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... And in the Last Days Knowledge Will Increase.

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Part Two

Wednesday 15th February, 2023: Written by Marlene.

…And In The Last Days, Knowledge Will Increase.


There are so many different voices available today to inform and guide us in the things of truth, truths that seem to be only available to a choice few who have access to this inside information concerning the things that are taking place covertly, behind the scenes. As a seeker of knowledge in truth for over forty years now, I have come to understand that there is a definite distinction between knowledge and information.

Can Humans produce knowledge in our experience? Or is knowledge, true knowledge, in its origins Divine in nature, meaning that it does not originate from Humans. There is knowledge in Truth, which is Absolute, in that there is a plan and a purpose to all things that occur in time and space- in existence, unfolding according to plan, and the plan remains active until it is finished. We are in the last days of life here on Earth and it will take a few more years to get to the end, but without a doubt, the end is near.

What kind of knowledge have Humans ever produced as it relates to our purpose and identity? We can only look into the skeletal remains, cave-drawings, hieroglyphics and ancient ruins found on our planet to guesstimate and theorize as to their places in history, and how these finds relate to Humans today. There is much information concerning the things found here, even though most of these discoveries are kept hidden from us, as in the case of GIANTS, where all the skeletal remains found throughout the world and kept hidden, mostly by the Smithsonian Institute. It would be a great day when those hidden places are exposed and we see the truth, especially of the Giants. Why did the powers that be felt it necessary to hide the truth of Giants and other hybrid Human species, such as those with elongated skulls, why did they hide this information from the generations?

There is so much that is hidden from us, information and knowledge that we absolutely need in order to have the fullest Human experience here in this world. As mentioned previously, I am a seeker of knowledge and the knowledge sought after is that of the Human, which is necessary for me to experience and receive the gifts that have been reserved in Eternal Life for those who seek and find their true identity, and the places to where they are going. When you do not seek to find your true purpose, then your conscience will condemn you according to the LAW. We are all under the penalty of the Law and we have all been found guilty, and this sentence covers every Human, whether you believe in God or not. He does speak concerning the unbelievers and the LAW covers all aspects of Human behaviour, even our thoughts.

I am a Follower of Christ, who is the WORD of God. He is also our KING and LORD, as well as the LIGHT of the world, and the sower of that special ‘light-seed’ which is found in every Human who is born into this world,(John 1). He is Our LORD and KING who appears in the clouds on the Last Day of this world, He does not enter into this world, for He brings His Kingdom with Him, and He and His Army of Angels will seize the Evil Fallen Ones who wreck havoc and evil on us with death and destruction, these evil ones will be cast into the fire and the Pit. He is also the third person of the Trinity, who is the Holy Spirit. He is Christ the WORD of God, the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords.

Those who consider themselves Christians and are depending on other Humans for guidance, many of them are being deceived and taken along dangerous paths that lead to the places you do not want to enter, but you will enter, because that is the destination of the path you chose, the one you travelled in this world. All roads lead to a destination. Do you know where you are going to? Did you seek and find the Way in which to travel, or are you one who is going along with the Humans who are blazing their own worldly paths?

Some of them are being guided by those who call themselves ‘light-Beings’ or workers of the Light, even Extraterrestrials and gods. These ‘Beings’ are channelling messages to their selected and chosen ‘light-workers’ here on Earth, giving information and instruction to those who follow them, to those who will listen, even providing ways and means for Humans to exit this planet through ‘Ascension to the Fifth Dimension’, before the prophesied destruction of the Earth. There is a space-ship hidden and waiting for Humans, somewhere in the skies, beyond the clouds, apparently. They warn us that no one will survive what is coming, and that we should trust ‘the Pleaideans’ because they have a kindred kind of history with Humans, something we today are unaware of, but we should trust them, right?

This world is full of chaos and confusion, and because the knowledge of our Human history have been kept hidden from us, we have no clue as to where we have been or to where we are going, even who we are. There seems to be no one here to help and guide us through this ‘time of sorrow’. Those who take up these leadership roles are themselves being guided by those in higher positions. This world-system is truly very anti-Human, designed and established to keep us ignorant of the truth, especially of our world history, thus putting us in a state of perpetual slavery to the offerings of this world. I have found that this world is a place of death, a place where Humans come to die. It is also a corpse-eater. We Humans are left to fend for ourselves and to figure out how we should live and what we must do.

We enter a world with an already established system, one we adapt to and even excel in, however, we are not given the knowledge we really need as Humans to understand the Human journey so we can have experience to the fullest. When we do receive the knowledge, it is always incomplete and sometimes altered to mean something completely different. The powers that be do not want us to wake-up, for when we do, our eyes begin to open, and we can see them for who they are and we reject their rule over us. We do need help in order to accomplish these things and this help is always available here for Humans when we ask, and when we seek and find.

Most Humans who seek after purpose and identity look toward the established learning Institutions where they can learn about where we came from and who we are. When one looks to the world for identity, you receive one in Apekind, where we evolved from Ape-like creatures, or these Apekind creatures did evolve to become Humans. How ludicrous is that strange idea and so completely anti-Human, yet there are many who actually believe that they descended from Apekind, believing in the scientific theorizing of the Evolution of the Human Race. Our supposed great minds are on the case, and they still tell us that we evolve from Apekind. Do you believe them?

When we seek after identity in our Family Tree, we look for the ones who came before, and perhaps knowing who they are and what they did would give some of us a sense of identity. Many years ago at the beginning of my journey, this identity issue was at the forefront of my seeking for meaning and purpose. I soon realized that the identity I was seeking cannot be found on a Family Tree; all the fruits of the Family Tree are dead fruits, and when I looked for my identity there, I would just end up being another dead fruit from an ancestry of dead relatives. You will only find your identity in this world in the things of death, because you will end up on the Tree… and everyone is dead.

There are also those who believe that we were created by Extraterrestrials as a slave-race or something very alien like that. What ever the truth is depends on what you find and who you choose to believe as to your origins… Apekind or Alien slave-race. Obviously with so many different religious beliefs here in this world-system, there are also other beliefs or theories concerning the origins of Mankind. You should also remember that you are what you believe, you become what you believe.

Of course, if you are a believer in God and Creation, you will not believe in the theory of Evolution, mainly because you believe and know in your heart that Humans are created in the Image and Likeness of God, right? Right! So how does one reconcile all of the skeletal remains and other ancient artifacts that are continually being unearthed throughout the world? It must be the carbon-dating that is faulty, because the ages given on some of these finds do not make any sense to most Christians who believe that Humans and the Earth were created some six to ten thousand years ago.

