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Dangerous Words and Spiritual Warfare

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Part Three

Dangerous Words and Spiritual Warfare.

Saturday 18th February, 2023: Written by Marlene*.


It is important that Humans understand that the great deception is in progress and there are many Christians who are being deceived. The Fallen Ones have their noses up against the veil that separates us from them. For the time being they are able to channel messages to their minions, supposed ‘light-workers’ who bring their messages to those who will listen. There is already a Christ who communicates with Humans here. He says that Jesus was his first incarnation, now he is Sananda Christ. There is also one who claims to be Creator God Aton. They claim to belong to an Alliance with Earth White-Hats, those who are working to save mankind from the the Evil Ones. They even have a great ship called the New Jerusalem and are claiming that they will take Humans who are ready and are spiritually awaken to a new Earth in the Fifth Dimension, or something to that effect.

There is an Alliance of Humans, Extraterrestrials from different parts of the Universe, as well as others. They call themselves the Galactic Federation of Planets and there is also the Intergalactic Federation as well. There are several kinds of ‘Alien Beings’ belonging to this Alliance, including the Pleiadeans, who seem to be the most prominent of all the ‘Alien’ members. There are several others, however I do want to write a little about the Pleiadeans.

I recently read a message from one of their members who also told us Humans that we should trust them and the work of the Alliance, since they are all working on our behalf and for the benefit of Mankind. The one who channeled the message said that we should trust the Agarthans because they too are on the side of Humans, helping us to evolve and move to the next level. (This really does sound like crazy -talk, doesn’t it?) Well, it is true whether you believe it or not.

Anyway, all these Beings are coming here for judgment and there will be many more being loosed upon the Earth to destroy and punish Humans. The Agarthans and the Pleaideans are from the same place, which is Inner Earth. They are the ones called the Tall Blondes and the Nords or Nordics. Agartha is a real place and there are those who reside there in the Inner-Earth or the Hollow Earth; there is much information to be found available for anyone to seek and find, just like I did. These Agarthans are genetically engineered Humans. They believe themselves to be a righteous race and they have a Fallen One as their god. He will rise up and come to the surface and enter our world, and have great power with his people over Humans. He will demand worship from us…

I do not want to delve too deep into this topic because the time almost seven years ago when I did do the deep dive and posted the results on a Forum, which was removed from the Internet, I learned a very important lesson concerning these individuals. They have heightened psychic abilities, like all the other demonic entities and a curious thing happens when you spend a lot of time and deep dive into these things. Those whom you are investigating will somehow become aware of what you are doing and they will attack you on the supernatural level. Today, they are entering into our world and occupying Human form and are still attacking those who see and reveal the truth about the Gates of Hell and its minions.

I have seen several videos of Christians under attack and intimidation from police and others, because of what they revealed in a video. Some are being hit by energy weapons and all manner of strange attacks from unknown sources and I think that you must be careful as to when you reveal hidden things. Jesus told us that in the last days knowledge will increase and all the hidden things will be revealed. He did not tell us how these revelations would come about, but it appears that the ones who see are the ones who reveal and they will become targets of the Gates of Hell, and if you are not with Christ Jesus, you are with the darkness and coming here to our world in His name does not make you Christ Jesus, no matter how much you want or believe it to be so.

When I did my deep-dive into the Hollow Earth and found the land of Agartha and other things, I did a lot of research and found much information, including the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel who are the Agarthans, also known as the Tall Blondes, as well as the Pleaideans, and they are not good ‘aliens’. I posted all the information I found on the Forum. It was my Hollow Earth Thread and I found a lot of things. This was from twenty-fourteen to twenty-eighteen. I am still today finding more info, however I am not actively seeking any, information comes because I am a seeker and an avid reader. I do read quite a lot.

I was attacked by a Tall Blonde witch or whatever she was, dressed in that familiar two tones of blue in their clothing. I discovered my ‘full armor of God’ during that attack. We really do have one and it really does work. She was defeated and disappeared into the ground as she kneeled down with her face to the ground in front of me, at my feet. I also learned that Christ also lives in me and without Him I am weak and defenseless against these evil ones. I learned how truly weak I was, but I also learned how strong I was in the first attack experience. I was attacked three times and had victory in all. With my LORD and my Father at my side, who can come up against me? They are all afraid of the LIGHT and scamper like roaches into the Darkness when it appears. When I am weak, I am strong. I know what it means.

