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Crop Circle's appear at Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes.Wiltshire on 6.09.12 that match the Mystery Nibiru lights that appeared next to a passenger plane in Australia and in California : The Full Report

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Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes.Wiltshire. Report 9th June

ATTENTION BREAKING NEWS!! : 6.9.2012 Crop Circle’s at Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes.Wiltshire points directly to Nibiru Star System – ELC20049-DNY; The Scientific and Video Proof new article just posted on 6/10/2012!

Images by : Lucy Pringle and Carter Wright June 9th 2012

source :

In a previous article entitled “Nibiru System In Full Color As Seen By A Passenger On-Board A Commercial Aircraft over Melbourne, Australia May 28.2012 Exclusive” We outline how the picture below matched up perfectly to the Avebury Manor Crop Circle,

Now an additional Crop Circle has popped up on June 9th 2012 in the location of Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes. Wiltshire shown on the Google Map below.

Now the very interesting thing about this new crop circle is that it matches up once again to both the images taken by the airplane over Melbourne, Australia in the rwo previous articles written by Donny Gillson last week entitled :

Nibiru System In Full Color As Seen By A Passenger On-Board A Commercial Aircraft over Melbourne, Australia May 28.2012 Exclusive

The Nibiru Star System Photographed Above Mountain Ranch East Of Los Angeles on yet another Passenger Jet 05.31.2012

Over the past several weeks Donny Gillson has been writing articles on the arrival of Nibiru and jaw dropping imagery that has never been seen before. Could this new crop circle be the communication and validation that was required for all to investigate what this reporter is stating? In fact two major articles written by Gillson entitled “Amazing Spiral Seen Over Iraq, Jordan & Sirya NOT A RUSSIAN Missile!! The VIDEO and Still Images to prove it! A Counter Analysis” and “Huge Asteroid Moving Towards Earth Found On Google also contains a Galaxy Size UFO at same coordinates!” have not even had more than 50 views since it was written this afternoon. 

The only reason why this data is being suppressed is because the Elite wish you keep you in the blind. Even Before It’s News who I recently found out was owned and operated by Universe Today seems to be keeping back my information; however, the still keep me on as a FEATURED contributor to this orginzation.

The question I have is BIN supressing this information as well especially the two above articles that show solid evidence of ET and UFO evidence. I have asked why these have not made it to the main stream media when articles like BIG ASTERIOD heading towards earth and worthless information is being brought forth and others have been supressed. I believe that these types of organizations have there hands tied under the direct contract of the Reptilian Agreement. They wish to get this information out; however, they are unable to because of this so called agreement.

Recently, I wrote an article entitled “9/11 Vancouver Hearings taking place on June 15th – June 17th 2012 : OUR MISSION: TO EXPAND THE BOUNDARIES OF 9/11 TRUTH” and it has recieved less than 100 views since it was posted. I ask what is going on here?? THIS IS Huge news for humanity and nothing is being said about it. I would have expected more from not only BIN but it’s readers as well.

In Feb 2007 on STEREO IMAGES a large eye OBJECT showed up next to the sun and remained there for over a month from the Feb 16 – March 11 2007. These images were amazing. The same eye has show up in my different scenerios and now the famous eye within the circle shows up in a crop circle along with 7 other round objects in a sort of serpent zig-zag formation.

The following comparison of the photo’s of the crop circle and the images collected by Donny Gillson show’s an amazing resemblence to one another and can not be written off is just a pure coincidence.

This is an exact match up to this crop circle and I believe the 3 objects that are spoken about in the coming of Wormwood and in my earlier article written today entitled “A Section of Nibiru System “ECL 20049-DLY” caught in photo over Melbourne, Australia is a startling Warning based on Biblical Prophecy!” The coming of Nibiru will bring along with it Wormwood then it will be followed by Nibiru the mythical Sumarian Winged Planet and finally THE DARK STAR outlined by author and research Andy Loyd and Don Gillson with the below WISE telescope Image outlining the same serpent outline of planets and an EYE and Ship leading the way.

