel as a corporate nation do not Sabbath the land every seventh year.


The Judgment of the Modern Jewish State

Like the Old Testament says: “One…two…three strikes…and you’re out”.

Deuteronomy 19:15

“…at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.”

There exists three primary, non-negotiable, legal witnesses against present day Israel that tie the commands of the land to the fate of the nation; and these witnesses cannot be denied. As much as it may pain many, including myself as a pro-Israel, Torah observant man, there are too many outstanding issues to give the State of Israel a pass. The Creator’s words are at stake, and judgment always begins first with His own people.

Modern Israel, as we now know it, is about to fall. The modern Jewish state does not operate by their own sacred playbook.

The Prophet Isaiah speaks of this precise time of Latter Day judgment.


Isaiah 3:8-14

For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his glory.

The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.

10 Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.

11 Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.

12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

13 The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people.

14 The Lord will enter into judgment with the ancients of his people, and the princes thereof: for ye have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses.


The “Rest of the Story”….

But, dear reader, this is not the end. A remnant does make it through. One-third of the Jews in Israel do survive and live to see the prophetic template fulfilled. This will occur sometime in the Seventieth Jubilee cycle as this land issue HAS TO BE CONCLUDED once and for all.

The Prophet Zechariah hones in on the specific fate of the House of Judah, the Jews, in the End.

Zechariah 13:8-9

And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.

And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.

According to the Hebrew Scriptures, the tide will turn at the very last moment when all seems lost. A time of ultimate desperation for the Jews in Israel will turn into a miracle. A call will go out among the nations, and the Creator will intervene in a way that He has not in thousands of years.

So how does this all take place?

“Stay tuned for our next upcoming article: ‘The Coming Mega-Battle for Modern Israel’”

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    Total 65 comments
    • anyoneamongUS


      If you will TRUST HIM today, HE will CARRY you for ETERNITY!!!!!!!

      • lenbenhear

        Perfect for this final Season of the High Holy Days:
        October 3-8, 2015/ 6000:

        For those who *can* feel it and receive it: here is THE HEART-CRY & PRAYER OF ISRAEL to The LORD-GOD of Israel: ,,, 4:18. …. listen carefully. here is the translation from The Ruach haKOdesh:

        “Adonai ! Adonai ! we beseech Thee: look upon us with pity and mercy ! See! See! Behold how we have failed Thee and sinned against Thee O LORD ! we now earnestly repent and turn to Thee, for ONLY in Thy mercy, O LORD GOD YahOvah, ONLY IN THY MERCY is salvation and the Word of Thy Truth and every right-way. You are righteous and merciful, O LORD YahvA-YahOvah ! our eyes are upon Thee ! Restore Thy people and Your inheritance in the Land where You have brought us ! Restore ! Restore ! have mercy upon us and RESTORE FOR THY NAME’S SAKE, O LORD ! For YOU are our Hope and our Salvation.”

        YahOshuah. YAshuah. Yah ahvahshuah ha adOn hamahshE ahch !

      • charlie2dogs

        this is the insanity of religious fanaticism, repent and give your life to jesus and jesus will take care of it all, you are the problem in this world today, all religions are nothing but cults and should be destroyed, its nothing more than stoneage thinking

    • ElBee

      Forgive me, but knowing that neither Holy book you mention was the first or original teaching, do the earlier Sumerian/Mesopotamian teachings also say this?

    • Judge Roy Bean

      Well that would fulfill Mal 1:1-4 as those today who call themselves Jews are not Judah or Israelites, so sons of Japheth invaded Palestine to rebuild the high places.

      Palestinians were living there for centuries so it isn’t them that returned and they have little to nothing today.

      • UselessEater

        Nope, that’s wat they want you to believe.
        Palestine was on the other side, not on the mediteranian sea..

    • CTrent33

      “CONDITION RED: The State Of Israel Is About To Fall”

      Good. The satanic jews have run things for far too long.

      • Bill Lyle

        Don’t lump us in with the Jews. We mind our own business. :lol:

    • The Ferrett

      I’ve had basically one bible my entire Christian life, over 35 years. I’ve spent countless hours reading it, studying it, making notes in the margins, teaching from it and “thumping” people on the head with it. And yet, no book has caused me more confusion than the Scofield Reference Bible.

      Little did I know that my confusion was in large part the result of so-called Christian seminaries and so-called Christian leaders, some of whom are listed on the frontispiece of this reference Bible, using Scofield’s work, wittingly and unwittingly, to lead astray countless millions of Christians for over 100 years now, myself included. How could such a deception go undiscovered for so long by so many who should have known better? It was not until my understanding of the REAL BIBLICAL ISRAEL of Scripture, was my confusion removed.

      The fact is, the Zionist jew Samuel Untermyer was the go between – between Scofield and the Zionist backers, alleged to be the Secret Six – that enabled a true deadbeat dad – Scofield – to produce the work that bears his name. This infamous Bible reference work [which is in fact Oxford Press' property, another deception], and has been used to deceive so many, for so long, should be enough proof for any one with a working brain cell to realize the extent to which the so-called jews [Revelation 2:9; 3:9] have gone in their deception of their number one enemy, the people of Yahweh. And, the fact that so many Christian leaders of so many denominations have been a part of this deception, should be a warning to any who love the truth; these men are not men of God.

      Very few people like being lied to, but Americans have been lied to and deceived most of our lives about virtually every important topic, issue and event in our history. Americans were dragged into WWI through the blackmailing of Woodrow Wilson by Samuel Untermeyer and Louis Brandeis, which resulted in the Balfour Declaration and the eventual creation of the misnamed State of Israel. This same Zionist, Samuel Untermeyer, was the driving and supporting force behind the deadbeat and all around scoundrel C.I. Scofield’s Reference bible which as been used to dupe millions of unsuspecting decent Americans into supporting that criminal Zionist state of Israel.

      Americans fought WWII against Zionist financed Nazi Germany, and then gave most of Eastern Europe over to the remaining Jewish communist Bolsheviks of Russia. The murder of the Tsar and his family and then millions of Russians and Ukrainians was virtually ignored in our history classes all the while the myth of the six million, six million, six million Jews allegedly murdered by the Germans in so-called gas chambers was repeated ad nauseum. Today, anyone who “denies” that bogus “fact” of history, faces possible imprisonment in Mannheim Germany for “holocaust denial” but not before a farcical trial wherein truth is not a defence, as Ernst Zundel and his brave attorney, Slyvia Stolz very well know.

      Our nation’s politicians are bought and paid for with billions of borrowed dollars we supply the Zionist nation of Israel which is then, in part, funnelled back into our country through the American Israel Political Action Committee and used to bribe our politicians in the guise of “campaign contributions.” Our political whores then send our military to fight expensive treasury depleting wars of aggression for this criminal Zionist network in the Middle East and elsewhere.

      These same Jewish criminals planned and executed – with the assistance of neocon co-criminals within our own government – the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. These people are only fooling the stupid with their officially approved and provided conspiracy theory. This ridiculous official government conspiracy theory, that is, that “19 Arabs with box cutters” planned and pulled off 9/11 has been used as the excuse to wage war against “terrorists” who “hate our freedoms” around the world, most notably right there in the United States, where ordinary American citizens are now considered, by their own government, to be terrorists.

      These same Jewish criminals are now in the process of pillaging what is left of the wealth of the United States through their criminal financial system – the corner stone being the Federal Reserve System, which is, as mentioned earlier, nothing more than a private banking cartel owned by the Jewish Rothschild family and their cohorts at JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and others, used for almost 100 years to control our nation. “Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes the laws.” Baron Nathan Meyer Rothschild. Does the reader understand the significance of the power these Jewish bankers have over our lives through the monopoly control of our nation’s money supply? They print the entire world’s reserve currency out of thin air. And yet the wealth of such families as the Rothschilds is never mentioned when the world’s richest men are listed. Never.

