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The Human Race Is on a Death March on the Road to Hell - Wake Up and Repent!

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Written by: Marlene*

Monday 19th February, 2024.

It has been a while since I last posted a blog and strangely enough I never thought of writing at all these past few weeks. I just thought about it a couple of hours ago and read one of my previous blogs and now I am writing, not sure what words will be written. I also should mention that if you do read my blogs, you should begin with the first one from last February, because all my blogs are connected and I am basically sharing and emptying myself of the things I have found and understand. I write because I must. I do feel the need to write, except I do not know where to start.

This journey is sometimes very exhausting, especially when you are a seeker and you find strange things, not knowing if you should write about them or not. The only real thing I can truly write about is the Human experience, my Human journey. What does it mean to be Human? What is a Human Being? I was not taught nor conditioned by this world-system, because I decided at the beginning of my journey to teach myself, mainly because I wanted to know who I am. There is no other Human in this world who can tell me who I am. This is my experience and each of us must come to understand who we are and why we are here. We must also learn about our wonderful Human possessions, those that were established for us and we possess in the grand scheme of things… the special gifts, the permanent spiritual ones.

We were made a little lower than the Angels and the Angels do possess great power, however Humans were also given a great power and we also have access to the Ones who gave us that power. Humans are very special Beings and we need to understand who we are or we will perish in our own ignorance. We are to become pure in heart. I think that when we pray a lot more than we normally do and follow Christ Jesus, we will come to understand how powerful we really are against these Evil ones. It is also necessary for us to pray against their strongholds, because prayer does attack them on the supernatural level. We know who they are, since they love to tell us about the evil plans they have for us and when they will be implemented.

This world is being enveloped by evil and this evil is spreading, especially with the young ones- the last generation, the children who are being systematically indoctrinated into becoming minions in the Lucifer Rebellion. How can you love this world-system? Everything has been corrupted and contaminated with evil. There are so many strange Humans in today’s world, some of them you do not understand and they love to receive attention from those who do not agree with their life choices, while trying to force everyone to accept their Luciferian and Babylonian ways. When you reject them, they will call you a bigot and a racist. I remember when these kinds of behaviours and thoughts would get you  arrested or put into a mental institution for some serious reprogramming, mostly with drugs and perhaps shock therapy, I would guess. 

This Babylonian kind of behaviour was unacceptable in a normal society- at least in a society when God was still in the government institutions and in the schools, even in the homes. This world has changed so drastically over the past couple of decades, it is actually quite astonishing even though we were there when it happened. The depths of Evil are mind-boggling. We are being manipulated and controlled by Evil over-lords, and a great number of them were gathered together over the past week to plan and scheme and to orchestrate on how to continue their agenda ‘to kill the majority of us and enslave the rest’… DAVOS! I really cannot believe I just said that, but is it true and yet it is still hard to believe, even though it is currently happening… kill ninety percent!

What will we do to save ourselves from this strange and seemingly almost impossible situation we are currently experiencing? We are still mostly hoping for Donald Trump to be elected President again and save us, right? How many of you reading these words have put your hope in Trump? I will say that I do think as well as hope that he will do what he promised, and America will change into a very different country… and Trump will be king until the judgment. Our future is very sketchy and the whole world will be deceived, please keep that truth in mind. I am not saying here that I believe Trump is anything other than what he promises, even though that is the way I look at him. He promises and does what no one else would even dare to do, even think of and he seems to love America and Americans.

Only God knows what is in the heart of Trump, however if he does all the things he says he will do, like destroying the Swamp once and for all and all the other things, especially bringing peace to the world, where people are not so stressed-out because of ‘wars and rumours of wars, nations rising against nations, and race against race, including famine and pestilence, then I guess that is a good thing. Yet on the other hand, if he is able to do all these things, then who is he exactly? Perhaps it really is biblical, as they say. There is absolute insanity everywhere you look around the world and the people are raging in uprisings.  Read it for yourself.


Matthew 24: 3-14

3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? 

4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.

10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.


There is also a war on Christians in this world, everyday the noose keeps getting tighter around our necks. Is it possible for Trump to fix America, especially with the open borders and the flood of illegals just flowing into the country? The Highest court in the land also told a border State to remove their barb-wire fences so that the illegals can cross more easily. That is so insane, it is actually funny, but on a level even I do not understand. Insanity coerced by evil. The Earth will help the woman. Trump said that he will deport them all, but can he really? By the time he becomes President, they will all have identification and some even legal status, and thousands more children will go missing.