It is a wonderful thing that Humans were given ‘free-will’ so as to be able to make our own choices, for our own individual experience and even though we are Human, we do not have to believe in the same origins. Humans become what they believe and it is vital that we believe what is Truth, because Truth leads us to experience the highest places we can reach and the fullest Human experience. There is a Way of Truth given and established for Humans in this world… and few are they who find it.

Personally, I can only speak from my experience as a seeker of Knowledge in Truth and as a Follower of Our LORD- Christ, who is The WORD of God, however most importantly, I can give my testimony as a Human as well, and on this level we can all relate, because we are all here in the same sinking ship, that is also on fire. Most remain unaware of the times, but most also remain ignorant of the truth and that is why ‘the whole world is deceived’. My people are deceived and lost, because of a lack of knowledge. Most are hungry for knowledge, but few really seek after the Way Jesus meant for us to find… and some end up in strange places because they are led astray by wolves in sheep-clothing.

Seeking after Knowledge in Truth will take us on a specific path where we find the same knowledge of the Way, however we must first find the door in which to enter to begin our journey. As a Christian, do you personally believe that you have found the Way of Truth? Christians know there is one called Truth the Comforter and also the One who stands at the door of the Way to lead and guide us to our destination. We know what is needed at the beginning of the journey, yet we also know that few are they who find the Way, and we also know that many Christians are worshipping in vain. They do not even realize it because of their lack of knowledge and their ignorance of the Truth, thus being deceived by the wolves in sheep-clothing who gain power over Christian pulpits, those who are the bringers of the news we crave, as to what is actually happening in our world today and who are the deceivers of the word of God.

There are many, if not most of our leaders and teachers in the Christian world who are disciples and ministers of the Synagogue of Satan. These ones also have their own seminaries where they teach men how to deceived those who are called and need to be saved. These counterfeit ministers dressed in sheep-clothing are continuing to lead their flocks down the wide road, which leads into the Pit. It is very clear to recognize the wolves among the flock, for these are the ministers who coaxed their flocks into taking ‘the Sorcerer’s brew’. Very few church leaders advised their flocks to refrain, and those who convinced their flocks were rewarded nicely by the poison-pushers. This is the sign. The leaders who refused were persecuted by the powers that be. You should leave that place.

Today, it is so very important for those who consider themselves to be Christians to seek after the knowledge, to find and study the words that were left here for us, words that have the power over Death and Hell and the Pit. There is so much deception taking place here and it is done in such a way that those who are being deceived are led astray because of their lack of knowledge. Most Christians who are church-goers usually pick up their Bibles when they are about to leave for church on Sunday or whatever day they go. They will listen to a preacher who quotes one small line from Scripture and then proceeds to do an hour-long sermon on those few words, without ever reading or teaching anything else from the Bible. There are men who are wolves, trained to be deceivers of Christians and they do it for the filthy lucre; they have become very wealthy men with mega-churches.

The deception is out in the open, we can see the tares among the wheat, they are very distinguishable, one from the other. We were told that the whole world is deceived and if it were possible, they shall deceive even the very Elect. There will soon be great Beasts entering into our world in Human skin. They will come here and they will rule over us and many will come in the name of Christ, saying, ‘I am Christ’, and shall deceive many. All of these Fallen Ones who believe that they are gods will enter our world and in the Last Days, they will all be here at the same time, gathered together in fallen Babylon, waiting to be seized and sentenced by the KING and LORD- Christ the WORD and His Army of Angels.

These Angels of the LORD’s Heavenly Army are more powerful that the greatest Beasts ruling here. These Angels who will rule with our LORD are also a mystery, even to the Angels who are fallen. Who are they? These are the ones who will be sent to the four corners of the of the world to gather the Elect of the LORD on the last day. These are the Chosen of the LORD, these are the Angels of those who are alive and remain on the day of the appearing of Our KING and His Heavenly Army. Who are the Chosen and the Elect of the LORD? These Angels on white horses are Human Angels! The truth about them has been revealed and I will tell you as these words continue.

The Biblical narrative most Christians believe is deficient in the knowledge we need to travel along the Way of Truth. It is important that we seek after and find the knowledge we need and when you are a seeker, you will continue to seek and find, as well as experience the power and the truth of the knowledge we receive, which is a much needed gift given by the WORD of God. The Knowledge of Humans is Divine knowledge, gifted to us by the Ones from whom we came. It should be noted here that my personal Christian beliefs differ slightly from what is taught in the world of Christianity. There are various Christian denominations and also various ways of worshipping, as well as different interpretations of the Scriptures, so there are various beliefs, seemingly leading to the same place, guided by the same God and the same knowledge.

As a Follower of Christ, I have never believed that I would be ‘Raptured’ from the world before the days of Great Tribulation as most Christians are taught to believe. Some believe in pre-Tribulation Rapture, while others believe in mid-Tribulation or post-Tribulation Rapture. I have always believed that I am to await for the appearing of my LORD when He Appears on the Last Day and sends His Angels to gather-up those who are alive and remain; for in those days there will also be those who are dead and remain. I am not speaking here of those who are ‘dead in Christ’, for they will be resurrected at the Last Trumpet, when our LORD arrives in the clouds with His Kingdom and His Army of Angels on white horses, to gather His Elect from upon the face of the Earth. There will also be ones who are dead in Death, those who were not saved.

This has always been my spiritual perspective for the past forty years, to survive all the evil and death and Beasts, and to win the race, to persevere, being alive in the LORD, to be here on the Last day, to see His Appearing and be one who will be a part of the Gathering of the Angels. Who are these Angels in the Heavenly Army of our LORD and KING, who is the WORD of God, who are these Angels sent to gather ‘those who are alive and remain’ on the Earth on the Last Day? This is where my heart and my will do find rest, and this journey is experienced according to the Father’s Will. Those who experience the journey will receive the knowledge of the Way as they travel the narrow and straight road to the end of this world, into the New Earth and Age, even unto Eternal Life, which has no end.

Those who are ‘alive and remain on the last day’ will be gathered together by the Angels of our LORD’s Army ‘from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other’. They will gather up those who are alive in Christ and they will join together in the air with those who are resurrected and are ‘dead in Christ’. The ‘dead in Christ’ are those who have died from after the time of the Resurrection of Christ Jesus when He opened up the Gates of Paradise so that the Saints could enter, unto the day of the appearing of our LORD together with His Army of Angels to gather His Elect. Those who ‘die in Christ do enter into Paradise’ after they leave here.