      The financial destruction of the once respected United States of America was not an accident, but an orchestrated purposeful plan carried out over many decades by a Satanic worshipping, money loving, diabolical den of vipers, who have accepted the tempting temporal offer of riches, power and world domination, a New World Order, in exchange for their eternal souls, by their G-d, Lucifer, the very same offer that was rejected by Jesus Christ in the wilderness.

      • Ephraim

        Amen, brother.

      • vrlc

        It is so refreshing to hear the full truth once in a while. Bravo! Bravo!

      • Knarlydawg

        Spot on. Keep the truth coming forth. Keep hammering away at these “Synagogue of Satan” psychopaths. I’ve been trying to get a piece posted all day (with zero success….it just disappears into cyberspace…very interesting), about how the Mossad and Saudis coordinated and conspired to create the Minah stampede in order to kidnap over 225 Iranian Republican Guard and other high ranking Iranian officials and causing the deaths of 4700+ Muslim Pilgrims.

      • Knarlydawg

        Mr. Israel Ben Barzle; Please explain to me how a just and righteous G-d and a G-d who is no respecter of persons, can find it, in any way, shape or form, acceptable for the incredible deceitful, murderous and evil actions and behavior of many so called Jews in their pursuit of the establishment of present day Israel. As we research and examine the history of this completely dysfunctional tribe of Jews, we consistently uncover wicked and deceitfully evil behavior used to obtain their objectives. We never see a humble and righteous Israel doing what is right and just before our Creator. They seldom if ever exhibit the nature of “The Most High G-d”, Lord of Lords, the Creator of all that exists, on the contrary they, more often than not, exhibit the nature of their father, Satan. Present day Israel is an Ishmael… is the creation of human engineering not G-d. It is the same corrupted MO that Abraham and Sarah used when they failed to trust G-d’s proclamation that He would provide them with an heir, a son. Today’s Israel is Satan’s counterfeit clone of our Heavenly Father’s true Israel. This corrupted and evil creation can not and will not stand for much longer. How can there be any restoration without repentance first ? This goes for America as well. Has anyone seen anything that even remotely resembles repentance going on anywhere on this planet ? I know I haven’t seen it yet.

      • You People Are Nuts

        don’t stop there…keep writing…excellent

      • Williams

        Good comment. All the bible translations that came after king James 1611 have been corruptions, done at the hands of the Jesuits. See the film “A Lamp in The Dark – The Untold History of The Bible” that is available on youtube.

        king James 1611 or even better – the King of kings’ Bible – It is accurate and has all of the Books that the churches removed restored back in. It sets the record straight –

    • David Montaigne

      First – If you have not yet concluded that the universe was created by God and that it makes sense that He would love us and send (Jesus Christ) a messenger to relate to us in human form – please consider the basic message of Christianity – that through grace and forgiveness – not by merit – can we enter heaven.

      Second – the modern nation of Israel is fulfilling prophecy to a T – its creation in May 1948 was right on time. Prophecies in Isaiah 44 and Ezekiel 4 and Leviticus 26 lead us from the Babylonian Captivity to May 1948 (as detailed in   End Times and 2019 on pages 30-31) and the 2300 reference from Daniel 8:14 leads us from Alexander the Great entering Jerusalem to the Israeli reconquest of the entire city in June 1967. (pages 31-36)

      But while jubilees are very important in prophecy, they are every 49th year, just like Sunday is every 7 days. When a week ends on Saturday as the seventh day, Sunday is both the eighth day and the first day of the new week. Jubilees are the year after every 49th year, (50th year) but also the first year of the new cycle, which comes every 49 years, not every 50 years.

      Leviticus 25:1-10: “The Lord then spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai, saying, ‘Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, ‘When you come into the land which I shall give you, then the land shall have a sabbath to the Lord. Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune your vineyard and gather in its crop, but during the seventh year the land shall have a sabbath rest, a sabbath to the Lord…. Count off seven sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years, so that you have the time of the seven sabbaths of years, namely, forty-nine years. You shall then sound a ram’s horn… and proclaim a release through the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you…”

      49 years after 1967 is 2016 – but while it will be a critical year in prophecy unfolding, it is NOT a jubilee year. No one has even been counting jubilees since all 12 tribes were in Israel… But if we continued where they left off, the last jubilee would have been in 1975 – when nothing noteworthy happened in Israel – and the next jubilee would be in 2024.

      However I do believe Israel will fall, because the evidence for a prophetic timeline indicates the Antichrist will be fully revealed to the world in June 2016 (read:   Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate) and that means he will betray and take over Israel soon.

      • Ephraim

        I am sorry Mr. Montaigne, but all 12 tribes are not in modern Israel. There may have been a few stragglers but the vast majority migrated to northwest Europe.

        The 10 tribes of the true nation of Israel were conquered and deported by the Assyrian army around 640 BC. They were placed in northeastern Assyria around the Caucasus area where they eventually migrated north then northwest into the western and northern areas of Europe becoming citizens of the United Kingdom, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, parts of Germany, and parts of other countries.

        The modern nation of Israel constitutes the Gog of Magog invasion of un-walled villages without bars and gates beginning in the 40’s with the takeover of Palestine by the British (real Israel). The initiated faux-Jews Balfour resolution allowed so-called Jews (terrorists) to immigrate to Palestine; murder the Arabs living there; commit terrorist attacks on the British; and take over the land and establish a state called Israel. These faux-Jews consisted of Khazar converts from Russia (Targomah) and Eastern Europe; Ashkanazi-Khazar Jews from Germany (Gomer); and Edomite Jews from Iran (Persia); and other Edomite Jews from places mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and 39. The concept of Russia, Iran, and a few other countries invading nuclear armed Israel is preposterous. Israel has previously and repeatedly stated their Edomite Samson option – if they go down everyone goes down with them.

        • Vic

          Epraim, Your post is absolutely correct. In fact, the israelites ( not Jews ) of the Bible entered in to the promised land long ago, as the Bible says.

          In 2 Kings 16:6, where the Jews are mentioned for the first time in the Scriptures, we find them fighting against Israel.

          And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

          And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
          Acts 3:25 Gal 3:8

          “So the Lord gave Israel all the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they possessed it and lived in it. And the Lord gave them rest on every side, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers, and no one of all their enemies stood before them; the Lord gave all their enemies into their hand. Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass. ” (Joshua 21:43-45)

          “Now behold, today I am going the way of all the earth, and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the Lord your God spoke concerning you has failed; all have been fulfilled for you, not one of them has failed. “It shall come about that just as all the good words which the Lord your God spoke to you have come upon you, so the Lord will bring upon you all the threats, until He has destroyed you from off this good land which the Lord your God has given you. ” (Joshua 23:14-15)

          So, who are the people in the State of Israel ? Also, why do so many Christians not take notice of the verse ” and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. ” I want to ask, how can the Jews in State of Israel be a blessing to all the families on earth ?


        “However I do believe Israel will fall…”

        Then you don’t take the Most High at His word. He said plainly that once HE brought Israel back into the land, none would ever raise a hand against them, successfully, ever again.

        That is literally proof that the ‘Israel’ occupying that land at present, is no Israel.

        • xvision2012

          Today’s israel is not God’s but the Rothschild’s kingdom. It’s not a miracle it’s what someone can do when they get to print money to serve their personal ambition, which is material gain. It’s exactly the opposite to God’s promise.

      • Richard Davidson

        70 Jubilees ago (X 50 years) would bring us back about 3500 years to about 1485 B.C. Could that have been when Joshua led Israel into the Promised land?

        • Richard Davidson

          It’s a Good time to be attuned to God.

          • CAPTAIN CHAOS!!

            It is that. But take note what Montaigne said above, that the Jubilee is not every 50th year but every 49th. He is perfectly accurate in his reading of Scripture on this point, and his comparison between that and the eighth day of the week also being the first, is perfectly appropriate.

            This comparison is ever more important when we consider that Messiah was raised on the Eighth Day — not on the first, excepting the technicality that the eighth day of the week is also the first day of the week. The Eighth Day will be the Day of New Heavens and a New Earth. The patterns hold.