I have found information that some of these Agartha believe that they are the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, and they will come to Earth and be accepted by the Jews with a Lamb Jesus. They really believe that they are the chosen ones and they are coming to take their place in the Last Days of the Earth, before the supposed ascension. The Pleaideans have also offered much to Human leaders to encourage the awakening and development of Humans. I believe we were offered medical miracles, agricultural information, as well as financial information so we can rise out of this current trajectory of chaos and madness and death and ruin to Humans, and look toward a path of healthy Humans with miracle technologies and other programs that seem to be so wonderful and desperately needed today.

The citizens of Agartha are the descendants of the Israelites who left Israel and crossed the great river and entered into that far-away land. I took them two years of walking to reach that place. Many believe that the Bible speaks here of the Caucasians, however it was the Land of Agartha they entered together with the last King of Israel, when he was taken prisoner by the Assyrian king and who was not found after that. Those who left Israel in that time around 735 BC were from the 10 Tribes of Israel. Many left because that wanted to go somewhere to worship without the influence of the surrounding pagans, who always seem to corrupt the Israelites. There were many Nephilim ruling in the Earth throughout our history. I believe this Assyrian King was a Nephilim to some degree.

There are also small Greys and Tall Greys who abduct and terrorize Humans, as well as Reptilians who were genetically engineered long ago to be soldiers in the war against Humans, but since there is no real war to fight against us, the role of the Reptilians have become even more sophisticated as they have now become entertainers and politicians, working in the highest places and positions here in the world. The Greys and Reptilians are both products of the Agarthans, yet today they are waging a war against their our creations. Agarthans are all platinum Blondes, just like the Pleaideans, mainly because they are from the same Tribes and they lead very long lives when compared to Humans. These ones existing today are the descendants of the 10 Lost Tribes which have been in the Inner Earth for around 2,750 years. You do not have to believe what I believe, but this is what I have found.

The small Greys are scouts and the Tall Greys do the Human experiments together with Humans who work with them in secret underground places. There is a very powerful Watcher who believes he is a god who lives in that inner Earth city. This is totally off topic but I also believe that Bigfoot also lives inside the Earth, they are not inter-dimensional, they are inner-Earth beings. On that old ‘dangerous’ Forum there was also a Thread for those who had alien or supernatural experiences and several people, mostly Christians spoke of being taken, and having their eggs and sperm harvested by Tall Greys on space-ships and in operating rooms. They even met their hybrid children, some even had regular visits with them. Some spoke of being attacked in their sleep by various entities and not having the power to resist. It seems that it was mostly Christians who were being attacked by these demons and having these experiences. It was not a Christian Forum.

There are also 200 members of the Alliance. Doesn’t that number sound curious? They are all Fallen Angels and hybrids, those who consider themselves gods among men and they may not all work for the same arm, but all the arms belong to the same evil Beast-system. I am not sure where to go from here. Let us focus on Agartha and the Pleiadeans for now. I did find a lot of information on the inner-earth, even the declassified files of Admiral Byrd, both as a pilot when his plane got pulled into that world, where he visited the leaders and experienced many things, but was silenced by his superiors from speaking about his experience, until it was declassified.

I also found info of his experience as a commander of the Navy with many ships down in Antarctica, mainly looking for Nazis, when his fleet was destroyed by flying-saucers that came out of the sea and decimated his Navy. I also learned about President Eisenhower who was elected after WW2 and later was President during the Korean War that he made a deal with the Greys, ignoring the warnings of the Pleiadeans, choosing the weapons technology of the Greys instead of the ‘good’ things the Pleiadeans offered offered as an alternative. Those same offerings we are supposed to be receiving today in terms of advanced technology to help and heal us, even a financial system. These things were offered to him but since it was post-war and war was brewing with Korea, he chose advanced weapons instead of the good offerings of the Pleiadeans.

The Agarthans also told Admiral Byrd that they have had contact with many world leaders over the years and they want to make Humans aware of their presence, however they have always been told that was not going to happen. They said that all the space-crafts, especially the common flying-saucer kind belong to them. I find it interesting that they have not made the choice to come to the surface before, even though they are more powerful than us. Think about it, they do need to be invited to come to the surface; they cannot enter our world without an invitation and I believe they got that invitation recently. They will come to the surface at some point and take over the world.

There will be a succession of these powerful Fallen ones entering into our world. I believe the False-Prophet is already here. He will inhabit the body of a young man when the time is come. There is more knowledge concerning the False-Prophet available here to seek and find. I will write more about this later, perhaps in another Blog. I really do have a hard time focusing on one topic because they are all intertwined and it is very easy to go off and end up in places you were not expecting to go, like mentioning the False-Prophet.