Knowledge exists and it can be found in the Bible that the thief who was crucified along with Jesus was the first to enter into Paradise. He was given words by our Lord Christ Jesus to speak to the Angel with the flaming sword who guarded to Gates of Paradise so that Humans could not enter, after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden. It was this way since the beginning of the Human experience on this Earth for the descendants of Adam. When Jesus was in Hell and the places of the Demons for those three days, He was able to accomplish many wonderful things that Humans need to know about, and this can only be found in knowledge. Words not written from the thoughts of men, but words given to us from a Divine Spiritual Source, as in the WORD of GOD. Please read the ‘Gospel of Nicodemus’ or as it is also called the ‘Acts of Pontius Pilate.’ It is less than thirty pages and you will learn many new things about the death and resurrection of our Lord.

Here are some of the things I have found: There will be two Harvests that will take place here on Earth in the near future. One could be considered as the Rapture spoken of in Revelation that shows the Gentile Church was in Heaven in the courtyard outside the Temple of God, standing on the ‘sea of glass mingled with fire’, praising and worshipping Almighty God. These ones are those who did not take or receive the ‘mark of the Beast’ in their hands or in the foreheads, (Revelation Chapters 11 and 14), while inside the Temple on the Altar of Almighty God are the bodies of those who are beheaded for the gospel of Jesus Christ. He remains with them and comforts them in the Temple. He is the LAMB of God, the resurrected One.

There is also the second Harvest when those who took and received the ‘mark of the Beast’ are also harvested. Their fate is destruction, as they are harvested and placed in the ‘wine-press of the wrath of God’. Rev, 14. There seems to be a lot of blood spilling. Why a wine-press and will the blood be used for drinking? Just curious about those words, they seem to be very strange because my interpretation is beyond my imagination. Does anyone have an interpretation of this second Harvest?

On my journey I have had two dream-visions of the Harvests. In the second one there were many more Humans being taken. During that time I received a series of nine visions, however they came in series of three, and I saw a great Beast marking the hands and foreheads of Humans with a brush. They were unaware this was happening to them. I also saw the one with the golden crown in the clouds, as well as the Harvest of the marked ones. There were many more being taken in this vision which came after the first vision of the ‘Rapture’, and during that experience I was sealed in my forehead by a white lightning-bolt which struck me in the head from beyond the clouds.

These series of nine dream-visions happened over a period of about ten years, beginning from around the year two thousand. I have since had other visions, however they are different from those nine. I also have had many other dream-visions over the past forty years, beginning as far back as the nineteen eighties when my journey began. These nine dreams came in a succession of threes. These were the second set of three dream-visions. In these three dream-visions, I was sealed, I was searched and I was refined by fire. Even though I always have had visions I was always mainly an onlooker of the things presented to me in a bright light. I never really said anything or did anything, I just watched. These visions were always presented in the same way where I am taken to a place that felt like I was standing in a valley of sorts surrounded by hills, although I could not see them.

I also have had a few dream-visions where I am standing in a big open field, but prior to these nine, I was never really a participant, mostly an onlooker. I was shown these things and I saw the things that were shown to me. I stood in one place, usually in the Twilight when there is darkness, but you can see shadows and movements in the dark. A bright light then shines down from above on the thing I need to see, and then I turn, still in my place, to the north, south, east and west, as the light shines, illuminating what is revealed. That was it, except for the time when I turned to the East and saw an Angel in the clouds. I will explain as I continue.

The visions I received before the year two thousand came to me without really asking for them. I greatly appreciated them, even though I did not understand them all until years later. Some I understood immediately, while others took some time, even many years to understand. Visions are revealed in the things of the world. I did have a demonic attack in my sleep by small Greys, who paralyzed me, however I was able to be delivered from their hands, immediately, by calling on Jesus to save me. That experience left me in great distress and I prayed to my LORD to revealed the things concerning these ones, so I can understand what is hidden. I decided to pray everyday, many times a day asking our LORD to show me the hidden things. I prayed for twenty-one days straight and it was then that I was given the series of nine dream-visions.

As to the first dream-vision when I saw the Rapture, I was walking on the street and there was a very large crowd of people, like a street festival of some kind. There were thousands of people crowding the streets, there were no cars. It was in an area where streets met, like large a square and it was night, but it was dimly lit. As I walked through the crowd of people heading west, I felt the urge to turn around, looking towards the east and as I did, I saw people being taken up from the crowd and rising up in the air. There were not very many ascending as per the size of the crowd. I watched as a woman was taken up to the clouds and disappeared. As I watched this, a thought began to form in my mind, and that thought was- ‘this is the Rapture and I am being left behind!’.

This was a defining moment for me because even though all throughout my journey until that experience, I have never believed that I would be taken in the Rapture of the Church. I have always believed that I will be here until the last day of this world. So as soon as the thought manifested in my mind, what was about to follow would be the feeling of utter and complete dread as a Christian. Imagine you saw the Rapture happen and you were left behind. That would be devastating, right? Before the feeling of dread could even begin to take hold, a lightning bold struck me in my forehead that came from beyond the clouds and branded a seal on my forehead. I could actually see the seal. When I was struck my head exploded in white shining light that filled my entire body. For a brief moment I was in the place of Light and could see images, silence, but it was very short.

The seal was visible to me and I saw one that occupied my forehead from the outside of my eyebrows across my forehead. There were markings that were made up of white light with tiny shining golden specks floating around in the letters. After the initial shock of the lightning-bolt, the dread disappeared that never really manifested and my entire body was filled with Light. There was a great sense of power, like a supercharge, felt within. I could run very fast and I also knew that I could fly if I wanted to. I did not. I immediately began to preach, first in a classroom with kids, however I now realize after some time that these dream-visions are also to test and try my faith, as well as to show me hidden things, but as they relate to my personal experience. If you want to know about these hidden creatures, perhaps you should interact with a few of them. I also received three dream-visions, travel experiences with ‘alien’ things and perhaps I will tell you about those, although you may not believe me.

I was not very strong in my faith at that time, fearing that I was left behind, even when I knew that that was not my journey. The power of the Holy Spirit is very powerful and if you experience this power, you are indeed very blessed. This dream-vision ended when I stopped for a moment from preaching and did not really trust the power within, because I decided that I needed my Bible to do what I was doing and had to go home to retrieve it. I learned that I must trust the Holy Spirit and the power within, even if I feel that I need the written words to accomplish my tasks. Trust in the LORD, always, for the words are written on my heart. Lessons learned and now I pray fervently for my faith to increase. This is my most important desire today, that I can have the faith to move mountains and the faith of the Mustard Seed.

