Why Matthew Warren Committed Suicide?
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September 17, 2013
“If you make people think they will love you but if you really make them think the way I do then they will hate you” Take a chance on your spirit, claim the undiluted truth, think outside of the controlling matrix in charge of the media!
~ Dr. Turi
I am the victim of the Scorpius Draconis and my parents cosmic unconsciousness…
Rick Warren’s son lost in ‘wave of despair’
Matthew Warren, 27, died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound on Friday, Stand by for “The stars and Fate of Matthew Warren.”
Dear Readers;
“I never questioned my faith in God; I questioned God’s plan,” Rick Warren said. “God isn’t to blame for my son’s death. My son took his life. It was his choice.”
More than any normal families, all tele-evangelists’ children are prone to Neptune’s psychical religious poisoning but what does a cosmic unconscious Rick Warren know of this planet and its overwhelming impact upon his and his departed child? I often refer to this now re-arranged quote from Nostradamus you will find at the end of many of my articles and for good reasons…
A life without knowledge of God’s Universal plan is contrary to all cosmic laws and order”
Dr. Turi
When Rick Warren said “My son took his life. It was his choice“ he is so wrong… its the heavy drug/religious regiment combined with his natal deadly Scorpius Dragon’s Tail* that took his will away. Death was the only way out and the only way to finally find peace. Note Kurt Donald Cobain was born February 20, 1967 with the same depressive killer Scorpius Dragon’s Tail and shared the same fate as Rick Warren’ son Matthew.
The fact is readers, Rick Warren’s son and thousands of lost souls committed suicide for deeper reasons today’ science could never explain. Without cosmic wisdom all you have is your 5 human limited logical human senses enabling you from realizing or understanding a much deeper manifesto coming from the archetypal realm of consciousness.
In the sad case of Matthew Warren, he was the victim of induced religious poisoning from a very early age that did not agree with his more “sensual” Scorpionic dragon. Imagine for a second if someone like Miley Cyrus or Shelley Lubben ”Miley Ray Cyrus & Shelley Lubben Born Porn Stars?“ were raised by religiously poisoned parents like Rick Warren?
Both souls own a tremendous Plutonic Scorpio sexual pull they can not control and must exhibit / get rid of daily… Guess what Matthew Warren was more than frustrated and totally confused and endlessly battling his natural sexual urges who did not agree with the “puritanical” environment he was confined in. He built a serious dose of guilt in the process adding more psychical stress to his situation and NO ONE was there to educate him on his cosmic over sensual make up.
Thus when his parents said their son struggled with borderline personality disorder and deep depression in an exclusive interview with Piers Morgan it shows how TOTALLY ridiculous and cosmic IGNORANT the world is!
“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”
- Edmund Burke
Of course I do not expect the traditionally educated scientists or the God fearing pious souls to remotely grasp Astropsychology rare wisdom nor the controlling educational/religious matrixes to give me a wider voice on CNN so I could “illuminate” humanity! The controlling scientific educational matrix is building a new “radical” society that will someday think like a machine depraved of feeling or emotions.
The world is losing its spiritual values and trust its infantile science… In the process this new society made of young souls born skeptics, agnostics, atheists and “educated” scientists think they know better when they don’t.
Religion and science have been at war since for ever and the rare cosmic conscious teacher abling them all to find balance between the physical and spiritual realms is muted by BOTH the controlling religious and scientific matrixes! The psychical welfare of humanity is at risk but both parts are unwilling or worse, unable to raise their own spiritual vibrations…
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so you may lead a safer more productive life”
Religion as practiced today is the cancer of humanity, it leads to separatism, discord and endless religious wars. This archaic teaching must be replaced by Cosmic Consciousness or Jesus’ initial cosmic ministry stolen from humanity by the Iluminati.
“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”
If the good, concerned God fearing parents of Matthew failed to save their own son from committing suicide why would anyone follow the teachings of his famous father? Where is common sense? its like joining a group or a cult .i.e. Scientology were the creator himself committed suicide… these are very obvious signs for you to watch and stay clear from the deadly energy of any deceptive teachings…
And if you are not spiritually “refined” enough to detect the “signs”, then you are not ready to upgrade to a better, more productive vibration that’s all, and there is always a heavy price to pay for any form of ignorance!
But the irony is… Rick and Kay Warren founded Saddleback Church, one of the largest in America, in 1980. Rick Warren also wrote ”The Purpose Driven Life,” one of the best-selling books of all time. They have slowly returned to the spotlight since grieving in private for five months.