This is just my putting many pieces together and seeing a big picture as to some of the hidden things taking place behind the scenes. This is about to get very weird, so please be forewarned. General Eisenhower rejected the offer made by the Pleiadeans and took the one made by the Greys, however he had to give something in return. What the Greys wanted was to be able to abduct a certain number of Humans every year to do experiments and whatever else they do to us in exchange for the weapons. The General agreed and Human abduction became very common in the fifties, although the Greys were already taking Humans and have done so for maybe a couple of thousand years. They have been here for that long, some even became powerful in our world. Their faces were found on ancient coins as well as hieroglyphics!

In the records about the General, it said that he learned about the Underground Military Complex operating without his knowledge and wanted to know what was going on. He also learned that there were ‘Aliens’ stationed down there as well. He made arrangement to meet with them and was gone for forty-eight hours or so, and no one knew where he was. They could not find the president! When he returned they told the press that he had to undergo some serious dental surgery and was laid up for a while.

There may be some who are reading right now who are also familiar with these declassified records and I probably need a fact-checker to be very specific in my details here. Please keep this in mind and that is I am writing this all from recall-memory which I have because I did the research some nine years ago over a four year period. As I wrote ‘he was gone for forty-eight hours’, I immediately questioned the duration, but I do believe my memory is very good with details and it was forty-eight hours when no one could find the president. Yes. He was taken down into the Earth and met with the Tall Greys and the deal was made, and Humans were offered up freely to be taken and to be used by these underground dwellers as they see fit.

Now here is where it gets really crazy: The Greys got greedy and took more Humans than they agreed to in the deal. They took Humans underground and used them for all manner of evils. They created hybrids, even monsters. They used them as slaves and they imprisoned them and used them for breeding purposes, even used them for food. I should say ‘us’ instead of ‘them’, right? They took our children in great numbers and still are to extract precious body fluids, to prolong their years and their youth. Adrenochrome! As I mentioned previously the Greys are a part of the Agarthans world and so are the Reptilians, if you believe they exist. The Reptilians were genetically created to be soldiers of the Agarthans, but there is no war; we don’t even know that they exist.

They have infiltrated our world, above and below and they have power to influence Humans who remain asleep and unsaved. How many of us believe that there are Reptilians in our Entertainment Industry, Political Institutions, Royal Families and at other top positions here in the world? I have seen enough TV glitches and heard these ones speak, especially about us to know that there is something not entirely Human there, and I know that I am not alone. Do you believe Reptilians and Greys exist? What about the Agarthans? They are genetically enhanced Humans. We all know about the underground places, the DUMBS and there are underground tunnels, even from ancient days existing and connecting all across inside the together inside the Earth.

These is my personal findings and opinions that are not at all spoken of lightly. The situation with the Greys got really out of hand and Humans were being taken in great numbers all over the world. So many kids especially were taken to feed these monsters. There were even Human farms where they raised Humans for meat to satisfy their evil appetites. They also used them for their satanic ritual sacrifices. There are also some of the Agarthans working with Humans in the underground-complex, perhaps as teachers presenting new technology to enhance their weapons. So the Greys and the Reptilians and the Agarthans are all from the same place and have infiltrated our world and they have great power influence. We know who some of them are… these satanic pedo-cannibals.

I also believe the President Kennedy knew about them and wanted to cancel them. We know what happened to him. I also followed the Q posts from the beginning and some of the pieces I gathered stated that there was a plan devised to take down this evil empire from the world. Now this is were President Trump comes in. Remember this is just my putting all the pieces that I found together and a picture does emerge. President Trump wanted to destroy all the DUMBS and rescue all the children and other Humans imprisoned down below, however there was a really big problem with his plan. The underground folks including the Greys and Reptilians possessed more advanced weapons than the US Military had.

I am theorizing here, but I believe that he knew of the plan that was offered to Eisenhower, the one he rejected from the Pleiadeans, and he decided to ask them for assistance with his underground mission to destroy the DUMBS and rescue everyone. Many of us are aware of the battles taking place underground with all the shallow earthquakes and exploding sewer-caps as well as all the other news they feed us concerning ‘the Plan’, and the underground war being waged by special Forces with the help of outside forces working together to defeat this evil empire. We learned that President Trump had to create a new underground fighting unit to work in the darkness of these tunnels and DUMBS. They also needed and received new advanced weapons in order to defeat the weapons of the Greys. They have reported that they are being successful in destroying these places and rescuing thousands of people, including mostly children.