There were also two other dream-visions I experienced during that series of three dreams. The first one was actually one where I was ‘searched’ by who I believe was Almighty God. I have not had dream-visions that ever caused me to feel any fear, even when I saw all the Beasts and the Anti-Christ, however this one really made me afraid, mainly because I did not know what was happening. Prior to the year two thousand, my dream-visions were not interactive, but after I prayed for the hidden things to be revealed, they became very interactive and I could feel these experiences. They were real and this is my testimony, with Christ Jesus as my witness, these things did happen to me.

These visions are etched in my mind and they always seem as though they happened just yesterday. I was walking in a dark and apocalyptic world, destruction was everywhere. All the building were burnt and destroyed, and the clouds were very dark and low. There was also no other Soul to be seen. I was alone, as in most of my dreams. It was not completely dark, I like to call it the Twilight and continued to walk and found train tracks leading towards the West. I was walking along the tracks when I heard the sound of a bolt of lightning sticking an area a few miles away. I saw another bolt striking down and it came from a golden light that was moving through the clouds above. I was startled because it began to move in my direction.

I searched for a place to hide along the tracks and there in front of me was a giant green new warehouse that looked really out of place in the midst of all the destruction. I came to the edge of the warehouse along the tracks and next to it was a large bush where I could hide from this bright golden light that was moving quickly through the clouds headed towards me. I was scared. The bush was a few yards down from the tracks and located on the eastern edge of the building. I dashed down the slight embankment to get to the bush, but as I got to the edge of the warehouse and was about to jump into the bushes, the light in the clouds was directly above me. My back was against the wall of the warehouse as the light shone very brightly up in the cloud, which was very low, perhaps two to three hundred feet above.

Before I could get to the bush that was only a couple of feet away, I looked up at the clouds and saw that it was moving around where the light shone, it was a large area, but it was distinct and contained. The clouds changed form and became the face of an old man and as I watched this thing happen. Frozen in place, suddenly there was a golden beam of light that burst out from the face in the cloud and it struck me in my stomach. There was a strange sensation because it struck with force. I could feel the golden light with white shining light droplets shine right through me. The light began to move slowly upwards to my heart, then up to my head, and when it did, my mind and body were filled with a burst of golden and white light. When I saw the light in the cloud above, I was really scared, even through the search, then after a few seconds the light retracted back into the clouds and continued to move towards the west. You could see it clearly in the clouds as it moved away quickly.

I felt a sense of relief after that experience and I could still feel the light thoroughly penetrating my body, I think it hit the wall of the warehouse behind me, it went right through me. That is what it felt like. It did not hurt, but was very powerful and moving for me. That was the only dream-vision where I was afraid. I was searched and left alone. This was also the first of these interactive dreams, the second was the Harvest and receiving of the Seal of God, and the third and final one was my refining. This one was strange because I was watching this event happen to me as well as experiencing it, both at the same time. There were two of me standing facing each other in this one, but I also believe that we were not in the same place or time, because only one experienced the refining while the other watched. I had consciousness in both places and both selves could see each other.

I would shift from one to the other and first I was watching myself over there, then I was over there watching myself on the other side. There was one in the East and one in the West. The one in the East stood and watched as a huge fire came rolling in. It was so high that it seemed to reach up to the sky as it moved like a huge billowing wave of fiery clouds. The fire was amber and light blue in colour and it advanced towards me. I stood and watch as it grew nearer, however I was not afraid of it as it reached me and began to consume my flesh. There was no pain, but I looked at my stomach area as I was being consumed by this fire. It passed by quickly and did burn off my flesh, and what was left was a shining body. There was light shining from my stomach area, as I also watched as I was being refined.

I have seen the heavens roll back as a scroll. I was also visited by Elijah the Prophet who introduced himself to me and told me that he knew my name. He descended from Heaven in a cloud of light and appeared next to me. I also saw our Lord also descending in Light and He assigned me a warrior Angel. This was a two part dream-vision that happened on the same night in two visions. I have also seen the Anti-Christ and his 10 Lost Tribes who are currently in stasis somewhere in the underworld. I was in that place where they are right now. I saw the 144,000 dressed in black hooded robes, standing crowded together as a hive, with their backs to their god, however when they appear here they will be dressed in white. This god is dressed in a Golden Robe and through my seeking I have found that there is a group of seven ‘gods’ who belong to the ‘Brotherhood of the Golden Robe’, and I have met or seen two of them. I think they are all fallen Watchers.

Here are some of the things I believe as a Follower of Christ, the WORD of God. Almighty God will be coming to Earth in the Last Days. He will also rule in the New Earth with Christ Jesus who is the LAMB of God in the Millennial Age. Almighty God is coming to Earth as a consuming-fire that will destroy all of our physical possessions, even our flesh and blood bodies in ‘the Great and terrible day of the Lord’. Almighty God is the consuming-fire and He will unleash His Wrath upon the Earth in those days, when He comes to destroy the kingdoms of the Earth, in the Great Babylon. Not by water, but by fire.

The end will come, not by water but by fire. There will be a short time in the last days of this world when the world of the Angels and the world of Man will become one world, when Humans and Fallen Ones will dwell together. When the fire consumes all the physical things, those who rule over us in Babylon the Great, which is the most evil time ever on the Earth, all the Beasts will also be left vulnerable and naked, as their Human flesh-suits will also be destroyed by the fire, and ‘Babylon will become a dwelling place for all the devils and every foul spirit and a cage for every unclean bird’. Revelation 18:2.

The last days of this world will be a time when the veil that separates the Physical Realm from the Psychic Realm will be ripped from top to bottom and both worlds will merge into one, so Humans will see the Angels as they are and these ones will be fallen so their appearances will be as fallen ones, belonging to the Darkness. The days after the fire and before our LORD appears will be ‘a time when Humans will desire to die but death will flee from them’. This is the brief time when Humans will exist without physical flesh and blood bodies which the fire consumed, and what is left of the Living Soul is simply the Human Soul who is found to be in a state of nakedness and shame, or clothed and covered in the Holy Spirit. Those who are saved and protected are covered by the Holy Spirit, and those who are not saved will find themselves as naked Souls and ashamed, being covered in a crimson stain which is the stain of Sin that also has the stench of death. Many will be ashamed.

