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Censorship And Spiritual Warfare In The Physical Realm.

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Written by: Marlene*

Originally posted on Wednesday 11th October, 2023.@

I am being censored… again! This time on two platforms simultaneously. I cannot even search one, the page comes up as ‘error’. Now this one was a Christian Forum (WCF) where I have been a member since twenty-twelve. I posted occasionally there and during the pandemic I dropped by and I did say some things the censors did not like and they told me that all of my posts will be reviewed before posting. I wiped the dust of my feet from there and have only logged in once about nine month later to retrieve one of my articles recently. I believe that the same people who own or control WCF also controls BIN, where I was also banned. I have been censored previously, actually an entire Forum was removed because of my posts, long before censoring became a thing. The WCF admin is located in the Negev Desert, Israel. How curious that a Christian Forum is owned by Jews in Israel?

It was a little surprising being banned on BIN, at least I can still go to the site, but the Login page is not available to me. I am okay with that. I have posted ten blogs on BIN since February this year and some did better than other in terms of views, however they were all read by many people. I do not have any social media accounts and never will, never have, except for MySpace many years ago. My message is not for everyone, and I know that those who are supposed to find and read my words will do so in their own time, for there are very few of us. In this time of the game, my identity is already forged and I know who I am in CHRIST.

We are Christians, however I prefer to be called a Wayist, and even though we acknowledge The Trinity, we worship The Unity which is CHRIST- the WORD and the PERFECT FATHER. The perfect Father whom Jesus described as ‘the only ONE who is PERFECT’. HE is not of the TRINITY, HE is of the UNITY. HE IS THE UNITY. All the HOLY SPIRITS were brought forth from within HIM. HIS WORD, who is CHRIST- KING of Kings and LORD of Lords, as well as HIS TRUTH, who is the Comforter, the ONE Jesus told us about who did come to us after He- Christ Jesus ascended. TRUTH resides with us and is the measure of the things we accept as our truths in order to continue our walk along The WAY.

Having said that, two days after I posted my last blog here on WP I tried to post on BIN which is what I always did. I would post on WP first and then immediately after on BIN, however that day I did not post on BIN, but waited a couple of days, why? I do not know. When I tried to login, I could not find the page. Also all of my BIN newsletters were removed from my email, including the one I use to login. How is that even possible? This is the world-system of the Devil and spiritual warfare is challenging in this Realm because there is the flesh and blood physical matter aspects to consider, and that can be a bit intimidating. We must remember that the warfare is the same, however we must also adapt and find new tactics, as in our perception. The Gates of Hell have many minions here in our world and many more will come.

We are not alone. Christ Jesus is always with us and the Holy Spirit always dwells within us. We also possess great weaponry, for we were gifted the Full Armour of God, complete with Helmet, Breastplate, sword, shield, foot-ware and a belt to gird our loins, and I can tell you that this armour is real, it really works for you and protects you from the Adversary and his evil minions from Hell. We must become pure of heart. As Followers of Christ Jesus we must examine His words carefully and try to understand the spiritual gifts He brought to us. There are many things we need in order to have victory as an individual. Sometimes you can call on the Lord and He will save you during spiritual warfare, however there will be times when you are unable to call on His name to deliver you from evil, as I have experienced personally.

Evil can subdue, enslave, steal and kill a Human Soul, however when the Human who knows our Lord Christ Jesus is attacked and prevented from receiving help, that individual will be forced to deliver their own life from evil. It is then that the power of the Holy Spirit and a pure-heart, one that is always praying and worshipping and searching after righteousness and Holiness and perfection will be your weapons. The power originates from the heart which is protected by the breast-plate of righteousness, and ‘the Sword of the Spirit’ truly is the word of God. All of the knowledge and Scripture you memorize and remember are written upon your heart, it is what makes your heart pure, because the state of your heart actually dictates your actions and thoughts.

Presently, there is a fire burning in my belly and I have to write it out of me. Usually when I feel the fire burning in me, it is when I am speaking the Gospel to someone. I usually shake a little and feel out of breath sometimes, and they notice it. This time it is burning because of this world. I hate this world, you have no idea. This is a very sick and twisted place, a place of Chaos and Death and this planet is a corpse-eater. This is not the life Humans were meant to live, but this is our lot and we just have to push through to the end.

