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False Flags for Deception and Truths for Revelation - Whom Do We Trust?

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Written by: Marlene*
Saturday 17th June, 2023

…And life goes on, doesn’t it? Jesus told us that we are to become ‘wise as serpents and innocent as doves’. We do know their end-game, the powers that be have told us what their plans are for our future. How are we going to keep the faith and be ‘good Christians’ in these times of persecution with the silencing and imprisonment of some Christians who speak out publicly about what is happening here? This is a very strange world indeed and I do hope and pray that we are not all deceived by those who believe they have power over us and those who are to come. Weird things are being grown here, things I have never seen before and I am going on sixty-four years old.

Over the past forty or so years I have been seeking and finding knowledge and information, lots of it. I have read many words over the years in search of knowledge of the things I need to know about. When I began my journey in nineteen seventy-nine, I was in a very ‘bad’ place, in that I was lost in the world. I left the Catholic Church and had a very traumatic experience, both on the physical level, as well as the spiritual level of my Soul, and I was in a place where I had no identity or purpose in my life. I needed to know why I exist and where I was going to. I did not know who I was at that time, but by the Grace of God I never abandoned Jesus, I have always believed in Him and my faith is what has kept me going through the years.

From the moment I began my journey after I was sent to Christ to find ‘the way of truth’ which leads to Perfection, I started to experience dream-visions. In my experience I was send to find Christ. I knew Jesus in faith, not in friendship, for I was a Catholic, but I was told to find Christ, which I did and I also found the One who told me through thought, to find Christ. ‘No one comes to me unless my father sends him’. There is a lot of information and knowledge inside me and I do want to write about some of the things which I have found over the years. I have also been on forums with those who have had similar experiences, or those who have had experiences that were interesting to me as being a piece of the puzzle, that is the Big Picture.

When I first began I was praying a lot and talking to God a lot, because I was lost and needed to know my identity and purpose. I began to read a lot of philosophy and and other religious texts, however nothing I read was in any way beneficial for my personal journey. I even asked God to grant me the ‘gift’ of knowing ‘Everything’! Yes, I know. At that age around twenty or so years old, after the thought was conceived in me to seek and find the knowledge to become manifest in the Light, a Son of God- The Perfect Father. There were many things I needed to understand in order to journey along this path, and all these things I needed to seek and find myself, for this journey happens only in knowledge and through experience.

My mind is filled with dream-visions it seems at all times. They are such vivid memories that they seem to be just out of sight, but can be so real at any moment, even the ones from the beginning, more that forty years ago. I also hope that you do not think of me as arrogant for wanting to ‘know everything’ and setting about to learn as much as I can, even today. After I made that seemingly impossible request, I soon realized that I would have to seek and find everything, and this is my journey. Ironically, about four years ago, I found a book that explains everything, and I mean everything, from the Big Bang to the end, except one thing the authors did not understand and that is how do Humans become Perfect Spiritual Beings, which was actually the only real knowledge I have  been seeking all these years. Strange… I took the book with a grain of salt, and some of the information was interesting, especially about the origins of Humans.

The knowledge was always available to me, at least some of it, the foundation stone and the Way, the Truth and the Life, all the things I needed to find, but did not understand. As I have mentioned, my journey differs somewhat from Christianity, in that I believe also in the Unity and it is in the Unity where I worship My LORD and my FATHER, the only ONE who is PERFECT, for HE is the Father of Spirits, Holy Spirits. I have actually found more knowledge of Christ who is the WORD of God, and the Perfect Father, the ONE whom Jesus spoke of in knowledge, outside of the Bible than in the Bible. I had to give up a lot of things in my life in order to find what I need to continue along the journey and  have changed in so many ways.

The subject I want to delve into is deception and what I have learned. Firstly, it is truth that I seek to find, so when deception is at play, hopefully I can see through it, and the more information and knowledge you possess in truth, the better you are to protect yourself, for we are each responsible for the safety of our own life/ lives. I can only tell you what I have come to understand concerning these times we are living in. This is truly a battle between good and evil, except, good and evil are from the same tree… Light and Darkness is more accurate, however the Devil can also appear as an Angel of Light, so here we can also be deceived. Remember that this experience is really all about the things you believe to be truth, those beliefs you hold dear in your heart, the ones you will never give up, yet some will, because of fear.

The future does not bode well for those who believe in Jesus Christ. There are already those who claim to be Christ, Jesus in another incarnation, having contact with some Humans here. This Christ is not actually here, but channels messages through his light-workers on Earth. This Christ has a space-ship that will come here and take the ones who will be taken by choice, I believe to a higher dimension. They will also take all the children. Some of you know what I am speaking of, while others may not, the point here is the many will come in His name, saying, ‘I am Christ and will deceive many’. There will be others coming as well. This experience is actually all about Angels, Humans and Gods, and everything else is a product of all of these.