      • Deputy Dawg

        where you said “please consider the basic message of Christianity – that through grace and forgiveness – not by merit – can we enter heaven.” Bro you are so disillusioned. Let me begin with the most obvious. John 3:13 And no one has ascended up to Heaven except He who came down from Heaven, the Son of man who is in Heaven. But even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up, so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. The fallacy of man’s heavenly ascension is a Satan inspired fabrication meant to confuse mankind about God’s actual plan for us. The truth is revealed in the Lord’s Prayer given to us by Christ as an example of how and what to pray for. The truth about God’s plan is evidenced within the second verse as it says “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” kind of says it all.

        Jesus Christ’s role in God’s plan was simple and effective. He was created by God to fulfill the role of the eternal Passover sacrifice. This one time sacrifice would upon repentance through him grant personal access to God. During the Levitical system the high priest was required to conduct animal sacrifice and petition from the Mercy Seat God for the forgiveness of the sins of all Israel. God constructed a mechanism for us to repent through Christ, our advocate, high priest under the order of Melchizedek and Passover sacrifice cutting out the middleman so to speak!

        It is very important that when worshiping God, Yahweh Elohim and His Son Jesus Christ you direct your prayers and worship to the correct personality. Be ever so cautious not to place your salvation in the hands of a Christlike image only imagined through the misconceptions and dilutions of arrogant men.

        The point that must be illuminated is that merely claiming to love God or Christ is not sufficient to receive God’s promise. If when repenting you direct your prayer through some entity you call Christ yet are relying on distorted views of who he honestly is then of course this imaginary figure is not the Passover sacrifice God provided. Through the impostor Christ you have no access to God’s Spirit whatsoever. Consequently your sins are not forgiven. Unrepented sin is unpardonable sin. The penalty for unrepented is death.

        As we are most certainly living in the last days I would be very cautious about spewing false doctrine. There is an ol adage that says that the only substitute for true intelligence is silence. I suggest you seek God with all your heart and not be content with that which you believe in error.
        I will pray for you as well.

        The Feast of tabernacles concludes today. Tonight at dusk the Last Great Day celebration begins. To my brothers and sisters out there rejoicing, I wish you a most spiritually rewarding day. God has given so much enlightenment this season it is surely the best we’ve ever experienced. I love you all.


    • Ephraim

      This article is a typical Jewish “oh woe is me” appeal for the Americans and Europeans to assist the poor Jews who are the “apple of God’s eye” and the chosen ones (which is completely not true).

      Reread Ezekiel 38 and 39 and it will tell you how God feels about the Jewish terrorist invasion of Palestine which was a land of unwalled villages without bars and gates since the Ashkenazi Jews are Khazar converts who came to Europe from Russia. Other Jew terrorists came from Iran (Persia), Ethiopia, and Libya. Sephardim Jews from Spain are an Edomite mix. In the Edomite regard, read Obadiah and you will understand another perspective of destruction coming to the modern nation of Israel.

      Jeremiah 24 describes two baskets of figs: the good ones and the bad ones. The good ones believed and followed the Messiah, Jesus, but the bad ones rejected Him and had Him crucified (or sacrificed) as the ultimate Lamb of God Passover sacrifice. The following verse will give you the opinion the Messiah as of this action.
      Luke 19:14 KJV But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us.
      Luke 19:27 KJV But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

    • LifeIs

      It’s not like Israel hasn’t fallen before. I’ll bet the Iranians wish they hadn’t rescued the priests from Babylon and set them up in power in Jerusalem.

      Israel is going to fall, you say? Wonderful. So we won’t have to worry about Israelis throwing kittens and puppies alive into bonfires on Lag B’Omer, as they do.

      We won’t have to worry about Israelis shooting Christian and Muslim Palestinian children for sport, as they do.

      We won’t have to worry about the hypocrisy of “Jews” pretending to respect their Bible, while making Tel Aviv the Gay Capital of the World.

      I can’t wait.

    • Jango

      Interesting, but from my research no one knows what year we are in, what year is the jubilee, and what year of the 7 year cycle we are in. Was 2015 indeed a shemitah year? Maybe not. No one knows for sure. Is 2015-2016 a jubilee year? Maybe, maybe not. Are we at year 5776? My research says that could be as much as 250 years out. Because the Jews did not keep these commands they have lost track of when and where we are in God’s Calendar. But God didn’t forget, he knows exactly when it is. So we have to take it one year at a time. Can you show any proof that the jubilee year is this year? Or that we are in year 5776? If so, let’s hear it. No one else can, just do your research and you will find all sorts of answers and reasons why they are right. Why are you right? The best way to prepare for whatever is ahead is at This you can take to the bank!

    • wearethey

      All those prophetic events were fulfilled by the end of the first century. The Old Covenant no longer stands. God operates with all of humanity in terms of the New Covenant sealed in the Blood of Jesus.

      • unidentified

        various doom scenarios could have been accomplished/completed long ago or many times before, whatever the case right now religious fanatics believe it is happening today or want it to happen today tomorrow or asap, the rest of us watch it ‘evolve’ (come to pass) on our media/propaganda channels and in the press reports, I agree it is what it is

    • Pink Slime

      In America the same thing is happening.

      They even made a negro a Muslim sodomite “president” in this country. And he is certainly “vexing” this land with negro Muslim curses.

      And his negro brethen are turning parts of this country into hell holes and still whities want to do negro worship. They are already lining up another negro to be president.

      But it is VERY interesting what you say about the Jubilee. I knew it should be kept but you opened another possibility. IT WAS KEPT! BY GOD – whether we knew it or not.