Additionally the photograph posted below shows the STEREO Image from 2007 depicting the off EYE Shape on Behind H1 and the similar image caught on the crop circle on June 9th 2012 in Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes by  Lucy Pringle and Carter Wright.

The imagery that we have seen over the past several years have spoken of a great awakening even recently a blue star was spotted over Poland which has been attacked and tried to be written off as a hoax by many; however, in a recent article entitled “Proof That Nibiru Passed At Christ’s Crucifixion 4.3.33 Ad And Hopi Blue Star (Kachina) Spotted On 6.5.2012 A Video Analysis” where I give you an indepth analysis of the how Nibiru was actually in the sky during Christ’s Crucifixion. This gets me to wonder that all of these signs are something of deeper meaning. The UNIVERSE speaking to us and not for us to right it off as phoney fiction or pseudo sciences. We have an opportunity for humanity to change the status quo; however, I believe it may come as a bit too late. The wheels are already in motion and the Bible states this about the coming Wormood.

Planet X is the key to the survival of mankind…Nibiru is know biblically as the Kingdom of Heaven or the Holy City,where the angels and God himself reside,and also were Jesus will be at the 2nd coming..Nibiru was the home of satan and the fallen angels before they rebelled. 

(Jude 1:6 And the angels that did not keep their own position but left their proper dwelling(nibiru) have been kept by him in eternal chains in the nether gloom UNTIL the judgment of the great day 


Satan and the fallen angels are locked away INSIDE earth until the Planet X returns(judgement day),then afterwards the devil will be let loose and rule the world for 3.5 years…He will be captured and locked away after the 3.5 years 


(Rev 20 1: Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain. 2: And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years) 


…and then after that there will be Peace for 1000 years on earth when Jesus takes King Davids throne in 2012(The Golden Age) 



Some of the images are  Above Photo from recent article written by Donny Gillson entitled “First Real Images of Planet X Super System : The Official Public Release of the Heavy Mass Object that has been a suppressed by NASA! Nibiru System = ISS ELC20049-DNY” on June 8th 2012.


If you are not willing to be open to the thought that these mythical stories of the Sumarians and other ancient cultures have warned us about. Well, maybe these articles that I have written over the past week and half will convince you. Please take a while to research all of the evidence presented to you by taking a look at my other articles : 


Stories contributed by UrsuAdams


Also Brand New BIN Article 9/11 Vancouver Hearings taking place on June 15th – June 17th 2012 : OUR MISSION: TO EXPAND THE BOUNDARIES OF 9/11 TRUTH


All the information is there to digest; along with some very intereting videos created by myself or you can watch them on my website at All I ask of you is to question everything. Buddha once said that we must question everything including himself. Look deep inside your heart and you will find that the Univese is speaking out to you. In my book entitled “The Message” I write:


“It is time to look for the Amber Light of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. It will be a bright yellow star in the Constellation of Eta Carinae. Nibiru, our 10th planet – Lucifer’s Home Planet 4 times larger than Earth & its’ moon Sedna are also due on arrival. The Amber Light of our Saviour, Jesus and all His Angels will go to Armegeddon, Nazareth, Israel and FIGHT an Apocalyptical War with Iraqian/Egyptian Anunnaki and The Cannabolistic 666 Anti-Christ Beast – Dragons, Two Horned Devils, Winged Serpents, Androids and Robots. Jesus and all His Angels and His Very Select will WIN THE WAR & leave Earth for 1,000 years, until the year 3000, and then, Jesus and All His Angels and His Very Select shall return with God and the Galactic Force from the Orion Nebula for Judgement.”


Sometimes truth is stranger then fiction. Could this be the coming of the God’s we have heard about in the Book of Enoch and Genesis? Scripture writes “And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.” Do you wish to gamble your own soul for not paying attention to the signs and wonders that GOD has presented to you? I would not gamble my own salvation on this. It is not a gamble that you could ever win.