There is still a lot of time before the election for more and more people to cross the border, almost a year, and this uncontrolled flood is wrecking havoc and bringing chaos to many cities across America. I would think that unless they close the border immediately, this chaos will continue to spread all across the country and many Americans will continue to pay the price. Perhaps it is as Trump says it is- he is the ‘chosen one’. Personally, I do not know what his role really is for certain, however I do believe that he is the lion driven out of the woods and defeats the eagle with three heads, with a great mouth speaking great things against the eagle; the eagle does burn and he becomes king until the judgment. The eagle with three heads is also the fourth beast.

Trump does not have to be a Christian for Almighty God to use him to accomplish His works upon the Earth. God does use even evil men to bring about His judgment. Trump speaks like one who believes in God, yet he is also a double-speaker. I am sure he goes to church because his wife is religious and he has also had so many religious leaders praying over him; I would like to think that he was sincere in those times. He acknowledges that Christ is above him and he wants to spread the wealth around to the common folk. He believes himself to be like all Patriot Americans and I do think he will win, mainly because he said that he will go after the evil ones and close the border. 

It seems that practically all of the western nations are also being invaded as well. The UK is completely lost to the invasion and Canada is taking in more ‘refugees’ than any other country in the world, but they have no place to house all these people. Yes, without a doubt, these leaders are completely insane and diabolically so. The world has changed in a very drastic way being driven by lawlessness and greed, sorcery and witchcraft, as well as murder and slavery. There is a lot of chaos and confusion here and it is very challenging to manoeuvre through this world that is heading along the road to complete destruction. We are currently living in the days when the time of evil will be like no other time previously and never again shall be.

Things will only get worse… and evil and sin and lawlessness will increase, however we might get a three and a half year reprieve when there is a false-peace, then suddenly, destruction! What can we do to stop this madness? We cannot stop what is happening in our world, for this is the way these things were established, from the beginning. There are also two types of Humans on the Earth, those who belong to the Darkness and those who belong to the Light. Jesus Christ told us that He is the Light of the world and when we do not follow Him, we walk in darkness. The Devil wants us all dead and taken to Hell. His minions are currently in every place of power and influence in our world, and their roots run very deep. 

The world is fractured and there are so many protests everywhere, mainly concerning the Israel-Gaza war, which is also spreading rapidly across the Middle-East and is now world-wide. We also cannot forget about all the Christian persecution occurring all across the world. They have to remove the Christians because the two cannot coexist peacefully and unfortunately this time around, they will win. The Alphabet and Woke movements, along with Communism and Fascism, and especially the Climate Change czars with their endless Green Agenda nonsense about the extreme weather conditions will continue to bombard us from every side. There is no more wit and understanding in the world because political-correctness and Woke ideology have been beating us into submission. Even the comedians are found to be offensive by this group of godless, lawless and disobedient ones.   .

The evil overlords are now threatening us with ‘disease X’ which is their next level of sorcery and witchcraft, where they brew up their evil poisons and create deadly viruses in their labs to infect and kill us, while in another lab they are preparing the cure that is even worse than the disease itself. These people are not Human, some are possessed and they do not inject themselves with the potion either. Evil is something you throw in the fire. Evil should not exist among God-fearing Christians. Evil is like a cancer that spreads and infects the Souls and Minds of Humans. Evil is rebellion against the LAW, however all the evil things that were previously recognized as evil are today considered and promoted to be good things by the evil ones.

There is a movement world-wide that is fighting against the insanity and anti-Human policies of the evil ones. The farmers across many European countries are protesting and shutting down many cities, especially in the EU and I believe that this farmers rebellion will continue to spread. There is also a heavy price to pay because of these protests and consumer prices will continue to rise all around the world, while food becomes scarce. There is also a possible civil war brewing in the US because of border security and the flood of illegals crossing into Texas. A convoy of truckers from many States will also ‘protest’ at the border in support of Texas. Texas is defying the Biden Administration as well as the Supreme Court orders to remove the razor-wire border fence, so that the illegals could enter safely. Now that is funny. Insanity and evil and promoting lawlessness are everywhere!