Humans are loved, sometimes too much by Angels, or we are hated with all evil by the fallen ones. Almighty God uses evil rulers to punish His peoples and Humans in general, and He also uses Angels to kill Humans, sometimes in great numbers. There are some Angels who will be loosed here at an established hour of  a day, in a month and year to kill a fourth of men. Lucifer rules here and when he is cast out of Heaven down unto the Earth, he will kill all the Christians he will find. He hates Humans, but he hates the Followers of Christ even more. He does witness the ‘Rapture’ of the Church, and he tries also to ascend, but he could not enter, since his clothing is corrupt. That fake light he possesses cannot enter into the true LIGHT of Christ, and he became angry and set out to destroy the world and all Humans here, especially those who love our Lord Christ Jesus.

Personally, I believe that Humans are basically on our own, and there are no real people in power who can really help us. This is the Devil’s world and no one rules here except he gives them power to do so, no one, that is why all these people in high places in the world all seem to be Satanists or Illuminati. ‘All the kingdoms of the world I will give you if you will bow down and worship me’. The kingdoms of the world are powered by the Devil. I should clarify my understanding of the Devil. Many believe that Satan and Lucifer are the same Devil. I am not completely sure of this, but I believe that they are two different individuals. I have also read in ancient texts that Lucifer has a council of five and Satan is his chief officer.

Lucifer falls from the sky and Satan is released from Hell, perhaps they are the same. There is also Apollyon, Beelzebub and a fifth demon. The Chief controls what happens here, and soon the prince of this world will take power as king. Personally I do not like to write about these ones, so I will stop here, but remember that they are all Angels, fallen, but nonetheless, very, very powerful beings, who can only be defeated with our LORD and Father by our side, having on our full armour of God. I have engaged in spiritual warfare against these despicable ones on a few occasions and had victory.

There are those who actively seek out spiritual warfare with these demons as being what they are called to do. I know as an individual, I am a highly psychic Being and this means that I try to get a grasp of how my thoughts are sent and received. In my personal life, I never pray out loud, except in those occasional instances when you need to be delivered from something right away, something happening in the physical. I do sometimes walk and pray out loud when I walk with my dog, but usually my prayers are done silently, secretly, as I am shut in my closet… figuratively.  Sometimes I pray under my covers, but when I pray to our Father and LORD, my prayers are always silent. When I called out for help, verbally, it was always for the same thing… food poisoning.

I should elaborate more here. Three or four times in my life, I have felt that I was about to have a bout of food poisoning. Not to make this too complicated, but that time when you are in the bathroom, feeling cold and sweaty and nauseous, waiting for something to happen and there is a bucket there just in case. It is in that moment, when the sickness is about to overtake you, when I would call out to be delivered and all the times I was. Usually, you are in a state of great nausea, cannot really stand, you feel like you are going to die. Then I always get the urge to get up and go to my bed, which is very difficult to do, it is as if you are drugged from the nausea. Nothing happened in the bathroom, so I would get up will all of my strength and make it to my bed which is about twelve steps away from the bathroom.

I would get into bed, immediately fall asleep and three to four hours later, I would be up and feeling great. One time, I did not make it to my bed, but I fell down in front of the bedroom door. I did not know that I fell, but when I woke up I was on the floor and had a little bump on my forehead, but I never got sick with any of the symptoms of food poisoning. I hope and pray I never have to experience that again and I do try to be careful as to what I eat, usually it is from other food that I did not prepare. Those are the times when I pray out loud for help and help is delivered, right away. How wonderful and faithful is our LORD; He answers our prayers and delivers us from all manner of evils, all we have to do is ask. I am quite needy spiritually, so I pray a lot and ask for a lot of things, and some I have received, in time. 

It is through telepathy that we connect to our LORD, on a spiritual frequency, that the demons cannot access, however when you pray to Almighty God, they can access that frequency and also steal your blessings. In my seeking of knowledge the journey took me into all manner of places, in books mostly, and trying to understand how our prayers are delivered has also brought me to the understanding that demonic entities, those of the fallen ones and all of those with Angel DNA. Nephilim, can also communicate telepathically. What I mean is that if you spend a lot of time and energy delving into any one of these creatures, they will pick up on it and they will attack you or try to enslave you. When I was on the Forum where we spoke of these things, I noticed that most of those who had ‘alien’ encounters, belonged to military families. I was even asked if I belonged to a military family, which I do not. There were those both men and women who claimed that they were abductees and also parents of hybrid children, whom they have met and they do not have a problem with their predicaments, because they love their hybrid kids. I am not making this up.

