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                             THE BURDEN OF THE HUMAN BEING.

Written by: Marlene*
Sunday 10th March, 2024.

Today we find ourselves in a world which appears to becoming overrun by evil and it also seems that Humans are being attacked from every side! What is happening in our world and what sort of future is there ahead of us? Why is everything changing and not for the good? There is so much suffering as fear and confusion continue to spread throughout the world, and personally, I do not know how anyone can remain sane and be also at peace within themselves, without the help and love of Christ Jesus; I really do not understand it.

Sometimes it is difficult to find words to even express what I really want to, because there is a weight I feel, or carry and I am certain that you can relate, especially when you have close relatives you also care about and want them to be safe. Yes, and sometimes they do not listen to you and do their own thing, which may not have good outcomes. How many of you have kids or parents or close relatives and friends who took the ‘sorcerer’s brew’?

I really wanted to write about how burdensome it is when you see things that others do not, or when you realize at least to some degree what is really happening here on our planet and especially what ‘they’ are doing to Humans; it is actually very heart-breaking, because this is how it ends for us. There are some seeds that have also been planted here by the ‘great hater of God and Humans’- the Adversary, and these seeds are now bearing fruits in our world, we find them even in our family members and those closest to us.

There was a great flood that destroyed the world during the time of Noah, when Fallen Angels and their Nephilim off-springs had power in our world; they took on Human form and lived as Humans, teaching us all the forbidden knowledge we were not supposed to know. The Fallen Ones made us who we are today and they also shaped every aspect of our Human journey and still have influence over us, even today.

Is it possible to re-educate an entire generation to cause them to believe that there are only two sexes or genders- male and female, and girls cannot become boys and men cannot become women? This has become a God issue, because those who know that this kind of behaviour is not what was established for us as Humans, but that this ‘movement’ is the work of the Devil and his minions. It is not possible to put this genie back in the bottle because this movement is also a kind of contagion, because it spreads and it infects the Human Soul and psyche, especially in the children, and only Jesus Christ can remove this infection.

Over the years I have done a lot of reading in all manner of places. Mythology was always very interesting to me because there were Giants and I was fascinated with them for a while. I did learn quite a bit about them and one interesting thing I did learn was that Giants were the first homosexuals. They began this practice when they walked the Earth, and so I had to also look into whether there were also female Giants, which there were, but the practice began with Giants and moved on to Humans, which is an abomination in the sight of Almighty God. 

When we try to warn them, they call us racists and bigots and even ‘Christians’, which is not an esteemed name in this world-system. The first world was destroyed by water because Humans were doing evil continually and there were creatures being born on this Earth that were not supposed to be here. The Human gene-pool was contaminated and so all was destroyed, except those who were saved along with the animals.  

Over the years I have found interesting books that were written and preserved for those of the last days of the Earth, for the time when The Destroyer will appear in or skies. I have also found writings from different sources, even ancient ones that actually says that when a man becomes a woman and a woman a man, then the society must experience some kind of revolution or reset in order to return back to what is normal, because what we are experiencing here today is far from normal. There is also no revolution that can reverse what has happened and is happening to us… this is in God’s hands now. We cannot fix this.

Do you think it is possible to reverse the effects of the sorcerer’s brew on the people? Many believe that it is the Mark of the Beast and if that is true then there is no cure for that sorcery, except the fire. Others are offering up remedies to remove this strange poison from our bodies, but are there any real cures? ‘No weapon formed against me shall prosper’. What happens when you line up to be stabbed by the weapon that was formed against, with no resistance and thinking that you were doing a good thing? What happens when you willingly choose the weapon and use it against yourself? Are you then still under the protection of Christ Jesus? Yes the whole world will be deceived!

This is different in that people willingly took the brew, some were forced against their will, as in the elderly population, especially those in retirement and hospice care. They have killed-off a huge portion of our elderly, especially those in the Western countries, mainly those who believe in our Lord and Saviour, causing the the Earth to loose a lot of its salt.

It is also logical to understand why this world will be destroyed by fire that will consume everything that is physical matter, including our flesh and blood bodies. This fire is not at all like the current Texas fire, or any other fires set here to hurt and deprive Humans in some twisted way. These fires, no matter how they were started leave behind ashes and evidence that a fire took place there. The ground is still there, there are still remnants of what once was, and those who get caught up in the fires still leave remains behind, if only a trace or an outline. Physical fires burning physical things.