    • The Ferrett


      Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. (Mt 16:6)
      After painstakingly gathering more than 17 pages full of references, looking for every occurrence of “Pharisee(s),” “Sadducees,” “herodians,” “chief priest(s),” “scribes,” “teachers (experts) of the law,” “elders, “high priest,” “Sanhedrin,” “the council,” “the, senate,” “rulers,” “synagogue ruler,” etc. I was quite struck by the fact that the majority of the New Testament, would NOT have been written in the manner it was, had it not been for the overt hypocrisy of the Pharisees and their co-religious, associated hangers-on.
      Almost everything that Jesus said and did in the New Testament was a form of confrontation with the Pharisees – in one way or another.
      The pitched battle between Jesus and all these sympathetic religious groups, is woven throughout almost every page of the four synoptic gospels and their indirect influence continues throughout the Book of Acts and on into many of the later Epistles. This begs the question of WHY were the most scathing words of Jesus reserved for the Pharisees and their religious counterparts? What was it about this group particularly that was so vitally important, where He was constantly trying to admonish and alert His people?
      He was warning about the Pharisees and their spiritual/religious contemporaries, manifested in our age, in the form of today’s Talmudic Jews. And the warning was as vital and relevant then, as it is today!
      To Jesus’s listeners, leaven was a sign of evil. It represented kneaded dough from leftover bread, which had slowly fermented. Fermentation together with its tell-tale odour, was thus associated with putrefaction where in rabbinical literature, leaven was recognised as causing decay and so became a symbol of sin, a representation of the slow, gradual corruption of human nature. This leaven to which our Lord refers, is described as affecting the whole lump because evil will in fact, spread throughout the church until at last, in the days before Christ’s return, it will reach everywhere, and all will be contaminated by it. It will be pervasive, just like the final stages of any terminal cancer.
      Jesus explained that when He spoke of the “leaven of the Pharisees,” once again he wasn’t literally talking about yeast or bread. Instead, what he meant by this interesting comparative reference, was that the Jewish religious leaders had replaced the original “doctrines” of God with the subjective “traditions of the fathers/elders,” and that gradually throughout the years, these false, subjective interpretations would totally corrupt the true Law/Word of God.
      The failure of the Pharisees to appeal to THE Scripture as the absolute standard for their conduct was at the root of many other issues for which our Lord condemned them. Their rejection of Jesus for performing miracles on the Sabbath was a result of that false concept. Their many attempts to trap Him in speech were not the result of a close investigation of His actions in light of Messianic OT prophecy, but because He was perceived as violating their occult TRADITIONS and so posed a direct threat to their authority. Their self-righteousness and pride was as a direct result of these self-appointed shepherds, looking to their interpretive traditions as the standard for judgment, rather than God’s Law/Word.
      The opposite of righteousness through faith, is righteousness through works, which can also be called righteousness of the Law – or man’s self-righteousness. The Pharisees with their outwardly pretentious prayers, sanctioned by their subjective traditions, were an abomination to God as compared to the true, quiet reverence demanded of His people. (Matthew 23:13-14; 6:5-8) When Jesus warned us to; “Beware of the LEAVEN of the Pharisees” (Luke 12:1, Mk. 8:15, Mt. 16:6), He was describing the hidden mysticism of the Zohar, Cabbala, and the Sefer Yetzirah (oral laws). Because at the root of what the Pharisees (Talmudic Jewry) had firmly established, was the deliberate occult negation of all that He taught, and is THE reason why He charged them with blasphemy against the Holy Spirit – the unpardonable sin.
      Dr. Israel Shahak, in his work, “Jewish History, Jewish Religion” and Bernard Pick in “Jesus in the Talmud,” (pp. 57; 105-106), have both confirmed the overt hate and blatant racism contained in the Talmud and any Jews who deny their existence within their holiest book are liars. Neither the modern popes nor the modern heads of evangelical Protestantism, have ever insisted that the rabbis of Judaism repudiate or condemn the racism in the Talmud or the murderous hate for Christ and Christians expressed within it. . “For fear of the Jews.” On the contrary, the blind guides of Churchianity have urged their sheeple to love, honour and obey these unbelievably evil, degenerate, blasphemous followers of the Talmud. Therefore, it should be quite evident that today’s leaders of Christendom are by default, the worst betrayers of Jesus Christ on earth. (Cf. Matthew 23:13-15; I Thess. 2:14-16; Titus 1:14; Luke 3:8-9; Rev. 3:9). “Someone may think that I am saying too much. I am not saying too much, but too little – for I see their writings. They curse us Goyim. In their synagogues and in their prayers they wish us every misfortune. They rob us of our money and goods through their usury, and they play on us every wicked trick they can. And the worst of it is that they still claim to have done right and well, that is, to have done God a service. And they teach the doing of such things. No pagan ever acted thus; in fact, no one acts thus except the devil himself, or whomever he possesses, as he has so possessed the Jews.” “On the Jews and their Lies” by Martin Luther
      Once they are seen for what they are, the ubiquitous presence and culture destroying nature of the Jew is obvious to the point of revulsion. Indeed, there is a reason why the founding fathers of America, as well as other world-renowned philosophers, writers, entrepreneurs and great leaders throughout history have warned against them. Many have openly scorned the Jews as the most dangerous enemy to Western cultural integrity and European values. Others have merely depicted them as the most lecherous and deceptive creature there is. Here are but a few of those who understood the Jewish mindset:
      Jesus Christ F.Scott Fitzgerald Fyodor Dostoevsky
      Immanuel Kant
      Ralph Waldo Emerson Mark Twain Charles Lindbergh Arthur Schopenhauer
      Winston Churchill Adolf Hitler Napoleon Martin Luther