It was mostly Christians who were being attacked by evil forces in their sleep, being paralyzed and unable to free themselves from these attacks, which are also recurring in some cases. When it comes to demonic attacks I do not ever doubt what others have experienced, because I too have had these experiences in some way. There was always the paralyzing force that leaves you helpless and unable to move. I have experienced this on three separate attacks. I believe that I was initially attacked because at the time I was doing a really deep dive on the Hollow Earth and I was way, way down that rabbit hole. When you seek after something, sometimes that thing will find you, as they did in my experience. I am also a lot stronger and braver in the supernatural, I believe than in the natural. I have a fearless Soul and I am very grateful for that, because I certainly would not want to be having night terrors.

I defend my house, there is always someone on guard, so I do not go seeking to do warfare with demons, and never will… we fight on our territory and we do have much to protect in our house from the thieves, who come to kill, steal and to destroy. I know that I could travel in the supernatural if I wanted to, but that does not interest me because of what I read about Souls who travel can pick up demonic entities who attach themselves to you, until you get rid of them, if you become aware of your predicament. I am also the type of person who will accept what someone has to say regarding the dangers of specific things. Some people need to experience these kinds of things and that is their stuff. I also did learn a lot about Hollow Earth and some of those who live there.
There were also two other occasions where I saw ‘aliens’, however I believe these experiences where given to me, because I prayed and asked for them. I believe our LORD gave me the experience I was seeking, as it was, for I wanted to know the hidden things in relation to these alien things. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you. You do not go out seeking after the Gates of Hell to wage warfare, except if that is your destiny, as some have said it is theirs. My experience is to overcome and not be deceived. I believe that our Lord’s message to us was not to become engaged in debate and other such things. We are to preach the Gospel of the good news of the Kingdom of God. We are not sent to convert anyone, since we do not have that power, but to give them the message and leave the converting to God, for he works in the hearts of Humans bringing them to Himself, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

There so many things I could write about, however I do want to at least stay focused so my words do not appear as confusion to some. The whole world will be deceived and many in the Church will fall away. Has this already happened, or is it yet for a time to come, since Anti-Christ has yet to appear. How many Christians are awaiting the return of Jesus Christ to take them away from here? Most, I would guess. Keep in mind also that there will be many kings and even though they will all have to get their power to rule here from Satan, which they do, they are all different from one another and they will wage war against each other, with great Humans as casualties. I believe there will be at least three more wars before the end comes, fought between these Anti-Christs for power over this Earth.

I have also found knowledge that indicates there will be a time when some Entities will come and say that they are the ones who created us and that they own us. Then we would say that we are free and were created in the image and likeness of God and we are His creations. Then they will say, you are gravely mistaken and we can prove that we are your gods and we own your bodies. They will then take out their instruments and it will search us and we will find that they are indeed correct, they do own us and we do belong to them, mainly because most of the Human population has within them a patent number with their individual codes, different in each Human who is tagged, and there are many. Most do not know that they are tagged and already owned, one day there will be a rude awakening to this new level of evil and madness. These owners will also demand that we give them their bodies back! What will you do if faced with this dilemma?

We are not to fear those who can kill the body, but the one who can cast your Soul into Hell, meaning Almighty God, for the penalty of the Law is always over our heads. There is some talk about a false-flag UFO invasion that is set to take place sometime soon. I believe that there will be an actual Alien Invasion, with real Aliens, and perhaps they want us to believe that what will appear in the skies is not real, but projected images done by the MIC and their Blue-Beam Project. I saw an alien invasion in a vision and it was not a fake projection. The crafts were in the skies and then their god appeared out of the darkness flanked by two Giant warriors dressed in full-armour. This ‘king’ wore a masked helmet and he also wore a golden robe. 

In that dream-vision I was preaching loudly as I walked through a desolate and apocalyptic world covered in darkness. I have had a kind of recurring dream, except it is always different. I am usually preaching, usually alone, when I will encounter something, however this was actually the first time when I heard a voice speaking. I was saying that Christ is coming and Repent, for the end is near, when a loud voice said to me, “you are correct in saying that the end is at hand, but not before this happens”. It was then that I saw all the space-crafts, a great fleet of them, when I looked up in the skies, and then out of the darkness in front of me, there appeared the one dressed in the Golden Robe with his two Giant warriors. They saw me, and I saw them. 