Currently in our world they are spraying all manner of poisons into the atmosphere and these chemicals are also contaminating and poisoning the trees and the animals, as well as all the water sources. They even put poisons in our drinking water that they supply to us from the taps in our own homes. It would seem that they are really trying to kill us from every side and the persecution has not reached its peak at this time in the West as yet, although it is here, but not through widespread violence as we see in Nigeria and other pagan countries.

The burden of the Human is the sadness we carry in our hearts because of what we see happening in our world and to our fellow Human Beings. It is a really heart-breaking when you think about what the evil ones have done to the Human Race and the damage they did through their sorcery, greed, theft and witch-craft. There are some ingredients found in the sorcerer’s brew that are not even found on Earth, especially the black-goo! That black-goo reminds me of dark-water, like the water found in the Abyss. Is it truly the Mark of the Beast? 

There are many Christians who took the brew, some on advice from their Pastors, Ministers and even their personal physicians, who actually were compensated by the sorcerer’s helpers who paid them to deceive Christians. How many Christians are very remorseful today because of that fateful choice they made, one driven mostly by fear, misinformation and blindness. I say blindness because when they told us of the survival rate after infection, it was around ninety-eight percent. Then why would you take something that was untested to give you an extra two percent advantage? 

Personally, after I heard the odds, I made the choice to take the chance on my immune-system and not trust these sorcerer’s. Incidentally, I have believed that Big Pharma are a bunch of sorcerer’s for many years now and I do not trust any doctor. I have my own physician in Christ Jesus. I take comfort in knowing that my days are numbered upon the Earth and I cannot cause myself to live any longer and there will be a day when I will leave this world, and this date was already established, even before I was born.

In my journey I want to trust completely in our Lord and make Him responsible for the health of my body and my Soul and my Spirit. My desire is to be here on the last day when He appears with His Army of Angels, to gather up those who are alive and remain. Those who have survived the enemy and murderer of Humans, and receive a place with our LORD and KING, who will dispatch quickly into Hell all the wicked rulers and evil ones from upon the Earth.

As I have said in previous writings: Almighty God is coming to Earth to judge and take vengeance and exact punishments upon the sinful and lawless and godless ones. He is coming to destroy the works of the Fallen Ones from upon the Earth, their final kingdom- Babylon the Great. He is coming as a ‘consuming-fire’ and this fire will burn up all physical-matter, and only psychic and spiritual matter will remain. Psychic matter as in the Angels in their true psychic form and the naked Human Soul in its naked and sinful state covered in the crimson stain of sin, or those who are alive and remain will be covered in the Holy Spirit.

The Fallen ones will be wearing Human-flesh when they take power here, whether by possession of an already prepared body, as in the False-Prophet. He takes control of a young man’s body who is prepared for time and an hour for him to occupy. He is sent to deceive us with his miracles and signs and wonders, however he does get his power from Satan. I think that means he is given authority to do what he will do, because Lucifer is the prince of this world and Satan is his chief officer and no one gets to have power here, except given from the prince of this world. 

I really believe that they are two separate entities, Satan and Lucifer, with Lucifer being in charge of everything happening here, especially the evil Humans suffer. There will also be more than the three anti-Christs pointed out to us here in the last days. We were warned about the Anti-Christ, the False-prophet and the Beast. Here is a thought: many believe that the current pope is not the original pope Francis, and this pope is really so far outside of the teachings of Christ Jesus and the LAW, that it is logical to say that this current pope is someone else… perhaps the true Anti-Christ?

We can all speculate and I will say that there are some things I do know to be truth and I also understand that the deception will be so great, that the whole world is deceived. Only the Two Witnesses really know the identities of these evil ones and they will identify Abaddon or as he is otherwise called Apollyon, who ascends up through the Bottom-less Pit to enters our world and have power over us. WOW! There are so many strange and terrible things established for disobedient Humans who are the law-breakers, which amounts to every Human who enters into this world.