There is a video of President Trump, I believe at the Oval Office signing a document and he does mention something very strange to me. As he was signing the document, I don’t know what it was for, he turned to the camera and said that ‘we have no idea what he had to do to get this done’, and I paraphrased there. He had to do something he perhaps did not want to do, but had no choice because he needed the weapons to clean out the DUMBS. It seems to me that there was a promise of advanced things we would receive, like the med-beds and other things. Who did he receive the weapons and technology from? It looks to me like it was the Pleiadeans or the Agarthans… same source.

I believe along with weapons he received, he also took the offering Eisenhower refused, but what did he give in return? That is my question. What did he have to give to get his victory over the Satanic Kingdom? For that reason I do not really trust him and feel that sometime in the future we may have to pay the price for his victory, which I believe he will have over the Evil overlords. This is just my opinion based on the info I found.

I also found information on Trump’s uncle and Tesla back then and from what I read it is possible that his uncle did take for himself some of Tesla’s inventions, maybe even a time-machine. (Just speculating here). All these things were inherited by Trump from his uncle. I also know that the False-Prophet will have two horns, however these horns will be in his hands and he will use them to perform signs and wonders in the sight of men. This is angelic-technology.

What did Trump give to receive all the help he got? I also should state here that I am not an American, but when Trump began his campaign, after I saw the Republican Convention I did want him to win the race. He was speaking of a lot of things I already knew, but from a different perspective; and then there was also Q. We are all invested in saving the children and the return of law and order and justice to the world and perhaps Trump will be able to secure peace for a few years.

After a time I did loose my trust in him, however I do believe in his mission and I also believe that it is as they say it is, that they are having victory over the underground dwellers, destroying the DUMBS and rescuing the kids and others found, as well as taking down the Cabal. From my personal observations it has only been recently that we have been told to ‘trust the Pleiadeans’ and a few weeks later we were also told to trust the Agarthans. I find this all very curious. Remember that no one entering this world is of Christ Jesus, they will say that they are Him, but He is not returning to this physical world to rule over us. He has already done all that He had to do here and we will join Him in the New Kingdom of Earth. He is also the one at the door who lets us in, not these so called gods who also have their own New Jerusalem city-spaceship, apparently.

Today there are space-crafts and UFOS being seen all over the world by many people. There is finally even a type of disclosure by the military about UFOS. I remember back six or seven years ago how we were craving disclosure. When will they tell us the truth about these UFOS? It seems that we are there today, however they are not really disclosing anything really, and more UFOS are spotted in the skies now more than ever before. Why is there a sudden increase of these objects in the skies, perhaps they have always been there, but because of smart phones we have more videos? Or are we being conditioned to accept these sightings as the new norm for a possible future ‘alien invasion’?

In my previous Blog- ‘And In the Last Days Knowledge will Increase’, I mentioned that I had a series of nine dream-visions after I prayed for days to have the hidden things revealed to me, mainly because I was attacked by Greys. I did also receive three dream-visions which were interactive about ‘Aliens’ and I did also experience two additional demonic attacks. One from the Gates of Hell and the other from an Agarthan witch-demon. They do not look like evil ones, tall and Blonde, in their blue clothing, but they are very powerful and on my own I had to fight her. It was in that experience I came to fully understand that I do possess the Full Armor of God and it really does work very well indeed.

I have also come to the conclusion that in my experience after having waged ‘spiritual warfare’ against the Gates of Hell and had victory in the supernatural, or wherever that place is where your Soul is equipped and does battle with these evil ones, they cannot defeat me, because My LORD and Father and my Angel are there for me whenever I called for help. This warfare will eventually battle spill over into this world soon enough and in some ways we are even more helpless here, because we cannot do battle as we do in the supernatural. Bow down and worship me or die… and many will be killed. I will tell you of the demonic attacks and what lessons I learned from those experiences.

Every attack was an opportunity for me to learn an important lesson about my self and my Faith. These attacks were not a part of the nine dreams but they did happen during the time when I was doing a really deep-dive into the inner-Earth and especially of the Agarthans. I have also read ancient Hopi prophecies concerning their interaction with the Tall Blondes whom they believe will return someday soon. They believe that they are Extraterrestrials, not from Earth. Just wanted to mention here that I have found a lot of information here on these ones from various places. Look into the Hopi prophecies, I found it very interesting to read. As a seeker I understand that there are many places outside of the Bible where important knowledge can be found. We must seek and find in order to experience and understand. What you are seeking after, at times will instead find you.