There are many demons who will come to Earth to rule here and to received judgment. I believe that all the Angels who were created in all the Heavens, will come to Earth in the last days to receive punishment, however their time will be cut short, mainly because they really hate us and envy us and are extremely jealous of us, and so they want to kill and corrupt us so as to separate us from God and the Light. I have never had a dream-vision with Angels who had wings as they are depicted in religious art, however I did see my guardian Angels and she looked Human equipped with full-armour, most times I forget she is with me. I do pray for her because I have read a lot and I do know a little bit about Angels, all the different kinds. Yes, Angels are kinds, like the animals of this Earth were created after their own kind.

There are all manner of Angels with different posts and powers. The Archangels are the most powerful of the Angels created by Almighty God. I want to write however there is something weighing heavily on my mind. It is around seven in the evening currently and I just came inside from a walk with my dog Penny. It has been very foggy outside and for the past few days and I have been dealing with heavy smoke from forest fires burning all over Canada and blowing south. These fires in Quebec were ignited all at once. They are burning hotter and they are also burning the forest floor. You do become a little sluggish when you return inside. Yesterday around the same time when I took my dog for a walk, two CF-18 fighter jets flew over our heads, maybe at four hundred feet, they were quite low and every part of my body vibrated. Then about three minutes later another one flew over us heading west, and a minute later another one came in low as well and shook up the whole place and the noise shook your bones… but it was kinda cool. My only thought was- the sounds of war.

So currently, I am thinking about this smoke and fire situation as I am trying to focus on Angels and false-flags, yet everything is connected. So the fires are being deliberately set all over Canada and the fires are not normal forest fires. We all believe that we are living in the last days, and yet we seem to be in denial about End Times events. Remember that one-third of the trees and all the grass will be burnt up, when the first Trumpet sounds. Do you have grass on the ground were you live, even in the parks? All the grass where I am is dried up, there are other plants, but no grass. Consider also that all of the trees will eventually be burnt and what kind of atmosphere that will be. Canada has vast amounts of Boreal forests, a lot of it is filled with dead pine trees killed by the Asian pine-beetle. The truth is the forests will burn; we should face that reality and prepare accordingly as much as possible. 

No amount of money spent on so called ‘Climate Change’ or insane polices will be able to stop this. Humans are helpless to the changes occurring in these times, except they Repent and receive Salvation through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We are living in a time of sorrows and we cannot survive this alone. We need our Lord with us and living inside of us. I also believe that there will be some Humans who will come to their fullness in these last days and they will have great power to do many supernatural things. Although the world around us is disintegrating before our very eyes, we cannot and must not lose hope, we must learn to remove ourselves from this world and remember that we are passers-by, we are here to receive the knowledge and the Gospel of Salvation through Repentance and Grace… this world is not our home, it is our classroom or a track to run the race. Life is a contest, however we compete against ourselves.

One interesting thing I have come to understand when it comes to punishment inflicted upon Humans from above and that is we are told that these things will occur, however we are not really told how these things will come about. Prophecy tells us that the trees will burn, the waters will become bitter, the sea will become like the blood of a dead man. All the rivers will dry up and some fresh waters will turn to blood. We are told that there will be all manner of insect plagues devouring all the green plants they come upon, several plagues of them- caterpillars, palmer-worms, canker-worms and locusts, consuming all the fruit trees and grains as well. There will also be floods and storms and droughts, as well as massive ‘die-offs’ of animals and Humans on this planet. Also remember that if Christ does not cut this time short, there will be no flesh left alive on the Earth.  

I also believe that the closer Almighty God and His Wrath nears to the Earth, the more volcanoes will erupt, even dormant ones, the bigger the hailstones will become, the more severe and devastating the floods and storms will be and the earthquakes will increase; we must also be prepared for more plandemics, and there will be more of every evil thing afflicting us. We are also told to watch for signs and wonders and columns of smoke in the skies and I believe that all these terrible things are from Almighty God as punishment and wake-up calls to the people to turn from evil and lawlessness and return and worship him. ‘Climate Change’ will get worse because there will also be times of unbearably hot weather  as we already have in various places throughout the world, however temperatures will increase exponentially as punishment, as we draw closer to the day of the Lord.

The truth is that if the Nations would abandon their Pagan gods and turn to Almighty God and obey His Laws, they would be protected from these punishments that are upon us, as they increase in intensity daily. I have seen the world under darkness, with very low dark cloud cover and destruction everywhere with no Humans in sight. Some of my dream-visions are easy to understand because it is right there in front of you, while others are a bit confusing. I was visited by the Prophet Elijah one night in a dream-vision, when he descended down to the ground from the clouds in a shining white light. What is still not understood is how does he know who I am, and why me? He introduced himself to me saying, ‘ I am Elijah the Prophet and I know your name’, and he then walked away into the darkness. It was also on that night when I was assigned my Guardian Angel by Christ Jesus.

