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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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JP Morgan Is Taking Delivery Of Silver. Why?

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The Tea Party Economist

July 13, 2013


The commodity futures market allows speculators to bet against each other on where the prices of commodities are headed. Participants make money by out-guessing their competitors.

Only about 3% of the contracts ever result in delivery of the physical commodity. The speculators don’t want the commodities. They just want the price action.

All of a sudden, without warning, JP Morgan is demanding delivery of silver — not money.  This is never done. Well, almost never. Bunker Hunt tried that in 1979, and the COMEX changed the rules. He was trying to squeeze the silver market. The COMEX opted out. Hunt lost billions of dollars.

Now JP Morgan is taking delivery. What do they know that we don’t? They aren’t saying, of course.

If this practice spreads, there is going to be a squeeze on those who are short silver. They have promised to deliver silver at a fixed price on a specific date. If they are asked to make delivery, they will be hammered. They can’t do it. There is never enough of any commodity to fill the all of shorts’ promises to deliver. The commodities future market assumes that hardly any longs will demand physical delivery.

So far, there is no panic among the shorts. Silver’s price is down a little today. But it makes me wonder. Why would JP Morgan demand physical delivery? Is this getting close to the bottom for silver? My guess is yes.



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    Total 14 comments
    • crabby

      listen folks .. whatever you have,, if you can’t stand in front of it an defend it,, it ain’t yours an you don’t really have it..

    • stompk

      Because silver is used to make silver iodide, which is what is in Chemtrails. There’s a huge hedgefund that gambles on the weather. If one can manipulate the weather, one can make trillions on manipulated bets.

      • Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)

        Good point, stomk. That hadn’t occurred to me. One of my thoughts was to help cement our enslavement, by making it impossible to be independent of the government.

        Crabby, also good point and well taken.

      • Anonymous

        so… you know exactly what is in chemtrails eh?


        god botherers sure are funny folk

    • Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)

      Please excuse the typos.. :lol:

      • Anonymous

        you should ask for your stupidity to be excused.. but really.. its inexcusable

        • Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)

          I see, Anon.. To answer you question in regards to the ingredients in chemtrails please refer to:

          As far as your opinion on stupidity, make it when you can be mature enough not to do it hiding behind “Anon” ..

          A few typos pales in comparison to cowardice..

          You have a WONDERFUL Saturday!

          I know I am! :wink: :grin:

        • Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)

          And Anon, this post was about JP Morgan, not chemtrails.. Wow.

          You really shouldn’t call others stupid .. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Jay

      The “Big boys” make money on the way up and the way down. It is hard to discern their moves. They have the inside track on all markets and they never telegraph their moves. But the one rule of the market is nothing stays the same for long. The only thing the we can do is to try to see how they will benefit and pick up some of the crumbs that fall off the table.

      • Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)

        Great point, Jay!

    • Call It Like It Is...

      I have been loading up on physical silver… Every month I buy and have delivered the amount that I purchased. Of course when the World Markets CRASH, which is only a matter of time, the paper Dollar will be useless…

      Take possession of your silver and don’t take a note of promise to deliver it to you. TAKE physical control of it…

      • Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)

        Yes, here too, Call. Best investment right now next to gold and more affordable.

    • Scared Soldier

      Stupid question!
      What part of artificially holding the price of silver low so you can buy it up for much less than it is really worth, is so hard to understand?

      What part of rebuilding the economy on the wealth you have stolen from the people is so hard to understand?

      What part of having as much as possible in your own accounts is hard to understand.

      What part of all encompassing greed and manipulation of the world’s economy for even more greater control is hard to understand?

      What part of “THESE PEOPLE BELIEVE THEY ARE GODS” don’t you understand.

      Criminal sociopaths the lot. Can’t you figure that out?

      • Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)

        I don’t recall expressing confusion, Scared Soldier. :smile:

        The input is appreciated. It will help the newer people understand the crimes that have been committed here.

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