My first attack was sometime around twenty- sixteen, I also had my Elijah dream-vision a little later around the same time. I went to bed that night around one, I had to work the next day, and over the years of praying and meditation I had developed a sleep routine. I could never ever sleep on my back, because that was the position I used for meditation. If I prayed in bed it was always on my side, my left side today, because that is the way it turned out. During those days I was fasting every weekend locking myself away in prayer and fellowship and studying. There was a period during the late nineteen-eighties and early nineties when I dreamed a lot about Earthquakes and Floods, even volcanic eruptions, I have not had those kind of premonition dreams for many years now.

So I went to bed on my right side because that was and still is my sleeping position and was awakened from my sleep by a strange sensation that paralyzed my body. My eyes were still closed, however I could not feel the bed under me. I felt as though I was suspended in the dark, in a coffin with no bottom just suspended in it and you can feel yourself enclosed and restrained in it. I tried to open my eyes but could not. I was not afraid, but I was concerned because this was too weird and I did not like it. I was completely paralyzed and could not move, not even to open my eyelid. My mind was aware of what was happening, but it felt like only my thoughts were not paralyzed, everything else was. I realized later that the enclosure I felt around me was actually my body and it was the Soul having the experience.

I made a decision to get out of this mess and thought that if I could open my eyes, I would see that I was in my bedroom laying on my bed and that visual would release me from whatever was happening to me. I should mention this before I continue that when I woke up in that state I was on laying on my back and I was very aware of it. What was I doing sleeping on my back? So I began to concentrate on my right eyelid to open it, even a small crack, I had to do it. I tried very hard to open my eye because the paralyzing effect was a kind of magnetic field that seizes you and you cannot really escape from the force. It restrains your Soul and freezes your actions.

After doing this for a little while I was able to open a little my right eyelid and what I saw really startled me. I was concerned by what I saw because positioned on the side of my bed, standing and looking down at my stomach area was a small Grey, there may have been a couple of them there, but the one I saw was about three feet tall and as soon as I saw it, I called out the Jesus to come and save me. In an instant I was delivered from this evil and sat up in my bed, wondering what just happened. That was very real indeed! That was my first attack and because of it I became very, I would not say angry, but it made me want to know who these creatures are and even though I knew about the Greys previously, I never thought I would have an experience with them.

I have been interested in ‘Aliens’ throughout my seeking but I never really actively seek out information, however at that time I was on that Forum and doing a lot of research, posting all my findings online and blogging about it. Most of the experiences I read concerning the Greys were that the ones who got attacked and experimented on usually came from military families, and most times it was also generational, so if your parents were involved with abductions and attacks, the children were usually too. I am not from such a family. I experienced them because I was seeking to find information about their existence. There was also an Alien Thread and a Giants Thread on the Forum that held a lot of information. I have also noticed that many reports and videos have been erased from the Internet, there was a lot more information ten years ago about these topics.

Now what I did learn from that experience was the Greys are real and even though I already believed it, I now had the experience also. I also learned and felt how very weak I was as a Human Being and I had no real power to even save myself from these evil ones, however that was not really the case, because I was also being tested and had to discover who I am, what I possessed as a Human and as a follower of Christ. Remember that I was praying, meditating and studying a lot in those days and this evil thing happened to me. What was going on? I needed to get answers. That is when I made the decision to pray everyday, at every opportunity I got and ask our LORD to show me the things that are hidden. I had no idea what I wanted to see or anything about what I was asking for but I persisted everyday until on the twenty-first day, my dream-visions began. The door was opened to me.

The first three I had concerned ‘Alien’ things, but I do not want to go there now, I want to remain on the attacks. My second attack happened when I was asleep again and I found myself in a place of my childhood, where I used to sit a lot as a young child and watch the cargo ships and traffic-barges take workers out to the rigs, going back and forth way out there in the ocean. I sat under a huge tree in my front yard and there were two other large trees there that created a huge canopy where we played. It was shaded and cool. My house was about forty yards from the big tree and we lived on a hill a couple of hundred yards from the beach that was towards the West. From the top of the hill I could see the area where there was a very old cemetery not in use for a long time.

I found myself under the tree looking toward where the old cemetery was located about four hundred or so yards away and that is when I saw a large hole opened up in the ground and a huge cloud of blackish billowing smoke rose up and darkened the entire area reaching to where I stood on the hill. It was daylight when the dream began, but the smoke from the pit caused the entire area to be engulfed in darkness. I turned towards my house and it was not there, all I could see was darkness, however there was a circular space surrounding me where the darkness did not enter, about thirty feet in front of me and a light did surround me, it was not very bright.