      Wilhelm II Richard Wagner H.H. Beamish Martin Heidegger
      Henry Ford H.L. Mencken Henry Wallace William Shakespeare
      Gen. Ulysses S. Grant St. Thomas Aquinas Henry Adams George Bernard Shaw
      Gen. William Sherman Franz Liszt Truman Capote
      G.W. Hegel
      Let me repeat it again, Orthodox Judaism is rooted in the “traditions of the elders” (later codified as the Mishnah, comprising the first portion of the Talmud), and NOT the Mosaic law which these “traditions” nullify, as Jesus Christ repeatedly and emphatically stated to the Pharisees, who are the founders of rabbinic i.e. Orthodox Judaism. Rabbi Jacob Neusner and other prominent Jewish spokesmen are on record as acknowledging Judaism’s Pharisaic patrimony. Jesus declared to the Pharisees that they were guilty of failing to follow Moses: “For if you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. But if you will not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” (John 5: 45-47). Could Jesus be wrong?
      Since the end of WWII, we have been bombarded from all sides with references to the Western world’s “Judeo-Christian religion,” and to a so-called “Judeo-Christian heritage.” Both church leaders and scholars forever tell us that our society is based on a supposed “Judeo-Christian tradition”. This notion of a “Judeo-Christian religion” is an unquestioned – almost sacrosanct part of both secular and church thinking. American Christian leader Prof. Franklin H. Littel, a vocal supporter of the illegal Zionist state, frankly declared that “to be Christian is to be Jewish,” and that consequently it was the duty of a Christian to put support for the “land of Israel” above all else. Pat Boon, the North American singer and evangelist, said there are two kinds of Judaism, one Orthodox and the other Christian. The very term “Judeo-Christian” is a mischievous misnomer without the slightest historical or Scriptural validity. Rabbi Moshe Maggal of the National Jewish Information Service said it all in 1961 when the term “Judeo-Christian” was relatively new. “There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. We consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other.” (National Jewish Information Service) In fact the Early Church knew of no such “Judeo-Christian” tradition.
      Dr. Albert M. Gessman, writing in the Winter 1969 number of the conservative Jewish journal, “Issues” and after contrasting critically almost nine pages of glaring differences between Judaism and Christianity to the disadvantage of the latter and after reviewing the back-grounds of both religions, he concludes that, “A Judeo-Christian heritage or tradition in the proper sense of that hyphenated word does NOT exist; it has no foundation in historical fact.”
      Confusion over the origins of Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity is at the very root of the Judeo-Christian myth. In fact, Christianity and Judaism are two distinct and utterly divergent religious inheritances, despite all the superficial attempts by modern “scholars” to manufacture a naïve and convergent “Judeo-Christianity.”
      Extracts from “Biblical Prophecy and The State of Israel” by William W. Baker.
      “As a young boy attending a Church of Christ Sunday School class, I can recall being taught that the Jews of the world were special and that all the Jews of the world were “returning to their homeland” by creating the current state of Israel. Somehow, I was told, the creation of an Israeli state was “fulfilling prophecy.” My teachers made no mention of the exclusionary philosophy of Zionism, and also totally overlooked was the small but important fact that the ancient land of “Palestine” was now, as it had always been, inhabited by millions of peaceful, productive, God-honouring Palestinian Arabs. No doubt my teachers then, as well as many Christian believers today, knew little or nothing of the political, historical, and even Biblical background of the Middle East.
      As one who remained within the “mainstream” of what is known as “New Testament Christianity” usually understood to include Churches of Christ and Independent Evangelical Christian Churches, and who later taught a few years in a “loyal” Christian College. I soon discovered that most of my fellow believers either embraced a hodgepodge of popular eschatological gibberish, or they simply chose to remain “uncommitted” when it came to the subject of fulfilled prophecy, Christianity and Judaism, the Israeli- Zionist state and the Arab world, and even the second advent of Christ. I soon discovered that the majority of those who held a definite “conviction” about the “end times” were adherents of what is known as Premillennialism. Most theological dictionaries define Premillennialism as the belief of premillenearians who “believe in the imminent return of Christ, to be followed by a thousand years of peace during which Christ will reign over the earth.
      Millions of believers embrace this man-made dogma, not as a result of intensive Bible study, utilizing the important tools of hermeneutical principles, but primarily from reading and believing such unscholarly but popular “prophetic soothsayers” as Hal Lindsay and his “The Late Great Planet Earth” or “Satan is Alive and Well.” Still others become adherents of millenarianism out of ignorance of the Scriptures and the belief that it must be true – for so many people believe it, including such high profile Christian “leaders” such as Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell, etc. The importance of false teaching concerning Biblical prophecy became readily apparent to me during my first visit to Israel as an undergraduate student working at various archaeological sites such as the Temple Mount and ancient Tekoa in 1968. I was quite disappointed to discover that many Israeli citizens are not only non-religious, but atheistic. It was during that summer and many years to follow that I was to observe one of the most brutal and inhumane governmental policies in existence. I saw young Palestinian children beaten, interrogated and arrested for singing songs about Palestine and their longing to be free; families evicted from their homes, lands seized under the guise of “National Security;” all of this done by “God’s Chosen People” or so I had been led to believe. Upon returning to the United States I found most Christians supportive of such ungodly activities, because the “Jews” are returning to their homeland to prepare for Christ’s return. Indeed, the prevailing eschatology of our time teaches that the Arab people (Palestinians) are “demons of Satan” and any who oppose Israel oppose the Lord Himself! Suffice it to say there exists a great need to expose and correct some of the more unscriptural and patently false teachings so popular today.”
      We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth. . . For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it.” – Patrick Henry
      The simple facts are that after the death of Solomon, the Kingdom of Israel was divided into two kingdoms. The Northern Kingdom – composed of ten (10) tribes, with the capital at Samaria, called “Israel,” and the Southern Kingdom – composed of only two (2) tribes (Judah & Benjamin), with the capital at Jerusalem, called “Judah.” Both of these Kingdoms went into Captivity to Babylon within a few short years of each other, due to Israel’s sins of pride and rebellion. Contrary to what most teach and believe, the following Biblical giants could never have been “Jews.”
       ABRAHAM – was a Hebrew (racial)
       ISSAC – was a Hebrew
       JACOB – was a Hebrew
       MOSES – was a Levite (tribal)
       PAUL – was a Benjaminite and BECAME a devout and religious JEW BY CHOICE!
       JESUS – was/is The Son of God, a strict adherent of His own Divine Law, but never a JEW!
      Saul was a racial Israelite, a Roman citizen – born in Tarsus and studied the “Traditions of the Elders/Fathers” (Gal 1:14) under the Pharisee, Gemaliel, in Jerusalem in his youth and became the “golden haired boy” of the controlling Jewish establishment. At this time, prior to his conversion, Saul was a vicious, Pharisaic Antichrist that persecuted the followers of “The Way” to their deaths, arresting both men and women and throwing them into prison whenever the opportunity arose. Paul wrote: “You have heard of my earlier CAREER in Judaism – how furiously I persecuted the Church of God, and made havoc of it; and how in devotion to Judaism I out-stripped many men of may own age among my people, being far more zealous than they for the TRADITION OF MY FOREFATHERS” (Gal 1:13, 14, Weymouth Translation)
      Clearly while in Judaism, Saul persecuted Christians due to his intense hatred for believers, because of his total commitment to the fraternity holding to the “traditions of the fathers.” Paul at that time was a Jew BY RELIGION ONLY!
      Please carefully read it again, “And profited in the Jews’ RELIGION above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.” (Gal 1:14 KJV)
      When Paul became a Christian, HE CEASED BEING A “JEW” as such, simply because Pharisaism, (Judaism, Jewry) TOTALLY CONTRADICTED EVERYTHING he now stood for as an Apostle of Christ.
      In fact, this very system of religious/cultish legalism called “Jewry” was something of which even Jesus Himself would NOT walk.
      This is so incredibly important to understand!!!
      . . . . “After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would NOT WALK IN JEWRY, BECAUSE THE JEWS SOUGHT TO KILL HIM.” (John 7:1)
      These “Jews” that were determined to KILL Christ were the cosy, religious (freemasonic) boys club establishment of the Scribes and Pharisees that held considerable political power during the time of the brutal Roman occupation of Palestine, where Jesus openly condemned their status-seeking and carnal, ego-centric attitudes. “According to the Talmud, Jesus was executed by a proper rabbinical court for idolatry, inciting other Jews to idolatry, and contempt of rabbinical authority. All classical Jewish sources which mention his execution are quite happy to take responsibility for it; in the Talmudic account the Romans are not even mentioned.” Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years by Professor Israel Shahak
      The fact is that after the death of Herod the Great, (a pro-Roman, pro Pharisee/Edomite Jew descended from Esau, who tried to kill Christ when He was a child) Judea was reduced to a Roman province under a procurator. Despite the occupation however, the Pharisees were given near total autonomy in dealing with what was deemed as “religious matters.” It was under the fifth procurator, Pontius Pilate, that Jesus Christ was crucified, by order of the Pharisees of which the Sanhedrin was the supreme ruling/decision-making body. It was these JEWS who ordered the death of Christ. The “Jews” referred to, meant the high priests, the Sanhedrin, the scribes and the Pharisees, all of whom earned the scorn of our Lord because of the total abuse of their authority. The religious establishment saw The Lord Jesus as a threat to their power base because he was becoming popular with the people, who had several times sought to make him their king.
      Hence the term “Jew” refers to the followers of this Pharisaic system of religionised law based on men’s traditions and upon generations of subjective interpretations of God’s Law/Word that ultimately became “Talmudic Judaism.” It was and still is, a powerful, influential and liberal religious sect where only a select and privileged few were invited to join. “Judaism denotes the Jewish faith in its extravagant form of blind attachment to rites and traditions, and national exclusiveness. This must have been prevalent in the time of Christ, because of His constant exposure of their formalism and self-assumption, and because in John’s Gospel ‘the Jews’ is used as synonymous with opposers of Christ and His teachings.” (The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. II, (1901), p. 999).
      What is it today that the Jews desperately try to hide from Christians? This question

    • FindtheTruth

      It’s about time. XI said, “No”. Little weasel Zuckerberg tried to worm his way into China with his pregnant Chinese wife and newly learned Mandarin like the buttsmoocher he is.

      As if China is too dumb to realize that Facebook is owned by a toxic brew of U.S. Intelligence Agencies. This is one of the reasons that the rest of the world is hating us more and more. We have a bunch of morons with too much money, power and resources representing us. Therefore, we all look like a bunch of morons.

    • FindtheTruth

      Shameless morons.

    • lenbenhear

      Perfect for this final Season of the High Holy Days:
      October 3-8, 2015/ 6000:
      For those who *can* feel it and receive it: here is THE HEART-CRY & PRAYER OF ISRAEL to The LORD-GOD of Israel: ,,, 4:18. …. listen carefully. here is the translation from The Ruach haKOdesh:

      “Adonai ! Adonai ! we beseech Thee: look upon us with pity and mercy ! See! See! Behold how we have failed Thee and sinned against Thee O LORD ! we now earnestly repent and turn to Thee, for ONLY in Thy mercy, O LORD GOD YahOvah, ONLY IN THY MERCY is salvation and the Word of Thy Truth and every right-way. You are righteous and merciful, O LORD YahvA-YahOvah ! our eyes are upon Thee ! Restore Thy people and Your inheritance in the Land where You have brought us ! Restore ! Restore ! have mercy upon us and RESTORE FOR THY NAME’S SAKE, O LORD ! For YOU are our Hope and our Salvation.”

      YahOshuah. YAshuah. Yah ahvahshuah ha adOn hamahshE ahch !

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        High Holy Days? Well with the legalization of weed before the SHTF they figure they may as well let you smoke a big fattie to help deal with it. High Holy Days -in the new Stoned Age.

    • lego

      ho my god what a load of crap and we have the bible bashers writing crap too you are all losers …….. if some one wants god in there life they will do it but not with you fools going on about it

    • VirusGuard

      The most evil country in the world is isreal and if it’s got the protection of god then why does it need so many nukes

      My guess is god is none to please with Isreal droping bombs on kids in gaza, steeeling land and attacking everyone around the middle east.

      Bankers from Israel owns congress, money buy anything in the USA including trators and treason and cover up for 9/11.

      They will see the light alright, it’s going to be a nuke in the middle of town one day and in any case the jew of the bible were not white

    • The Real Deal

      F*ck Israel. I hope Iran let’s Israel have it, and soon, for the betterment of mankind. Jews are a cancer on this Earth!

      • KnowMoreThanYou

        Except for those at B&H…. :lol:

    • Amminadab

      There are no Bible prophecies that apply to the Jews after 34 A.D., and none that apply to the country of Israel after the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome in 70 A.D.

      The current country of Israel is an illegal terrorist nation.


      Genesis 49:10, “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.”