The punishments promised for these last days will destroy the Human Race from upon the face of the Earth, and unless our LORD returns, no one will be left alive. I understand sin and punishment, and I also understand Repentance and Salvation and Eternal Life in Perfection. I believe with all of my being that I am on a journey and I must reach my destination no matter what… I cannot help myself, for I must become manifest in the LIGHT. The THOUGHT which was conceived within must experience what it means to become known. We are the Sons of the Living Father!

I also understand that in order to make this happen, I must seek after knowledge of TRUTH, which does exist here and I will find what is needed to take me along the WAY through to my destiny. My beliefs are slightly different from the general Christian beliefs, although we believe in the same Christ Jesus who is the Son of God and Saviour of the world. I love Jesus and He has been there for me whenever I needed Him, even with me in spiritual-warfare against the demons from the Gates of Hell.

I do not like the term spiritual-warfare because there is nothing spiritual about those demons; perhaps it is called spiritual-warfare because we are aided by Spiritual Beings who are not made up of the same ‘matter’ as the demons and Angels we face in battle. I prefer to call them Psychic fire-beings, who are made of Fire, Angels of fire. Humans are made of Water and LIGHT and The Holy Ones like Christ and TRUTH the Comforter are made of LIGHT, and they are the true Spiritual Beings. Only those who belong to or originate from the LIGHT are truly Spiritual. We must be born of Water and of the Spirit in order to enter into the Kingdom of God.

All Angels existing in the Darkness of the Deep, which is the Cosmos, both the Heavens and the Earth were created by Almighty God. He is a ‘consuming-fire’, as in the ‘burning-bush’, except the fire did not consume the bush in that visit to Moses on Mt. Sinai. There are many Angels who have rebelled against the Most High with Lucifer as their leader, and a lot have been cast down, some imprisoned and others set free here on Earth, and have been here for a long time. Those who are imprisoned here will be released on a specific date, to kill a fourth of Humans.

All of these punishments and curses and plagues are administered by the evil ones, in one form or another upon Humans, and it is possible that there is even more evil things ahead for those who took the sorcerer’s brew. There are strange living and also alien organisms in that brew, which has finally begun to alarm many, especially when the coroners and embalmers are exposing what they are finding in the bodies they examine. Strange living alien structures are growing in Humans and no one knows what they are, only that these things are killing us… and they continue to push their sorcerer’s brew upon the people; and sadly there are still those who remain under the spell and they will line up to be poisoned by the evil ones over again.

Why do they hate us so? Why do they desire to kill and enslave us? It has always been this way, however with the introduction of Jesus Christ and His teachings into the world, the Holy Spirit was able to subdue the powers of the Adversary and bring Truth and LAW into the governing places, which generally dictates morals and ethics that influence the laws and policies governing the people. Today, the sacred Human Laws have been removed from the public places, and this action has opened up a place for Satan and Lucifer to set up their own religious schools and temples, openly in our world.

The Adversary and his minions have invaded all of the places in this world-system and there is now an open war taking place between good and evil, between light and darkness. Our societal norms have flipped upside down and today the good things are now considered evil and the evil good. The seeds of the enemy are bearing fruits and these fruits are poisonous and dangerous to the Human Being. Personally, I do not think we can ever fix this current predicament; we cannot return to the way it once was because these things cannot be undone and they will remain until the Day of Judgment.

The planet has to be purged from all the evil and the contamination, everything is infected and corrupted. How are we supposed to navigate through this valley of chaos and death, all the while being attacked from all sides. There are those who rule over us from the high places, even from the lower regions as well, even from inside the Earth, they all have influence here in one form or another. There will be many fallen ones and imprisoned ones and cast out ones who will have power here and they have also sent their ministers unto us to deceive and condition us for the arrival of the Babylonian kings.

The burden of the Human also comes with knowing all of these inevitable evils that will come upon the Earth. The evil ones are given power by Almighty God to destroy and punish Humans who are disobedient to the LAW, for the time of the Harvest is drawing near. The Harvest is when the Church is taken into the heavenly barn, except there is a great part of the harvest that is contaminated with foreign alien substance which is the Mark of the Beast, and this second harvest will be thrown into the wine-press of the Almighty, where there will be a lot of blood…

Almighty God does both good and evil and He uses evil ones to punish disobedient and lawless ones. All of the plagues are under His command and control, even the insect plagues that will consume all of the plants and trees in succession. There are even punishing Angels who will also be released here to kill us… those who are law-breakers. When we look at the weapons being used to start fires here such as the Direct Energy Weapons and the suffering and loss they produce, please consider that these evil acts are actually controlled by Almighty God. They make fire come down from the sky in the sight of men.