I was looking in the direction of the house when I noticed from within the darkness there appeared a light that was being obscured by the darkness. It was shining but faint, and grew brighter but still obscured as it approached where I stood. Then two ‘men’ appeared dressed in hospital looking white shining gowns and they walked directly into my lit space and right up to me. One stood facing me about a foot away from my face while the other one came up to my right shoulder facing backwards. I did not like the situation I was in, because as soon as I saw them coming out of the darkness with the faded shining robes, I immediately decided that I did not what to have anything to do with them.

They were my height and really in my face and in my space. The one in front of me staring at me and then the one by my right ear, about a foot away began speaking in a strange tongue, a chant of some kind. I was immediately paralyzed and could not do anything to save myself. As he continued his chanting I felt as if my Soul was slowly moving up into my head so as to be sucked out of my body, because the words had the effect of a kind of vacuum that literally sucked your Soul out from the top of your head. I also believe that the one who stood in my face was supposed to enter my body and take my place once my Soul was extracted. My house did have a roof, Thank God! And so they could not break into my house and steal my property.

There was really nothing I could do but call on my LORD to save me, because I was paralyzed and helpless. Suddenly there appeared behind me a great white light that brightened up my space. These two despicable ones immediately fell to their knees and bowed their heads to the ground and I watched as they scampered backwards like cockroaches into the darkness from whence they came. I was delivered again from evil and I understood even more how completely helpless Humans are against these demons. I was really helpless but I was not afraid.

I am not sure why the experience happened where it did, in that I do not live there anymore, not even in the same country, but interesting nonetheless because the next attack happened in the same place under the same tree sometime later. When the bright light appeared shining from behind me, I did not look behind to see who was there. It all happened very quickly, but I knew who delivered me from their evil clutches.

I should mention here that I believe there was a meeting about me by the evil ones in Hell, in that I was able to call on the LORD every time they attacked me and He delivered me from their hands. They decided that it was my ability to call for help that was preventing them from defeating me, even stealing my Soul. So they decided to stop me from calling for help and they did just that! In the third attack I was in the same place as the previous dream-attack, inside my yard under the tree and again it was a sunny day. I was immediately paralyzed again, however this time I could not see the one who was doing this to me. I could sense a presence. This paralysis was different because it was more serious than the previous ones.

I was trapped and paralyzed in the magnetic field unable to move, and this time I was also unable to think! I was thrown a good distance through the air at a wall, but I did not hit it and was able to stop before I made contact with it and came slowly to the ground, I was about ten feet in the air. The wall was the back wall of the house that was located in front of our property. It was about fifty feet away from our fence, slightly built on the slope of the hill where I stood at the top under the tree canopy. When I came down to the ground I was standing and it was strange because I could not see who was doing this to me. I could not do anything. I was trapped and my mind was also paralyzed. I could not even form a thought to call out for help. I was on my own in this last attack.

This attack was different because I felt as if there was something placed around my neck, as well as if there was a helmet on my head. I could not form any thoughts, it was so weird. I was trapped. I could not even call on Jesus to save me. Even though I came to this realization, it was not done through thoughts because my thoughts could not flow to my mind, this was just instinct or the real truth is that it was the power I possessed within, and I do possess an armor and the Holy Spirit lives within me. I did learn from experience what Jesus meant when He said that your heart is the fountain that produces your thoughts. They rise up to your mind and become tangible things as well as actions. That is why you must strive to become pure of heart; you need to also memorize Bible verses, because that is your ammunition against these evil ones.

I somehow decided to go within without thinking about it, because it is only by doing so I could save myself. I concentrated very hard trying to get the thoughts to flow to my mind. It was very difficult at first but I began to think of the Lord’s Prayer. The words were difficult to break through at first, but as I continued to try to pray, the slow flow of words which seem to be flowing out from my heart, began to seep up to my mind. I continued to fight forward and the words came easier, and when I got to ‘deliver me from all evil’, there appeared before of me a woman on her knees and she bowed down her face to the ground at my feet. She looked ancient but not old, she was blonde and her hair was braided and fixed on her head. She was very pale in complexion and she wore a blue dress with the top part being lighter than the long darker blue skirt part below. She also had on jewelry around her neck.

I was freed from her trap and as I looked down at her as she kneeled before me, as I completed my prayer she slowly sunk and disappeared into the ground where she kneeled. I learned that I did have on my full armor, as I have always prayed before. I understood what Jesus meant when He said that ‘the sword of the Spirit is the word of God’. I knew I posses a helmet as well because I felt it during the attack. I also learned that thoughts originate in your heart and travels to your mind, which makes sense because the heart belongs to the Soul and it is the Soul who seeks after righteousness. It is also the Soul who undergoes judgment.