I just walked seven miles with my dog this morning and even though I am not at all angry, (I did repent of my anger sin), however there is still the residue. It is because I seem to be mad at the world-system and the experience of being banned, or censored or cancelled did piss me off a little. I hate this world and have hated it here for a very long time. What I should really say is that I hate this world-system. I love my life, I am so grateful to be alive in this time and I hope and pray that I can be alive and remain until the last day, when our LORD and KING appears with his Army of Angels for the Gathering of His Elect.

Since the beginning of my journey when the Father sent me to Christ Jesus who would show me the Way and the door, I believe and ‘know’ that this is my path and also my desire-will, and I pray and believe that it is also the will of My Heavenly Father, mainly because this is the path I have always been on, since the beginning and it has not changed. I have gained more knowledge and understanding over the years, however my beliefs have always been the same concerning My Heavenly Father, the only One who is PERFECT. I did not know Him initially, but found Him years later in knowledge.

It may seem that I am very conflicted in my views, but I am not. I have found that peace within that surpasses all understanding. I have found Rest in my LORD and FATHER and I am like a tree planted by the river, and I shall not be moved. I know who I am in Christ and there is no one under Heaven or on this Earth who can change my mind concerning my beliefs. I truly love my life and the experience of being Human which is all I have ever wanted in my life and that is to experience what it means to be Human in the Absolute, which is in Perfection. What does it mean to experience what Humans are created to become? Is this experience even possible and is there knowledge here in this world to find and learn how to have this experience? That is the experience of becoming a perfect Human.

There are so many obstacles and traps set in this world to ensnare us and frustrate us, especially when we can see them. I can only speak from the heart and this is my testimony. I have fought spiritual warfare on several occasions in the Realm of the Evil Ones. It has been a while since I did battle, and I do not expect to be fighting to keep my Soul from being stolen by demons who rose from Hell in a cloud of dark smoke, that blocked out the surrounding light, or any attacks by Greys or from demon witches dressed in blue with blonde hair ever again. We were victorious in all warfare, since Christ and the Father stands with me, and the power of the Holy Spirit dwells within me, who can really come against us.

Today it seems that the battle has come to the physical world and soon both the Psychic Realm and the Physical Realm will merge to become one, for the veil will be ripped from top to bottom and the evil ones will become very visible to us here. The Realm of the Fallen Angels and demons will become one with our Physical Realm, and we will see them as they truly are, even more so than we do presently. Not by water, but by fire. Many are already here disguised in Human suits, pretending to be Human, however we can identify them by their fruits and what spews out from their mouths. These ones are anti-Human and are against all that the Human Being is in the grand scheme of things. They really hate us and they want to corrupt our flesh so as to separate us from our Heavenly Father, so that we will join them in the fires and in the outer-darkness where they will be imprisoned forever.

Sadly, there will be many Humans who will join these evil ones in these Hell places. Hell and the final prisons of the Fallen ones and the cast-down ones, the Devil and his minions. Hell was not created for Humans, however there are those Humans who choose to worship the Devil and his minions and will unfortunately suffer the same fate as their evil masters. They could also repent of their evil ways and seek after Truth in Christ Jesus and enter into the Kingdom to save themselves, if it were possible.

These are very interesting times and I do pay a lot of attention as to what is taking place in the world. I try to read as much news as possible from all around the world. Of course I have by now the places where I will go for news and I am selective because I like to read a lot. I will not be deceived for a lack of knowledge. There is knowledge to be found of the spiritual nature, however only those who seek specifically for these things will find them and those who do seek are they who are called by their names; they hear their names being called and they turn to the one who has called them on the journey to become who they are and to become known… these ones are the Sons of the Living Father. His Elect, those who are alive and remain on the Last Day of this physical world.