Those of us who can see the evil are compelled to repel it, even destroy it, but as individuals it is very difficult to uproot evil growth, especially when the powers that be control the military and the police. It does seem that the military is the only way, or at least the military can lead the way in this fight of good against evil, freedom versus fear, light versus darkness and left versus right. Will there be victory for us or them? You can only have victory in Christ. There is also the fight by parents to stop the secret indoctrination of the children into the Satanic-Babylonian culture, which is actually still growing and spreading worldwide. Many countries are also fighting to protect their culture against these godless and lawless practices.

The light still continues to shine on all men, however there will come a time when the light will be withdrawn and darkness will envelop the whole world, even the Sun and the Moon will not give their light and those who are still here will be searching for the light of the Word and of Truth, yet they will not find it. Our future in this world will not be one of freedom and prosperity, but of chaos and insanity, death and disease, war and uprisings. The planet is in turmoil and the power of the winds have increased beyond normal. The Earth is shaking violently in every corner, as stronger and more frequent earthquakes have become the norm. The weather has become more extreme throughout the world and it is connected to Humans, but not in the way you might think.

Volcanoes are erupting everywhere and spewing gases and ash into the atmosphere which will have long term effects and cause more extreme changes to weather patterns, and there are still many more volcanoes left to erupt, they all will erupt and be made low, on that great and terrible day of the Lord. The burden of the Human Being is great and as a race and a family who experience our part in the grand scheme of things, we need to understand who we truly are, as well as how to navigate this time of chaos and evil, and escape this place with all of our spiritual possessions. Remember that the thief will come in the night to steal your possessions; be sure that you have a roof over your house, your windows are secured and you have on your full armour of God, for the thief will come and has already come.

This life is so crazy and weird and challenging, yet it is also amazing and wonderful, and I do love my life and being Human, even though this experience is one where you will develop a very heavy heart that will never go away. The state of the current Human condition is very disheartening and it makes me sad. We find ourselves in a most dire situation currently, with the vast majority of the population having been poisoned and the remainder are doing everything in their power to remain pure-bloods, which may be impossible. We are being attacked from every angle and they are spraying their poisons in the chem-trails, which pollutes the environment most of all, but also poisons Humans. Their sorcery is in the air and in the water; it is also found in the plants and the animals we eat; there is no escaping it. 

Their sorcery and witchcraft and greed and murders are destroying our world and killing our people. We also have to understand that the Human family has been divided with those on the Right and those on the Left. Their sorcery has also divided us in even more diabolical ways, yet many remain unaware as to their predicament. We are living in the ‘time or sorrow’ when our hearts will continue to break and our burden will increase until the day of the appearing of our LORD and KING CHRIST, who is the WORD of GOD, coming with His army of Angels to gather up those Humans who survived the murderer and his minions- those who are alive and remain on the last day of this condemned world, for it is being made ready to burn in the fire.

The future of our race does not look at all very promising, mainly because we have come to the end of our physical flesh and blood existence and soon we will move unto the next chapter of our existence in the grand scheme of things. There is hope for some of us, not as many as there should be because Hell has opened her mouth very wide in these last days and many are lost to Death and Hell. There are so many evil things happening here and it is getting out of control. There is a huge push-back from the farmers of the EU and UK, as well as Indian farmers and Canadian farmers, with many more countries rolling in to the big cities in the ‘Tractor Convoy’ and generally disrupting the norm, by protesting against the insane policies and rules of the evil overlords.

There are so many levels to this evil, it runs very deep, all the way into Hell. Here is a question: why is there so much mass migration to the Western Countries from third world countries happening? I am sure there are a lot of Americans who did not think that they would ever have a situation on their border as they do today. It is absolutely mind boggling to see what is happening on the southern border. In Canada, Trudeau is just flying them in, and now there is a serious problem taking place in Canada where there are too many migrants being admitted and not enough housing available to accommodate all these people and many are sleeping on the streets. 

In case you have not noticed, evil is also very insane and is also empty. It offers nothing but misery and distress to Humans, and unfortunately there are those ‘Humans’ who work for the side of Evil and  Darkness.  They work for the Adversary, some even sell their Souls to gain the world, and they are not secretive about it. I am sure you can Goggle ‘famous people who sold their souls to the devil for fame and fortune’ and you would get a lot of results. It really is a battle between good and evil, between light and darkness. It is easy to see why there are so many countries being flooded with ‘migrants’. It is clearly about population replacement. It is more than just wanting new votes for the Democrats, but it is connected to the ‘sorcerer’s brew’. They anticipate the mass die-off and the western countries are much more difficult to conquer, and even on a deeper level, they also want there to be one race, meaning every one the same shade of tan.