These images bear the EXACT same pattern as outlined in the images caught by the passengers on board the aircrafts in both Australia and in California this past week. It is up to you to make this decision and open your mind to the possiblity. I am but the messenger and I can not make you believe anything. All I can do is warn you of what is yet to come.



“The battle this nation is in is a spiritual battle, it’s a battle for our soul. And the enemy is a guy called Satan – Satan wants to destroy this nation. He wants to destroy us as a nation and he wants to destroy us as a Christian army.” 
- U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, Lieutenant General Boykin, 2003

In 1983 IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) spotted a red dwarf, later named M6V 11825 (Minoris). Shortly after they discovered it was moving towards us, and fearing public panic, withdrew their statement. After six months of studying the object, another red dwarf was found. It was named M6V 11826 (Majoris). The two were suspected to have exited the Gliese 881 solar system. While 11826 was steadily moving away from the suns gravity well, 11825 was discovered to have been in orbit around the sun for approximately 300 million years. There was wide speculation among the people who had access as to whether or not it wiped out the dinosaurs with a close pass. Indeed, it did. 

With Great Wisdom, comes Great Responsibility. therefore those who are awake & aware, it’s their duty, charge & responsibility to awaken those who remain asleep~

The Bible speaks of a family in the sky and makes the announcement that humans will be adopted directly into that family. The family is spoken of by Paul in a letter to the saints at Ephesus:

♦ “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,” (Ephesians 3:14 – 15 ). 

This concept that the family of God is in the sky, heaven, and on Earth as well is represented in an abundance of scriptural references. There are hundreds of verses referenced in this work on the presence of the Gods in the sky from both the Old and New Testaments, and the family on Earth, which is known as the church, is a major focus of the New Testament. Throughout the ministry of Jesus, and the Apostles, humans are called, sons, daughters, children, brethren, brothers, sisters, and offspring of God. They are said to be adopted as heirs with a shared inheritance earned by the firstborn of many begotten, to be born after him. These same humans are called chosen, the elect, and the saints of God, and they are to be physically changed into spiritual beings with status of crowned royalty in the monarchy of the Gods. Humans actually become a part of the household of God: 

♦ “Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God;” (Ephesians 2:19) 

Wanna hear the GREAT NEWS??

The Bible guarantees an amazing inheritance to humanity on the highest spiritual level. This is an inheritance mankind actually shares with Jesus: 

♦ “And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.” (Romans 8:17) This is an eternal inheritance of everlasting life, spiritual birth into the royal family of God through Christ, salvation, fulfillment of the promises, rewards, and eternal blessing. It was reserved, predestinated, prepared from the foundation of the world, sanctified, confirmed by an oath, incorruptible, undefiled, and guaranteed through adoption by Jesus Christ to himself. And there cannot possibly be a greater inheritance than everything: 

♦ “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” (Revelation 21:7)


God Bless,

Donny Gillson





Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes.Wiltshire. Report 9th June

source :

Images by : Lucy Pringle and Carter Wright June 9th 2012

The information below is  without direct written authorization from Don Gillson ([email protected])


First Real Images of Planet X : The Official Public Release of the Heavy Mass Object that has been a suppressed by NASA! Nibiru System = ISS ELC20049-DNY

Do not dismiss all the images that are given to you by the GLORY of the MOST HIGH – THE IAM Yahweh he is speaking to you through every communication device he can and wants a deep relationship with you and his son The Lord Jesus Christ who died for you on the cross in Calvery. If you have not yet said “YES’ to The Lord Jesus Christ. I beg of you to look deep inside you heart and find the alter of Christ because it is sitting inside you right now and I can prove it to you.

If you have not seen this powerful video showing that the DNA make up of our creators is within you. The Cross is with your DNA please watch this powerful video.