There are two journeys happening here for those who follow our Lord. There are those who will inherit the New Earth where Christ Jesus who is the LAMB of God and is King and Lord in His Kingdom, and there are those who will be with CHRST who is the WORD of God, He who is KING of Kings and LORD of Lords. He will appear with His Angels in His own Heavenly Kingdom which is different in substance and nature from the Millennial Earth Kingdom below, in that the Heaven will be Spiritual in nature and thus it is Eternal, whereas the New Earth will not be spiritual, but Psychic in nature, however there will be those who will always be with Christ Jesus, who will have received spiritual gifts and will rule with the LAMB in the New Earth Kingdom.

I think Humans will be as we were in Paradise before the Fall. After the fall, we were cast into the physical world and given physical bodies. In the beginning and in the design of the Big Picture, Humans were allotted one thousand years of life, however eight hundred and eighty years were taken away from us, and thus one hundred and twenty years became the esteemed age. There is knowledge as to who took our years away and why, all available here for us to seek and find. The one thousand years are returned to us during the Millennial Kingdom Age in the New Earth Kingdom, where flesh and blood cannot enter.

Humans on The New Earth will be Souls with a new covering, which is not spiritual, but I believe Psychic in nature in that Humans during this Millennial Age can still commit sin, just as we were in Paradise before the fall and become separated from the Spiritual Realm. This will be a time when Humans will learn about our true human nature and especially about our spiritual aspect, so that we can move forward into the Spiritual Eternal Perfect Realm at the end of the one thousand years, in the coming Kingdom of the New Earth where Christ Jesus is King and Lord. Those who are with Christ Jesus will have Spiritual coverings, such as robes and crowns and receive other Spiritual gifts, and they will be in a state of Righteousness and Holiness where they will not sin, for they follow the Lamb wheresoever He goes. These are the First-fruits of the LAMB.

At the end of the one thousand year millennial age, after Satan is cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone along with all those of the Millennial Age who chose to follow him and come up against that Holy City where our Lord and His Saints are, The Millennial Psychic Earth will change to become the Spiritual New Earth and so will all of the inhabitants, who will become spiritual Humans, who will live in Eternal Life and Perfection for all Eternity. They will have come to know the Perfect Father and they too will all become known as sons of God- The LIVING PERFECT FATHER.

Our LORD and KING CHRIST who is the WORD of God will also present the spiritual city- The New Jerusalem to our Lord Christ Jesus on the Earth as His Bride and all will move into the Eternal Realm of Perfection. Every Human will experience what it truly means to be Human, for we would have reach the highest places. I also believe that in the Spiritual Perfect Realm there are as many Heavens or Glories as there will be in Eternal Life for us to reach and learn. There are endless possibilities in the Spiritual Realm.

So there are those who belong to the LAMB and will rule with Him in the coming Millennial Kingdom and there are those who will be with the WORD of God, who is KING and LORD of All. These are the first-fruits of the Father, the only One who is Perfect. There are the first-fruits of Almighty God and Christ Jesus- who is the LAMB of God, those who are found among the Saints of the Congregation or Church, and they will be Priests and Princes and counsellors, judges and lords in the Millennial Age in the New Earth Kingdom. Those who will be with CHRIST- who is the WORD, those of The Gathering on the Last Day, these ones will enter into the Spiritual Kingdom of the WORD, the one He brings with Him. These are the Elect and the Chosen and they are very few when compared to the number of the Saints. The Heavens will roll up like a scroll and the Light of the Kingdom will obliterate the Darkness.

The LORD will appear in the clouds with His Army of Angels- These ones are conceived through knowledge and the WORD and the Light, and are Spiritual bodies who are the Angels who will return on the last day in our LORD’s Army, ten thousand of them. These Angels are the exact image of the Human Souls in whom they were conceived by the Word and knowledge, born of water and of the Spirit. On the Last day when the Gathering occurs, the Angel Images who are the spiritual Mind beings of the individuals in whom they were conceived, these Angels will go throughout the four corners of the Heavens and gather up their Human Souls from the Earth, those who are alive and remain on the last day, as well as those who are ‘dead in Christ’, some of whom are also the pure-hearts of these new Sons of God- the Living and Perfect Father… one who is indeed a ‘new creature’.