The Way of Truth allows for two separate Christian journeys and destinations, both taking place simultaneously here in this world. Most Christians believe that they will be taken out of the world and not experience the ‘Wrath of God’ that is unleashed upon the Earth in the last days. There are two belief systems here. Most, if not practically all Christians believe in the Trinity, including me, which consists of the Father, who is Almighty God- Creator of Heaven and Earth, His Son- Jesus Christ who is the Lamb of God and the Holy Spirit. We also believe in the existence of the Angels of Heaven and the creation of Humans and all life on Earth. We believe the words of the Bible and the account of our First Father and Mother in Paradise. We believe the words, however there are two separate journeys available in the Scriptures, that is why there appears to be two beginnings. One in Genesis in the Old Testament and the other in the Gospel of John, in the New Testament.

There is the Church, which belongs to the LAMB and Christians need to understand the mystery of Jesus Christ, because He is many things to many Humans. It is safe for me to assume that most Christians do not recognize that the WORD of God, who is KING and LORD, is not the LAMB of God who will rule on Earth in the Millennial Kingdom Age. In that time it will be the LAMB and the Almighty God who will be ruling in the Kingdom Age on Earth, and the WORD who is LORD and KING will be in Heaven, a Kingdom He brings with Him when He appears on the Last Day with His Army of Angels.

He will not set foot in this world, neither does the LAMB and His Church with the Saints and the Martyrs, those who are brought from Heaven and given a place in the new Millennial Kingdom, those who will follow the LAMB wheresoever He goes. These are the ones who will rule with the LAMB from Jerusalem- that great city of the Saints, in the new Earth, many of whom were found upon the Altar of the Almighty in Heaven during the time of Great Tribulation. The LAMB of God is not the WORD of God. They have different roles in the scheme of things. The Lamb is the Head of the Church, and the WORD is LORD and KING of the Heavenly Army, and the one who gathers the Elect from upon the Earth.

If you would look at Rev. 19:1-9, it concerns the LAMB and the Church, while the remainder of the Chapter shows our LORD who is the WORD, coming in the clouds with His Heavenly Army; you will see that there are two separate Beings. The LAMB and the WORD of God. The WORD of God who is KING of Kings and LORD of Lords is spoken of in the Gospel of John, for He- the WORD was there in the beginning of Creation. He is a Holy Spirit. He is not Almighty God; He is also not the LAMB of God- Christ Jesus who died on the cross and was resurrected from the dead on the third day. There will be different variations of ‘Jesus Christ’ written here and to make it clearer, I will tell you how I use the name.

The name ‘Jesus’ when written alone refers of the man, the son of Mary and Joseph before his baptism in the River Jordan, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost. From birth to thirty years old.

The name ‘Jesus Christ’ refers to him during the time when he began His ministry at the age of thirty until his death three and a half years later, after He was baptized and received the Holy Spirit which descended upon Him from Heaven like a dove. This was Jesus- the Christ. He also died on the cross for the sins of the world. He suffered for us and sacrificed His own life for us so that we can have Eternal Life… those that are His. The Messiah and Redeemer as well as the Shepherd of the flock. He was Jesus Christ for only during the period of His ministry, until His crucifixion.

Thirdly there is ‘Christ Jesus’ and this refers to the LAMB, who was resurrected from the dead and now sits in the Temple on the Throne in Heaven, sitting at the right hand of the Father- Almighty God. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit- the Trinity, which governs all things of Creation. Christ Jesus is Head of the Church and He will rule in the new Kingdom with the Saints, in the Millennial Kingdom with Almighty God. He will be the Light of the world, quite literally, since there will be no more Sun or Moon during the Kingdom Age. He rewards the Church and the Saints and together they will live in the Great City during the thousand year period. These Saints are also the “First-fruits’ of our Lord and Almighty God and they will have power with our Lord Christ Jesus- the LAMB of God as leaders and teachers and priests in the New Earth.

There is also Christ, who is the WORD of God. He is also called the Logos. He is KING of Kings and LORD of Lords. He is the most powerful and Highest Being of all. He is found in Gospel of John Chapter One. He is not the LAMB of God. He is not Jesus who was Human, however ‘He became flesh and dwelt among us’. He was not born in this world, yet He entered our world at the baptism of Jesus. He rested upon Jesus when John the Baptist saw the Holy Spirit descending down from Heaven like a dove upon Him at His baptism in the river Jordan. He is also the LIGHT found in every Human.

The WORD spoke in and through Jesus, and since the time before His baptism and the Holy Spirit entering into Him, He never spoke the words He later preached. Also, the words of the Gospel were not received by the people of Israel in those days. The Words of the Holy Spirit are different than the words of the LAW, and there is a definite distinction. The Law is concerned mainly with the heart and Soul of the Human, whereas the Gospel of the Holy Spirit stands on the Laws and reaches up higher to interact with the mind and Spirit of the Human, something not found in the Law.

The Gospel of the Holy Spirit which is the Gospel of Salvation actually gives us the opportunity for the first time in the History of Mankind a way to be free, a road to freedom. There is no freedom in the LAW, for all Humans are sinners and we all fall short of the glory of God. The Law does condemn everyone of us and we will all die in the Law, since not one of us can live a perfect and sin-free life, as Jesus did. There is also nothing that we can personally do in our own free-will to remove this curse and death sentence from upon our Souls. We are children of sin living in a place where Death is ever present, lurking in the shadows to take us from this world.

Our LORD and KING remained in Jesus throughout His ministry, and left Jesus at the time of His arrest. The WORD is a Holy Spirit and is a Perfect Being who is made of LIGHT. Almighty God is concerned with the hearts and Souls of Humans and He is a Being of the FIRE, the Psychic-Light, the things of the Creation. The Angels are not spiritual beings, they were created in the Darkness of the Deep, just as the Humans and the Earth were. The LIGHT of the WORD does not originate from the places of Creation but from the Perfect Spiritual Realm, which has no beginning and no end. TRUTH- the Comforter is also a Holy Spirit who also originates from the Perfect Spiritual Realm, like the WORD of God.

The LAMB of God who is the flesh and blood Jesus, from the Tribe of Judah, the man who was crucified on the cross for the sins of the world was resurrected from the dead by Almighty God and He ascended up to Heaven and He sits on the right hand of the Throne of Almighty God in the Temple of God. He is the only one who is qualified to open the BOOK in Heaven. He remains in Heaven with the Church and the Saints who are martyred in the Last Days, until the time of the Marriage of the LAMB, when Christians will be rewarded spiritual gifts and entrance into the Millennial Kingdom. Many will receive their ‘robes of Righteousness’ and Eternal Life.