Almighty God is coming to Earth and He will come with the Destroyer to obliterate all the evil from upon the Earth. We will see two suns and then there will only be one, because one is hiding in front of the other, and one day, when we do not expect it, the Destroyer will appear very large in our skies, and the Wrath of God and the Angel of Wrath will be unleashed upon the Earth. There truly are even more perilous times ahead including plagues, that include some kind of skin lesions and sores infection that will cause much suffering, however this plague will not be a deadly one.
This skin plague will begin when Apollyon ascends from out of the Bottom-less Pit with his swarm of demons and that are commanded to hurt those who do not have the Seal of God in their foreheads. Could these sores be caused by the living alien organisms from the sorcerer’s brew actually burrowing out through to the surface of the skin from inside the body like Morgellons disease? Today there are also many addicted to dangerous Opioids who are experiencing sores and legions on their bodies, and these drugs are pushed on Humans by the Red Dragon with many casualties.

Humans are also becoming more violent towards each other and there are mobs of young ones who cause a lot of violence and destruction of property and theft, and it appear as though they are under some form of mind-control control. Mobs of people seem to explode into spontaneous violence causing injury and sometimes death. Our once stable social structures, especially in the West are crumbling right before our very eyes and floods of non-Christians are invading many of these countries and are also changing the demographics. 

Christian values are under attack everywhere in this world-system, for the battle is raging between good and evil, between Light and Darkness. The two sides at war have become very visible, we know who we are, what we believe and which side we are on; we know who the enemy is and it is as simple as Lucifer and his minions against Christ Jesus and His Saints. As we can plainly see, as is evidenced by what is happening here, it is very clear that they want to kill mostly all of us and then turn the remainder into slaves, even food! 

I have heard the Human Race referred to as ‘a herd’ by these evil ones in high places. There will also come a day and soon, when the ones who believe that they are our masters and gods, they will come to collect their slaves and take ownership of their property, and what will Humans do in that moment… there will be much anguish and grief. These evil overlords will come, indeed some are already here, however we have yet to see one publicly claim to the world that he is the Christ we have been awaiting.

They will say that they are the ones who created us and they have returned for their slaves. We will argue that we were created in the Image and Likeness of God and that Humans are slaves to no one. Then they will say that they are the ones who created you and that they can prove it. You will tell them to prove it, and they will then take out their ‘blue-tooth device thingy’ and they will scan your body, and they will find an identification number that corresponds to their records, and you will have no defense against them. 

Then they will say to you: ‘give us back our body!’, what will you do? You have already lost ownership of your body and you have also been tagged as their property, what will you do? I am certain that all of you who are reading these words at this moment have never thought of this scenario before, except I did mention it in a previous blog. Perhaps the tagging done through their sorcery is for some kind of G-control, whether 5 or 6 or whatever, but I promise you that there is an even more sinister part of their diabolical plan awaiting us up ahead.

Many years ago in my seeking, I did find knowledge referring to the time of the last days when they will come and say that ‘they want their bodies back.’ There was just a very small paragraph in a huge text of knowledge concerning this and at that time the sentence did not resonate, since there was nothing in our experience to connect to that scenario. These words were also spoken by Christ to His disciples. There are many words of Christ Jesus found outside of the Bible and if you are a seeker of Knowledge in Truth, a seeker of The WAY  and the TRUTH, your search will ultimately lead you outside of the Bible in search of more knowledge, knowledge that was actually hidden here for those who seek to find.

When you seek and find the WAY of TRUTH, you do so in knowledge, WORDS and Faith. The words are eaten by you through study and the words also become building blocks and strength for the Soul and Spirit. Christ teaches us how to anticipate and push through the last and most difficult part of the race, where the evil ones are going to be coming for us, quite literally. He also knew that some of those who are His will experience this evil, so He told us what we must do. 