You may laugh at this but that is actually one of the goals of the Fallen Angel Realm- those in high places. These are the Principalities, the Authorities and the Powers who rule over us. There are also many fallen ones who are here living among us since ancient times, as well as others imprisoned here waiting for the day and the hour to be released upon the earth to kill a fourth of mankind. All those who rule over us and have power here on behalf of the Adversary, will soon fall to Earth like figs fallen from a tree when shaken by the wind. The stars will fall from the skies on to our world where their  judgment and punishment will be meted out. 

Earth is the final destination for all of these Heavenly Beings, and all of their ‘Alien’ creations scattered throughout the Universe also have a date with our LORD and KING on their judgment day. This world will become even more demon infested as we continue towards the last day. This battle is here and it is important that we do not become intimidated by evil or succumb to fear, as many will indeed, because of the things that are prophesied to occur here in the last days… many will be overcome by fear. Is it even possible to turn things around and eradicate the evil that has grown up in the world and is infecting, corrupting and killing Humans, especially the children? 

Many are fighting back, however it is better to fight for your own personal freedom in Christ Jesus, than to try and change the course of evil at this point. What I am saying is that it is important to stand and fight against evil policies, laws and mandates that suffocate and destroy our way of life as the farmers and parents against demonic indoctrination of their children in the schools are doing. It is also important to expose their lies which they use to scare us, especially their ‘all-knowing science’ and their so called scientists/alarmists warning us about Climate Change and the terrible harm Humans are doing to the planet.

The weather patterns throughout the world have become more intense and destructive, however this was already predicted in that we were warned that these things will happen in the last days. We were warned of earthquakes in diverse places, stronger winds, volcanic eruptions, actually, all the volcanoes will erupt and made low; we were told of many diseases and deaths, as well as pestilence caused by insects. In a weird way the climate-change zealots are correct in blaming Humans for the change in Earth patterns, but not for their crazy climate-change reasons, which also includes Humans exhaling too much carbon into the atmosphere, as well as cow farts… these people are totally insane. Are they breathing and exhaling other secret gases?

These extreme changes are happening because the love of God that was once found to be abundant in our hearts have diminished considerably and continues to wane, and as our love decreases, the punishments will intensify. Most of the elderly Humans have been purged from the planet during the plandemic and they were the ones who are mostly God-fearing. Our younger generations do not know about the love of God and are being conditioned in Satanic ideology that leads to mental illness which is mainly the killing of their God-given conscience and their worship of self, so as to become who they choose to be, even through mutilations and medication or sorcery.

Is it even possible to deprogram an entire generation of children and young adults who believe in their hearts that they can choose what sex they are and they can also become who they choose to be by proclamation and surgery, even wearing the clothing of the opposite sex, where men can become women and women become men; girls becoming boys and boys becoming girls? This insanity is accepted and promoted in many places today and it still continues, especially in women and girls sports, where men and boys have invaded and are breaking female records everywhere. How long will this madness be allowed to continue?

Personally, I think that males entering female spaces is not a woman problem, but a man problem. Men should keep a check on their brothers and teach them how to be men, what is socially acceptable and what is not. The alpha males have been attacked and emasculated by the feminists and it is important for the Human family unit to raise their children up to know God and what is good and right, so they do not kill their conscience. Our conscience is our guide and it is something that is God-given so as to distinguish between what is good and what is evil. Those who are fighting against this lawlessness and anti-Human agenda will have some success, however in the long term there is a new generation rising up in the Babylonian ways.

On a personal note, I began this blog on January 19th and it is definitely the longest time I have ever taken to write seven pages. This crazy existence is very challenging for all of us and many live their entire lives never learning who they are as a Human Being. It is so sad to see what is happening in the world at this time, there is so much anger and fear and turmoil and unrest. There is mass confusion and chaos being spread upon us. We cannot really rely on anyone for the truth, especially not those who rule over us, so it is then left up to us as individuals to do our own seeking. Can I dare to say that there are some trusted news sources who we can rely on to tell us what is really happening here? Perhaps, however  you will have to go through many sources and choose those you believe are telling the truth, right?  