The KING of Kings appear with His Heavenly Army of Angels whom He will send throughout the four corners of Heaven to gather His Elect; these are they who are alive and remain on the Last Day when our LORD and KING shall appear. The Gathering of the Elect of the LORD. This is a mystery and the understanding gained from this is that the Heavenly Army appearing with our LORD and KING consists of Human Angels- 10,000 dressed in shining white robes, riding on white horses. These Angels will go throughout the world and gather up the Elect of the LORD.

As mentioned previously, Christ Jesus is the Head of the Church, which consists of the Saints. The WORD is the Head of the Heavenly Army, but who are they that are gathered and those who do the gathering? The Word of God renews the minds of Humans. The WORD of God is also the LIGHT that is sowed in every Human who enters this world. My understanding is that the WORD sowed a ‘light-seed’ in every Human. This mysterious seed is not from Almighty God, for He gave us the Breath of Life’ which He breathed into Adam and Adam became a ‘Living-Soul’. The breath is not the Light-seed sowed in us by the WORD.

This breath was the Soul of Adam which is like a flame and that flame is lit anew in the birth of every Human born into this world, every descendant of Adam, and it becomes their Soul. The flame is ignited in the womb and grows and takes the form of the flesh and as the body grows, the Soul grows along with the body and they become mirror images of each other, existing together, one part temporary and the other part permanent. This ignition of the Soul in the Human from parent to child is called ‘Dittography’ and from that One breath breathed into Adam that made him a living-Soul, the breath continues to ignite new Souls throughout the generations of Humans. It is always the same breath that Adam received from Almighty that we all received to become living-Souls.

There are those who belong to the LAMB and Almighty God, and those who belong to the KING and LORD who is the WORD of God. Is He the WORD of Almighty God? Was the message Jesus preached the same as what Moses preached? There is a great difference between the two, in that The WORD addresses the ‘light found in every man upon entering the world’, as well as in the renewing of our Minds. This Light which is found in us belongs to spirit and mind, whereas the Soul belongs to heart. The Bible contains the Laws that govern over our deeds and what is in our hearts, even all our impure and rebellious thoughts and actions.

The Light of the WORD is an actual light-seed planted in Humans and because it is spiritual in nature, it is also invisible to the Angels and those who created the Living-Soul. The sower did indeed sow the seeds and they are light-seeds, the True Light-Seeds, not those counterfeit ones from the so-called ‘Extraterrestrials’. This is a great mystery most Humans do not understand, for they do not know what they actually possess within and how much of a powerful spiritual gift is this light-seed.

The Sower told us that the seed brings forth fruit in various amounts with some more than others, even some one-hundred fold. I have found that this seed is actually our Mind, in that it is Spirit. The Human Mind is a spiritual entity and this light-seed of the WORD can actually be conceived to become a body! Yes, the Way of Truth leads to the Perfect Human Being, one where you come to know yourself in Truth and you will also become known in the spiritual things. We achieve this through seeking and finding, in meditation, in prayer and in fellowship with our LORD. He will lead you along the Way and take you to the higher places… to reach higher glories, from glory to glory.

This Mind-Being is a spiritual ‘Son of God’ conceived by the WORD through knowledge. Keep in mind that the WORD is a spiritual Being made of LIGHT existing in the Spiritual Perfect Realm- the Eternal, whereas Almighty God exists in Creation, in the Darkness of the Deep where all things have a beginning and an end. The created things are not permanent and they have also become corrupt and will all be destroyed by Fire, including the Heavens, when our LORD and KING Christ- The WORD appears with His Army of Angels. Almighty God has never been described as a Light, but always in reference with Fire, as in the ‘Burning Bush’ and the ‘consuming-fire’. The Holy Spirit also remains a mystery of sorts to Christianity.

As a Follower of Christ, I do not really like to call myself a Christian, I prefer to think of myself as a Wayist. As mentioned before, the light-seed planted in us can actually become a spiritual Being! I also believe that there are very few Humans who have actually gotten to the place where they have discovered this wonderful truth, that the light given to us by the WORD of God is actually a seed, a pure spiritual light-seed, which can be conceived to become an actual spiritual body! How marvellous and wonderful it is to discover this precious gift; for we are the ‘Sons of the Living Father’ who is the Father of Spirits- the only One who is Perfect. The Perfect Father, the One Jesus spoke of and told the Jews they did not know, for this Perfect Father is the Father of the WORD- His WORD and the Father of all the Holy Spirits, including TRUTH the Comforter.

There are those who are called the ‘Sons of God’ as in Genesis Chapter 6 and these are Angels in the Heavens who were created or who were manifest from Almighty God in the Darkness of the Deep, in the place of Creation, which is the Cosmos. He created the Heavens as their abode. These are the Angels who left their First Estate and chose to break Heavenly Laws and took women as wives. They produced Giant off-springs and other strange hybrid creatures in the world. They did a terrible thing to Humans and God was forced to destroy the first world of Noah, and all but a few survived the Flood. These are the Watchers and they number two-hundred, these are the Sons of Almighty God. Many if not all of whom are fallen and imprisoned, and will be let loose to wreck havoc and chaos on disobedient Humans in an ungodly world in the last days.

They loved watching us too much, and became obsessed and enamoured with Humans which caused the destruction of the world at that time. Today, these Watchers are still obsessed with Humans and interfering in our lives, from just beyond the veil. There will be other imprisoned Watchers who will be freed from their chains and they will be responsible for killing a third of Humans in the Last Days. There are Watchers who will return in Human-skin and become Kings with kingdoms here in the world. These kingdoms are already taking form today. Many will come in the name of Christ, however you must remember that Christ Jesus is not coming back to this world. His Kingdom is not of this world. Christ Jesus is also not coming here to rule. He will rule in the new Earth Kingdom. The only ones coming here to receive power and rule are the Fallen Watchers, Archangels. Archons and the Devil.

They also come to kill those who have not the ‘Seal of God’ in their foreheads, as well as those who received the ‘mark of the Beast’.These Angels are not spiritual Beings, they are in fact fallen Psychic Beings and even though they were created by Almighty God, just as Humans are, there is a definite difference between Angels and Humans. We were created lower than the Angels, but yet the Angels were told that they had to worship Humans. Lucifer could not do it. How can this be, especially when they were present at the time of the creation of Adam? How can they worship something created lower than themselves?