Both Spiritual Mind Angel and Spiritual pure-heart Soul will join together to become a Perfect Human, and these ones will live in the Heavenly Kingdom with our KING and LORD who is CHRIST, the WORD of the Perfect Father, during the Millennial Age. I have written previously about the spiritual-mind-Being who Humans can conceive from within themselves and it is mainly because of the light that is given to every Human upon entering this world. The Light of the WORD spoken of in the Gospel of John. The Word was not born of a Virgin, Jesus was, however the WORD became flesh when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. The WORD was the Holy Spirit who descended down from Heaven and landed on Jesus when He came up out of the water.

The WORD sows the seeds and they produce their fruits. There are many different seeds planted. These are light-seeds, seeds from the Perfect Father, sown in this world through His WORD. How amazing and wonderful this is. The WORD of God is the ONE who oversees all the things of Creation. ‘All things were made by Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made’. He is the HOLY SPIRIT of the Trinity. He was with God and He was also God. These words can apply to both the spiritual and the Created Psychic Places. The Heavens are created Psychic places. The Spiritual Realm is Eternal and has no beginning and no end. All the spaces of the DEEP, which is the space in which Creation took place, all these places will be destroyed, including all the Heavens, and the Light of the Spiritual Realm will shine instead and reclaim all space.

John 1:1-14

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

11He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, evento them that believe on his name:

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

It is possible that as a Christian you have never heard that you can conceive an actual spiritual body in the way I perceive it. I know this to be true because I have seen my own spiritual body in a dream-vision in the clouds and she dove down and entered into me. All I experienced was an explosion of white light that enveloped my mind and body, and I believed I passed out in my vision, because I woke up on the ground and I was alone. She was very huge, like twenty, thirty stories tall or long, even larger, it is difficult to truly gauge how tall spiritual and psychic beings are. I really have no reference. She was positioned horizontally in the clouds, like superman in flight, but still and staring down at me. We made eye contact and then she flew right into me, in the twinkling of an eye. She had my face, my hair and I have dread-locks! Her robe was shining white as well as her face and body… she was indeed a spiritual being… my spiritual Mind-body.

I believe that when the light-seed has conceived and produced a body-image, this body does not exist within the individual, but exists in the Spiritual Realm. These Spiritual Mind-bodies grow and develop in the spiritual realm. as the flesh and blood Human continues to seek and find the knowledge necessary for the development of the spiritual mind-body. This one needs to find spiritual knowledge of himself, which is food for the spirit-mind body. These ones are also with CHRIST who renews our minds through His word, some of which are found in Scripture and other words in knowledge left as a gift for those who seek and find… those who desire to become manifest in the light. The spiritual mind-bodies are the Army of Angels, Human Angels, who will appear with CHRIST- our LORD and KING on the last day.

In the mean time, we continue to wrestle against the forces from the Gates of Hell and the greatest battle we must fight is the one against lies and disinformation. It is absolutely incredible when you watch the MSM and hear all the lies being spewed; its actually quite infuriating because there are many who still continue to believe these lies. Truth in this world is referred to as malinformation and those who speak the truth are censored and cancelled by the father of lies and his minions who believe that they do have all the control here. They engage in sorcery and witchcraft, murder, theft and all manner of evil deceptions and illusions, in order to lead us astray and away from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His precious gifts of Salvation and Eternal Life.

This world-system is leading us into strange places we have not been before. The level of evil is as deep as Hell, and just when I think that there is no way there could be anything more evil than what I just saw, there always seems to be even more evil ahead. So, I am being censored and I believe it is by an AI algorithm controlled by those of the Synagogue of Satan. How were they able to get into my email and remove all of their newsletters? All there is to do is to continue pushing through. Pray always and specifically. The demons hate prayers because it destroys their works. We are at war with the Fallen Angels and the Cast-out ones and everything else here are the result of these two groups, from Aliens to Human farms and all the other evils perpetrated upon us, mostly on the children.

Our situation here as Human is very dire, with wars and rumours of wars, nation against nation and race against race; indeed the world is divided and there are still many who are sitting on the fence not knowing that by not making a choice they have already chosen to be led astray by the Adversary. I have seen Lucifer cast out of Heaven unto the Earth. He was one of seven suns shining up in the heavens in a row from ten to two o’clock. He was the first sun at the end on the left as I looked up. I saw the sun fall out of position and in a ball of fire came crashing down to the Earth, not far from where I stood. There was smoke and dust and from the ground stood a great reptilian Beast. He was very large and He did notice me there looking at him, but paid no attention to me. He was annoyed that he was struck down and looked up at the suns in the Heavens and then he looked at me.