One interesting truth about being Human is that we die alone and we face what is after this life alone. We are all in this together, however each one is responsible for the life we choose to live and the choices that we make. The roads are set before us and unless we find the Way which leads to the Kingdom of God and Eternal Life, we are travelling along the road that leads to Hell and Death, even if you do not believe in God, for the roads have already been established in the grand scheme of things as the two paths that Humans will travel. 

Humans by default, upon entering this world are set up on the road that leads to Death and Hell, and until we find the other way which leads to TRUTH and Eternal Life, we are simply set up as chaff for the fire. How precious and powerful the Human really is when we come to know who we are in Truth and in the Father. We are wonderfully made and we possess a part that not even the Angels possess, and that is the LIGHT of the WORD, this is why Humans will be with CHRIST- who is The WORD of GOD, and KING of Kings and LORD of Lords, when punishment are handed down to the fallen ones by the Judge and His Army of Human Angels or Saints on that Judgment Day.

This life is very challenging in that we do not all suffer the same fate, for  some may be experiencing terrible catastrophes currently, while in another place there is sunshine and some form of stability. Those un-elected evil ones who have taken control and wield their insanity and lies as if they are badges of honour over us (and we know who they are), should not be allowed to continue to have this kind of power. These anti-Humans and their demonic stronghold must be destroyed and one way of doing this is with prayer-warfare. Prayer works very well against the Gates of Hell because carefully worded prayers will vanquish them and their works. 

The Sword of the Spirit is invincible against them. Prayers are like bullets and bombs to the evil ones, that is why they will arrest you for praying in front of their child-sacrifice temples, or even praying quietly in your mind against their evil and murderous doings. I have personally seen how prayer works and I have also used my Sword of the Spirit to vanquish a demon witch who attacked me. I discovered what the Sword really was and that I really do possess the full Armour of God. Unfortunately they do not die when they are vanquished, they are removed from your presence in defeat, whether it is back into the darkness from whence they came or they disappear into the ground, as they bow down before you at your feet. 

We already have victory in Christ and the Father and they really do stand with you against the Gates of Hell, however you have to call on them to deliver you from the evil. I am not saying that you do not have protection and would have to stand alone against the evil ones if you do not call on Jesus to deliver you, for we do have Guardian Angels who are with us and help to protect us from the evil. Jesus also told us that when we resist the Devil, he will flee from us. The supernatural world is becoming more prominent in our world in these last days and soon all the fallen ones and cast out ones, and all the ones who peer at us and interfere with us from behind the veil will all fall to the Earth and cause even more chaos. Fortunately their time will be short and some of us who are alive in the last days will be saved.

The Last Day may seem as a time way into our future, however you must keep in mind that during these days, time will speed up and we will lose eight hours in our day. All things will be quickened and then suddenly, destruction comes. I am not a doomsayer and I can also say that even though I hate this world, I do love my life very much because I do understand how precious and wonderful Humans really are. I will not tell you that things will get better, perhaps in small diverse places in the world. Consider this: Even if Trump does win the next election and in many countries throughout the world the populous elect right-wing Conservatives, anti-leftist leaders, and the farmers and all those who are currently protesting against the insane Green Agenda, there are still so many millions who have taken the ‘sorcerers brew’ where there are grave, deadly and diabolical consequences, how are they supposed to live in peace, even if Trump does bring peace to the world?

There is also the promise of the med-beds that will be the cure for everything that ails you. I recently saw an ad or a promotion for this supposed miracle for Human health and psychological well-being. It was very interesting to watch and I am certain that many of you are anxiously awaiting this gift from the gods, right? There is so much hope in this revolutionary device which is actually a virtual holographic ‘thing’. It operates in the world of quantum technology which is very suspicious to me. I listened very closely to what the promoter was saying about this med-bed and it seems that it does everything that Jesus and the Holy Spirit does for the Human. Everything that is offered by way of the med-bed, Jesus also offers.

Additionally, it ‘heals’ you on the quantum level which means that they can gain and have access your Soul! Personally, I would never use a med-bed, but that is just me, for I will trust only in Christ Jesus, because some forty years ago, I decided to make Him my personal physician. If and when there is something that ails me, whether Mind, Body or Soul, it is Christ who heals and comforts me, and He is only one who will ever have access to my Mind and Soul. I do not go to doctors, I try to find natural remedies and thus far, I am still standing strong and will never trust any man, especially when it comes to invasive quantum technology.