Having said all of that I will try to return back to what this post should be about. Humans are being deceived from all sides. Jesus told us to ‘trust no man’, please remember that. We so desperately want to know what is taking place in our world and we decide who we will trust to tell us the truth, except we are not really told the truth, which comes with a kind of disclaimer, stating that although there is some truth in the information we give you concerning what is really taking place globally, that there is currently a battle waging between good and evil forces and we should just grab our pop-corn, sit back and watch it unfold. The disclaimer tells us that even though ‘we’ know the ‘truth’, we cannot tell you the whole truth, mainly because you couldn’t handle it; the truth would cause your mind to break and you would end up in a mental hospital or just a broken individual. 

So they also tell us many lies as well- disinformation to fool the evil forces, as they say. Personally, I do not think the truth would break our minds because of the depth of the evil that is in this world. I do believe that there is all manner of evil taking place inside the Earth, and there are all manner of creatures living inside our planet. There are a lot of ‘people’ living inside the Earth and soon they will all have to come to the surface, because God will drive them out. No one can hide from what is coming… ‘the great and terrible day of the Lord.’ There is also a video of old photos found from an inner Earth expedition… fascinating. Video link at end of blog. Do I believe in Aliens? There certainly are some alien looking creatures in those photos. I have read which I believe were true accounts of some individuals who did enter into the Earth and of course their stories are considered tall-tales by most.

During the days before the Flood when the Watchers mated with women and bore off-springs, they were established all throughout the world. There was technology and I also believe space travel as well. 
It is possible that when the Watchers ruled here and introduced all the secrets to Humans, which was a forbidden act, they were also involved in creating all manner of new creatures. They were the original ‘scientists’ and created the hybrid creatures found in Mythology. It is entirely possible that Humans were transported to other planets and used to create hybrid humanoid species and some of these ones are our ‘Extraterrestrials’ today. There are so many things that most Christians do not even consider and I do understand on some level, because this world and the information it produces concerning our place and purpose in the Universe oftentimes contradicts what is written in the Bible.

What do Christians do with Archaeology and their crazy carbon-dating science, especially when they tell us that Humans are apparently tens of thousand of years old? As a seeker of knowledge I have read quite a lot of ancient knowledge and have ‘researched’ many interesting finds. As mentioned before, I did find a twenty-two hundred page book that really explains everything, given by Angels, so technically, I should stop seeking, right? I have read close to two thousand pages, and even though it did ‘explain’ many important mysteries of Humans, I took it with a grain of salt and I would not recommend it to anyone. You will have to find it on your own. Our history is routinely erased throughout the Ages, even God sometimes erases us and the lands are abandoned.

There are so many things we need to at least acknowledge that happens here and unless you are a seeker and avid reader you will remain unaware, and when you tell people what you have found, they think you are crazy. Personally, in my experience what people think of me does not in any way interfere with my journey. I know what kind of creatures Humans are, I am one. I know that not all of us belong to our Lord, that means we are not all the same… under the flesh. Christ came to save His own and only those who belong to Him will hear His voice. This whole world is established on Anti-Christ policies and it is reality. The Devil rules here and He is currently in control, his tares are grown and have become a contagion among the wheat… the harvest is near at hand. It seems that the world changed suddenly, doesn’t it? It must be a challenge for those parents with young children, even teenagers in this lawless and increasingly godless world. 

The old Christian populations are dying out around the world and new generations of Christians are also emerging; those who embrace the lawless ways. So many of those who are called end up being led astray by wolves who are actually taught to lead Christians astray and get rich while doing it. The Synagogue of Satan has its ministries as well, and many are trained to be deceivers and lead Christians astray. Look at how many ‘churches’ have embraced the Alphabet movement and celebrate openly with the congregation? A lot. There are even many ‘churches’ today with actively gay ministers or pastors, even in relationships, some even married. What is happening here? We are living in the last days and I have found ancient teachings in a few different places that all had the same information about the Human race, and that was when men become women and women become men it is always the end of that culture and the beginning of a new one, which is a return back to what it was before, when people obeyed the LAWS. 