Humans are Living Souls created from the dust of the ground and have the ‘breath of life’ breathed into their nostrils. It is the same as it was with Adam, so it is with you and me. Since Adam and Eve were formed from the dust of the ground and began to multiply and replenish the Earth, Humans have been formed within the womb, individually knitted together by the hands of the Almighty. Our Souls came out of the breath of Almighty God and this Soul-breath is something which is spiritual in nature and of the Light, a small measure that was taken from a Holy Spirit Being from the Spiritual Realm who is called Wisdom and this ‘small wisdom’ was placed in Almighty God before the Creation of anything, when He was alone in the Darkness of the Deep This small wisdom which became separated from the LIGHT to which it belongs, became forgetful of its spiritual origins and took on a Psychic nature as that of the Almighty, in the Darkness of the Deep. The Human Soul that was breathed into Adam has spiritual origins and is not from the created places, but from the Eternal Spiritual Realm.

In the last days knowledge will increase… Humans were given access to three Holy Spirits. The WORD of God- Christ, who is also called the LOGOS. HE is the voice or the tongue of the Perfect Father, One whom the world does not know. For He reveals Himself in knowledge to His Sons, those who are His, those who are conceived by the Word through Knowledge. The WORD who is spoken of in the Gospel of John Chapter One is indeed a Holy Spirit, and HE is KING of Kings and LORD of Lords and the third person of the Trinity. All things were made by Him. He is the Light found in all Humans. He is also my LORD and KING.

The WORD of God can be explained as the director and over-seer of all the things of Creation. He controls all the actions of the things happening, especially with bringing about the Will of the Father, the only One who is Perfect. This is the Father Jesus spoke to the Jews about… the One they did not know. The WORD is the sower of the spiritual seeds, which are from the Perfect Father since the WORD came out from the Perfect Father, for HE is the WORD of God. He brought us the words we needed for spiritual development. I believe and think that prior to the time of Jesus, before the WORD entered our world and became flesh and dwelt among us, all the Humans who came before Christ Jesus ascended did not have the light-seed planted in them or they had no way to cause it to be conceived within. Very few went to Heaven in those days.

To state plainly, the WORD of God controls all things and He is also doing it in a secretive and mysterious way, in that all the things that have been done and those that are still being done in Creation, the ones who have power and influence, those who are in the highest places of Creation do not understand fully that these things happen because of the Will of the Perfect Father, and His WORD directs the course of time. For there is a Divine Script and all things are happening as they are written. For the Perfect Father is also the Author and Finisher of all things. His WORD is given to us and He secretly sows light-seeds into the flesh of Humans, so that they can overcome Death and Hell, and experience the Highest Human State, which is to become a ‘Son of God’, in Spirit and in Truth .He is our Perfect Father’, who is also Christ. We are to become like Christ. This Perfect Spiritual Father is not Almighty God, for the Father of Spirits exists in Perfection in the Spiritual Realm, where the Holy Ones are. He is not of the created places.

The Angels who look down over us from Heaven, those who rejoice when one Human Soul is saved, they truly love us and want us to all be saved. They will soon weep for their beloved Humans, because soon the children of the flesh will be no more. There are also those Angels who absolutely hate us and they exist to corrupt and capture the Human Soul. How many Humans have sold their Souls, even the Souls of their loved ones for a shot at fame and fortune and power or for whatever their Human hearts desire in this world? There are many obstacles and traps and lures established in this world to capture and kill Human Souls.

The ones who hate us will be allowed to enter into our world, because the ‘veil is ripped from top to bottom’, which causes the world of the Angels and the world of Humans to merge and become one. I believe this lasts for forty-five days, before the appearing of our LORD and KING with His Heavenly Army of Angels, Human Angels. I emphasis Human here because the Angels who were created in the Darkness of the Deep do not possess Human form and on the occasions when they have encountered Humans in Scripture, they always scare the Humans to the point of sometimes fainting at their appearance. They can morph into Human form as they are shape-shifters, even the Watchers, but they do not look like Humans. They can also take on the appearance of light, which is a counterfeit light, for they do not originate from the light that is Spiritual and Holy and Perfect.

They do not look even remotely like Humans in their natural states. There are so many types of Angels, many Degrees, Estates and Orders, however none of them look like Humans. How did we receive this Human form? I have learned in knowledge that all of the Holy Spirits and those who belong to the Spiritual Realm have their form in the shape of MAN. The shape of the Human Being with a head on the shoulders and a torso with two arms and two feet and ten digits on hands and feet respectively, this is the shape of the Holy Ones, and when the LIGHT appeared in the Darkness, it appeared in the shape of a Man. ‘Let there be light’. Man was created in the image of the Light that appeared in the Darkness of the Deep in the beginning of Creation, and his body was fashioned in that form, which is unlike that of the Angels and the Creator.

There are Angels who belong to our LORD in the Highest Heavens, and those who rule in the lower regions are rebellious against Humans, thus making them enemies of our LORD and KING. On the Last Day of this world, the LORD and His Army will seize them and cast them into Hell and the Pit on the Day of Judgment. The Angels know that there is something within us that has the potential to be able to judge over and condemn them, not only that, this power can defeat them, even the greatest and tallest mountain, yet they remain unable to find it. They do not realize that since they are of the Darkness, they cannot see the light-seed, not even the Humans who carry the seed can see it, except when it conceives and becomes a body, and appears to you in a dream-vision.

Their main problem is that since they are of the Creation and also of the Darkness, they cannot see the light-seed sowed within us. They were there when we were created and I believe they even assisted in the process. They know everything about us, although they do not understand the nature of the spiritual Wisdom of our Souls, except that we continually sin and corrupt our Souls; nor do they know about the light-seed sowed in us by the WORD of God. Humans are truly fearfully and wonderfully made, and when we seek and we find the Way of Truth, what we come to know is our true Human identity in the spiritual and highest places. The WORD is the one who takes us on this part of the journey, into the kingdom of Heaven, which He brings with Him.

They do not understand that the Human Soul, although easily corrupted, originated from the Perfect Spiritual Realm, from the Wisdom of the Perfect Father. That small wisdom which is the Human Soul was placed inside Almighty God, taken from WISDOM who is also a Holy Spirit and the WISDOM of the Perfect Father. This small wisdom entered into the Darkness of the Deep, in the place of Creation, and thus became separated from the LIGHT and the Perfect Spiritual Realm. The Human Soul is unaware of its spiritual origins, and that is why we are able to cleanse our Souls, making it white, and cast-off the forgetfulness and ignorance of the Darkness, washing away the crimson stain and stench of sin and death and thus returning to the LIGHT by way of the WORD and His Words, and by the ‘blood of the LAMB’. Our Souls does return to its original Perfect Spiritual state, for Humans can achieve Perfection.