Did you literally put on your full armor of God? Did you imagine what your ‘Helmet of Salvation’ actually looks like and then proceeded to put it on your head? Or what your ‘Breastplate of Righteousness’, your ‘Sword of the Spirit’, even your Shield of Faith and your whole ‘Armor of God’ actually looks like if you were wearing it? I have imagined all these things, even what I may look like fully armoured and shining. My armor is shining and I always pray for the individual parts to become even more powerful, enforced with the light of the Holy Spirit. I have not been attacked since that one and it seems like a long time ago.

I did discover what was inside me and learned that I do indeed have the power to defeat these evil ones with my Full Armour of God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you. I did gain a deeper understanding of what it means when Paul said, ‘therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in necessities, in persecution and in distress for Christ’s sake, for when I am weak, then I am strong’. 2 Corinthians 12:10.

I did try to understand these things, as to why they happened to me, but I realized after a time that I was being tested and my Faith was being tested because the nine dream-visions came after the demonic attacks stopped. That woman demon-witch was an Agarthan or Agarthians. I will tell you about my three ‘Alien’ experiences, where I traveled to a couple of strange places and saw ‘Alien’ creatures that I never discovered before or could even imagine existed, and even though it was a strange dream-experience I really thought nothing of it, except that it really did happen.

I Know that was there in that place and in that space-craft with others, and I did see those Alien creatures and those Human slave-Souls. A few months later after that dream-experience I was listening to Coast to Coast when a guest spoke of the different alien races interacting with Humans in the world. She did mention the Greys and Reptilians and others species, but she also mentioned a race called the Mantoids or Insectoids. They are very tall preying Mantis-like humanoid creatures who also interacted with us.


That was the first time I heard about these mantis-like creatures and those were the ones I saw in my dream travel experience. They exist in another reality and they capture Human Souls to use as slaves. I will tell you about the first three ‘alien’ experiences of the nine dream-visions in my next Blog. I also believe I traveled to the Moon which is populated by the way. I also believe that there is life inside Mars. There are so many experiences I was blessed to receive and I believe that I have to reveal it to you, I have to tell you what I have found. When Jesus told us ‘to knock and it shall be opened to you’, I have come to the understanding that you knock on the door with prayer.

When I decided to pray no matter how long it took in order to get results, I was knocking on the door for twenty-one days and eventually the door was opened and I got to experience all these strange things. I did pray for the hidden things to be revealed and they were as I received them. My last two dream-visions were of these Beasts appearing in our world. The ones with the Golden Robes. There are also Giants warriors and there is an invasion of space-crafts in the skies.

The Anti-Christ will appear here after a war, possibly with America. I saw the bomb right in front of me. It had a few stars, painted red and white, not from the US, but going to the US… and then exploding. I felt the explosion and from that blast I was able to enter into the inner-earth, to the place where I saw the hive of the 144,000 standing together in a kind of stasis and the one who wore a Golden Robe. I had to approach Him and speak a word to him in order to exit that place. More on that later.

As Followers of Christ we do possess so much in Faith, so it is necessary that we pray daily for our Faith to increase, because ‘faith can move mountains’. We are not at all weak and defenseless against these evil ones, for we already have victory in Christ Jesus. He does come to deliver you from evil when you call on Him to save you, even if you are not saved.

There were people who were not Christians on the old Forum who reported demonic attacks, however they knew that the name of Jesus could save them and when they called on His name in their attacks, He did indeed deliver them from evil. The name of Jesus is a very powerful name and you need to become a friend of our Lord and have a personal relationship with Him, because only He can save us and protect us from what is happening here and especially from what is coming.

Peace to you all in Christ Jesus. M.


Saturday 18th February, 2023.

Part Three: Dangerous Words and Spiritual Warfare





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    Total 9 comments
    • Anonymous

      nothing but fart gas from a insane sock sucker–geezuz–hope you are chained to a bed behind a thick locked door so you do not shoot up a school….nut job

      • Marlene*

        Hey Anonymous, afraid to show your name? I certainly know in whose name you come, so ‘Get thee behind me Satan! Cease and desist in the name of Jesus Christ. M.

    • Gordon

      I had an experience with seven different Christian denominations and once I entered their doors I encountered visitations from each god proclaiming that he was the way. I read books that spoke of a new age Jesus and had nightly encounters with his warm fussy form of validation.
      What do these each have in common? I entered into their turf and was subject to their spiritual influence in my life. I had given them the right to mess with my faith and though I was delivered from each one, I realized I didn’t have to face such opposition if I had just decided to not enter into their territory.
      Your encounters were real, but unnecessary in order to come to the conclusion to that Jesus/Yeshua was enough of a Savior, Deliverer and Authority.