I have a very limited understanding of this technology, however what I do understand is that it does not operate in the physical realm, but in the realm of anti-matter, beyond the atom, meaning that it operates in the supernatural realm. All the things existing that the Human eye cannot see, yet they are there, but exist on another level, such things as dark-matter, and dark-energy and dark-water. The med-beds were also supposedly gifted to us by, get this, Extraterrestrials! Madness, more insanity everywhere you turn. Those peering ones beyond the veil who watch us day and night as they have always done, and soon they will fall into our world when the veil is ripped from top to bottom, like figs falling from a fig tree blown by the wind. These are the ones who want to save us and heal us and enlighten us and move us to the next dimension.

They have counterfeited everything that is given and established for Humans to survive these last days and become citizens in the New Kingdom of God, which is near, and they offer it to us as our last hope for Salvation on this dying planet. Another interesting bit of information from the med-bed promo was that it is not for everyone, and in order to be chosen to use it, you must be ‘pure of heart’. What does that really mean to them, for this is very suspicious, however I believe he explained why this must be. Why are they going after the pure in heart? Perhaps it is because they are the only ones who can see God.

Matthew 5:8

8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. 

This warfare against Humans will intensify and the Fallen Watchers and the cast-down Angels will all be here to wreck havoc, even the Fallen Watchers imprisoned beneath the Euphrates River who will be released one day soon to kill one fourth of mankind, as punishment! How insane and dire is that? Perhaps the med-beds are what Jesus warned us against when He told us to not go into the secret rooms nor in the desert looking to find Him, because He is not there. I am also aware that no where does those who promote the med-bed ever mentions Christ Jesus, however those beyond the veil are promoting a new Jesus, one who is a supposed reincarnation of our Lord and King Christ Jesus. This one remains beyond the veil and channels through his supposed ‘light-workers’ here on Earth.

There is also a curious scene in the video where the Human Soul is seen separating from the body, which is interesting, because there is knowledge available that tells us the the False Prophet who will be in the desert, that Jesus warned us not to go to seek Him, this false prophet will be baptizing in the River Jordan, however the waters will have changed and become dark-water. This water will trap the Human Soul and the  ‘baptized’ individual will rise from the water without a Soul but with an empty body ready to be infested by the fallen demons who inhabit our world. Even though the med-bed does not mention Jesus in any way, it offers all the wonderful things Jesus offers His Church.

ONLY JESUS CHRIST SAVES! And yes, the whole world will be deceived. We will always have free will, even if they try to remove it from us as a collective, and as individuals, we will always have to make our own choices, even if we are under tyrannical rule. There are perilous times ahead and the only safe place is in Christ Jesus. Those who tell us that things are only going to get better are telling us lies, because things are going to get worse and quickly. The events that are set up for us in these last days are daunting and fear will reign over most of us. Almighty God is coming to our world to purge it of the evil, for He is a ‘consuming-fire’ which will destroy and consume all physical matter, including our physical flesh and blood bodies. I guess we will be existing then in the quantum world of holographic technology.

Human Beings are a very special and mysterious race of Beings, even the Fallen Ones do not completely understand us,  although it was and is their job to watch us and report on us. That is what Lucifer did until he was cast our of Heaven down on to the Earth. When the WORD of God came to Earth on the day that Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan and descended down upon Him like a dove, the WORD brought the gift of becoming Sons of God to us. He gave us His LIGHT in the form of a spiritual light-seed, which every Human receive upon entering this world, something that the Angels do not possess nor can they see it nor grasp hold of it, for it is of a spiritual nature and originates from beyond the world of quantum physics. In these dire times we are to put our complete trust in Christ and ask of Him the questions we need answers to. He is Faithful and True and we need to increase and try or exercise our faith in Him. Trust in Him only and He will lead you out of this place of evil and death.

The truth is that the Human population will decrease drastically and because of their sorcery and birth rates will continue to decline down to a trickle; there is no recovering from this death march. Keep in mind that unless Christ returns to put a stop to this, no one will be left alive, so how is it that our future could ever be bright? This world is under the same demons as always, and Babylon will establish its power and crush those ones who do not worship their gods. No one can save us from the evil ahead because it is allowed to prosper and Christians are marked for persecution, imprisonment and death; many will be deceived by the evil ones and lose their Souls to Death and Hell.