Remember that Jesus told us that we are not to fear those who can kill our bodies, but fear the One who can kill our Soul, by casting us into Hell and Death. That One is Almighty God, for He is the God of Vengeance and also of Judgment. ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom’. Do you want to go to Hell in the Judgment? Of course not. Who opened up the ground that caused all the disobedient people to fall down into Hell, during the time of the EXODUS, when Moses led the children of Israel out of Egyptian captivity through the desert? Almighty God.

Having said that, we should not be too concern about our physical bodies dying, because what comes after is… I was going to say that what comes after is worth it, but I think it is worth the sacrifice. So what happens when they come for their body which has been tagged? As an individual who seeks and finds and prays and studies and who also depends on the teachings of Jesus Christ and on a personal relationship with Him, you understand that the physical body is not going into the Kingdom, for there is no place for flesh and blood bodies. It is simply the clothing of the SOUL, who is You the individual Human!

We are told that we are to surrender our bodies to them, without fear, for we do and should possess within, that inner-peace which surpasses all understanding which is rooted and fixed within your pure-heart; we also have the Rest we receive  as Followers of Christ, remaining undisturbed within ourselves, for we will never betray nor deny our Lord, even in times of great persecution and in turn condemn ourselves because of lack of faith. We are like trees planted by the water, and we shall not be moved, for nothing can cause us to even blink; we are spiritually planted in the things of the spiritual. Things the demons and Fallen Ones have no access to.

If you somehow find yourself in this situation as a Follower, you should be able to be in the place, both Mind and Soul, where you will be able to undress like a child, trampling your physical covering/clothing underfoot and leave your/their body behind. And when they take hold of it, they will see that it is nothing, for you have escaped their clutches and found your place in the LIGHT! Yes, they will kill you, but I believe it is about having the correct perspective if you face these things, and some will, most definitely. 

How many of us who have been tagged knowingly or unknowingly and are currently a part of  ‘the herd’, will be able to save ourselves from what is coming? Even if Trump does become president until the judgment, the power is given over to the evil ones to enslave and kill us, even the Saints! And although the future looks dark and it will be, there is hope for those who trust in Christ Jesus, for He will protect us from the Wrath and all the calamities that will befall us here in the last days.

Christ Jesus told us to ‘do not let our hearts be troubled’ and to put all of our cares and worries onto Him, for He will carry our burdens, so than we can continue to have that peace within which surpasses all understanding, and that Rest which cannot be moved. The Judgment will come to pass and the Darkness will continue to envelop the world, as the love of God decreases in the hearts of Humans and being replaced with fear, ignorance and lawlessness. It is important that we take the time to pray and study and get close to Jesus in these last days, because He is the only one who can protect you from all evil.

They have infected the Western Nations with their damned heresy and lies that are spreading fast and wide. Their goal is to usurp the Christian way of life and teachings and put in place their Luciferian/Satanic Agenda, which they are having great success at implementing. So many attacks upon the Human Race and from all sides, and I do believe there are so-called ‘Aliens’ as well as Humans who will claim superiority over us, and they will soon enter into our world, along with their Babylonian gods and masters.

All these things are ‘sanctioned’ by Almighty God, for this is the ‘beginning of sorrows’ and a time of Judgment upon the Earth where the evil ones will have power over us to punish and kill and persecute us, even the Saints! All the Angels will fall to Earth. All the Watchers who are watching us from beyond the veil, will also fall to Earth, for they too have already been Judge and will await punishment when our LORD and KING appears with His Army of Angels at the Gathering on the Last Day. 

The Watchers have never stopped watching us, even Lucifer would go up to Heaven before the Throne of God to bring accusations against Humans, until He is kicked out of Heaven down to Earth. They consider themselves not to be Extraterrestrials and they will also come as kings and gods to rule over us. There are those who currently reside in the Inner-Earth, who will also come and have power here, and the world will accept them for who they claim to be. 

The Watchers did not all go to the same prison, they were imprisoned in many different places. I believe that Saturn is a prison planet for some of the Watchers. There is also some of their off-springs who continued to have power here and they are all awaiting the day when they will be allowed to enter into our world. There is an established time and a day for these ones to enter here. Of course there are already those who have been here for millennia and they will have a purpose and more power in the Great Babylonian Kingdom.


1 JOHN Chapter 1:1-10

1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)
3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.
5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.