      • Marlene*

        Hi Gordon, Thanks for reading my words and taking the time to respond, I really do appreciate it. I should also tell you that I am immune to whatever the world throws at me, been down this road for many years now. All that I have to say is- to each his own. I know what my truth is and I have had these experiences and so many more. I am not here to tell you what to believe. I am just sharing my testimony, because I have to.

        I do belong to a Christian Forum, been there for 21 years, posting very infrequently. Was censored last year because I spoke of the sorcerer’s brew and told them Fauci was evil. Anyway I know what my mission is. I am close to my LORD and He has blessed me and others by showing us the hidden things.
        I also know from experience that many Christians have a hard time accepting that others have dreams and visions and they do not. There is a lot of almost a kind of envy or even jealousy that comes from them… especially from preachers, even though the Bible says it happens and will happen in the last days.
        You said that my ‘encounters are real, but unnecessary in order to come to the conclusion…’ Why don’t you tell our Lord that His encounters with me and the things He showed me were unnecessary for MY journey.

        Doesn’t matter what you say. I know what I have to do and I expect there will be more negative comments. The Gates of Hell is always at work when my words hit the Internet. I am armoured up and always ready for battle. Christ LIVES IN ME! M.

        • Gordon

          Hi Marlene, it was not to offend you, but to ask whether the body of Christ needs to go the same direction. Right now more than ever the masses are looking for someone to lead them towards truth, but what they really need is to find an anchor in Jesus. The Tribulation is in full swing and God is asking each individual to give an account as to who they serve. For the Christian that includes what gods rule them in life and faith. Since we are at the end of the age, what else matters?
          Do consider whats missing from church doctrine is a way of escape from a lifetime of other masters. The bible provides us that way to test the quality of life and faith choices . What we discover is there is we are not the sum total of all our life experiences unless we know no other way to live.


          • Marlene*

            Hi Gordon, I was not offended, but I did not fully understand your comment. No excuses, but I believe the first comment made me put up barriers. I did not understand your sentiment behind the post, but I do not believe that we are in the Tribulation. It begins when the Anti-Christ performs the ‘Abomination of Desolation’ spoken of by the prophet Daniel, it is then the Tribulation begins. Matt 24:15. We are in the ‘time of sorrows’, I believe.

            Personally, I think people need to seek and find knowledge, and there is so much out there to discover as Christians. Knowledge that was hidden from us. Eg. the Apocrypha, although it is not hidden, the ‘religious authorities’ have warned us that they are uninspired or whatever they deemed the books to be. As a Christian who studies the Bible, do you not find it strange that there are five hundred years missing between the Old and New Testaments? All the history of Alexander and Cleopatra and much more. The Prophet Esdras is an interesting study. When we can choose to remain within the confines of their minds, we limit ourselves to where they want us to be. That is what the Pharisees do. They have the knowledge but they do not allow anyone to enter. They do not even enter themselves.
            The Roman Catholic Bible also has seven additional books which should also be read. There is prophecy concerning the False-Prophet in those pages. Early on in my journey I did go to Church, but then stuff happened and I chose to listen to total Christian radio instead. Read The Gospel of Nicodemus. M.

            • Gordon

              I’ve never heard that the time of sorrows has its own block of time and preceding the Trib. How long does it run its course?

            • Marlene*

              Hi Gordon. Not sure if we can continue commenting here indefinitely, I could not find the reply on your post, so I clicked on the previous post.
              Jesus did tell us the time of sorrows happens but it is not the end yet in Matt. 24:3-8. The entire Chapter explains the sequence of events very clearly. Read Matt. 24 again. I believe the Tribulation is not only about catastrophic happens, but is also about the Tribulation of the Church, as well as the 144,000 who will be preaching in the last days after the Church is taken. It is mainly about the Church being aggressively persecuted.

              Do you believe that the Anti-Christs have all come and they are here. I do not, but they do have their representatives. The Tribulation begins after the Anti-Christ performs his Abomination in the Temple as it is written in Matt 24:15-21 speaks of that time. Read the Chapter and pray for spiritual understanding. Peace to you in Christ. I am also publishing another post shortly, included are my email and Home adresses. M.

            • Gordon

              Actually Daniel does a better job at explaining the sequence of events. The implication is the antichrist is at work behind the scenes at the beginning of the tribulation and persecuting Gods people.
              Daniel 7:25And he (the antichrist) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

              2 Thessalonians 2:3,7-8 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.

              2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.

              Strongs 601E clarifies “revealed” as persons, previously concealed, making their appearance in public


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