In this world of chaos and confusion we will have to make serious choices when it relates to our own survival in this world. When we focus on the worldly things that are happening around us, we tend to become involved, because sometimes these things personally affect our own lives in different ways. It is very challenging to be not of the world, yet we are in the world. It is easy to understand not belonging here and our home is in the Kingdom of God which will soon come upon the Earth. This world-system is powered by Fallen Angels who lead Humans astray by offering us all the riches and power and fame of the world, for a price of course, and that price is our Soul or the Souls of other Humans we sacrifice instead of our own selves… like family members.

It is difficult for us when we are in the world, especially because of the world-system, which identifies and tags us with all manner of identifications for all the services Humans are offered here as citizens of the world. The government has too much power over us, especially our financial circumstance, with bank accounts and pensions under their control. Our lives are entwined into the world-system and unless we literally remove ourselves from under its control, our thoughts and our choices will be driven by our own survival and those close to us. There are four kinds of seeds sown here by the sower and only one kind actually bares fruit. The world is very distracting and the Devil is always waiting and lurking around to devour us, kill us, steal from us and destroy us in order to separate us from our Lord and Saviour. 

Humans do not have the necessary tools needed to overcome the Evil One on our own; we are very weak and helpless against the Gates of Hell. What we need is to let Jesus come into our lives and take up residence, we need Salvation through Repentance and the Cross. We need Jesus in our lives as we need food and water, even air to survive and live, for He has already had victory over these evil ones. I have waged warfare against these ones with my Father and Lord at my side and I do want to say that this warfare is not the same as you see in exorcisms performed by Catholic priests; perhaps it is because my warfare was not about exorcisms or demon possessions.

This blog has taken me one month to complete and I am still writing here. The world truly is a distraction and Jesus did tell us that we must become aware of our surroundings. We all want to fight for our God-given freedoms and to be able to decide for our selves. We do have free will, even though our demon-overlords want to tell us differently and I stand with those who are standing up and pushing back, because this is not the life God intended for us, yet here we are again, the final generation experiencing the same things previous generations have also experienced and fought to eradicate. We are to confront evil lies and call out the works of the Devil when we encounter them in the world. 

The people are rising up for the good of humanity in protests around the world. The Truckers have decided to stop shipment of food to New York City/State until they stop persecuting Trump. The farmers are having success against the Green/Climate Agenda and the powers are backing down in many cases. Do you think that these power hungry overlords will relinquish their demonic hold over us so easily? Neither do I. We must prepare ourselves psychologically for the evils that will continue to befall us as we move towards the Last Day. There is no hope or justice in the things of this world and the persecution will intensify and soon will be at your door one day. Punishments are also being carried our here and those who are not protected by Christ Jesus will suffer.

This world is being overrun by evil forces because Humans have rejected the LAW of Almighty God. We have turned away from His ways and have become a lawless, godless, immoral race of people. The world is full of so many things Almighty God hates, for we must remember that He is a Jealous God and He also does good as well as evil. He is the One who will bring judgment to this planet in the form of a consuming-fire, in order to burn and remove the evil from upon the Earth. He has cursed our first parents and there are also curses currently here in the world that will fall upon the disobedient and lawless. He even curses family for up to three and four generations. He is in the whirlwind, and He controls the weather patterns and the pestilence.

The reason why there is so much turmoil in our environment is because there is no fear of God or His Laws in the hearts of men. The more disobedient and sinful we continue to be, the more extreme the conditions will become. All the Nations of the world who worship other gods will suffer greatly from ‘climate-change’ with extreme weather and other natural catastrophes. Almighty God is coming to  destroy all evil from upon the Earth and to destroy the strongholds of the other gods Humans also worship. How many other gods do we worship here in the world? I know that there are over one hundred and twenty gods to worship in Hinduism. Is Almighty God aware of this paganism and is He jealous of the people worshipping these other gods? 

The Nations of the world must also repent of their lawlessness and return the LAW to the places of power and learning. Those countries that have embraced and promote this Satanic Agenda will have to pay the price. Almighty God hates sin, but He is also a merciful God in that when you change from your sinful ways He will bless you and there are many Nations today who have enacted into law what is considered an abomination in His eyes. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? Personally, I think that we are too far down the hill to turn this current situation around; only God can do that. What will we do with the last generation of children and young adults who are living this life-style and believing these evil ideologies? In many places they are a protected group and you can go to jail for speaking out against this abomination. Even these words could get me in trouble with the evil overlords.