All of these evil ones will be entering our world at various times during these last days to rule and torture and kill us, while demanding worship from us, because they consider themselves gods. Their minions have infiltrated all aspects of our world and they currently rule over us in many places. We can clearly see who they are. Here in the physical world we have to ‘become wise as serpents and innocent as doves’. They do inform us beforehand of all the evil they plan to inflict upon us and I do hope that Humans will heed their words and learn about their agendas, so as to be able to avoid and escape their diabolical anti-Human snares.

This is my testimony and I write about the things I know to be Truth and the things I experience. This blog has also been the longest time I have ever taken to complete and publish. I began this on October first after I found out I was being censored on two platforms, BIN and WCF. Yesterday I visited BIN and I found that the login page was once again available to me and the error page from WCF was also gone and I could pull up the site. I did login to BIN to see if it was really available to me and I got in and logged out immediately. This is not my first censored experience and I expect there to be more in the future. I will post on BIN but only a couple of paragraphs and a link to my blog page. My words are not written for everyone, but for those who find it will also find the way to the Highest places, for they are available here as knowledge for those who wish to become known.

Truth has become a very dangerous commodity and I will never back down in the face of evil. This world-system is so dangerously corrupt and Humans will continue to fall victim to this evil. The Devil and his minions rule here and those who have eyes and can see, those who speak the truth and expose the plans and the evil curse that we are under, the truth-tellers become the enemies of the darkness, and they will try to silence you in whatever way they can. I will seek out all the protection offered to us as gifts, the gifts Jesus brought to us, including our ‘full armour of God’. You have to literally put it on. Imagine each piece of armour and what protection it offers, you must also put it on as you would in real life, and pray while doing so.

I am certain we can all imagine a full armour with helmet, breast-plate, sword, shield, foot-ware, and a belt for the girding of your loins, which I believe is the soft area between your hips and ribs. There really is a spiritual armour and one day you may have to use it, for then you will see how it actually works to banish despicable demons from your presence and protect you from the Gates of Hell. In my personal experience I do not go looking for these evil ones, they attacked me on several occasions and were defeated in every battle. They really did try to steal my Soul! Evil bastards! They also prevented me from calling on Jesus to deliver me from their paralyzing hold, and it was then that I discovered that I really do possess a ‘full armour of God’.

This is my testimony and this is not only my truth but this is also what happens to those who follow our Lord Christ Jesus. We become enemies in the corrupt prison, where most of us are asleep and under the power of the Adversary and the Darkness. There are some very important lessons we must remember, the things Jesus taught us, and for those who read and study the Scriptures, sometimes we do not fully understand in truth, even though we understand somewhat in the flesh. One important lesson I have learned and still learning is ‘to become passers-by.’ We are not to become involved with the things of this world, except that some of these things are currently affecting us, on a very personal level.

‘We are living in this world, but we are not of this world’. We are passers-by. Our home is not this place, just as Jesus told us that His Kingdom is not of this world, and He never really got involved with politics, except during His Ministry when the Jews wanted to kill Him and bombarded Him with all manner of ‘trick’ questions so as to condemn Him for His words, which they eventually did, and charged Him with blasphemy. There are many levels to the death of Jesus and His Resurrection. There are many kinds belonging to Jesus, for whom He is the Way, the Truth and the Light. He is also at the door and He leads us to many glories or levels of Understanding.

We are to speak the truth concerning the Gospel of the Kingdom of Christ and be well versed in the Scriptures so that the Devil and his minions cannot mock you. We are Human and we are very special, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are created in the Image and Likeness of God and it is important that we seek after the things that were established for the Congregation or Church and the ‘sons of God’ to seek and find. Today, we cannot really trust even our church pastors and ministers and teachers, because they are spewing out damned heresies and blasphemies, which are making our Creator God- the God of the LAWS that judges mankind and Angels alike, who is also the judge of this world and all therein, these lies and evil behaviors are causing great anger in Almighty God and He is coming here as a consuming-fire and will destroy the world.