It is important that we understand that we must be found blameless, spotless and without sin on that Day of Judgment. We are all sinners, even though we have been saved by Jesus Christ from the penalty of sin, which is Death. Many believe and live their lives after they were saved as though they have complete and total protection, all the while they never repent of and confess the small sins that may happen often in their lives… the little things. How do we know when we have committed sin and how do we know that our Souls are as white as snow? When our conscience tells us so in conviction and uneasiness felt within, and when we sin against the LAW. 

We must repent of every sin we commit as well as those we committed in our past, those we have forgotten, but they do somehow find their way to the surface one day. We must also ask forgiveness for those as well, even those we remember we committed as children, because when we sin a crimson stain appears on our Soul. It also remains there until we repent and confess of that sin, and are washed by the Blood of the Lamb. We must also pray that our Joy may be full and we must remember that ‘the Joy of the Lord is our strength!’.

The burden of the Human can be easily transferred over to Christ Jesus to carry for us, for His burden is Light. He carries Light wheresoever He is, and sin and worries and fear with disappear in Him. Remember also that He does not remember our sins once they are blotted out, so it is vital that we remain clean. As one who has been a Follower for a long time and those who are my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, I know that we hate sin and we do our best to not sin, however we sometimes do and when we do, we will feel that crimson stain on us and will quickly repent and cleanse our Souls.

Being Human is a wonderful experience because we know and love our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and we also know of the wonderful gifts He has left for us to seek and find, through Faith and Knowledge. We are only here to learn who we are in Knowledge and Truth, we are not interested in the identities that the world has given us, even branded us. We are travellers and we are just passing through, we are passers-by, and this world is not our home. We are on the only true WAY that leads into the Kingdom of God which is soon to appear, although we are already in the Kingdom and we live by the rules of the Kingdom, given to us by our Lord and King of the Kingdom of God, who is Christ Jesus.

It is also important we pray that our Faith will increase, so that we do not buckle under the pressure of the Adversary, for many will deny their faith and love for Christ Jesus when the real persecution comes to their door, as it continues to spread and deepen, and fear will replace faith and those who regarded themselves as Christians will betray their brothers and sisters in Christ, even their own family members, in order to save their own lives which they will lose anyway. 

In the country I reside in, I recall the last census had a question that I had never seen before and that was about your religious affiliation as a Christian. They targeted the Christian in one question that had multiple choices, nine I believe, in terms of what kind of Christian you were. They never mentioned any other religion that were represented in the society and there are quite a few, all having elected representatives in the government, but they specifically went after the Christians. I guess they wanted to see how many of us are in the country. I did not answer that question, however I did state that I was Human.

Lucifer is the prince of this world and has always been ever since the fall of Adam, from the beginning, and the last days are upon us when he will be cast down upon the Earth with his rebellious gang of Angels, and they will seek us out to kill us in every possible evil way they can. Most will die and if our LORD and KING does not cut our last days short, no one would left alive, but for the sake of His Elect, the day shall be shortened.             


MATHEW Chapter 24:3-31

3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.


So we are to trust only in Christ our Lord, and also remember that He is not coming back to rule in our world. He was given a mission two-thousand years ago which He fulfilled, and He will return at the end of the Age to collect those who are His. I do not believe that our Lord would even set foot in this world, so you will know that all those who come in His name are our enemies. His KINGDOM is not of this world. Almighty God on the other hand is coming to this world as a consuming-fire, to destroy all the evil that is here.

Jesus Christ loves us and He considers us friends if we will form a friendship with Him and trust in Him for all of our needs. The Just shall live by Faith and pray always that your Joy may be full. Seek after knowledge of the WAY in Christ Jesus and He will lead you up into the Highest Places in Eternal Life, the places of Perfection. Remember also that the Fallen Angels and all those will will enter our world are also judged under the same LAWS as mankind, however we who disobey will suffer the same punishments as the rebellious Angels. 

Choose Christ Jesus for He is the Way and the Truth and He is also the LIGHT of the world. A Light found within us as well as outside of us. We must be born of  Water and of the Spirit and we can only do so when we follow the WAY and the teachings of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour of the world… those who follow Him. He will protect us and bring us through to the end, or He will be with us when we are to leave and take us up to be with Him until the time of the end.

Peace and Love to you All in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Saviour of Mankind. M.

Written by: Marlene*
Sunday 10th March, 2024.

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