Jesus performed as well as accomplished many great things for us. He was a vessel for the Holy Spirit who spoke of the spiritual things we needed to hear, things which are not found in this world, or even in this Cosmos. He presented Himself a sacrifice for the sins of the world. In the Millennial Age in the New Earth, when Christ Jesus- The LAMB is King of the Earth, He will also be the literal LIGHT of the New Earth. The LAMB of Almighty God is not the WORD of God. The WORD was not born flesh; the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus was born of the flesh, He had a mother and His Father is the Holy Ghost. He was a baby in the womb, knitted by the hands of The Almighty. He was born of a Virgin and He died on the cross.

There is so much knowledge to be found in this world about the life of Jesus Christ. The WORD of God who is the Holy Spirit entered into Jesus when He was baptized in the River Jordan by John the Baptist. There is an ancient text called the ‘Martyrdom of Isaiah’, and in it he speaks of a prophetic vision he had where He saw our LORD descending down through the Seven Heavens at the time of the baptism of Jesus, and entering into Him as a Light. John saw a dove. The WORD left Jesus after He was sentenced to die and I also believe that is why Jesus cried out to the Father on the cross, ‘Father, Why has thou forsaken me?’ He was speaking of the Holy Spirit that was in Him for those three and a half years and then suddenly, He was on His own, giving His life on the cross for the world and for those who are His.

So the WORD is the Power directing all the things of creation, covertly, even sowing His seeds in their creation, secretly, and because of this, they hate us. They will do everything in their power to prevent us from becoming ‘sons of the Living Father’- those Humans who will have power over the Angels, when Our LORD and KING appears for ‘the Gathering, which is the great transformation of the Elect into becoming true Sons of God. They also know that we are living in the Last Days and after this Age they will no longer have any power over Humans. Their days of evil are coming to an end and there is nothing they can do to prolong their power or stop this from happening. They know their time will be very short.

Once the Anti-Christs and False Prophet are identified by the Two Witnesses, the children who are sealed and are of the True Tribes, the spiritual Twelve Tribes of Israel, they will begin their mission throughout the world, then these evil ones will be so angry at us, that Lucifer will do everything in his power to destroy the Earth and kill all Humans. Can you imagine how desperate you have to be, even in ignorance, to decide to kill all those who have the Seal of God in their foreheads, so that they cannot have power over you and to work hard to prevent them from ascending into the Light, a place the Evil ones cannot enter, mainly because their clothing is filthy and hidden in that counterfeit light.

The Angels of the Army of the LORD and KING are spiritual Mind-Beings who are conceived through knowledge by the ones who find it. These spiritual Mind-Beings are very huge in size and when they are conceived as bodies, they exist in the Spiritual Kingdom with their KING and LORD. I was given a wonderful dream-vision where I was visited by my own Spiritual Mind-Body. She appeared in the clouds in a great light. There were four parts to this vision, however the final part was when I saw a light growing in the clouds as if it was descending from above. As I watched the light which was about five hundred feet above, a white shining face poked out from the cloud and looked at me, it was just a face. First it was shining white then for a brief moment it changed to my face and then returned to shining white face. I did recognize my face.

I was mesmerized at the sight when she slowly emerged from the cloud in a horizontal state, like Superman when in flight. I could see her shining white robe which was very fanciful with steaks of white light flowing along her body. She was about sixty stories long. She stared at me and we locked eyes it seemed, and in the twinkling of an eye, she quickly dove down, right into my body. I was filled with great white light and I believe that I must have fainted, because when I came to I was lying on my right side, with my face on the ground. I got up and looked around, but she was not there. I wondered if she was still in me, or did she bring something to me, or did she take something from me. That was a wonderful experience and it took me some years to understand what it meant.

These Spirit-Angels are the ‘off-springs’ of the Humans who have conceived their light-seed bodies through the Word and produced great spiritual images of themselves. These bodies are in the Heavenly Kingdom with our LORD and these are the Angels of His Army. When they appear here on the last day, they will be sent to gather together their redeemed Souls who are actually their pure-hearts, and this perfect Spiritual Mind will become one with the Soul to become a Son of God, those who belong to the LORD and KING and the Perfect Father. These are the first-fruits of the WORD, and as for the Elect of Christ, this is their experience. These are the ones who will have power over the fallen ones and will sit on the Council of our LORD. Bringing judgment to these evil ones and casting them into eternal darkness. They will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

Are these powerful Fallen ones afraid of Humans? Perhaps that is why they seek to destroy us. Christ who is our LORD and KING will soon appear to their detriment, to their destruction and their removal from among Humans. There are many Humans who worship these Fallen Ones, and Hell and the Pit, and the fire burning with brimstone, and the ‘outer darkness’, none of these terrible places were created for Humans, but for the Fallen Angels. Humans who worship these evil ones will also find themselves being cast down into the same places as these Fallen ones they worship, on that Day of Judgment. M.

Peace to you all in Christ Jesus. Our Lord and Saviour.

15th February, 2023.

Part Two: And in the Last days, Knowledge Shall Increase.

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    • Marlene*

      Hello to all who read my words and Thank You! I really do appreciate it. My problem as a publisher is that I have absolutely no Social Media presence so it is a challenge to get my words out. I will never get a social media account, although I did have a MySpace account many years ago. Never been on Facebook or Twitter or any of them. I have been on a few Forums but I got censored, one Forum was even removed from the Internet. I even got censored on a Christian Forum, however I am okay with it. I know a lot of things and some people have no idea how to respond to me. One of the most interesting observations made from my posting over the years is that people read my words, but, they do not respond very often.

      I would appreciate a comment or two, because I am interested in what you think and feel when you read my words. It would be nice, but I do understand if you do not reply, even a couple Church people I spoke to about my experience did not know what to say. I do not know why I have been given the gift of someone who sees… incredible things, but I do know what my purpose is and I have found that peace within. As I write now, my heart is full of Joy and my purpose here is to tell you of all the things I have found and experienced, although I understand the sorrow you feel in your being when see what is happening in the world to your fellow Human Beings. So thanks for reading, and if you would consider sharing my post on social media, I would greatly appreciate it….

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