We know that the Scriptures say that the ‘day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night’, very unexpectedly and it will be upon us with complete surprise, because this is not something a Human can truly imagine- what ‘that great and terrible day of the Lord’ will be like. The fire will burn up all evil and will expose those Babylonian kings as they really are, for their physical Human suits will be dissolved and their evil beings will be exposed, as it will also be with Humans, those who are saved and those who are not. The saved will be refined by the fire and they will shine like silver and gold; they will rejoice at the appearing of our LORD and KING- CHRIST, and His Angelic Army. The unsaved will be found naked and covered with the crimson stain of sin, and they will be ashamed. They will not rise but will be cast down into the places where the evil ones will be imprisoned.

This world is not our home, we are just passing through. Personally, it is a discipline and mind-set to be ‘not of this world’, however I also understand it to be a spiritual understanding. It is the world-system that Jesus warned us against, so as to not become slaves of all its distractions. We are only to fear the one who can kill our Soul, not our flesh and blood bodies, for there is a better place we enter when we leave this world, those who are saved through Jesus Christ. Almighty God is coming to Earth as a consuming-fire and I believe that the one verse that is not properly interpreted that was spoken by Jesus when He told us to protect our house, for the thief will come in the night. He uses the Flood as an analogy to his coming. Change flood waters for consuming-fire, and after the fire has consumed all physical matter and made evil impotent, a short-time later, our LORD will appear.

When you use fire instead of water, you can also see that the physical body will be burned away and the Soul will be left behind. Two women sleeping in a bed, one is taken the other left behind, and after the LORD appears he will see those who are His and condemn those who are not. There will be forty-five days after the fire and the return of CHRIST. Christ Jesus is in Heaven with the Saints, those inside on the Altar of the Temple in Heaven, and those who are outside in the courtyard of the Temple, standing on the sea of glass mingled with fire. Those inside the Temple are the ones who have been martyred by beheading, and those in the courtyard are those who were taken in the Harvest, those who did not receive the mark of the Beast… the Rapture.

As Christians we are commanded to spread the Gospel to all those who will listen. We are not to try and save them because that is the work of God which He does in their hearts, however they do need to hear the word of God and learn about faith. Jesus did a wonderful thing for us. He brought us a Way to defeat Death and also have victory over the Gates of Hell, as we journey through this world of chaos and deceit. The father of lies and his lying children are continuously spreading lies and because he powers the air-waves, so many are still being deceived by those who control the world-system narrative. This world is not our home and we are here to seek after and find the knowledge we need to defeat Death and Hell, since it is the destination of the unsaved and those who rule over us, those who will soon become kings here, who are enemies of Humans, especially Christians.

We also have prayer which is very powerful and it is ammunition for Christians, and prayers do destroy and subdue the enemy, so we need to pray more in our lives, in fact we are to pray unceasingly, we must at least try. You must also pray with specific intentions stating exactly what you are praying about and asking for. When things get really crazy, we are told to sit still. Many feel that they must be prepared for what is coming, but it is possible that no matter how much you prep, it may amount to nothing, because of all the calamities that will befall us. The fire will be preceded by many natural disasters, including terrible hail and floods, the whole Earth will be shaken and turned upside down, and also be knocked out of its orbit. The Earth will fall and never rise again.

Perhaps there will be a few months when there will be a short respite from all of this madness, and then suddenly destruction, so keep in mind that the days are only going to get more chaotic, and evil will increase, exponentially, even the coming of the Watchers, for they too will fall down to Earth and be let out of their prisons for Judgment. We can only be mindful of the things happening in our midst so as not to become tangled up in their lies and become victims of their sorcery, witchcraft and murder, which sadly, many have fallen victims to already. We are peace-makers because the Gospel brings the peace that surpasses all understanding and the Rest where we become rooted in, so that nothing can cause us to be moved. The Lord is in us and we are in Him and He is in the Father. We are one.

Peace and Love to You All in CHRIST. M.

Written by: Marlene*

Wednesday 11th October, 2023.

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