For God’ sake how can someone who pretend to be so smart, someone who represents God on earth and someone that supposed to lead and protect your spirit loses his one son?
Remember readers when I wrote so many times, those who are supposed to be the experts are often the least knowledgeable in their filed of expertise? Be sure readers, I can hear, see God and understand God’s cosmic plan a million times better than any and all priests and tele – evangelists combined together. But the sad reality is you are lead by a bunch or cosmic unconscious souls cursed by their position to make sense to what God is all about.
How can Rick and Kay Warren lead your spirit to the light of God when they are themselves blind to his cosmic manifestations and know nothing of the signs? How can Rick and Kay Warren “save” your souls or your children when they have lost their? Where is your common sense? meantime they are the faithful workers and peons of the controlling educational religious matrix and own the media and CNN stage while Dr. Turi and his TRUE beacon of light can only reach and lead a ridiculous minority of smart human beings…
The Warrens say they are opening up about their son’s tragic death as part of their new mission to end the stigma of mental illness in the hope they can save other families from the pain they are walking through.Matthew had a loving family and access to mental health care, but not even that could spare him, the Warrens told CNN.
Guess what readers, as long as the Warren are feeding the controlling educational, religious and scientific matrixes with your “donations” more of your children will be KILLED by the mental health care. There is no way for those cosmic unconscious God fearing human beings to do any good in the long run for the psychical welfare of your children, in fact just the opposite.
Slightly more than half of Americans – 53% – think that churches should do more to prevent suicide in America, according to a new poll by LifeWay Research, a Christian company based in Nashville.
Again the stupidity and deception in yet another Christian COMPANY advertisement on CNN is overwhelming. The LifeWay Research is a scientific group whoring around with the religious matrix where the money serves only those smarter than you to take it out of your pocket so they can live a rewarding safe life at the expense of your children mental health.
I wonder, how is it possible for anyone to be unable to face the reality of those religious teachings being the result of such a tragic event? With a biblical name such a Matthew the possibility for any child to regenerate the spirit adequately with the cosmic fluid is an impossibility especially when I know, Matthew was cursed by his deadly, depressive Scorpio Dragons’ Tail slowly mentally poisoned by a steady regime of prescribed antidepressants making his situation worse.
Matthew was born under the very emotional sign of Cancer and I doubt very much his cosmic unconscious parents he knew how to handle the extreme emotional power emanating from our closest satellite the Moon. These people regurgitate the bible on a daily base and have no spirit nor critical thinking of their own.
Yes the words lunatic, moody, crabby reflects her steady impact upon Matthew’s deteriorating psyche for too long and he acted out his cursed mind. Without a lunar cosmic consciousness (get my FREE 2013 Moon Power ebook) Matthew could not apply his will to fight the gloomy depressive lunar , Scorpionic fluid and he lost it. Death was the only way out to stop the crucifying pain.
Reality check, this is a true story and the person in question is very well known all over the world! A few years ago, a good friend of mine born in October, also a minister (what do you expect!) ‘Your downfall comes from traditional scientific or religious teachings and your refusal to challenge early religious tutoring or addictions” called me about his son who committed suicide… He told me ” Louis, he was drunk, he thought he was Jesus and he could walk on water. We found his body at the bottom of the lake.”
I also doubt very much my friend, Rick and Kay Warren and all religious parents ever considered reading my 525 page book “The Power of the Dragon” as to understand what their son Matthew, born under the “Death Wish Generation” and with Pluto (death/passion) and Saturn (depressions/fears) all karmically located on his nefarious Scorpio Dragon’s Tail.
To make the situation much worse, this extraordinary stellium displayed its cosmic energies in the very powerful deadly sign of Scorpio right in Matthew’s 5th house of speculation, love and romance. The same type of Dragon that took my good friend’s Larry life a few years ago…
Imagine the dramatic progressive changes I could offer humanity and your children if I was able to bypass the educational controlling religious/scientific matrixes readers… Imagine instead of feeding your lost soul with false Neptunian hopes you and your children were instead taught God real cosmic identity and shove HELL out of your life?
Matthew had a very private Cancer personality in need of an endless deep and committed love he could never get from his busy parents more concerned with fame and money and the world at large than their own kid. And Matthew, like Larry, as true Plutonic born souls do, they took their revenge the only way a True Scorpius soul know how, this is by killing others (Adam Lanza) or committing suicide!