These kinds of behaviour and practices are an abomination unto the Lord. He hates them and usually punishes those who disobey, because it is a choice… a demonic choice that is under a curse. Something will have to give, because we cannot really eradicate this behaviour unless there is a harvest or some other kind of judgment. I read recently that in a school district somewhere in America where they banned transitioning and all the Alphabet insanity being taught to the kids, they also set up Chaplains to deprogram the kids afterwards. This is a really insane situation we find ourselves in and it literally happened right under our noses… the indoctrination of the children by the Devil’s minions, who use deception and pose as teachers. Parents must pay close attention to their kids and also encourage them to do things that will instill a proper mindset as to who they are as individuals and that they are made in the image of God, that He knitted them in mom’s womb, and boys and girls are both the same in the eyes of God, however they are different because they need each other in order to survive. 

That boys cannot be girls, regardless of what the teacher says, because you cannot undo what God has already done. I realize that this is dangerous talk in some places, I believe California passed laws to make it criminal if parents reject their children’s indoctrination, or refuse to allow the child for medical mutilation. A child can also have these monsters mutilate their body without parents’ consent. What an insane evil world we live in. Jesus did tell us that this will be a time of the greatest evil ever experienced or will be experienced here. There are so many things that remain hidden from us concerning those who lived here before us. I believe that today in our world and the days that are ahead of us, all, and I mean every single Entity who exists in our Universe, even the Cosmos, meaning both in the Heavens and on the Earth, and those under the Earth will all be gathered here on our Earth awaiting their day of Judgment when the KING and LORD CHRIST, who is the WORD of God, will appear with His Heavenly Army of Angels to dispatch of these evil ones from upon the Earth and permanently away from Humans for at least one thousand years and then permanently after that time.

Why I first began to seek after knowledge and information concerning what is really happening here on Earth, I was introduced to a lot of  ‘conspiracy theory’, however even about twenty or so years ago, there was more valuable information on the Internet that there is today. So many things can no longer be found. NASA has incredible flies of life on Mars, with villages and forests and all manner of strangeness. I remember linking that file and maybe I do still have it somewhere on one of my dead computers, but there were photos and videos showing life on the planet, which can no longer be found. We are being deceived in relation to what is really happening on Mars as well as the Moon. I firmly believe that there is at least one city existing inside the Hollow Earth, do not know how long it has existed, but I do know that it was there for at least three thousand years, and an entire group of Humans have lived there and evolved into a different kind of Human; they have been there for at least twenty-seven hundred years; this is the inner-Earth city of Agartha, and these inhabitants have been playing a role in our lives on the surface for a very long time, especially with UFO sightings, and soon they will come to the surface. The Tall Blondes and Nordics…

There was a lot more valuable info available in those days, even the findings at the Grand Canyon, which are currently making the news cycle. There are forbidden caves with sarcophagus, several of them containing the bodies or remains of Giants, and one who is dressed as a king. They found coins dating back to the time when Joseph- who was the eleventh son of Jacob and later became prime Minister of Egypt during a time of a seven-year drought; and his image and name were on the coins. That was about thirty-five hundred years ago. The Smithsonian Institute is the greatest concealers of Giant remains, whenever remains are found anywhere in the world, they swoop in and make it disappear. It would be a great thing for one day that all the hidden things within this place, as well as in the Vatican Vault be revealed to the public, and I think that this will happen at some time, because as Jesus promised, ‘All the hidden things will be revealed, in the last days’, and what a revelation that will be.   

Do you believe that it would upset Humans in anyway to be told the truth about Giants, including showing us all the collected skeletal remains for us to see? Giants have always been a part of our Human experience whenever they were presented, whether in Myths or old Legends, in religion or ancient history, even prophecy and children’s stories, we all know about Giants and are pretty much conditioned in a way that if we actually saw one, we would freak out, but we would recognize what it was. This is truly a battle between good and evil, and evil has its own horde of lawless and immoral children, many of whom are possessed by evil entities. I know there are Greys and Reptilians and Insectoids or Mantoids, whatever they are called. They are giant humanoid insect type creatures eight to ten feet tall and they capture Human Souls who are used as slaves on their world.

These Mantoids originate from another planet I believe. They need spacecrafts to come here and abduct us, they do not originate from Earth as the Greys and Reptilians do, and I am also certain that those who pretend to be Extraterrestrials and Intergalactic Beings, belonging to some Federation of Planets, which by the way Earth does not belong to, because we are not enlightened enough to join in with these superior beings, but they are here to help us move to the next level, so we can become higher beings. There are many so-called Extraterrestrials belonging to the Federation and some of them do something called channelling, mainly through their so-called ‘light-workers’ stationed here on Earth, with all manner of messages to Humans who want to save themselves or leave the Earth before it gets really bad, by way of a space-ship, that is apparently stationed somewhere high above the Earth, ready and waiting to beam us up Scottie!