Come visit me at or listen to my radio broadcast every Monday and Weds evening from 9pm Pacific Time until 12:00am on

Whoever that believes in him (The Lord Jesus Christ) will be saved at the 2nd coming,when Planet X returns.This does not mean that every person who says “im a christian” will be saved…because even The Lord Jesus Christ said “For many will come in my name, saying, `I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray” 


(Matt 24:30 then will appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven(the CROSSing of Planet X),and then ALL the tribes(people) of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory; 31: and he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect(the chosen/raptured) from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other) 


NASA is SATAN..they are a fraud,they are liars,and are really hiding the truth,contrary to what they say and do. 


When Planet X finally comes there will be nothing they can do about it…they will have to fess up to the unknowing public about whats been really going on…but honestly it will be to late for all of them; however for those who believe the truth…there is nothing to fear…but i am warning those of little faith…dont be decived by what is about to happen,because the government will take every chance to make “them” seem like the bad guys…when its the ones we see everyday on the news who are really the evil ones. 



God Speed! Donny Gillson


© 2012 Don Gillson Productions

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    Total 17 comments
    • Anonymous

      Lets get away from the Jesus thing………..long before there was Jesus and christians there were other deity’s and most of the information that you talk about comes from the old testament which is not a christian collection of script anyway.

      I am sure Jesus was a nice guy, but in terms of relevance with the coming catastrophes and cataclysms, Jesus and christianity hasn’t goy anything to do with it, in fact it will probably be swept away with all the other man made methods that have been set up to contol and influence mass populations. No religion = peace on earth in my view.

    • Anonymous

      Every knee shall bow and every mouth shall confess. No worries my friend you will soon be amazed at the future, then you shall believe. God Bless

    • UrsuAdams

      Exactly..I will never sway from the LORD JESUS CHRIST!

    • Anonymous

      What about my God Allah! Is my God not as important as your God, are you simply saying that there is no other God, that is blasphemous and disgusting (الله أكب (الله أكب (الله أكب God is great!!

    • Anonymous

      There is only One True God and He is called by many names. Jesus was His Son( and so are you!) and lived as an example of who we are to HIM. We are ALL His Beloved Children.We are all able to choose this walk. GOD is LOVE and asks us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. We were NEVER separate from Him, so there is no need for guilt or despair. This message would put the church out of business. WE are an ETERNAL GOD-SPARKED spirit in a HUMAN experience. I listen and research and ultimately trust the GOD that I understand. No offense to any other views. I only have my experience to go by~ LOVE AND FORGIVE~

    • Anonymous

      It has nothing to do with BIN hands being tied. the reason you have had less then a 100 reads is because you are Insane and are spouting utter nonsense,

    • UrsuAdams

      non sense huh? I would think twice about that when you read my follow up article to this entitled. “6.9.2012 Crop Circle’s at Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes.Wiltshire points directly to Nibiru Star System – ELC20049-DNY; The Scientific and Video Proof” here is the link everyone..Love and grace to all.;_The_Scientific_and_Video_Proof.html

    • Anonymous

      UrsuAdams, Don Gilson, are the same person, we know that, but tell me why you have to include jesus christ in everything you do when there is many other deity’s and of course some people believe in what is going on without any following any religion. Are they not important too? Or are you saying that only those who believe in jesus and christianity will be ‘saved’ because if that is the case you are doing nothing for your own cause. If you really cared for ‘humanity’ you would care for them regardless whether the believe in your religious beliefs or not. What about the Summarians, Mayans and Egyptians, they came before the christians, are they not important too?? Lets have some answers Mr Gilson UrsuAdams please!

    • Mark Brander

      Jesus Christ alone is Lord, He is the One who diedfor our sins, He is the one who walked on water, healed the sick and raised the dead, He is the One who predicted His own life and death in the earth in great detail long before it ever happened. He is the One who has the world’s all time best seller called the Holy Bible, He is God Almighty, Him alone and no one else! The rest are imposters, if you follow them you will lose your soul!