      Hosea 2:23 And I will sow her unto me in the earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people; and they shall say, Thou art my God.

      PROPHETIC STATEMENT REPEATED BY CHRIST (He is speaking to Jews here)

      Matthew 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.


      Acts 13:46 Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.
      Romans 2:28,29 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
      Romans 9:6-8 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.
      Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

      Also notice what Jesus Himself said to the Jews…

      Mark 12:1-12, “And he began to speak unto them by parables. A certain man planted a vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and digged a place for the winefat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country. And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant, that he might receive from the husbandmen of the fruit of the vineyard. And they caught him, and beat him, and sent him away empty. And again he sent unto them another servant; and at him they cast stones, and wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully handled. And again he sent another; and him they killed, and many others; beating some, and killing some. Having yet therefore one son, his wellbeloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son. But those husbandmen said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours. And they took him, and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard. What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others. And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner: This was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? And they sought to lay hold on him, but feared the people: for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them: and they left him, and went their way.”


      Jeremiah 31:35-37, “Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever. Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD.”

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        Again, you are TRYING to speak as if Jesus was not a JEW. This right here says – you have NO CLUE.

    • Cyalata

      Outstanding post. GOD BLESS YOU.

    • truthseeker4809

      All of this evil came from Torah. You can make a Baboon to become a Jew if you teach the baboon Torah millions of times.

      And then suddenly all this bunch of baboons will claim the land there in Palestine to be their own. They will believe other humans are Gohim and then they believe they have the right to cheat and kill Gohims. Then these baboons will start to manipulate government and banks to control all the rest of the humanity based on the teaching that they are protected by their god Yahweh.

      Worst thing is that some of the humans will believe this Torah to be the truth and will start worshipping these baboons as came from the protection of Yahweh. This is all self fulfilling prophecy that has no real substance.

      Destruction will come upon them if they do not stop cheating and manipulating the rest of the humanity as soon as possible and learn to live in peace and harmony with the rest of the humanity.

    • they.pierced.My.hands.and.My.feet.

      “Because of the success of the Jewish State and its against-all-odds survival”

      Barzel, success ? On who’s back ? Billions upon billions upon billions Stolen from the American taxpayer and given to ‘”poor little israel”, who spend half their time telling us how smart they think they are, while being successful from the theft of other nations wealth .

      Not to mention the theft-masters at the Federal Reserve Bunk ? Oh, no, that is those
      BRAVE men and women who run for President, THEY are the ones who WON”T MENTION the FEDERAL Reserve Bunk Criminal Enterprise. The criminal enterprise supplies how much more stolen from the American people for little phony israel ?

    • Klemens

      Israel is owned and driven 100% by Rotschild.
      So if the Synagoge of Satan still is in power, so nothing will happend to Israel, exept God will punish or help Israel. (nobody knows).
      right now it is not ok, to use the bible to explain what`s will happen in Israel, you have to use the Talmud.

    • THOTH

      Today’s Israel is merely a terrorist, apartheid state owned by Rothschild. Zionist Israel is simply a catalyst used by the Talmudic money changers world revolutionary movement for fermenting the long planned WW3. Israel should be listed in the dictionary as an example of hypocrisy. They claim they are the victims, when in fact they are the worst human rights violators on earth. Their crimes against humanity make Hitlers Germany look like a sandals resort. Besides, it’s a well known fact that 150,000 Jews fought for the nazis, their financial capital came from Jewish bankers like Von Strauss, Von Stein and Warburgs. Without this financial capital provided by Jewish money changers, the Nazi’s could not have risen to power. An article published by Israeli Haaretz news revealed that Hitler was an ashkeNazi Jew, according to DNA tests performed by Jewish geneticists. The purpose of the Nazi’s was to terrify the European Jewish population into fleeing to Palestine for refuge. The founder of Zionism, Theodore Hertzl, knew this would be necessary, he said it in his diaries.

      The whole “gods chosen people” suggestion is simply a megalomaniacal delusion of racial superiority which stems from the Babylonian Talmud, which is considered by many prominent Judaic authorities as the most important literature of Judaism. The Talmud should be illegal, as it provides endless exemptions of all morality. It suggests that even the best of the goyim(non Jews)should be killed. It suggests that the only purpose for the existence of non Jews, is to serve the Jews. The Talmud suggests that Jesus was a black magician, born of a harlot and is now in hell, boiling in excrement. The laws and discussions expressed in the Talmud is enough to make any decent human being sick to their stomach. It is without doubt, the most evil piece of literature in existence and it is the most revered literature in modern Israel. Netanyahu stated publicly that if it was up to him Talmudic law would be the law of the land. It pretty much is already, the Talmud justifies their inhuman treatment of the native populations. The ancestors of the asheNazi Jews were converted to Judaism in about 740 AD. Ashkenazi European Jews make up more than 90% of the world Jewish population and their ancestors never lived in Palestine.

      Let us look at an article published by the Times of Israel, authored by Josh Bronstein.

      Understanding the Idea of Israeli Land Under Talmudic Law
      “Recently , I have begun to intensely study the Talmud, and it has proven to be a very spiritually enlightening experience. The Talmud has much to teach us about God, Jews, Israel, and daily life. “It’s a central pillar for understanding anything about Judaism, more than the Bible,” says Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, one of the world’s best known Talmudical scholars. “The Talmud is not a divine gift given to people. The Jewish people created it. But on the other hand, it created the Jewish people. In so many ways, we’re Talmudic Jews, whether we believe it or not.

      All practicing Jews are Talmudic Jews, as the Talmud is the very core of Judaism. The Talmud is the rock which forms the base of Judaism and Jewish law. We can see the Talmud’s influence all over Israel today, from Israel’s calendars to its legal codes. In the words of Herman Wouk: “The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs or ceremonies we observe – whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalists – we follow the Talmud. It is our common law.”

      Again, the Talmud is the foundation of all Jewish beliefs. How important is the Talmud? So important, in fact, that Israel is now basing much of its legal system on the Talmud.

      Last year, as part of a series of moves designed to make Israel’s Jewish status crystal clear, Benjamin Netanyahu publicly stated that he aims to make Israel’s legal system based on the Talmud, as it should be. In Netanyahu’s own words to the Likud party’s ultra-Orthodox member Yaakov Vider: “We will legally define the Talmud as the basis of the Israeli legal system.”
      However, by acknowledging the idea of “Palestinian land,” Netanyahu is betraying the Talmud and Talmudic law. If there is one term that I truly cannot stand to hear, it’s the term “Palestinian land.” Talking to other people in the Jewish community, I often hear the term “Palestinian land” thrown about, and it always deeply irks me. Any Jew who speaks of “Palestinian land” clearly has a very deep misunderstanding of Jewish law. The Talmud makes it very clear that all land belongs to Jews, and that Jews may seize any land that they so desire. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: “All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples.” This is directly from the Talmud. Why, then, should the “Palestinians” be entitled to any land? Why should they even be allowed to exist?

      In the words of top Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel.” Likewise, Rabbi Ya’acov Perin has publicly stated: “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” Shocking? It shouldn’t be. This is Talmudic law as well. The Talmud makes it very clear that the life of a non-Jew has no value, and that gentiles exist only to serve Jews. Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.” Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.” Baba Necia 114, 6: “The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts.” Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: “Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.”