Among this group of superior Beings there are those who call themselves the Pleiadeans, and there is much information about them online, since they too are channellers and have been living in close contact and looking over us for thousands of years; so they say. I believe that these Pleiadeans whom I believe do exist and do have some kind of connection to Humans on Earth are not at all Extraterrestrials as they want us to believe, but in fact are from the Inner-Earth and are a part of the Agarthans, along with the Greys and the Reptilians. The Agarthans are a very diverse group, which includes the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, and they will appear here with Anti-Christ; the Nation of Israel  and many others will welcome them. They will also have an appearance of righteousness and even Human perfection, (tall and blonde and perfect looking), yet they are also part of the ‘great deception’.

There is so much more I can write about these ones, but I do not like to think about them for very long, they are highly psychic and they have a most powerful Fallen Angel as their god and he will ascend here to rule. All of the ‘Aliens’ and all other non-Human life-forms found in this Universe are the result of the Watchers. They possess all the secrets of Heaven, and I am certain that they could have given their off-springs the knowledge to build space-crafts and travel to other planets and Moons, even in our Solar System. There were Watchers ruling for a time in every corner of the Earth. All of the ancient people had a history of Giants, as well as gods, some coming from the skies in space-ships. There were ancient coins with the image of a Tall Grey on them. There are also those ‘Humans’ with elongated-skulls; who were they? Why would they not tell us the truth? Personally, I did find the explanations in that ‘book of everything’, except that one thing; it did explain very clearly, if you want to believe or at least listen about these hybrid creatures and all the other creatures discovered here on Earth.

There were most likely many Nephilim cites in the past where the off-springs of the Watchers ruled over the generations of Humans. The Bible speaks of the city of Gath where Goliath and his brothers lived. There is also a video on YT where you can find the remains of the city, where King David also sought refuge when men sought to kill him. The Native Americans throughout all of the Americas, all had to contend with Giants who loved eating Human flesh. This was actually one of the prayers of those who lived in the time of Noah when the Giants roamed the Earth, that the Giants had grown so huge, that the wheat and other foods they took from Humans were not enough to feed their veracious appetites anymore. So after eating all the animals as well, they turned to the Humans, and the people cried out to God to do something to help them. Book of Enoch.

There perhaps will be false-flags to distract us from what is happening, something dangerous being done to Humans. There is a lot of talk about UFO’s and disclosure today; Aliens are even crashing down in Las Vegas backyards! What is happening? There are many genetically designed ‘alien creatures’ existing today, some do not even look human or even humanoid. All these ‘alien creatures’ are the result of the Watchers and their off-springs and their generations. Their physical hybrid off-springs will need space-ships to travel here, when they come from other planets. There is some kind of twisted evil plan to destroy Humans and keep us away from ascending and receiving Eternal Life, and unfortunately, they will capture many Humans, and these ones will experience weeping and gnashing of teeth. The things I write here are just basic general knowledge for me and there are several levels I can go to, but perhaps later.

There will be ‘alien’ disclosure sometime soon, however the false-flag is that these ‘visitors’ are not aliens at all, but Inner-Earth dwellers finally coming to the surface to take their place among us. Here is a question for Christians who are waiting on the Rapture to take them out of this world and up into Heaven. Is it possible that this event could be done by way of a space-ship? What if a massive space-ship appeared and began to take Humans up with a beam of light and claim that this is the ‘Rapture’, would you go into the light, willingly and happily? What if they are taking us forcibly, what will you do? Or do you expect the Rapture to be something supernatural, not including any space-ships at all?
There will be all manner of non-Human Entities entering our world, and many will be powerful enough to deceive Humans and indeed the whole world. Will you be Raptured before you can be deceived? The deception is afoot.

The bottom-line is that unless these evil rulers are overthrown and their agenda destroyed by the good people, we will continue along this path, and there are so many strange plants growing up in this world, removing them is the matter of the gardener who knows what seeds he planted, those put safely in his barn on the day of harvest, and the other plants which he did not plant, but grew up alongside the good seed, he will also reap them and cast them into the fire. There is a social revolution beginning right now in various places around the world where many people are beginning to push back, putting this Diversity, Equality and Inclusive demonic insanity back in the closet, where it should stay. It will not be easy, even impossible, unless there is something very terrible happens. The curse will turn against itself and destroy itself.