    • Anonymous

      Mark Brander…………..Thats the kind of attitude which has made this world into the way we are today! I bet my socks that you don’t like gay people either, or black people or anyone else who is not like you? I bet you are really a fun-guy to know, you are a religious bigot and the sooner the world is rid of scum like you the better!

      If only you could see what hate people like you create in the world? How can deity’s that came before your precious jesus, be an imposter?? If anything he would have been the imposter. The other thing, surely a woman is needed here because without a woman there is no creation, and christians seem to overlook female involvement to the point that only the gestive use of their body is deemed necessary.

      Please accept that there are many variations of faith each with its own take on the holy story and that christianity is just another one in a long line in human history.

    • Maverick

      What a load of nonsense.

      Including all the comments!

    • Anonymous

      This story has some dis-information in it. The first formed Avebury Manor Crop Circle is genuine, but there was dis-information added to it about a week later. The real crop circle that ‘points’ to the brown dwarf star in our solar system is T367 – The solar system.

      Google: Vulcan Revealed

      for details.

    • Anonymous

      The brown dwarf star in our solar system does draw in comet (swarms) from the Kuiper belt. A fragment from these swarms often hit Earth every time they pass, an average of 3300 years. Christ warned of these catastrophes caused by these impacts.

      “Starting at the end and work forwards, the last Cataclysmic event is when the Earth is renovated by fire. It is discussed in 2 Peter 3:5-13 and Revelation 20:7-15. The Earth is turned into a sea of fire and lava. There are no longer any oceans. This event could be cause by a large impactor 100- 200 miles in diameter.

      Before that happens there will be a millennium, a thousand years, of peace. Revelation 20:1-6 – God made a promise to the Jewish people, during this time he will begin to fulfill it. Before that there is a Great Tribulation. This event is discussed in Matthew 24:21, Revelation 8:5-13, Revelation 6:12-17, Revelation 16:17-21 and Revelation 18:8-10,21 to name a few. The damage falls in line with the damage that would be created from an impactor in the 2-3 mile diameter range. Across many cultures, dragons have been symbolic of comets. As a result, if the damage during the Great Tribulation, was done by an impactor, it is somewhat natural to believe that the impactor would be a comet.”

    • Anonymous

      You might want to get over this ‘religious’ thing as Earth has a potential massive problem coming right up. While you guys are bickering whose god is greater, a serious impact could throw Earth back into an Ice Age with much of it being un-livable. There like will be a war to see who is going to run the ‘New World Order’. Your religion may be swept away by the magnitude of this catastrophe. If you are expecting Christ to return and save you, perhaps remember how He was treated last time he was here. And those guys that called for him to be nailed now have nuclear bombs and the support of the USA.

    • The Apostolate

      It showed up on Lord RayEl’s birthday… I know, all just “coincidence”.

    • TheTruthResearcher

      Good lord – more dross from the king of make-believe. Donny you really need to stop making things up, stealing other folks images, and creating your own, manipulating and editing others. Deliberately using the distorted SkyView images the way you are to try and turn a buck is self evident for all to see. Why not show how you came to get those circular images from SkyView which I might add, you do not have any legal copyright whatsoever.

      You do no research. You simply post anything you think you can exploit. You really do a great disservice to the genuine research community, who all regard you as a laughing stock.

    • Angel Eyes

      Hate it when I am preached to – Hate this Jesus thing and all this Religion talk. I am interested in the facts, not non sense. Mankind has been around a very long time. This is a cyclical process. Religion cannot be thrown into it. It takes credibility away from what you are trying to show.

      We are a World Wide Community now because of the internet and your religious beliefs are offensive to other cultures. You want to address the world be mature in recognizing this. Preaching one’s Gospel takes away from the Science we are seeking here.

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