      This is directly from the Talmud, and these are just a few of many examples. Jewish divine law makes it very clear: the “Palestinians” not only have no right to any land, but the “Palestinians” are not even human beings and thus have no right to even live at all. The “Palestinians” are worthless subhuman beasts and vermin. Jews are human beings, but gentiles are subhuman beasts whose only purpose is to serve the people of Israel. The only reason that goyim have to exist is to serve Jews. If goyim cannot serve Jews, then they should be exterminated. We allow Americans, Australians, Canadians, and Europeans to exist because they serve Jews and they serve Israel – and, when they get out of line, we attack them, like we did to the Americans when we sunk their USS Liberty. In the words of former Israeli Knesset member Yossi Sarid, “We control US politicians like marionettes.” Countries like the US, Sweden, and Australia play valuable roles not only in protecting Israel, but also in serving as dumping grounds (or garbage cans) where Israel can send Sudanese, Syrians, and other subhuman waste who seek asylum in Israel. Multiculturalism in the West has ultimately been of great benefit to the people of Israel, as it allows Israel to ship off invaders to the West rather than having them infiltrate and invade the Jewish state of Israel, thus threatening Israel’s Jewish character. Multiculturalism is something that exists strictly for gentiles. It is NOT something that should ever be attempted in Israel. Israel is the Jewish state, and allowing ANY non-Jews into Israel would be unthinkable. This is precisely why, when African baboons come to Israel, they are sterilized, shoved into crude containment facilities, and eventually shipped off to gentile nations like Sweden, Canada, and Australia – as they should be. Their inferior monkey genes are not wanted anywhere in Israel, as they spread nothing but crime, destruction, ignorance, and misery.

      The only use that “Palestinians” could possibly serve would be as test material for medical experiments. Normally, we wouldn’t be able to conduct medical tests on humans if those tests cause significant pain. But, since “Palestinians” aren’t humans, we can cause as much pain as we want to them. We can inject “Palestinian” children with unstable chemicals, we can chop open pregnant “Palestinian” women, we can strip the flesh off of “Palestinian” babies – we can do whatever we want to these worthless subhuman vermin. And, by conducting medical experiments on “Palestinians,” we can obtain medical knowledge that will ultimately be useful in providing medical assistance for Jews. Not only that, but it would also be a lot of fun to do. Could there be anything more satisfying than the helpless screams of a “Palestinian” child as it’s torn apart by Jewish doctors? I certainly can’t imagine anything more enjoyable. The Talmud (in Yebamoth 98a) clearly says: “All gentile children are animals.” Under Talmudic law, “Palestinian” children are not human. They are subhuman beasts and we are thus free to rape them, torture them, and kill them as we please.

      Under Talmudic law, Jews are permitted – and, in fact, encouraged – to kill Christians, Muslims

      I will never condemn ANY act – no matter how cruel or savage – committed against a “Palestinian.” The “Palestinians” are inferior subhuman beasts, and are not even worthy of breathing in Jewish air. The life of a “Palestinian” has no more value than the life of a flea or a tick. They are vile, filthy, disgusting, worthless, parasitic, subhuman vermin and they need to be violently purged from the face of the Earth, which rightfully belongs to the Jewish people. We need to hate them, we need to segregate them, we need to discriminate against them, and, most of all, we need to kill them. Israel is not going NEARLY far enough in its attempts to wipe out the “Palestinians.” We need to have ZERO mercy or pity for these vulgar subhuman parasites. If we do not exterminate the “Palestinians,” they will exterminate us. History has taught us again and again that gentiles pose a major risk to the existence of Jews. Have we learned nothing from the Holocaust?

      The “Palestinians” could very well perform another Holocaust against the Jewish people if we do not exterminate them first. The Nazis successfully killed six million Jews. The “Palestinians” could kill even more – unless we kill them first. Are we really going to sit back and simply wait for the subhuman “Palestinians” to carry out a new, even deadlier Holocaust against the Jewish people? Is that a risk that you want to take? If not, then it’s time to wipe out the “Palestinians” once and for all, and in the most brutal, violent manner possible.

      Palestinians” deserve nothing more than a slow, painful, and agonizing death. There can be no “Palestinian” left alive. We need to utterly exterminate the “Palestinians.” Then, once we butcher every single “Palestinian,” we need to dig up “Palestinian” graves and burn their bones. Israel needs to focus all of its energy to ensuring that the “Palestinians” are completely and utterly wiped off of the face of the Earth. The only good “Palestinian” is a dead one.

      I am sick of hearing “Palestinians” complain about “oppression” and “genocide,” even though Israel has never once come anywhere close to giving these Arab cockroaches the real genocide that they so richly deserve. These two-faced, terrorist-supporting “Palestinians” NEED to suffer a real genocide, and, if violence against “Palestinians” ever goes viral in Israel (and I know it will), I myself will not hesitate to move to Israel, join the IDF, and take an AR-15 to the nearest mosque, especiallyif on a Muslim holiday like Ramadan. I would love nothing more than to savour the screams of “Palestinians” as I invade their “safe” places and mow them down with advanced Israeli weaponry.

      “Palestinians” have proven via their anti-human behaviour to not be humans. We need to legally change the definition of the crime of murder so that killing a “Palestinian” is not murder and carries no penalty (since “Palestinians” are not human). We need to encourage all Jews in Israel to butcher “Palestinians” without any mercy or pity. In fact, we should even give out rewards for people who kill the most “Palestinians.” We should hold contests to see who can kill the most “Palestinians” in the shortest amount of time, with money rewards for the best and most effective “Palestinian” killers. We should offer Jews cash incentives to kill “Palestinians,” like, for example, giving out shekels to any Jew who kills “Palestinians,” with more shekels being rewarded for more “Palestinians” killed.

      Whenever I’m asked how many “Palestinians” Israel has killed, I know the answer instantly: not nearly enough. Until there is not a single “Palestinian” left breathing, that answer will remain the same. “Palestinians” are a plague upon Israeli civilisation, and they’re a plague that needs to be wiped out. My friends, the time to kill “Palestinians” is long overdue. Grab your weapon today and let’s take out this “Palestinian” scum. The “Palestinians” are parasites and pigs. It’s time to take the pigs to the slaughter. Death to all “Palestinians” and death to anyone who stands in the way of the Jews.”

    • beforeitsnotnews

      THE JEWS

    • Debbie

      Saving good bye to Israel would be a sweet thing for the world…it is a Luciferian state that Rothschild set up so he could launch death and destruction on the Middle east by way of the US-NATO military which he also has control of……all ZIONISTs are satanists…they are vile and evil and wish for the destruction of humanity except for themselves…they are the root of all evil – evangelicals have been duped by the Jews into believing they are the God’s chosen people…it’s ironical that the evangelicals are too stupid to realize the ZIonists are the devil’s people…do not be fooled by the self chosenites…in the end they will suffer God’s wrath…for the evil they have done.

    • Louis

      There are still a few actual Jews in Israel whom ever-faithful God wishes to save. They will be preached to by Henoch and Elijah, the two witnesses of Christ foretold in APOCALYPSE 11. Those whom God wishes to save will be saved. The rest will be destroyed. That’s what the Bible says, and that’s what will happen.

      Every prophecy in the Bible must and will come true.

    • Zionist-Bolshevik-Freemason-Banker-Hater

      I will be dancing a jig and sipping on champagne when the phony state of Israel falls! yee ha!!!!!!!!

    • The Ferrett

      Louis says . . . “there are still a few actual Jews in Israel whom ever-faithful God wishes to save.

      With all due respect, this is a nonsensical statement – THINK ABOUT IT, USE YOUR HEAD!!

      Abraham was the father of the Israelites, NOT the father of the Jews.

      Through Abraham’s son, Jacob, whom God renamed Israel, would God bless the nations. Jacob [aka Israel,] had 12 sons, 1. Asher, 2. Dan, 3. Gad, 4. Issachar, 5. Naphtali, 6. Reuben, 7. Simeon, 8. Zebulon, 9. Judah, and 10. Levi. The last two sons 11. Benjamin and 12. Joseph were the sons of Jacob through Rachel. Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh are included as sons of Jacob because Jacob adopted Manasseh and Ephraim as his own sons. [Genesis 48:1]

      You’ll notice there is no tribe of Joseph per se, but Ephraim and Manasseh instead or in addition to. So, we have the ten tribes from Leah, and two tribes from Rachel, Benjamin and Joseph, but Joseph’s sons got the blessing instead of Joseph, making two more tribes or 12 tribes total.

      The tribe of Judah was the tribe that later became, erroneously, known as ‘the Jews.’ The term ‘Jews’ is a nickname given to those who came from the tribe of Judah which resided in the southern kingdom of Israel. More accurately, those inhabitants who came from the region known as Judah. The northern kingdom of Israel was composed of the other 10 tribes of Israel, plus the members of the tribe of Levi, the priestly class, of which Moses was a part, scattered among both kingdoms, that is, southern and northern.