What do you do with all those who believe in this anti-Human ideology? It is not just the kids who are actually living this life-style, but adults also who are indoctrinating and conditioning the young ones with support of many of those in government, especially here in the West. It seems that everything is set up against the Human and it is  happening here in this world-system. This planet is a corpse-eater and Humans are born here to die, and if you do not seek and find the knowledge for your existence, which does exist here, you will die in death and never experience what it really means to be Human, on all levels of existence. Humans are very special Beings, more special than Angels, I believe, in the grand scheme of things.

We are different from them because we possess something they do not, neither can they see it nor can they find it, that is why they are so obsessed with us. They were there when we were created and they believe that they know everything about us, but they do not, and what they do not know they can never experience. I believe that soon the veil will be ripped from top to bottom and the realm of the Angels will merge with our physical world, and they will all be here. Some will appear in space-ships because they are also physical beings, with psychic abilities, perhaps. They possess greater technology than we do because they received it from the Watchers. Giants are said to exist inside the Earth. Adam and Eve and the first Humans were also very tall compared to us today. Adam is said to have been about ten to twelve feet tall and Eve eight feet. We do still have many tall Humans, some seven to eight feet tall, and they are not Giants. The gene is still active for very tall Humans.

Humans are wonderfully made and when you discover who you are in Christ, you will find rest and that inner peace which surpasses all understanding. Many of the signs are here and this is a time when you should really get close to our Lord, so we can journey through this world with our eyes opened and not get caught up in the chaos and deception. Trust no man, but pray and study and memorize Scripture because words are our ammo against the Gates of Hell. They hate the truth and they hate what is right and what is Human, just as the Devil does, and most do not even understand that if they are not following Christ Jesus, then they are actually under the power and control of the Devil who has great influence in their lives. Come on out of her my people that you may not be partakers of her sins! 

So please be mindful and aware if the ‘Aliens’ do appear and ask yourself this important question: Are all these space-ships real and are actually stationed up there in the sky, or is this a result of project Blue-Beam and is some kind of holographic image of an alien space fleet? There are also many fallen ones who were cast down here and they are still here, as well as those to come. There are Angels imprisoned here under the River Euphrates who will also be loosed upon the Earth during a future war. We have to make informed choices, so as not to be deceived. The only answer to these times is to get closer to our Lord and pray about all the things we are concerned about; our prayers are very powerful, it can destroy demons and cause them to flee from us, please remember that truth. ‘The Sword of the Spirit is the word of God’. Jesus is always waiting at your door for you to let Him in. He is our best guide and our protection as we journey through this place of death and sorrow. M.

Peace to you all in Christ Jesus our LORD and KING.  

Link to Inner earth photos: The Lost Expedition Into The Hollow Earth

Written by: Marlene
Saturday 17th June, 2023.

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    Total 2 comments
    • Anonymous

      Geezuz–another INSANE bible hump is going to tell us what is going on…ever wonder why the romans fed the christians to the lions? because they were tired of the arrogant,self righteous,pious,better than you, know it all pile of bullshit from the bible humpers–so the romans wanted to help the sock sucking bible humps find jesus while they were in the belly of a lion…same old crap from this crazy lady–hopefully she is chained to a bed behind a thick locked door so she does not push somebody in front of a train at the subway station…what a blathering idiot this nut job is….Marlene,the only thing god hears when you talk is “goo goo gah gah”!!! your infantile,immature,petty,childish nit wit 2 year old in gods world..god is way way way above your tiny puny world,way above–go talk to santa claus,more on your level–stop puking all over yourself,you stink like hell,grow up–all that shit that rolls around in your empty skull begins there,ends in the same empty place–it ain’t god talking to you,it is all the smelly shit in your skull making the noise…geezuz

      • Marlene*

        Yes, its Anonymous again. I could delete your comment, but you can say whatever you want. I know what this is and spiritual warfare is always present when I write words. I seem to make demons angry and one day you will no longer be able to speak… in Jesus Name. Amen.
        I do not believe myself to be better than anyone, especially with my life experiences, however I do take my existence here very seriously, in that I need to know what this is all about and what my place is in it.
        I have been attacked by demons from Hell who tried to steal my Soul on three different occasions in my life and had victory. I expect to be attacked until I leave this world and the Gates of Hell will never ever prevail in my life, for my LORD and FATHER are always near, and Jesus lives within me.
        Evil Words do not touch me in anyway. I have been through this evil backlash concerning my words for over twenty-years now.
        You do not have to read my words, especially if they upset and offend you so. Truth and testimonies of Christ Jesus will always make the Adversary mad and so his minions are always there trying to do whatever it is that they do… nuisances.
        I know who I am and Satan’s got nothing on me and I know I am hated by the evil ones.
        Christ is LORD and He will see you soon; you cannot hide. M.

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