I am not one to go out into the streets to protest, however my words will always expose the evil found here. Personally, I do not feel that I have to fight for my right of free-will, because no one can take that away from me. Christ Jesus has control over my Mind and fear will never be a force that drives me to make harmful choices. We are not only hearers of the word but also doers, and we are to accept the truths about our journey into the Kingdom. We are passers-by. This world is not our home and we are here to seek and find the Way of Truth which can only be found here in the wonderful words and teaching left behind for us by the Father of Truth through His WORD, who is KING and LORD over all Beings in existence.

For those who cannot find a place to worship and follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, it is important that we study the Bible and pray a lot. It also helps when you find a good Christian Pastor or teacher to help you along the way. I have listened to Christian radio over the years and heard many preachers, from which I chose a few to listen to, which is also a challenge because there are different interpretations of the word. I do not listen to the radio anymore, however there are a couple of preachers I do listen to on an occasional basis. I can tell the ones who love our Lord and follow the LAW… those who try to protect the flock, instead of giving them over to the Devil. I think that it is important that you find a trusted minister, on the radio, on television or on the Internet to help you with your studies and you can also do your Bible study through a trusted ministry.

It has taken me a whole month to finish this blog and I do hope this is the only time this will ever happen, perhaps it is time for me to move to the next level in my writing… there are so many words inside of me just waiting to be written. We must continue to pray against the Gates of Hell and the evil overlords and their Agenda. We must become friends with Christ Jesus and He must be living in us and we in Him and He in the Father in order to escape what is promised for this lawless and godless world. Evil will increase and the fight will also intensify between good and evil. We are told that evil will win, however we already have our personal victory in Christ Jesus and there is nothing that evil can do that will ever separate us from the love and protection of our Lord and Saviour.


Romans 1: 16-32

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


The evil and lawless ones will continue to infect the world and lead us down the path to destruction. Our fate is set and the ‘great and terrible day of the Lord’ is at hand, for the wrath of God will be unleashed upon the Earth. Can you say with certainty that you have found your place of rest in Christ Jesus and no matter what evil bombards our world that you are safe and secure in Christ Jesus? Repent, and leave the worldly things behind, for they do not belong to you. All the evil of this world is already taken care of, and all those who continue to be disobedient to the LAW and do not fear the Lord will suffer the consequences of their sinful ways, as they are placed under a curse to do even more evil.

We must increase our faith and pray always, study the Word and repent of our sins, so that we will be found blameless in these perilous times, for we do not know the day when we will be removed from this world… it could be tomorrow. This life experience is challenging, however it is also very rewarding and wonderful to know that there is someone in whom we can put our trust, even give control over our lives, someone whom we can depend on for He is called Faithful and True, and Counsellor; someone who has defeated all evil and will fight for us against the Gates of Hell to give us the victory and deliver us from evil that has taken root in our world that seeks to destroy and corrupt us. 

When we keep in mind the teachings and the warnings of Jesus Christ, and when we follow His commands we will be in a better place to not fall into the traps of the Adversary. The more we pray and confess our sins, the more we talk and listen to Jesus, the more of a friendship we develop with Him, and our Lord always protects and provides all that we will ever need to survive this time that is like no other. We must become wise as serpents and innocent as doves, that is we must learn about the plans of the evil ones, however we must remain innocent in the way we expose their deeds when we fight back against their evil anti-Human Agenda. You are responsible for only one life and that is your own and only Jesus can give you what you need to overcome the works of the Devil. 

Seek the Lord now when He can be found because there will come a time when the Word of God will be removed from the world and men will seek after it and will not find it. Today is the day of Salvation, so call on our Lord Jesus Christ so you can be saved. The signs and wonders are appearing all over the world, the time of the end is very near and our Lord does not wish that any should perish. The Scriptures does tell us that those who follow the evil ones, even the wolves in sheep clothing who preach from the pulpits and deceive the flocks, that those who listen to these wolves will also suffer the same fate as their false-teachers. Be sure that you are not being led astray and the only way you can do that is by developing a close and personal relationship with Jesus Christ; you must become one of His friends and give Him lordship over your life for all of the remainder of your life.

Love and Peace to you all in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. M.

Written by: Marlene*

Monday 19th February, 2024.

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