      The Israelites did indeed become a nation back in the time of King David and King Solomon in the 10th century B.C., some 300 to 500 years after the time of Moses. Both Biblical and extra-biblical evidence suggests that the Kingdom of Israel extended from the Great River in Egypt – the Nile – to the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in what is modern day Iraq. After the reign of King Solomon, the nation of Israel split into two kingdoms: a northern kingdom and a southern kingdom.

      The southern kingdom consisted of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and the Levites dispersed among those tribes. The northern kingdom consisted of the tribes of Asher, Dan, Ephraim, Gad, Issachar, Manasseh, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulon, and the Levites dispersed among those tribes. The southern kingdom came to be associated with Judah, the dominant southern tribe. The northern kingdom came to be associated with Ephraim, the dominant northern tribe.

      Only one tribe, the tribe of Judah, were ever referred to as Jews, [erroneously] and that not until the King James Bible translators in 1611. That single Old Testament reference is 2 Kings 16:6 and should be translated Judaite or a descendant of Jehudah (that is, Judah). The only people who should be properly called Jews [more accurately Judahites] are the descendants of the tribe of Judah.

      Today, people may claim to be Jewish. They may adhere to the religion of Judaism, but they most likely are not from the tribe of Judah referred to in the Old Testament – the Torah – for the Jewish.

      Jews descend from Cain/Esau/Edom not Jacob/Israel. Evidence for this fact is found in John 8:
      Verse 33: “They (the jews, see verse 22) answered him, “We are Abraham’s seed, (through Esau, not Jacob/Israel) and were never in bondage to any man.”

      If the Jews were “never in bondage to any man,” then the cannot be the Israelites of the Old Testament, as the Israelites were in bondage to the Pharaoh that “knew not Joseph,;” and were taken into captivity by the Assyrians and the Babylonians – SIMPLE AS THAT!

      • Pix

        “If the Jews were “never in bondage to any man,” then the cannot be the Israelites of the Old Testament,..”

        The Jews are not the Israelites, they are the political party called the Pharisees, they invented Judaism after Rome wiped the Israelites off the face of Earth in 70 CE.

      • Louis

        Mr. Ferrett — please calm down. In my comment I used the term “Jews” to indicate persons who share bloodlines with the ancient Israelites who once inhabited the lands given by God to Moses.

        It’s easy to get technical about Biblical terms — but it’s written that, during the last days of the present age, God will restore Israel as a national entity in order to save a remnant of His once-chosen people.

        All I did was make reference to those Scriptural promises. One collateral benefit of such prophecies is that they free non-Jews from the burden of disdaining Jews in general because people who disdain Jews can never know if the Jew they disdain is chosen by God to be saved.

        • Ephraim

          If that is what you meant then use the term “Israelite” not Jew. It may not be important to you, but there is a major difference between words (semantics) to people in the know. To the ignorant, it doesn’t seem to make any difference.

          [Quote] But it’s written that, during the last days of the present age, God will restore Israel as a national entity in order to save a remnant of His once-chosen people.

          Would you (or anybody) please give me the scripture reference(s) for that comment.

          • Gus Fung

            Ephraim: “Would you (or anybody) please give me the scripture reference(s) for that comment.”

            As long as you consider the side notes as scriptural reference then look to a Scofield bible

            • CAPTAIN CHAOS!!

              The Mighty Slice is getting pretty good at this.

            • Ephraim

              I would rather not. Note the ferret’s comments above concerning the Scofield reference notes. On that point, I agree with him completely.

              Perhaps you are saying there is NOT a Bible reference specifically stating that God will restore Israel in the last days as a national entity other than a Jewish inspired Scofield note.

              It is my opinion there is not a reference at all. Jeremiah 24 makes it clear (to me anyway) that Jesus is rejecting Judahites and Edomites as the bad figs and the cursed fig tree. The good figs followed Jesus and became part of the Church. The majority of the modern state of Israel are not Judeans, Israelites, or DNA descendants of Abraham.

              Yes, God will make a way of escape for a certain group. This group may not actually be DNA Judeans – they perhaps are secret followers of the real Messiah (Christians). Anyone, whether Arab, Ashkenazi, Khazar, Sephardim, or other can repent and follow Christ for salvation.

              Matthew 24:15-16 NET “So when you see the abomination of desolation — spoken about by Daniel the prophet — standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), (16) then those in Judea must flee to the mountains.

              Matthew 21:19 NET After noticing a fig tree by the road he went to it, but found nothing on it except leaves. He said to it, “Never again will there be fruit from you!” And the fig tree withered at once.

              The bad fig tree of Jeremiah 24 was rooted out and today stands poised to receive the wrath of God, but the good fig tree of Jesus Christ continues to carry the Kingdom of God to the Millennium.

            • CAPTAIN CHAOS!!

              Ephraim needs to recognize humor better when he sees it.

              Maybe we should start calling him Mr. Spock.

              The Mighty Slice is something of a satirist, Mr. Spock.

              And implicit in his rejoinder was that he agreed with you.

              Glad I could be here to translate.

          • Louis

            Ephraim — I’ll not only give you one of the Scriptural references but I’ll quote it for you: “”At the end of years thou shalt come to the land that is returned from the sword, and is gathered out of many nations, to the mountains of Israel which have been continually waste.” EZEKIEL 38:8 DOUAY VERSION

            Emphasis on the phrase “end of years” meaning the end of the present age with a “holy age” to follow. See SIRACH 24:46 and ACTS 3:20-21.

    • VirusGuard


      And protecting jesish bankers with all the nukes they have is the way to go !

      Me not thinks so, me thinks the death of Isreal will be the fisrt step towards world peace, it’s bankers must go.

      God does not do real estate, god does not side with money changers, liars and theives and if he does then you are batting for the wrong team

    • Pix

      I doubt that will happen, because America has invested too much money on their illegal terrorist state in the middle east. But you never know with America, they are two faced and six hearted back stabbers, on the rampage looting, pillaging as the destroyers of worlds.

    • magusincognito

      “The modern Jewish State has not fulfilled the biblical mandate to rid the land of the enemies as commanded.”

      Surely, you are pointing at the Khazars & Sabbateans? Of course, once they are rid, there are hardly any people left in the modern state of Israel. And of these, how many have legitimate ties to the original Semites? Fair question. Meanwhile, they ALL parade as though they are original Semites. Word on the street is that there are more original Semites (i.e. blood relations) ties to the Palestinians! And, of course, we can also prove this, but who really wants to know? (The world deserves to know.)

    • DebukersDebunker

      Of course there is one little thing you are overlooking: In the last days “…the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever,…”. It doesn’t depend on the Jews following the “law”, this kingdom will be preserved in spite of their failures. God’s reputation is on the line, not theirs. It is done in order for God to demonstrate his grace and absolute power in the face of the greatest evil time in history.

      Daniel 2:40: And there shall be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron, because iron breaks to pieces and shatters all things. And like iron that crushes, it shall break and crush all these.
      Daniel 2:41: And as you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it shall be a divided kingdom, but some of the firmness of iron shall be in it, just as you saw iron mixed with the soft clay.
      Daniel 2:42: And as the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly brittle.
      Daniel 2:43: As you saw the iron mixed with soft clay, so they will mix with one another in marriage, but they will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with clay.
      Daniel 2:44: And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever,

      God rules, and the rules are his rules in the last days.

    • CWHJr

      Joel 3 tells us that Israel goes into captivity and mentions Greece as one place they go.
      Luke 21 tells us point blank that Israel goes into captivity after the abomination is set up in Mathew 24:15.
      Coming soon I think.
      But Joel also tells us that Israel will come back from captivity to war at the valley of Jehoshaphat, Armageddon.
      So they lose the next war, first time since 1948, but they will be back and this time they will stay.
      So many Christians hate the Lord’s people yet Jesus wept for them. Wonder which “Christians” are Christian?

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