But again I do not expect the educated experts or God’ servants to remotely understand the depth of my rare wisdom they perceive as the work of the devil or only as pseudo-science.
In fact “ I am Adam Lanza’s Doctor - Rima E. Laibow, MD” would learn much from my 45 years of independent work on the working of the human psyche.
Matthew was born with Mars (danger/weapons) in Cancer on his 1st house (the self) and depict the strong probability for a violent death.
His Moon (emotional response to life) was in Leo (love/fame/children/light) conjuncting his Mercury (the mind) and this leonine qualities do not agree with anything involving a promise to end up in hell, guilt, modesty and was repressed drastically dealing and living in a religiously poisoned early environment.
Shocking/surprising Uranus resides in his 6th house of health meaning a tremendous amount of freedom, travelling and originality offer full psychical regeneration to the unfortunate victim. Stop Uranus freedom oriented planet and the shocking power of this planet will curse the body, mind and soul and lead the soul to violently and abruptly end his own life.
Neptune (drugs/alcohol, religion, deception, rehab, jail, mental institutions medications) is found on Matthew’s 7th house (his parents, facing the public and the world) making the “religious/drugs” situation impossible to escape.
Note for my Astropsychology students. Dr. Turi HAS real answers you won’t find no where else for sure… While I will soon divulge Aaron Alexis full UCI to my VIP’s only, the 34-year-old civilian contractor own a strong negative Pisces demented Dragon’s Tail making him a full depressive addicted Neptunian born. Note his dragon plagues his subconscious house, and this makes him seriously prone to “hear voices” especially if religion and drugs are mixed!
Sad enough the moon was waning was he re-incarnated (and when he departed) from this dense physical world tripling the negative depressive impact of the waning moon upon his psyche. At the end, this is the result of total cosmic/moon ignorance, the fear of the ridicule combined with religious poisoning.
Your educational, religious and political system are NON cosmic conscious and Matthew, somewhere somehow suffered the same fate that Adam Lanza with the only difference that he decided to kill himself only.
You are now readers, hopefully understanding and forced to accept the reality of all our messed institutions and why it is important to help Dr. Turi to build his Astropsychology schools so all the “monsters” created by science and religions have an option to apply their will instead of becoming murdered or kill themselves.
The situation is grave knowing the current Scorpius Draconus is aiming for the children, SCORPIUS DRAGON HAS ARRIVED! one more reason for you to pass on this newsletter to all concerned parents having difficulty understanding their children. I will offer you more wisdom, counselling and guidance for your child than any and all traditionally educated non cosmic conscious psychologists combined! Read the great endorsements from the people who trusted my work and I with their lives and the one of their children…
Adding, removing guns or medicating the children is NOT the way to go, only the moronic religious God fearing mass or the “educated” scientific community think they have the right answers for you when they don’t! This is a serious universal psychical problem, depicting the fast deterioration of our children mind body and spirit and none of them were trained/educated to deal with this phenomenon.
Reconnecting with God’s celestial divinity and using the signs will provide the answers science has been enslaved to uncover but never will…Unless they reconnect with the spirit and God’s marvellous universe.
God created the stars and the heavens to be used as sign so that you and your children may lead a safer more productive life!
Sharing Email:
Hi Dr. Turi,
I hope you are doing well. On this end, our 27 year old son David is facing major surgery with a team of neurosurgeons. He has a large tumour growing above his palate and back to his spine. It is scary but we are being courageous. I am thinking it would be a good idea to get his significant positive/negative dates before the date of surgery is set.
d//// asked me if I didn’t think it was MORE important to know the surgeons positive/negative dates!! I thought that was pretty perceptive! What do you think?
Would you help me find the best surgery dates for D??? (and/or the surgeon), starting in November, for a budget price? This is obviously very important and we are trying to help him with massive expenses.
Thank you and God bless,
DT – THOSE CONCERNED PARENTS NEED YOUR PRAYERS AND MY COSMIC WISDOM… I am so glad I can make a difference by allying supreme wisdom with science for a what I know will be a positive outcome.
The smallest amount of this huge waste of tax dollars would have been more than enough for me to build my first Astropsychology schools and start working against the evil of fear and cosmic ignorance… Donate for my cosmic code radio show and my mission while we have time…
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“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.”
- Edmund Burke
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